Or I could play with Mattchew.
TL Mafia LIV
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United States3241 Posts
Or I could play with Mattchew. | ||
United States3241 Posts
On May 03 2012 08:39 Katina wrote: Mr. Blazinghand I say this once and once only. I'm not mafia. Point your Blazinghand at someone who actually deserves it. Who do you think actually deserves it then? Not many people have posted yet, not too many people to blame. You've just stood out among the few~ Doesn't mean you're mafia, every discussion helps though! | ||
United States3241 Posts
Grush suspected both Katina and sinani, and DoYouHas had a strong case on Katina as well. Layabout defending Katina and convinced the town to vote for BM instead. I suspect him of being scum. The remaining two scums are probably also in the BM bandwagon near the middle. | ||
United States3241 Posts
On May 06 2012 03:48 marvellosity wrote: Sup l10f. Let's kinda point some fingers... but not call someone scummy at the same time. Let's discuss things, yay! Fluffy apology. Summary summary summary. Fingerpointing followed by some nice unprovable speculation about the BM lynch. Anything concrete to say? I think layabout is scum. How 2 be more concrete? By adding quotes like other people? On May 05 2012 05:10 layabout wrote: Katina has made posts indicative of intelligence. I do not think we should lynch katina. Do other people think that this is BS? On May 05 2012 05:43 layabout wrote: Katina few posts have been critical of the disruptive play at the beginning, and acted to stamp out the bad. Katina Implies that the "blub scumslip affair" is stupid (it was) by implying that the accusations are rather hastily made (which further implies that they are poorly thought out) katina points out that BH is being a big drama queen. Katina points out that the game is hours old and that there has not been time to contribute in response to BH's vote on her for not contributing. Criticises grush for sheeping a baseless vote. Points out how destructive the "lets all vote for no real reason" is and tells the perpetrators to stop. If Katrina does anything suspicious it is the way in which she puts attention on BM. She tells us that he tend to lurk when he is mafia that he posted earlier and is now lurking. He isn't lurking at the moment. Lurking is playing passively, posting infrequently or posting with consistently low content. BM is inactive in this game since these are his only posts: + Show Spoiler + On May 03 2012 06:46 Bill Murray wrote: I will extend the day and shorten the next night by one hour. Good luck and have fun. Nobody died yet. But don't worry. what On May 03 2012 06:46 Bill Murray wrote: extended days?! hurray! Both of which of from the very beginning of the game Both hard defending Katina, who was active in the forums so he probably didn't think he would be modkilled, therefore didn't bus him. On May 05 2012 05:49 layabout wrote: Look how few votes the candidate have Look how weak the cases are Look how easily the 5 player scumteam could swing the vote See how unlikely we are to hit mafia Lynch a player that will be anti town either way. Vote BillMurray Pushes Bill Murray to take the focus away from Katina, and succeeds. I'm not a great player, but even I can see that that looks pretty scummy. Especially since Katina flipped red. I remember someone once said that townies don't usually hard defend people unless they are sure they are town and it's going to be obvious that he would be lynched if no one stepped up. I don't think Katina would have been lynched either way, but layabout first said we should vote someone else, then later found a target in BM. | ||
United States3241 Posts
Don't really have anyone looking too incriminating but I take back my suspicions on layabout. I'm satisfied with how he defended so far. I also think grush is town based on katina's posts before he died. Blazinghand is confirmed now with his shot? ghost_403 hasn't said a thing since this + Show Spoiler + On May 04 2012 00:20 ghost_403 wrote: Sinesis rolled scum. This post screams "I want to look useful to the town without actually thinking about what's going on." Good Day 1 lynch. ##vote sinesis and his own post can apply to himself as well. I'll put my vote on him for now, and reassess later in the day. | ||
United States3241 Posts
On May 07 2012 02:18 ghost_403 wrote: I have a confession: I can't actually read. Summary of ghost's posts since he got back. On May 07 2012 04:23 Eiii wrote: l10f just jumps on the layabout train and posts a bunch of stuff that're basically exact copies of cases others have made before him (specifically Sinensis). Memetoss hasn't really changed much in my book-- it's worth noting that he copies sinensis' layabout case as well, though that seems less like a pretending-to-contribute thing and more like a jumping-on-the-bandwagon thing since his posts otherwise seem significant enough. For now, I don't want to lynch him anymore because yesterday's flips made some people look really bad (aka layabout). On david vs panda: I dunno. Both have been pretty inconsequential this game from my perspective, so they'd be better to shoot if anything. So anyway, I'm going to vote for layabout. All the other accusations are good, but one thing most people are missing is that if we had lynched BM and the modkills hadn't happened, we'd be completely lost right now. Lynching a lurker who had done almost literally nothing because he 'might hurt town' gives us zero information. We'd all still be running around in the chaos of day one on day two if kat/206 hadn't fucked up. Between that and the kat defense, I'm throwing my vote on him. If lay flips red then marvel is worth looking at just because of being so associated with both layabout and kat day one. OMG THESE BANDWAGONERS SUCK --> joins layabout bandwagon wat On May 07 2012 04:55 Eiii wrote: Since you're so interested in what my plan is if you flip green: I'll probably say 'darn' and apologize for voting for the wrong person. And you'll be dead. I'm willing to take that chance, though! I like my chances better on you than layabout! And if you're green, darn, sorry! ##vote: Eiii | ||
United States3241 Posts
On May 07 2012 06:13 PaqMan wrote: I'm taking my vote off NT for now. + Show Spoiler [I10f] + On May 07 2012 05:30 l10f wrote: Summary of ghost's posts since he got back. OMG THESE BANDWAGONERS SUCK --> joins layabout bandwagon wat I like my chances better on you than layabout! And if you're green, darn, sorry! ##vote: Eiii Can you elaborate on this? Like, explain your vote more thoroughly? His post just seems so scummy. he just points out some people looking like scum because they jumped on "bandwagons", then pretty much says yeah these people all look scummy, blah blah BUT I VOTE LAYABOUT. Then he proceeds to use information that layabout already made clear to attack layabout, when if he had actually read layabout's posts it would be clear that nothing happened so far condemns him nowhere near how he's posting right now. Reply to your other post, if I had to pick another person besides Eiii and ghost, I'd probably pick johnny since all of his posts are stating facts about other players but never condemning them himself, like his posts on kenpachi and papa. Also he said he'd be a lot more active since his other game is over, proceeded to be useless, then blamed a game he was addicted to for not contributing much. | ||
United States3241 Posts
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United States3241 Posts
On May 07 2012 10:06 johnnywup wrote: Like I said, I've been super addicted to this 999 game and I'll be putting a LOT more time into this game. I've been alt tabbing and reading what's going on, to keep up (I guess you can call that lurking but I've just been wanting to get all 6 endings to this game asap, but i'll town it down and be more active in thread now that I see it's an issue). If you don't believe me, fine. I don't care. It's the truth. And so, I'll be posting more now, since people are thinking I'm scummy and lurky :u Play mafia or I spoil everything on this thread >:D | ||
United States3241 Posts
On May 08 2012 06:32 Mementoss wrote: Also cheers to I10f, Nova_Terra, and Paqman for wasting there votes! Aka, voting someone who has no chance of getting lynched and not trying to actively push that player, or convince anyone else why they are scum/to vote them. I guess having your vote have no influence on the outcome at all is good for keeping away from a WIFOM vote analysis paper trail. >_> At least I voted for scum. Sorry I missed the deadline to vote, but neither N_T or blubb looked scummier than Eiii to me, so I wouldn't have known which of the two to vote for even if I was here. Especially with that last second switch that makes no sense... | ||
United States3241 Posts
On May 09 2012 07:05 Blazinghand wrote: Ah, that's interesting, May 9th Nova_Terra! However, I have another player here who disagrees with you. His name is May 7th Nova_Terra! You should argue with him: On May 07 2012 02:22 PaqMan wrote: + Show Spoiler + I don't think laya is scum, and I think scum are trying to subtly push for his lynch. On May 08 2012 11:56 PaqMan wrote: I'm confident that layabout is scum and I want him lynched tomorrow. 1 day less! Just saying, I don't think N_T is scum. I think a better lynch candidate will be... marvellosity! He's pretty much attacked every "easy" targets including BM, papa, me, N_T, (a little bit) blubb, and johnny. Protected Kenpachi and Katina, and he gets very defensive even at a one line poke at the side. Including all these quotes would make my post unnecessarily big, but I'm pretty confident on marv being scum. | ||
United States3241 Posts
I guess that really falls apart if marv flips blue though! | ||
United States3241 Posts
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United States3241 Posts
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United States3241 Posts
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United States3241 Posts
On May 09 2012 20:27 marvellosity wrote: Also here you completely forgo mentioning layabout. Apparently you have nothing to say on one of the main lynch candidates. Good catch, I didn't mention layabout because I already said I had doubts about his being mafia on day 2. I guess I should have clarified that my view on him didn't change. Now do you have anything else to day except nitpicking at my post? | ||
United States3241 Posts
On May 10 2012 04:52 layabout wrote: froggynoddy you are now confirmed town so my scumteam is in here: grush57 l10f Eiii papapanda ##vote grush57 am I confirmed too now? good. ##unvote -________________- | ||
United States3241 Posts
Because you looked like an obvious scum then. You and marv #1 scum team? | ||
United States3241 Posts
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United States3241 Posts
On May 11 2012 13:01 Sinensis wrote: l10f is suspicious too to me but it's more subtle than papapanda. Plus it was layabout's dying wish that some kind of investigation be had of l10f... I just can't think of anything solid right now. Posting his reads on me != wanting me to be investigated. You can, if you want, but you won't find anything because I'm town. At least, I haven't done anything that would make anyone think I'm scum. Anyway, it looks like I was right all along, scum is in Eiii/marv/grush. Eiii most likely. | ||
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