Welcome to Storm Mafia![[image loading]](http://www.palmar.org/img/storm3.jpg)
Only extraordinary circumstances drive people to do extraordinary things. There's now a month since the storm enveloped the town of Liquidia, and completely cut off all communication with the outside world. For the first week everyone assumed the storm would pass by, but the town has now been caught in the eye of the storm for a month.
Once it became clear the townsfolk would have to survive the natural phenomenon on their own without any help, things started going down-hill. As men struggled for power and in the isolation even small annoyances became sources of burning hatred, the only pillar of stability in the community was the Town's mayor and his sheriff.
Even as the townsfolk turned on each other, the situation was tense, yet non-violent when Sandroba the mayor, and his sheriff Palmar kept the town somewhat organized and functioning.
That all changed last night. As both men never returned to their respective posts, only to be found murdered in their homes.
Now, in an emergency meeting, the most prominent citizens of Liquidia have gathered on the Town Square, trying to figure out what happened. Suddenly the tense, yet innocent, atmosphere became sullen with the weight of murders.
It seems as if the world has forgot about Liquidia. It's up to you to save it, or take it.
![[image loading]](http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n99/chuiu/TLmafia_new.png) * sandroba is helping me co-host this game. Any questions can be directed towards him or myself.
Storm Mafia + Show Spoiler [Important Posts] +
Introduction: Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game is to lynch or kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. It's much like a game of poker because mafia members are also part of the town during the day and may manipulate the vote to their liking. If the mafia at any time outnumber or equal the townspeople, they win. The town's goal is to lynch all the members of the mafia.
The game is typically very active, so the thread will get big quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game. If you do not have the time or patience to read the whole thread, do not play. I will not compensate for ignorance.
Rules: Cheating: Cheating includes (but is not limited to): + Show Spoiler +1. Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information. 2. Ruining the game by doing something like hand out your mafia's member list to the town. 3. Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role. 4. Comparing role PM times to determine roles. 5. Posting screenshots of your inbox. 6. Posting or sharing any PM you receive from a host. 7. Getting yourself modkilled to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip. 8. Signing up more than once using smurf accounts. 9. Betting items outside of the game in exchange for in-game benefits. 10. Sharing accounts with other players unless cleared by the host in advance. Otherwise, only you may post on your account. 11. Breadcrumbing the specific phrasing of your role PM. Do not compare the phrasing in your role PM to prove your alignment. You can claim the abilities you have, but you can't use the specific phrasing of your role PM. Cheating is not tolerated here. The punishment will be severe.
Other Rules
I tried to mark all things that are specific to my game in bold blue + Show Spoiler +Posting: Mod Font:This is mod font. It is reserved for moderators. Please do not use it.QuestionsAll questions should be PMd to the moderator. You are not allowed to say in thread you’re going to ask the moderator something, and you are not allowed to share your answer with the thread. If the question is a clarification all town needs to know, I will simply post an announcement in the thread.
Do not ask questions in the thread once the game has started (you can do it during sign-ups).Activity:There are no activity requirements.Smurfs:Smurfs and Hydras are not allowed this game.Spam:Strategical spam within reason is fine. Don’t be an idiot with it.Editing: Editing is not allowed for any reason. Editing will result in a modkill. Quite simple. While I ask for everybody to post as concisely as possible, post again if you have to edit anything. Inappropriate posts:If you want to post something insulting or inappropriate and know the TL mods would have a problem with it elsewhere, don't post it here. If you do, a host will warn you or modkill you and request that you be banned from future games. The hosts have the final say on what is inappropriate. If you do not like how someone is talking to you, please PM a host, Flamewheel, or Mig before involving the TL staff. If you are unsatisfied with how the situation is resolved, then you can appeal to the TL staff normally. Reporting posts:The report button is a nice feature for regular TL, but not for this forum. We prefer to deal with things in house if possible to avoid confusion among the TL staff. If you have a problem with how someone is posting, talk to the host, co-host, Flamewheel, or Mig before using your report button. Please do not use your report button for anything other than inappropriate posts which you feel are not being dealt with adequately. Ban discussions:Please wait until this game is over to talk about modkills and bans resulting from this game. Play to win.This means you play your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. However, this does not mean that you should try to win by being a jerk to the other players so they all want to quit playing. This also means that you cannot leave the game without a good reason without a ban. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM your host if you need to leave the game. Threatening to ask to be replaced or even simply announcing it is a modkillable offense. Just PM the mod You have been warned.
Voting rules: 1. Voting is done (in a separate thread, located *here*). Please keep votes there. You can “vote” in this thread, but it will not be counted. Do not PM me your vote. 2. Please vote in the following format: ##Vote Qatol. Votes not done in the correct fashion will not be counted. I will update vote counts whenever I get the chance. 3. No conditional voting. 4. You may vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game. 5. In the event of a tie the person with the most votes first wins (or loses). 6. Voting is mandatory. You may (NOT) abstain.
Signups: This game is open to anyone. Preference will be given to players with previous experience of at least 5 games on TL Mafia. 4 spots in the game will be reserved for active and interested newer players.
Modkills: This game follows the TL Mafia Ban List. If you are modkilled, your punishment will go beyond being eliminated from this game. Please refer to it for questions about your punishment. If you want to use this game to sit out your ban, please PM Flamewheel or post in the Ban List.
Replacements This game does not use replacements. Please sign up only if you intend to actually play the game through. In extraordinary situations (things can always come up). PM me as soon as you know you have to bail, and I will see if I can make an exception
Clues: There are no clues.
PMs PMs are not allowed in this game.
Time Cycle: This game will follow a 24 hour night/48 hour day cycle. In case I am not able to post around deadline, any votes after the 48 hour mark will not count and the game will be put on halt until the night post is up. Currently the deadline is 22:00 GMT (+00:00), but that is subject to change. Votes will be accepted up to and including the posted time, but not after. Actions should always come in one hour before dawn
Credits: Thanks to anyone who has ever hosted a game. This list grows ever longer. Thanks to everyone who helped balance this game. Special thanks to Qatol for his extensive balance help and discussion.
If you have not read all the rules, go back and do so. I will not compensate for ignorance! Make sure you also read the Game specific rules on the next page!
Game specific rules and notes:
The Setup
This is a closed normal setup. There are however variations of roles that can be considered non-normal. Thus you should treat this game as something of a borderline themed/normal. The distinction is somewhat hard to make, so just keep it in mind as you enter the game.
It has no explicit themes. It’s only the roles that make the game somewhat unusual. There may be more than 2 factions in the game.
This is a hard setup. It's not forgiving for any faction. Mistakes, disinterest and general incompetence can lead to a quick victory for either side. The game might even feel unbalanced if one side screws up too hard. But trust me that we've gone through like 10 iterations to get this right.
This is a hard setup. I will be expecting everyone to play to their win condition and participate in the game as they best see fit.
Role information and claims
All role PMs share the same format:
Role Name Few sentences of fluff Few lines of role description Additional information (only a few roles have this) Win Condition Factional abilities (mafia only) Team information (mafia only)
Vanilla Town
You are an ordinary person dragged into an extraordinary situation. You need to be the voice of reason in town.
You have no abilities except the power to vote.
You win when all threats to town are eliminated.
What you’re allowed to claim:
- Your role name
- Your abilities, but be careful not to use any exact or similar wording to what is in the PM. I will be very strict on punishing people trying to game the system.
- Your actions
What you’re not allowed to claim:
- Your win condition
- Colors, format or exact text of the role PM
You will not receive any information you don’t need. You will not know if you were roleblocked, saved, investigated, visited or whether or not any of your actions had their desired effects or not. You can ask, but if I did not send you any information, you probably shouldn’t receive any.
I will not compensate for ignorance. If you break these rules I will modkill you without warning. These should be clear enough
A few players opted to pre-sign in. The new player slots are open to anyone who has played on TL Mafia, and are specifically there to make sure that players who have shown the activity and willingness to participate, yet do not meet the 5 games preference goal, get to play.
Open slots are open to everyone, with preference given to people who have played at least 5 games on TL mafia.
The reserved slots are simply there for people who I'd talked to and shown some interest in playing. They will become open within 12 hours or so.
1. Kitaman27 2. prplhz 3. Wherebugsgo 4. syllogism 5. BloodyC0bbler 6. VisceraEyes 7. Jackal58 8. Tyrran 9. Jitsu 10. Dirkzor 11. chaoser 12. layabout 13. redFF 14. DoctorHelvetica 15. Toadesstern 16. risk.nuke 17. RebirthOfLeGenD 18. Zephirdd
Remember, this is a hard game, you're expected to participate and play to your win condition.
Looks really interesting...
Depending on when you start I would like to join. I haven't played in 2 games simultainiously (spelling?) at the same time and I don't know if I have the time. But at the same time Resistance is not that "high maintenance" as other games...
can I /in for now? As a newer player =)
woooooooooooo sounds fun :D
Especially this part
Activity: There are no activity requirements.
Im /IN baby!
E: it's a "hard setup"
inb4 Palmar puts me in an extremely stacked team just to balance things out
/in I guess.
Won't bullshit like last game, I promise. No weird experements, just normal playing without coin-tossing when pissed ❤ Have to make up for my last game after all.
Can I get one of the New player spot ?
It looks like a great game but I don´t think I have the time.
On February 19 2012 23:23 Zephirdd wrote:woooooooooooo sounds fun :D Especially this part Im /IN baby! E: it's a "hard setup" inb4 Palmar puts me in an extremely stacked team just to balance things out You know when you're celebrating about no activity requirements that there's something wrong.
1. Kitaman27 2. prplhz 3. Wherebugsgo 4. syllogism
On February 19 2012 21:54 DoctorHelvetica wrote: /in and balanced by palmar and sandroba
goddamn this game is gonna be awesome.
I'll just
properly and join this awesome game!
On February 19 2012 23:23 Zephirdd wrote:woooooooooooo sounds fun :D Especially this part Im /IN baby! E: it's a "hard setup" inb4 Palmar puts me in an extremely stacked team just to balance things out
I almost considered not signing you up.
There are no mod-enforced activity requirements, they're simply a requirement to win the game.