On October 01 2011 09:03 Forumite wrote:About Incog, he earlier sent me a PM, saying he thinks prplhz was scum and asking me to check up on it. This was probably the case that prplhz was referring to in the post below. Show nested quote +On October 01 2011 06:35 prplhz wrote: a little german bird has told me that vigs are aiming for me
because apparently i'm scummy in pm land The only german player is Supersoft. Supersoft, what was the case on prplhz that was circulating in PMs?
I am german too fyi , but I did not tell him anything. The only person that msged me about prplhzhhzhzh was Incog, so Incog, did you push for that shot?
On October 01 2011 21:22 supersoft wrote:Show nested quote +On October 01 2011 20:44 Forumite wrote:On October 01 2011 20:08 wherebugsgo wrote: All game Incog has been insinuating that he's been producing things of value, particularly in his fantastical "PM land." Have any of you seen these supposed things of value? Have any of you seen what Incog has contributed to this town?
I certainly haven't.
Instead, Incog has been acting exactly like the type of player he's targetting; like a scummy lurker. The two PMs I´ve gotten from Incog has been him asking me to check up on people, people that I´ve has my own suspicions on, but still, that´s it. I haven´t asked for him to elaborate or state his case in PMs, so that´s all the I have on his PMing. It´s not a confirmation that Incog is unhelpfull in PM-land, but he hasn´t given me any help, at least. two PMs imply, that you answered him. is that correct?
Why on earth would you ask that publicly after you stated that you think Scum is targeting mute players? How about you start contributing here in the thread and give us your thoughts on incog forumite and bugs?
On October 01 2011 23:56 supersoft wrote:Show nested quote +On October 01 2011 23:39 Forumite wrote:On October 01 2011 18:47 supersoft wrote:On October 01 2011 07:06 Kurumi wrote:Day 2 prplhz the Mute BLU Medic got probed by Soda Popper Jackal58 the Mute Awkward Cow got slapped by Disciplinary Action
Voting yada yada pms to me yada yada you guys realize that they shot into our muted players...? Could this have to do with tnkted PMing everyone to check if they were Mute? Probably not, but if Scum is purposefully going after Mute Players, then they are active in PM-land. I´ve gotten several PMs, most looked were just an excuse to see if I´m Mute or not, and I expect scum to be among those senders. why don't you post a list of these players? ;-)
Hey supersoft, could you give us any of your thoughts about the people in this game? Just filter yourself for a second and then tell me what you did this game at all? I mean you posted one liners once in a while so thats already a start but now do the same with actual content and maybe push it to two lines? I know that is a lot to ask , but I believe you can do it!
On October 02 2011 02:06 Forumite wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2011 01:51 NotChezinu wrote: I will be using MrFluffles to work around the evil hex that was cast on me. So if you get any PMs from him, its from me.
<3 cookies and kitties. What are you talking about? Is this a subtle hint that you just got muted?
For the first couple of months you are only allowed to send 10 pms a day on TL
On October 02 2011 02:10 Curu wrote: New accounts have a PM limit, he keeps hitting the limit with his account so he's using another one.
Curuuu. Kill Incog? What do you think
On October 02 2011 02:40 Nisani201 wrote: inb4 "I asked you first"
nah I am actually going to answer this , hang on
On October 02 2011 04:41 Curu wrote: Also why'd your case on Erandorr suddenly disappear for you to pick up prplhz? Erandorr is pretty fucking scummy.
Yo wait until you hear this Curu, your timing makes this look really bad :D
On October 02 2011 02:28 Curu wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2011 02:11 Erandorr wrote:On October 02 2011 02:10 Curu wrote: New accounts have a PM limit, he keeps hitting the limit with his account so he's using another one. Curuuu. Kill Incog? What do you think You tell me what you think first.
So you want me to do actual thinking?
Okay lets start this with the assumption that Incognito is really good at this game.
This is from his first real post after the general one about PMs :
This Palmar lynch is quite interesting right now, although this is nowhere near a "strong case". I am disturbed by the fact that nobody seems to be defending him in thread, (except perhaps wherebugsgo, underhandedly, and Forumite earlier) or is trying to derail the lynch.
The most interesting thing about Palmar is that he doesn't defend himself at all and just claims alignment cop. The other thing is completely ignoring jackal and switching to Curu AFTER I said that the WBG and Jackal lynches are bad. With that said, there are definitely reasons to see why Palmar is town. Since this is quite an uncontested lynch, I'm going to be looking out for those lurkers who jumped on the wagon in the middle section. Erandorr and jcarlsoniv come to mind.
Notice the absolute non commitment. He doesnt tell us why he does not like the lynch on palmar, or discusses migs analysis and shows through that why he has problems with it. The same thing later. Apparantly there are "good reasons" why palmar is town, but he does not state any of them.
His vote on me is pretty weak, but understandable with this explanation :
I hope the first sentence is a joke, as there is no indication that I am "trying to start a bandwagon". I am just trying to point out things that nobody is talking about. Palmar is clearly about to be lynched, so I might as well move on.
However look at his defence in the same post
Of course, if he survives this lynch I'll go back and examine his past games later when I have time.
This weird contradiction in combination with the things he said earlier make me pretty suspicious. Why would he say "lol the dude is about to be lynched lets look for other targets " , then try to say "well if he survives (which he already said palmar would not) i will check your guys claims and then decide if palmar is innocent or not" That is about as anti town as one can be.
Now we get to the really confusing part, his case against Prlprlphlz(something like that ( sorry ))
Unless I have missed something, no one claimed to have taken a hit. Scum has 2 KP, 2 people died. This means that Scum killed prlpzlhlzl, correct? Now under the assumption that Incog is scum, this would be a pretty stupid thing to do. Building a giant case against someone and then kill him to reveal that he is , in fact , town? I do not know about that one, there have been quite a few votes on Incog now , just for that fact alone. From what Prlprlzl said, there were apparantly Vigs taking aim at him, for being Scummy in PM land which is a fucking big accomplishment for a MUTE. What about this scenario : Incog is Town and convinced that prlpzh is Scum. He tries to get a vig shoot the guy. Scum know that Incog has the potential to be really good and just discredit him by shooting the person accused by incognito, thinking they might get a mislynch out of it, too. For most other people, this would be a pretty weak argument. But we are talking about someone who makes GM run around in circles excitedly (his words, not mine). Here is my biggest problem with this lynch : My first statement was that I assume that Incognito is really, really good at this game. If he is Scum then he is playing really badly. If he is town then his reads are wrong and his play in general is very scummy. Right now I am thinking : "Well he cannot be town since he would get the same reads as Mig ( what mig already pointed out)) " At the same time I cannot believe that someone like Incognito would play like this as Scum either. And what most people seem to overlook is , that his case against Prlprzhl was actually not that bad.
So my answer , dead Curu , is that I just do not know what to think about Incognito right now. I think maybe the people who Pm with him frequently , or maybe incognito himself would like to help me out there?
That was a dear curu, not dead curu btw :D
On October 02 2011 04:46 Kenpachi wrote: Erandorr you are my best friend
is that a good thing?
I am also MUTE, for those of you that have not figured it out yet. So feel free to tell me anything you want, but I cannot answer...
On October 02 2011 09:09 Nisani201 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2011 09:06 Sevryn wrote: I got a carbon copy of the top pm from incog aswell Yeah, he said the same thing to me as well.
I fell really left out He was seemed to be mad at me for not answering him when it should have been fairly obvious that I am mute
First time at 9/30/11 09:58 aksing what my thoughts are about prlphlz Second time at 10/1/11 07:55 about bugs 3rd time at 10/1/11 09:32 when he seemed a bit mad he posted this : I asked for your opinion on wherebugsgo. If you don't want to PM me, at least post in the thread. Thanks.
Oh and I dont quite get what you mean with replied?
On October 02 2011 09:24 Kenpachi wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2011 09:21 Erandorr wrote: Oh and I dont quite get what you mean with replied? which one? the 2nd one? well, his prplhz analysis was really weak. He still never addressed me or defended himself from me, and i think that is also really shady of him.
No silly I am so self absorbed that it didnt occour to me that he could take to anyone but me. Just did not get that it was to you not me
On October 02 2011 09:48 Curu wrote: I didn't get anything about Erandorr btw, I got one asking about jcarl. Probably because he knew whatever happened I would not get off Palmar, idk.
curu the pms he sent to me are litterally 3 posts up yours wondering about it :D
.. above :D up sounds a bit wrong there.
I would still like to know how someone as good as Incognito could make these obvious mistakes if he is scum, or as town, for that matter. Can someone please explain that to me?
On October 02 2011 10:06 Forumite wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2011 09:56 Erandorr wrote: .. above :D up sounds a bit wrong there.
I would still like to know how someone as good as Incognito could make these obvious mistakes if he is scum, or as town, for that matter. Can someone please explain that to me? Which mistake?
I wrote something about that. Mig did too. Why dont you read that? Sorry I seem to assume that you follow the thread, stupid mistake
On October 02 2011 10:17 Forumite wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2011 10:10 Erandorr wrote:On October 02 2011 10:06 Forumite wrote:On October 02 2011 09:56 Erandorr wrote: .. above :D up sounds a bit wrong there.
I would still like to know how someone as good as Incognito could make these obvious mistakes if he is scum, or as town, for that matter. Can someone please explain that to me? Which mistake? I wrote something about that. Mig did too. Why dont you read that? Sorry I seem to assume that you follow the thread, stupid mistake  Do you mean sending 2 PMs to the same person asking about you, or repeatedly PMing a Mute player for information without result?
No. Just try again and I am sure you will find what I am talking about . Its really not that hard
On October 02 2011 10:37 Forumite wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2011 10:27 Erandorr wrote:On October 02 2011 10:17 Forumite wrote:On October 02 2011 10:10 Erandorr wrote:On October 02 2011 10:06 Forumite wrote:On October 02 2011 09:56 Erandorr wrote: .. above :D up sounds a bit wrong there.
I would still like to know how someone as good as Incognito could make these obvious mistakes if he is scum, or as town, for that matter. Can someone please explain that to me? Which mistake? I wrote something about that. Mig did too. Why dont you read that? Sorry I seem to assume that you follow the thread, stupid mistake  Do you mean sending 2 PMs to the same person asking about you, or repeatedly PMing a Mute player for information without result? No. Just try again and I am sure you will find what I am talking about . Its really not that hard  This is pointless. What was the mistake?
What I am trying to tell you is read the thread. You ignorance shows that you did not. Why dont you do that before asking very specific questions. If you have catched up and still dont understand some of the big words in the posts then feel free to ask what it is about