Pick Their Power Mafia - Page 44
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Canada4998 Posts
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United States4264 Posts
On June 01 2011 09:19 sandroba wrote: OK jackal, how can you tell he's townie??? I fucking have no clue. If he keeps posting like that how will we ever be able to tell he's town? What incentive mafia has to kill a player like that if he's town. If it comes to late game and you have to decide who to lynch or lose will you be confident he's one or the other? I was also answering for an hippotethical question by GM if I was a vig and HAD to shoot someone tonight. Stop distorting my posts. I can't. I have already stated I have no idea if he is scum or not. But upon viewing the second bolded I am now positive he is town and you are scum. | ||
Canada4998 Posts
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United States4264 Posts
On June 01 2011 09:33 sandroba wrote: jackal58, your logic never stops to surprise me. We really don't know each other. Scummy. Nice slip btw. | ||
Canada4998 Posts
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Canada4998 Posts
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Denmark8045 Posts
If I were you'd I'd just accept my fate. You are going to get lynched because you act scummy. Now in the case that you are really just a bad townie acting aloof, you should really try to contribute before it is too late. Your analysis may become invaluable once that we know your alignment for sure. | ||
Canada4998 Posts
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United States2517 Posts
On June 01 2011 09:41 sandroba wrote: LOL I'm not getting lynched today unless town is stupid. I refuse to believe it. That's just wishful thinking by you. Stop arguing with jackal and start contributing, then. You've made your point. If you respond to every post of his you're just going to end up spamming the thread and seeming more scummy. Posts like "lol town won't lynch me unless they're stupid" are not helpful. | ||
Canada4998 Posts
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United States9244 Posts
On June 01 2011 09:50 sandroba wrote: You are right I'll let it rest. I've already stated my opinions on a lot of people and I don't see how adding even more candidates for the lynch is good right now. We should keep the lynch between 3 people at the most and there's already a shitton of people with spreadout votes on them. I sugest we keep the lynch between trackster, tnkted and myself. What are your thoughts on tnkted? Don't recall you referencing him at any point. | ||
Canada4998 Posts
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United States2517 Posts
As such, I'll join the lynch on Tackster. He's trying to blend in just like Rean, and has contributed even less. Rean still needs to contribute more, though. IGMEOY. | ||
United States2159 Posts
I'm going to say this plain and simple: You guys are contributing nothing. You're inflating the thread with several pages of bitching that is only making it harder to get real scumhunting done. If I had to choose, I would say that none of you or two of you are mafia, and to be honest I don't think any of you are smart enough mafia to get in an endless fight in order to clog up the thread -- the only people that I've seen pull off that style successfully were Ace and Pandain in Insane Mafia 1. The real mafia are likely sitting back, sniping a bit here and there, and laughing at you. So please, think about what you say before you say it, and try to fit your arguments into concise posts instead of getting into these idiotic, de-railing spats. I'm fine with you being suspicious and arguing, but the way you're doing it won't get us anywhere. Make your case, and then let it be. I'm going to put my vote on Tackster for now. I agree that his big post is pointless. Plus, it's timing is impeccable, as its position in the thread is such that it can be easily skimmed and ignored without much scrutiny. I'm not sure about sandroba being scum, and I like that he's been posting more. Honestly, at this point I wish he'd shut up a little. | ||
United States1959 Posts
On June 01 2011 06:04 redFF wrote: kk on Sinani real quick gets called out for not posting O NO I GOT CALLED OUT FOR LURKING OMG MAKE EXCUSES O NO I WILL LOOK SUSPICIOUS IF I HAVEN'T POSTED YET AND THEN AS SOON AS I GET CALLED OUT FOR LURKING I RESPOND. BETTER MAKE ANOTHER UNRELATED EXCUSE. His post after being called out for lurking was made a full 20 minutes after Viscera eyes made his vote, so it's kind of weird he didn't notice that before... Another person who is interesting to me is mataza. I encourage people to read his posts as i cannot find anywhere where he has attempted to really contribute or scumhunt. All he is talking about is fistpounds and dogs and somewhere where he asks kita to contribute but doesnt really contribute himself. He has also soft-defended Varpulis, so that's something to look out for. For the first post, I had just realized that the game had started and had not read anything except for the day post. The second post was just to make sure that I would not be voted for lurking. Now that I've settled that, first line of business is to #fistpump: Palmar I trust him. This analysis is quite sound: On May 31 2011 08:23 Palmar wrote: Woah, that bro sure got some explainin' to do. Ya feel me? He's playing like a bitch, and not a man. Let's keep it real VarpuliS, look at these posts from early SNMMI + Show Spoiler + On April 16 2011 05:19 Varpulis wrote: Alright, just got back! Read through the thread, and from what I can gather, everybody either wants to a) Lynch an inactive player because he might be lurking scum/ because he won't be helpful later on. b) Wait to see how things play out. I think we should pressure lurkers, but put the votes towards suspicious characters once we get the lurkers talking. + Show Spoiler + On April 16 2011 06:27 Varpulis wrote: This is a scummy post. He gets defensive and says two scummy lines, which I bolded. Not sure if it's just defensive posting because Zorkmid called him scum or an actual scumtell, but it's suspicious. I highly doubt that Forumite is scum though, so I might just be overanalysing. Zorkmid's schtick about Forumite being scummy because he' busy over the weekend is bullshit though. Gotta take a note, these are first two posts from that game, this aint the VarpuliS we're seein' here today, hell naw, this bro got something fishy goin' on. He even does an analysis on a mafia, day 1, not afraid of nothin', that bro. I liked that man, he didn't take no shit from anyone + Show Spoiler + On April 16 2011 08:05 Varpulis wrote: ...And as promised, here is my analysis of Shcoleosis' posts. First post is a response to Eternalmisfit's suggestion to pressure lurkers This bolded line is not scummy, it's just stupid. Mafia doesn't kill by talking, they kill by pm'ing GMarshal at night. Mafia needs to avoid drawing attention to itself to prevent themselves from getting lynched. This post in general is pretty worthless, ending with a line that is... strange. This is the first scumtell I can see. She basically says "don't listen to me, i'm new." Townies need to talk and be listened to, not ignored because this is their first game. Only mafia and blues benefit from being ignored, so unless he roleclaims, lets assume scum. Second post comes a little bit later. the post reads: This is a post which blends in. It says practically nothing, but appears to be a contribution. Blending in is not something a townie needs to do. +1 scum level. Finally, we've got lucky number 3: Here, Shcoleosis basically says: "you seem to disagree with me... fine, you're right!" Agreeing with everybody else is something that two kinds of players do: -unhelpful townies -because they're just being sheep -mafia -because they're trying to blend in I don't want either in my town come lategame. Based off of this analysis, I'd like to start putting some pressure on Shcoleosis. Until a better target surfaces or she comes up with some good posts later on, I'll put my vote on her. ## Vote Shcoleosis But now, compare it to the worthlessness that is VarpuliS this game: Silly idea from a silly man, we don't want to tell the mafia what kind of roles we designed, we don't need to give mafia info to work with man... Here he's just backing off cause y'know, this VarpuliS aint got no balls, now he just afraid like a little bitch. Then he goes on and tries to communicate with the dog for a while, that's just silly derailing, I ain't buying that shit. And then man, the worst of all... A goddamn excuse? A real man, a man that aint got nothin' to hide just sticks to his guns and grabs his balls of steel and says, yo, look, I'm smarter than you bro, so just shut up. No, this bro aint no baller, this bro is a damn scum. And now I'm being kicked off of the computer. Goodbye. | ||
United States2159 Posts
On June 01 2011 07:38 GMarshal wrote: Instead answer these questions. 1.) If you were a vigilante who would you shoot tonight 2.) if you were a kingmaker who would you make king tomorrow 3.) what is your favorite colour 4.) Of all the players with more than ten posts in the game at the moment, which seem the scummiest? 1) I'd shoot prplhz. I've got a feeling he's scum, but I don't think I could get him lynched today. 2) Probably you. We seem to think pretty similarly when it comes to scumhunting. 3) Dark blue normally, but in SC2 I always pick purple. 4) tnkted has been under the radar far too much for my liking. He's got a couple of posts that verge on relevant, but he hasn't done anything original, or taken a particularly strong stance on anything so far. | ||
Canada885 Posts
I'm also still unsure of redFF and tnkted, but they are not the scummiest players. Someone I really have my eye on is GMarshal. I don't feel that his contributions have been as good as they could be, and his response to my earlier accusation of him was rather weak. Overall I'm just getting a bad feel from him. This isn't enough to lynch him, but I'll be watching. As for what is going on right now - Sandroba and Jackal and everyone else in on this argument needs to stop. Neither of you are actually analyzing, you're just going back and forth with "you suck", "No you suck", "shut up scum", "you shut up". It's not providing anything helpful. kitaman27 and Node, what do you think of GMarshal? | ||
United States2517 Posts
Tackster I don't like people who pretend to be helpful. Tackster is doing just that. He has 3 posts. In this situation, a post-by-post analysis should suffice. Post 1: On May 31 2011 06:19 Tackster wrote: Hey guys I'm up to date!! This looks likes it's going to be so unpredictable it takes weeks to come crashing down ![]() Anyway my 2 cents - i think revealing who we created roles for is useless. Mafia would know everyone that they created a role for and could share it in their quicktopics - we on the other hand would have no useful info to share in thread. And what's with all the Pound Fisting?? Am I the only one that finds that suspicious? Palmar wrote a command and 2 people replied - that has to be looked into... States the obvious and says what everybody else has been saying, and reminds us that he's playing. On May 31 2011 06:27 Tackster wrote: Amber your role wouldnt happen to be scooby doo would it? Cos technically scooby could talk ![]() ...*great post* /sarcasm On June 01 2011 06:24 Tackster wrote: + Show Spoiler + Ok I need to address an accusation by Meapak and contribute more. Hello Guys!! I last posted before going to bed and 12 hours later I woke up to a pounding headache so I havent even tried checking the thread until now. After this post I will probably head back to bed as I must be coming down with something. Anyways I've been writing notes as I read so this may not all be linear but it should cover anything I found stange: The amber and redFF debate: I find it surprising that redFF would assume Amber could speak normally in PMs. The roles were decided pre alignment and I assume Amber cant PM normally nor speak to mafia in quicktopics normally if he is red. (This is an ASSUMPTION!) As this provides us with no leads and knowing roles does not hint at alignment I suggest it becomes redFFs mission to decipher Ambers talk in PMs without clogging up the thread. This way we can open an avenue of conversation with the dog that is clear and not waste peoples time with it in thread. If either is lying the other can out them, if both are lying we'll find out soon enough. Make sense? Next I had a horrid thought - what if Palmar had the role to fist pound everyone in game to win? SCARY!!! I'm annoyed many haven't voted in thread. I hope this picks up as I hate having to check the voting thread and I assume anyone not double voting (as suggested in the OP) is being sneaky! Voting in thread means being explicit too - not just saying 'i think *** may be mafia' and going off to vote. Next i came across tnkted coagulation vote. I can see how if he had to pick a random name tnkted would pick Coag but I dont think there's enough info here for strong guesses (not that it ever stops me ![]() I thought that maybe tomorrow we should out any roles we feel would be too strong if Mafia had them OR out any people we created a mafia sided role for without outing the role. This is just an idea and does not reflect on the role created. However townies would be interested in outing strong mafia-usable roles so i thought this may be a good plan. DISCUSS! Next: What is Amber is the mole? I remember when I red about the mole/s I thought to myself that it would be best if mafia tried to contact me ASAP so I can setup some grounds for the switch (eg. not outing my role or outing pro-town info). If Amber is the mole mafia may have told redFF to contact amber to let him know and redFF felt he had to out.. Food for thought! Then I read Zeapaks post - I hope this post if full of enough information for you. I honestly noted everything I thought relevant and through a strong migraine as well ![]() Viscera Eyes you pounded waaaaaay to early.. I really DONT like this whole Palmar thing. IF Palmar is pro town why would he out that he has a role that scales with pounds? That sounds like someone mafia would kill just in case. If he is Mafia though he has a good reason to reveal - to get pounds from town as well as maf (otherwise mafia is self revealed as all the pounders). Also I'm thinking if Palmar says 4 is the critical point but more are better I ASSUME that theres a mathematical rule to his ability. EG. He gets to use it #pounds/2 -> so 4 pounds = 2 uses which is more realistic than 6 for 3 and more useful than 3 for 1. Just a thought. I feel Kita is under too much pressure and being BWed on d1. We dont have any real info yet only conjecture. How can Kita be under that much discussion when there's more people to check? Finally the conversation has changed to sanroba but only recently! Mataza I'm finding your comments and play style very weird. Especially: Mataza Germany. May 31 2011 20:51. Posts 406 Palmar, bro, you said you need at least 4 fistpounds to get working. So cut the small talk, tell ya bros what number of fistpounds are critical, will ya? Ya know, the last thing I wanna risk is having a bro´s ego inflated by fistpounds, making him explode or something. No really, if ya share love ya gotta also share knowledge. Not only had Palmar already explained that more were better but mataza chooses this point to complain. Sounds like a possible mafia who doesnt want to pound. Even though he sounds friendly with Palmar. Next post is cryptic cos I don't know the meta: Mataza Germany. May 31 2011 21:21. Posts 406 Dude, you are behaving a lot like last game. First of all, there is not much of kitatrain right now. Secondly, the "I won´t change unless you bring a solid defense" is what you did as mafia, too. Problem is, you CANNOT have a solid defense in a mafia game. Doubt is the normal state towards everyone. You might as well ask for the holy grail before the crusade even begun. And I don´t exactly buy that more fistpounds are beneficial without any strict numbers behind it. Carrying over to the next day I could understand. Increments tied to certain numbers I could understand. But every single fistpound being beneficial is just weird. It has to be either percentual increments or full numbers of people then. And full numbers of people is what I greatly fear. Last game, you broke this bros heart. This time it ain´t gonna be fixed with a fistpound and smile. Imma never trust you again. First of all I think there is a Kita Train. Secondly I think this sounds very much like a mafia justifying not pounding. Now I myself justified not pounding but only in a general 'we dont know what it does sense'. Mataza seems to trust the mechanic but not the use of it (Why more pounds? Use less for a Benefit...) Having said that this is just something I found strange NOT an all out FOS Also on the iPhone Fist Pound keeps getting corrected to Fish Pond - LOL Next Chaos13 said Im reluctant to contribute - In fact I am in a different time zone, i sleep ALOT and I am slow at reading mafia threads!! Bum pressuring a role claim on tnkted - now that I didnt like. I dont like BWs d1 and I know bum has been mentioned before but he is definitely on my 'tricksy' list. I don't see how a roleclaim d1 on someone you have no info on is beneficial to town... Lastly Kurumi posted this strange riddle job. I have to say it's been really tough to break into but I suggest someone analyze his capitalisation - it sure is strange. Ok i'm off again - chat you guys tomorrow. KISSES xx Monster post of him rambling on about theories and vague possibilities. This really says nothing at all, and just seems to be a big post for the sake of being a big post. Tackster is capable of being very active and helpful, and his lack of contributions makes me suspicious. Hence, a vote! | ||
Canada885 Posts
On June 01 2011 07:38 GMarshal wrote: Instead answer these questions. 1.) If you were a vigilante who would you shoot tonight 2.) if you were a kingmaker who would you make king tomorrow 3.) what is your favorite colour 4.) Of all the players with more than ten posts in the game at the moment, which seem the scummiest? 1. Most likely Tackster 2. Meapak 3. 4. redFF, tnkted, Tackster, and you. Other players I am not sure of and think may be scum are deskscaress and Palmar. Their posts could work either as town or as scum. | ||
United States9244 Posts
On June 01 2011 10:01 Varpulis wrote: I agree that we should consolidate our votes onto a couple of targets. My vote on Rean isn't helping that, I realize. Rean was one of the people I was going to advocate for the lynch. These two hypocritical posts in specific throw me off. On May 31 2011 22:39 Rean wrote: Voting Torte de Lini aswell. He's yet to contribute despite being asked to several times, let's put some more pressure on him. On May 31 2011 22:55 Rean wrote: It's irrelevant how long they have been playing, they have to be contributing. I have been doing so this game, don't see him doing anything that's not "sup guys dont mind me im a newbie ^^". Some others players (barundar/torte/kenpachi/others i cant remember atm) are lurking/being useless in general. Not good. "they have to be contributing. I have been doing so this game." Rean, please explain this quote to town. Preferably sooner than later. | ||
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