On April 15 2011 10:26 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
lol cause all LSB's giant roleclaim shitty plans always work out for town right?
hey remember the time when I got the mafia team pinned in insane as mayor and the town fell apart after I died? no ofc you don't, you only helped host that game and you don't want to admit I've done anything good cause that wouldn't mislead town now would it
Where have I asked for a roleclaim?
In addition, DocH, my mafia track record has been far superior to yours in mafia
Remember the time in XXX my giant whole game plan gave town victory?
Remember the time in XXXVII where my plan stopped us from a mislynch which would have lost us the game?
What about you? Your town track record
Lets see
Insane Mafia- You flame people, don't do much else. Got luckly
TL Mafia XXXVI- You quit after you realize that people are smart and won't listen to everything you say
Mini Mafia V- Clues and Puzzles- You single handily lose the town the game
TL Mafia XXXV- You are a part of the giant town rabble that lynches me stupidly day 1, after I advocated lynches on the two mafia (and coincidently the only two mafia that actually died that game)
Salem Mafia- You single handily lose the town the game