TL Mafia XXXVI - Page 3
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United States1251 Posts
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United States1251 Posts
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United States1251 Posts
The song lyrics are from a song called "Retrace" by anberlin This would fit with the "I'm writting in reverse" theme that was in the night post. Cue the clash of lightning. Play the roar of thunder. And make sure there is a shower of rain. It was just a movie scene, just something from a scary film. From Mr Zerglings's profile + Show Spoiler + Favorite Movie scene: There's no earthly way of knowing Which direction we are going. There's no knowing where we're rowing Or which way the river's flowing. Is it raining? Is it snowing? Is a hurricane a blowing? Not a speck of light is showing so the danger must be growing. Are the fires of hell a glowing? Is the grisly reaper mowing? Yes! The danger must be growing For the rowers keep on rowing. And they're certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing! Nothing huge, but something worth pointing out. | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 24 2011 12:52 kitaman27 wrote: The Kavdragon Sucks Party is happy announce its official endorsement for Kavdragon as mayor! LOL. Thanks? | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 24 2011 12:52 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: DrH and Kav and anyone else running for mayor I'd like you to answer these questions: How will you select BGs? a) What do you think of having vets claim for BG? DrH You've already said you're against it but I'd like to know why. As I have said before, I think that the most realistic setup is getting two town aligned people to be body guards. It would be nice to get vets in those spots, but calling for vets will ruin the game for those that aren't chosen. I think that the best way is to ask for volunteers. b) What do you think of trying to get a red as BG? If you're against it why? If you're for it why and how do you propose doing this? I think that it would be great if we could get TWO red, but really bad if we get ONE red. Because the chances of getting two reds is so small, I do NOT advocate this plan. c) What do you think about having people volunteer for BG? See above. I support this idea. How will you determine you first lynch? Which mayor power will you use first and why? I'm going to assume you mean who will I check, as the mayor has only one power. (Other than the first lynch) I will check red roles. This information can, and will be distributed to the town, as the mafia know this already, and it will only help the town. In addition, it may help us calculate the KP of the mafia, and/or the formula by which it is calculated. | ||
United States1251 Posts
(Lunar Destiny, you were in Merc Mini, do you see this?) We had a similar pre-day time that we were allowed to use in Merc Mini Mafia. RoL's (scum) play in Merc Mini Mafia? He HATED the 48hr night that we had before the game started, and didn't post at all. I eventually pressured him into posting, but he was very reluctant. What do you think of what he's doing here? He later confessed that he wasn't sure what to do with the time, and decided to keep quite instead of risking a slip up. He agreed that the time was valuable. Also, he came in, read enough to see that people where talking about Qatol, but didn't read the mod-font that was explaining why we were looking at him? Could this be a tactic to make us think that he just came into the game, while in reality he's been organizing scum? Since then he's done little other than put him self up for election, and lurk on the sidelines. This makes little sense for someone who I KNOW is capable of being a powerful townie. I'd like to know what's up RoL, why the lurk? | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 24 2011 13:12 Nemesis wrote: Hmm so far I don't really like any of the candidates. RoL didn't bring much of a platform. DrH, uggh how many times has he lead us astray us town leader? Kavdragon, I don't really like the things he is advocating for. Anyone else want to run for mayor? You complain with what I advocate, but don't suggest anything yourself. You put down the solving of the clue, and have not really advocated anything other than a discussion of inactive lynches, something that you never followed up on. Start giving opinions. For instance, what exactly do not like, that I am advocating? | ||
United States1251 Posts
Sorry, I don't mean to come off chainsawy with these last few posts, but there have been a few things bugging me, and I think that I can talk about them now. | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 24 2011 13:31 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Because I've been playing Little Big Planet 2 and cleaning my room. I prefer to think about things thoroughly before I post about them. There is no point posting every half baked idea I might have about the clues and it'll just be cluttering. I have been working on and thinking about the clues, just because I haven't been posting about them doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it. I'll post my thoughts on it when I feel I have something to say that has yet to be said and that may actually lead somewhere. I just don't have any strong feelings about the clues. If I had to point a finger somewhere it'd be at OriginalName or Nemesis I guess. It's weak though. I understand, and respect your wish to post well thought out posts. I'm not doing this till the election is over, so that people have ample enough time to examine me. However, I want to see that work eventually make it's way onto the forum. | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 24 2011 14:47 Mr. Wiggles wrote: Also, going to bed now, won't be back for 16 hours. Be nice. ![]() Man, if I could sleep 16 hrs.... Geeze. So that I can put out a concrete name, I will lynch OriginalName if elected. I have previously said that I would lynch a lurker, and he fits that bill. The fact that the clues seem related to him adds to that. | ||
United States1251 Posts
Again, I'm posting a lot so that it's clear that I'm town. Those who are not running for mayor should be putting more thought into their posts, reading the thread better, and trying not to repeat information that has already been given. (There have been several players who haven't read the OP very well, and are wasting the time of others when they have to inform them of it. Try to read the OP at least.) I don't want to discourage activity. I want to discourage spam. It has been made clear that the mafia can not rely on inactivity to win this game, because of the replacements, mayor, and such. Thus they will likely try to get the forum so spammy that people can't get the important information out of it. | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 24 2011 15:14 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: Then when the mayor dies and the BGs are both still alive we just got two free scum. However it doesn't seem like people think volunteers are a good idea so I'll drop it. I wouldn't drop the volunteer thing yet. The two people who said it was bad was Nemesis, and Dr.H. Both had flawed reasoning. Nemesis because he assumed that over half the town would volunteer, and that they would all be green. Dr.H because he mistakenly thought that the BG's were privatly picked. I still support this plan. | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 24 2011 16:11 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: I think someone mentioned killing OriginalName if they were elected, although I don't see anything saying the mayor gets to kill someone. | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 25 2011 05:51 Beneather wrote: I guess that my vote will be going to KavDragon since I agree with most of his points. Except for choosing Volunteered BGs because that just allows Mafia to pick them off for free since which was stated post before this. The reasoning that was behind that statement was false. Please, think about what it means. The bodyguards are publicly announced. This means that the mafia can pick them off if they want to devote to picking off the mayor. Volunteering does nothing to endanger BG's more than they already are. Unless I'm calling for medics and Vig's to be BG's. In that case, lynch me. | ||
United States1251 Posts
Please note the posting history of Aidnai this game: Obviously he's a scum lurker. ##Vote: Aidnai | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 25 2011 08:55 BrownBear wrote: Who is aidinai? More importantly, why has he managed to completely derail town with one useless post? Let's focus more on the mayoral debate. For one, I wonder why RoL voted Kav without giving reason. Maybe he's just not voting for himself, either because he doesn't think he can, or because he is being polite. Or maybe he's decided he doesn't want the mayoral position that much after all. If so, why? Aidnai is my brother. Feel free to assume that anything he does is him trying to screw with me. It's probably true. | ||
United States1251 Posts
Case Against OriginalName: Clues From ON's profile: What do Tigers Dream of when they take their little tiger snooze? Do they dream of mauling Zebras or Halle Berry in a Catwomen suit? Well don't you worry your little tiger head we'll get you back to tyson and your cozy tiger bed! And then we'll find our best friend Doug and then we will give him a best friend hug. Doug Doug douggie Doug Doug and if he gets caught by some Crystel Meth Tweakers Then were Shit Outta Luck From the day post: It was just a movie scene, just something from a scary film. A bad dream. This couldn’t be happening. As the host brought around the drinks, as the the crowd crescendos with laughter, as the band broke out into another song... I felt something was wrong. Did the lights in the ceiling just black out? Are those black shapes in the alcove bats? Is that shadow in the corner a black cat? Never thought I'd walk on this street again. I should have known that this voyaged was cursed with bad luck from the start. There are several corralations between OriginalName. (Remember, Tigers are just big cats. They tie in too. His public profile is a quote from Hangover, a movie.) Post Analysis We have 72 hours to figure out a lynch basically although i doubt anything really productive will occur night 0. Lightly discourages contrabution on Night 0. This was posted about 1.5 hours into the game, at which point lots had already happened. Why assume that nothing will happen, when things aleady are? then /confirm also via google translate Первым человеком, решить мою головоломка в этой кампании будет получить мое восхищение. --отец КавДракона] The first person to solve my puzzle in this campaign will get my admiration for his father. - KavDrakona Decodes my message, but adds nothing to the actual discussion at that point. Just my two sense but remember this. Who knows maybe the Black could be such a red herring to throw us off >_>. Light defense of himself, but very non-commital. Oddly non commital considering that he's been FoS'd via clues several times at this point. He also fails to adress the main clues, "cat" and "Luck". This looks scummy to me. More non-comittal, and extremely timid responses. More (Flimsy) insight on Mi Dio (My God intrepation) Kenpachi - Semi-extremely flimsy Why be the creation if I can be the creator? Creator is the keyword here as God is seen as a creator and some cultures revolve around a creator as a deity while not taking the name of god Divinek's - Less Flimsy but i doubt the name itself would be a clue Again, he is posting like a new mafia player, who is nervous about being scum. A townie would post much more boldly becaues he knows he's town, and he has nothing to fear/lose. Overall, he posts with with an extremely timid voice. A quick glance at his play in Don't Lose Yo Mafia shows that he is much more aggressively, and with a lot more authority in his posts. He was town in that game, and although the roles were somewhat reversed, it proves that he's not timid because he's new. This in addition to the connections made with clues make him my primary target. Note, I built this case offline, so i couldn't use the quote feature. As such, it's just a copy past job, so sorry if some spoilers don't work. Also, i see that since I have written this, ON has posted more, but it is simply definitions, and not anything that I see as contributing. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 25 2011 10:39 ilovejonn wrote: Um, actually that's exactly what he did. I actually agree to some extent with BrownBear, because he did such a bad job of pushing it off, but he is a newer player, so it could just be that he's not sure what to do. Normally I would credit behavior like this to being mafia, or blue, but his play in DLYM is so bold, that I have a hard time believeing that he's blue... | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 25 2011 10:47 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: I agree that we shouldn't be 100% locked into lynching ON but as Ilovejonn (can I abbreviate to ILJ?) pointed out, ON has done a couple of weakish and scummish defenses of himself. Right now I'm inclined to say he's a SK rather than mafia but either would be a good kill. However I will (and I hope Kav does as well) continue to look around to make sure we have the best fit for the clue. The reason I don't believe he is SK is the clues. It seems very odd for the hosts to point out an SK day one. That being said, the easy way is to ask. Do the clue(s) in the day one post point to Mafia, SK, or either? Or do we only know that they are a killer? | ||
United States1251 Posts
On January 24 2011 11:20 Node wrote: As LSB said, there are clues in the Day 1 post. I obviously can't say where they are now, but they will take the more "traditional" format DrH mentioned in future days. Has anyone considered the fact that the hosts are being really ambiguous about the day 1 clue(s)? On all other days it says that there will be clues leading to the killer of the person, but what if the first day was different...Why are they being non-committal towards the first day? | ||
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