My suspect list.
Impervious: I've already posted my analysis of him. I switched the vote of him because of the lack of real opposition. This doesn't clear him, but it made DivineK a better lynch.
Cubedin: Barundar has brought up good points, and I'm not a big fan of how he's responded to the pressure. I'll be taking a look at him today, and hopfully give a more founded opinion later.
Kenpachi: Uh...Others have brought up decent points, and his overall play seems scummy to me. Nothing solid yet, but that's because I haven't had time to analyze him.
Darmousseh: I don't know what to think about him. He doesn't strike me as townie like most everybody else not on this list does, so he gets put last. I'll probably look into his play a bit too, though Cubedin has priority.
It's about time I joined my faithful BG anyways. GMarshal, you were all I could have asked for in a bodyguard. Except bulletproof. You coulda worked on that aspect.
But yes, I too am interested to see what's special about this post.
Oh wow. A Vig, Vet, and a Det all mod killed. That sucks.
Good job all. Thanks for not lynching me. GG mafia.
On February 11 2011 11:35 GMarshal wrote: @ Node, I loved the songs in the posts, I listened to whatever the song you picked while looking for clues.
I thought this game was really, really fun I think I need a break from the no flip mechanic however, also thank you so much for providing a way for us to see the Mason/Maifa conversations, they make finding out what happened this game much easier.
Not really. The mason forum was a front for all that entered new. I had people roleclaim green, and such, and never told others in the circle about BB.
For instance, Barundar was in the circle, and had no idea that BB was medic.
On February 11 2011 11:39 GMarshal wrote: I see, could you then tell me if any relevant machinations took place by PM?
I'll try to compile the more significant pm's and post them publicly.
Mr.Wiggles was rather inactive during the game, but his mason pics were impeccable. RoL, two medics, and then Barundar. Well done.
So, I wasn't trying to do this, but was I posting way too much? Cause I think I have over 200 posts, which seems really high for a game of about 2000...
On February 11 2011 11:28 Node wrote: The concept in the first couple of day posts was to introduce the theme of the no flipping setup. A scientist developed some sort of poison that would turn blood black, instead of the usual mafia conceit that the color of a player’s blood refers to their alignment. In the second day post, everyone blacks out after making a toast -- it was here that the poison was delivered.
Ha. I called this. Too bad it didn't matter.
On February 11 2011 11:42 Node wrote: I was curious if the masons were more active beyond the forum. Did the people recruited find that they used their PM capabilities often? I can definitely understand not wanting to use the forum extensively, it was more of an "it's there if you want it" thing. But I was worried that nobody was taking advantage of the role.
Yes. I used PMs and IM extensively. The forum is too public because it assumes that you trust everyone in the circle as soon as the come in. I never trusted anyone for a few days.
Also, apologies to Barundar for keeping him in the dark. You did a good job of picking up the slack when school called me away. (If I ever held any slack). Also, thanks a TON to foolishness and BloddyC0bbler for general advice and help on how to build a good analysis. Hopefully I'll get good at is one of these days.
Reserving this for PM's later
Hmm. Creating my list of PM's is going to take longer that i thought. I have four pages of them from this game.
Also, I'd LOVE to hear from people on how I used the town circle. Mr.Wiggles wasn't too assertive, and as he says in some of his PM's, information only went one way with him, so I was the leader of the circle for all intents and purposes.
Were we too trusting? No trusting enough?
On February 11 2011 12:12 CubEdIn wrote: Well I don't know how you used it, but it was so obvious that there was more information behind the curtains.
Actually, the only information that we has was that BB and I were medics. And i didn't know that BB was medic till night 5, when I checked the # of medics, and found 2. (If there was another medic out there, he would have protected GMarshal that night, but since his died, BB was 99% confirmed.)
Knowing medics was nice, but really, the circle only served as a place for me to bounce ideas off everyone. I really wish that we had a DT in the circle, but really, this forced us to work on analysis instead of rely on DT checks.
On February 11 2011 12:20 CubEdIn wrote:
@Kav, oh, that's not what I meant. It's just that people are more prone to protect the ones inside the circle, and it showed, during the past 2-3 days. Just look at who was targeted for lynching. And yeah, DT would've made things more interesting.
Yeah, Medic protection was focused exclusively on those inside the circle, but that was because we were more sure about them being town. Also, GMarshal get's the "Most protected" award, you were protected 7 times in 5 days.
Sorry coag, we didn't make it to Day9.
On February 11 2011 12:32 bumatlarge wrote: gg! I would have gotten away with everything if it weren't for those pesky mods!
Haha, not if I had any say in it. Your DT claim needed work. A real DT wouldn't have checked a body guard, imo. I honestly wish that the whole LD thing hadn't happened. I still think I could have convinced the town.
On February 11 2011 12:34 Coagulation wrote:Show nested quote +On February 11 2011 12:32 CubEdIn wrote: I never said you were wrong, but there's more to mafia than listing names.
You have to actually convince people and provide strong arguments in order to get people that you know are scum lynched. Do you really believe that town would've followed your lead if you had died after posting those? I sincerely doubt it. I think theres a HIVEMIND aspect to town in mafia that if a name comes up enough people will subconsciously start to build negative references to it on its own.
If there's one thing I've learned since starting mafia, it's that what you know is not as important as how you say it. You could post the full scum list from day one, but if you can't convince people that you are right, then you are no help to the town.
I started playing this so I could figure out how to analyse people, but I'm coming away from it learning how to make convincing arguments.
Yeah, I'm kindof interested in this too. Mafia thought that lynching LD regardless of the alignment of Bum was the best plan for town (from the mafia forum) but I don't think that it was.
Were we lucky, or was the best plan to keep the SK alive?
Edit: ALso, Holy crap guys. Mafia used the forum a TON. I mean, we masons used less than a page I think...
For those mafia (divinek) QQ'ing about the mods:
The mods messed up with the SK notification but they also messed up with the rules with the mayor too. The town was hit harder by the bad-mod stick than the mafia, and I still gave it my best shot.
According to the rules, I wasn't role-blockable. It's pretty clear about that, I can't be "targeted by the role-blocker". So GMarshal and I were invincible according to the rules, because I was going to protect him every night. I was also mod confirmed to be medic to the mafia, something that should have never happened regardless of what I had said on the thread. If it's confirmed, then I can't play mind games, something I was looking forward to.
If I had known/been informed that I was role-blockable, I would have had BB protect GMarshal, as the mafia had clearly shown their intent be RB'ing me the night before, and I knew that the mafia knew I was medic. Bottom line, GMarshal's death could have been avoided if the mods were clear.
If LD hadn't been informed, Bumatlarge would have still been lynched. Even if you had stacked hits on me, BB would have protected GMarshal too if we hadn't killed enough mafia to lower the KP. Bottom line, Bum's DT claim screwed over mafia. His lynch wasn't a result of LD being informed. That just speed up the process, and sealed the deal.
There were mistakes on both sides, but giving up because a mod made a mistake is poor play.
Also, special kudos to Barundar for getting up at an ungodly hour (3am?) to be around for the lynch yesterday. We might not have gotten the RB'er if he had not been around last night.
Thanks to Node and LSB for hosting. It may have not been the smoothest game, but I still managed to learn a ton, so thanks for that.
On February 11 2011 14:15 bumatlarge wrote: Dont think I could have gotten LD lynched? I got you to lynch RoL, didn't I?
Oh, absolutely. I wanted it differently, but you'll notice that even when I was sure you were mafia I was starting to go along with the LD lynch. This was because I didn't think that I could convince the town fast enough. So yes, LD would have been lynched, agree. I was saying that I would have gotten you lynched the next day, and beneather the day after that.
It's possible that I wouldn't have had the medics stack on GMarshal, so you may have gotten through with a double hit, so that's also a possible outcome.
And yes, I fully congratulate you on trying something like that. Takes balls, and I'm happy you tried it, not just because you were caught, but because I dislike the general way of playing mafia that people have adopted. I wish there were a way that mafia could win while being active that's not really hard.
On February 11 2011 14:15 bumatlarge wrote: People started to doubt you lol.
Yes, that was probably my weakest point, but I think that being able to claim medic, and back that claim up with an actual save would have kept me in the game long enough to get you lynched. THen again, I don't know just how unstable the mayorship is, so...who knows. It was probably a bad idea to defend LD. I should have pushed you instead. (I did eventually, but not off the bat.)
Also, sorry to RoL, I learned my lesson on veteran players this game. Not all vets are active. (Not the role)
Oh, and I forgot to tell everyone about my mayoral campaign!
+ Show Spoiler +On January 23 2011 12:27 Kavdragon wrote:Good citizens of Liquidia!
I present to you my campaign for Mayor of this fine town filled with wonderful people! Four score and seven minutes ago our hosts brought forth in this forum a new thread conceived in awesomeness and dedicated to the proposition that all men should post a lot. Now we are engaged in a great Mafia game testing whether this thread, or any thread so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on this great posting-field, TL Mafia, in honor of previous games. I have come to dedicate a portion of this thread as a mostly final resting-place for those who here were active that that their game might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, posting and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The TL Mafia forum will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this thread under Node and LSB shall have a new birth of activity, and that my mayor-ship of the active, by the active, for the active shall not perish from the thread. But now we must move onward. With the memory of these invaluable players emblazoned in our minds, who will lead us to that play that glorious and active game? I humbly submit myself to the public office, willing to serve a thread, of the actives, by the actives, and for the actives. Under my leadership, the attacks of the enemy will be rebuffed, the confusion sown by the mafia will be silenced! Inactivity banished, and analysis rewarded! I stand for a town, united in activity and lynches for all scum! So come to my banner fellow Liquidians, let us run a race that in all likelihood will likely be quickly forgotten, but awesome none the less! Vote for activity! Vote for Scumhunting! Vote for Victory! Vote for KAV! Be convinced, if not by my words, then by the words of those who came before me. If not by words than by the lol worthy pictures I created for the occasion. If not by pictures, then by the epic music I wrote for a completely different occasion, but which I'm still shamelessly trying to use to further my campaign! + Show Spoiler [Text Endorsements] +On August 9 1974 11:63 VER wrote: Kav's the One. Kav for mayor. On January 20 1961 11:63 Node wrote: I Like Kav. Vote for Kav. On January 22 2011 11:24 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: I'm Meapak_Ziphh and I approve this message. On January 22 2011 11:26 SiNiquity wrote: I'm SiNiquity and I approve this message. On January 21 2011 08:42 LSB wrote: KAV 4 MAYOR! I'll make you a mspaint poster!!!! + Show Spoiler [Pictorial Endorsements] ++ Show Spoiler [Music] +Vote for Victory! Vote for Kav! + Show Spoiler + (PS, i might be an invincible Vigilante, that can protect anyone, and check two people for their role per night. It'd suck to pass up that awesome role in the mayor seat.)
Первым человеком, решить мою головоломка в этой кампании будет получить мое восхищение. --отец КавДракона
I left a bread crumb trail for those who were good at clues. I figured the mafia would be too lazy with searching for clues to look into it, but turns out no townies figured it out either.
All of the pictures I used for my campaign are borrowed and edited from TF2 Medic achievements. I'm surprised that no one realized that, but it was funny anyways.
I left in a red haring: The date on both Ver, and Node's endorsement was linked to the date of death of a president. Ver corresponded to Nixon's death, and Node to Eisenhower. The endorsement was phrased like the main slogan of their respective campaigns ("I like Ike", and "Nixon's the one") This lead nowhere.
The Russian text translates to something like "There are clues here, whoever finds them earns my respect. --Father Kav Dragon."
I'd also like to point out that I actually did post that exactly 4 score and 7 (87) minutes into the game. The speech was a modified version of Lincoln's "Gettysburg address", also adding to the presidential red haring.
You also forget that he thought that Bum was scum. If you were revealed by the mafia, who were ahead at that point, who would you attack? They just ruined your game, and they are rolling the town, so what better way to get revenge?
That was my reasoning. Plus, I found precedent later in Insane.
On February 11 2011 15:59 Barundar wrote: @Kav, imo I did alot to prove I was town to you, but on the other hand it wasn't really necessary to give me the blue info, so you made the right decission keeping it secret I think.
Haha, yeah. I actually wrote up this letter for Wiggles to give to you in the event of my death last night:
+ Show Spoiler +Barundar: If you are reading this, I am dead. I believe that you are town. You are probably the most active and helpful townie right now, and that's valuable. There are somethings that I've not told you because I follow ver's philosophy of keeping the town on a need to know basis. BrownBear is Medic. He calimed medic to me soon after joining the circle. I didn't check the number of blues last night, I checked the # of medics. There were 2. Many people called for GMarshal to be protected that night, and non of them did. If there was a medic out there (Besides BB, who was protecting Wiggles) he would have protected GMarshal. This more or less confirms him as medic. I asked him to publicly role claim green on the forum. Obviously claiming on the mason forum will be public to any who come in, so it's a terrible idea to put our blue information out there. If you don't claim green there, realize that it paints a bigger target on your head becaues if mafia infiltrate, they will assume you to be blue. Use that how you will. + Show Spoiler [Night Actions] + Kavdragon: Medic N1: GMarshal N2: GMarshal N3: GMarshal N4: GMarshal N5: GMarshal (Roleblocked) N6: BrownBear
BrownBear: Medic N1: GMarshal N2: Barundar (Roleblocked) N3: GMarshal N4: Mr.Wiggles N5: Mr.Wiggles N6: Kavdragon
Mr.Wiggles: Mason N1: RebirthOfLeGenD N2: Kavdragon N3: BrownBear N4: Barundar N5: GMarshal N6: Darmousseh(?)
Obviously use your discression in sharing this information. Anyways, I've said pleanty already. You're probably moer capable than I am at this game. I just got lucky with the mayor thing. GL.
I really did believe you were town, especially after you got on at 3am to switch your vote.
Right, well, I'm not particularly impressed by my scumbar, but you can see who I pressured in the thread to see who I thought was scum, as i didn't make many lists. Instead, here are all the people I thought were scum, that turned out to be town:
Impervious (Really suspicious, especially after the analysis. Doh.) Deconduo (Very suspicious, but died before I actually analysed him.) Zerroth (Kind of suspicious, never more than at least one other person though.)
Barundar gets my vote for MVP for changing my mind about the imperivous lynch. I mis-read the fact that no one was opposing the lynch as more evidence that he was scum. Barundar made me question that, and ultimately is responsible for the vote being switched to DivineK. (BC helped me hash out the logic, and told me that acting that late in the day wasn't a terrible idea if I thought that divinek was scum, so he deserves credit too.)
On February 12 2011 03:14 Impervious wrote: I kept telling you that I wasn't scum.....
Yeah, I should have known scum would never try that one on me...
Why is your icon stuck on a zergling anyways?
Agreed. Sorry to LD. Wish I could have done more than lynch your revealer, and murderize all of the people connected to him.