On April 23 2010 07:16 Ace wrote: Don't worry Brown Bear I'm following your train of logic. The problem with calling RoL scum is that BC is just as scummy. Hell they could both be scum or it the more reasonable explanation that they are both not pro-town.
Either way it all gets resolved soon. Aside from BC being scummy we have the unfortunate evidence that if RoL is a DT he damn sure isn't gung ho about getting BC killed. You'd think a DT with a guilty result would be ready to lead the wagon especially since our last situation got resolved. Hell, he even roleclaimed right after me in a game when Mafia have 4KP, 1 medic dead, 1 DT dead and he as far as I know was never in danger of dying.
*shrug* Wait a second, RoL claimed DT? When did that happen? Is it in reference to this post? ZBot hasn't been updated and I've been in bed sick today, so I'm asking y'all to forgive me if I missed something critical recently.
On April 21 2010 13:27 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: Great, so I have to nail a mafia every day or you will kill me?
Fine, BC is mafia.
Rolecheck confirmed it.
![[image loading]](http://pool.twincitiesdailyphoto.com/2007/cold_night-04.jpg)
Night 2:
This last day had been decided decisively, and quickly had the decisions been made. Caller had been lynched within the first few hours, and double lynch for the following day had been passed. However, amongst all the ruckus and commotion two people had been amiss.
Hmm okay I'm too tired to care to write about another story of lightning, so it'll go by pictures:
Abenson and love1another the Townies have been modkilled. Double Lynch is passed for Day 3.
Day 2 is over, and it is Night 2. Night 2 will run until Saturday, Apr 24 1:30am GMT (GMT+00:00). Get your actions to me, please.
On April 23 2010 09:41 d3_crescentia wrote:Show nested quote +On April 23 2010 07:16 Ace wrote: Don't worry Brown Bear I'm following your train of logic. The problem with calling RoL scum is that BC is just as scummy. Hell they could both be scum or it the more reasonable explanation that they are both not pro-town.
Either way it all gets resolved soon. Aside from BC being scummy we have the unfortunate evidence that if RoL is a DT he damn sure isn't gung ho about getting BC killed. You'd think a DT with a guilty result would be ready to lead the wagon especially since our last situation got resolved. Hell, he even roleclaimed right after me in a game when Mafia have 4KP, 1 medic dead, 1 DT dead and he as far as I know was never in danger of dying.
*shrug* Wait a second, RoL claimed DT? When did that happen? Is it in reference to this post? ZBot hasn't been updated and I've been in bed sick today, so I'm asking y'all to forgive me if I missed something critical recently. Show nested quote +On April 21 2010 13:27 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: Great, so I have to nail a mafia every day or you will kill me?
Fine, BC is mafia.
Rolecheck confirmed it. I figured it was obvious when I said role check, but later on I confirmed and said I was a DT.
20 vs 7, with 4 KP still. Things can wind down really quick.
mod kills are killing us over here :D
funny things happen when you don't post and vote.
You get modkilled.
I reiterate the fact that we should be careful about whether to lynch RoL or BC. Given that KP=4 and there are 13 more townies than mafia it only takes about 3 or 4 nights for mafia to win.
Here's my analysis of RoL's situation ASSUMING ROL IS MAFIA, ACE IS DETECTIVE AND BC IS TOWN:
Ace accuses Caller, who RoL knows is innocent. Knowing that Ace is town and probably detective, RoL deduces that Caller is probably a miller, since he is not mafia. It looks like Caller will probably get lynched, so what could be a good action for RoL?
Caller gets lynched, KP=4, there will be 18T/7M left (he can't predict the 2 inactives so assuming ending the day with 22 townies).
Since RoL claimed that BC was mafia, we lynch BC (there was no sign that we wanted to do a double lynch when RoL claimed). This would be even more convincing if someone rolechecked RoL and discovered he was detective (if he was godfather and chose detective). That leaves us with 17T/7M. KP = 4, so mafia kills 4 townies, that leaves us with 13T/7M.
Now clearly we lynch RoL, perhaps we get lucky and double lynch a mafia, perhaps we fail, that leaves us with 13T/5M or 12T/6M. Either way, KP is 3. Assassins have used their rolechecks by now so probably one kill happens as well?
Next morning we're at best 10T/5M, at worst 8T/6M (taking into account an assassin kill). If we double lynch someone two days in a row, we're not that much better (could be worse since we could lynch a townie).
So if I was RoL, especially if I was mafia godfather, claiming BC is mafia right after Ace would be a decent plan.
the rest is spam. So far, RoL has not lived up to his claim of helping to find reds. The other stuff he said was already covered and neither new nor helpful contributions. Maybe he needs some "more time?"
I do believe RoL was actually gone for the weekend, but he has yet to step up his play in the slightest.
The fact that RoL claimed very abruptly after Infund barely accused him even slightly of the fact that he wasn't helping (not even an FoS and explicitly saying this is basically spam) is also very suspicious. It seems like he was just waiting for someone to say something so he doesn't look completely suspicious roleclaiming when he was under no danger (especially compared to the first day when RaGe bandwagon'd him).
RoL has also recently advocated for people to hurry up and pass double lynch so night phase can begin, a sign of okay guys hurry up let's not think too much so we can get to my plan already.
So in conclusion, in my opinion, IT IS A VERY BAD IDEA TO JUST DECIDE TO LYNCH BC AND THEN LYNCH RoL IF BC IS INNOCENT, because the time we waste could put us quite behind given that 2 townies got modkilled, and that mafia kill power is so high.
In terms of who to lynch other than RoL/BC, I'd have to wait until night kills/actions get revealed before passing any judgment (especially if mafia will use the information to kill the most innocent looking townies).
Sigh, I should have told you guys not to vote for double lynch. Ah well can't do it all.
Ace can you explain why double lynch is bad? =\ I feel like if we are not doing a double lynch, and RoL is leading us on the wrong track, then we're wasting quite a lot of time while the mafia kills half the town.
Do we have a situation that can't be resolved TONIGHT? All Vigis should shoot BC anyway. Assassins if they are even somewhat not brain dead would do the same. Whatever happens we deal with RoL. If BC flips anything but scum we lynch Rol, if he does flip scum we go "ok RoL" might be a GF and deal with it later.
So then why did we need to DL? :/
we can still just lynch 1 person, given the majority lynch rules.
would suck for wasting a double lynch though.
This logic has to be a joke. Lets challenge this on several points.
One we would have to assume that the mafia would select ME as godfather, which in itself is absurd. I have been a decent player but never the one a team would try and save from role checks since I am never considered THAT important of a player.
Point two. Why the fuck would I choose detective? I would have to be planning this from day one when I DECIDED to appear as detective as opposed to the more common claims of either townie, veteran, or medic. Easily faked roles.
I choose the detective, a power I cannot fake in the slightest if the situation warranted it, then I select a person who I KNOW is not mafia and say they are mafia for what? To put us back one lynch? That makes no sense because in the same note I said double lynch which means I want us to catch more mafia.
Maybe we could say I was hasty with my role claim, however I saw Ace do it and I figured why not do the same. You guys wanted my suspect from behavioral analysis and rather than try to explain why I think BC's actions were suspicious it was easier to role claim and get two mafia in a row.
But another thing to think about, why would I sacrifice our KP by lying about BC being mafia? The notion is absolutely absurd. If I was mafia my death would bring our KP from 4 to 3 since we would drop to 6 members.
I do agree, lets not mention suspects until night actions. I wouldn't want to give mafia ideas on who not to kill. While in the same note I hope I don't die before I can release suspects.
Assuming I am mafia is retarded.
On April 23 2010 12:31 iNfuNdiBuLuM wrote: we can still just lynch 1 person, given the majority lynch rules.
would suck for wasting a double lynch though. I can't see this game going another 3 days if we don't kill a mafia today. So I don't think it really matters. The KP in this game is very high. By tomorrow night we will start seeing assassin hits entering the fray which will reduce the number of people who can vote for mafia.
Especially if the assassin's miss their hits and start nailing townie's or if we get lucky mafia.
hmmm actually I think the game is still winnable. Problem is with so many useless players it really doesn't matter what anyone does.
sorry for mass posting, however I think its still more beneficial to keep voting for double lynch assuming a situation arises where we can use it. We have 3 days in a row where we COULD benefit from the use of a double lynch. Lets assume we knock down the KP tomorrow, that means 4/3/3 which is another 10 kills the mafia has over the next 3 days. That alone would destroy the town.
Mathematically we should keep activating double lynches because the game will most likely end within the next 3 days, so to use them and have the ability to utilize them will most likely be viable in the near future.
Dammit. After tonight, unless we get some lucky medics, AND assuming the Assassins don't attack tonight, we're going to be at 16 to 7, which means if we don't get at least 1 mafia tomorrow during the day, we're done. I don't want to say who the medics should protect, cause smart mafia just wont attack those people, too, so it's really down to their intelligence and their ability to predict the mafia's moves.
Tonight might be a good time for vigilantes to perform some hits... or for Assassins to spend one of their nghtkills on people they know to be Mafia. Why? Because if you don't, the game might very well end before you have a chance to fulfill your objectives.
RoL, sure it's easier to role-claim and get 2 in a row, but is that really better for town considering we could lose 2, and potentially all of our detectives tonight? =(
is awesome32269 Posts
So, besides lynching BC, is there any other plan?
I see lots of people saying Vigis should hit, but who? I would look into some of the silent guys :/ The ones posting, we can read, but we can't anything with people who barely post.
I know this was brought up on like day 1, but back then people said that silent players would die later on easily, but I don't see how.
It would suck to kill our townies if the mafia happens to be hiding beside inactives.
Have to do some reading on the previous pages, but I wanted to post since I'm going to be away all day tomorrow due to university.
On April 23 2010 12:48 Korynne wrote: RoL, sure it's easier to role-claim and get 2 in a row, but is that really better for town considering we could lose 2, and potentially all of our detectives tonight? =( gotta put some faith in medics, don't we?
Hopefully we have two and they protect correctly. I thought widdling down their KP was a good idea. It just didn't work out as such.