SHC, millennium, gambit (Who seem to be unable to beat roccat). Fnatic might be a loss but overall a really good super week for roccat so let's do this
This shit is getting fast. Considering thing that there are Code S finals this week and SPL R2 final tonight, oh my God. #esports
I expect Gambit to 4-0 and secure their spot in top-2 with Alliance, Alliance getting 3-1. If Gambit and [A] finish with 17-11, they will play tiebreaker as well. Tough week for Fnatic, but 2-2 will secure them side advantage. BEST WEEK FOR SK, HOPE YOU GO 0-4, KIDS. Srsly, i wasn't cheering for them at all, but after last week, just fuck them. If they go 4-0, they will secure 1st spot, if 3-1 and tie with [A] and Gambit, then... THEN THEY WILL PLAY TIEBREAKERS, let's go.
There is really possibility that we will watch more tiebreakers than interesting games, l0l.
There is fail in line with SK-CW btw. :D
And just for lulz, SHC to go up against CW, Youngbuck and crew to elimination. Just want to see SHC CHOOSING opponent, will they win or no.
On March 31 2014 15:57 Fusilero wrote: SHC, millennium, gambit (Who seem to be unable to beat roccat). Fnatic might be a loss but overall a really good super week for roccat so let's do this
Considering that they're bootcamping right now, i expect them to go on absolute roll this week. Like last season, when Gambit were sucking 3 or 4 weeks before last week and then just ROLLED through everyone... Except EG l0l.
On April 01 2014 19:02 Alaric wrote: Why does it start 2 hours earlier than usual when it's only one more game? T_T I'm gonna miss the beginning, no way I can leave work that early.
There's also an exhibition game (C9 vs TSM on U.R.F.) and a challenger series playoffs game today
On April 01 2014 19:02 Alaric wrote: Why does it start 2 hours earlier than usual when it's only one more game? T_T I'm gonna miss the beginning, no way I can leave work that early.
There's also an exhibition game (C9 vs TSM on U.R.F.) and a challenger series playoffs game today
Oh cool challenger series playoffs, my last chance to see trashy before his band of shitters drag him into oblivion.
What the fuck was that fnatic teamfight, lomostar grabs tabzz then alliance take the time to kill a leona then xpeke goes in and the rest of fnatic proceed to go jerk off
On April 02 2014 01:04 lefty wrote: I feel Leona has no right to tank that much damage, the amount of dmg she absorbed could kill a support 3 times over.
What about alistar, though to be fair that's his ult
On April 02 2014 01:13 skykh wrote: Ok all star no hope, omg/skt win zzzzz
Nah man, didn't you hear, SKT K is slumping
Their win rate has literally halved, might as well disband. Faker overrated and piglet trash
On April 02 2014 01:15 Redox wrote: Alliance gave away gave away 2 dragons for no reason and crucially gave up baron control for no reason. They played too scared in the late game.
Alliance's dragon control was amazingly questionable, like a leblanc solo'd a dragon in the time it took shook reach the consolation dragon when the other team backs after baron like wut.
On April 02 2014 01:37 TitusVI wrote: lets see if we got a good ryze there
I don't understand why teams would pick ryze that early unless they were supremely confident against their opponents. I hope it backfires on them, and they lose. gg
On April 02 2014 01:37 TitusVI wrote: lets see if we got a good ryze there
I don't understand why teams would pick ryze that early unless they were supremely confident against their opponents. I hope it backfires on them, and they lose. gg
I think you can blind pick top ryze because of how well he does against current meta tops but blind picking mid ryze makes me go :/ at least there's no gragas
On April 02 2014 01:37 TitusVI wrote: lets see if we got a good ryze there
I don't understand why teams would pick ryze that early unless they were supremely confident against their opponents. I hope it backfires on them, and they lose. gg
I think you can blind pick top ryze because of how well he does against current meta tops but blind picking mid ryze makes me go :/ at least there's no gragas
indeed. orianna should cleary win exept maybe they get a good gank with rune prison.
On April 02 2014 01:37 TitusVI wrote: lets see if we got a good ryze there
I don't understand why teams would pick ryze that early unless they were supremely confident against their opponents. I hope it backfires on them, and they lose. gg
They are blue side so they cant counterpick mid. Also they want to pick renekton who doesnt do too well vs ryze. Third, they banned 2 of opponent mid's chars and ryze was a 3rd.
If only they were a bit more patient at that dragon fight, and properly positioned themselves instead of starting dragon that early.
Again, SHC are way too impatient. They start dragon without having better positioning in the fight. They keep pincering themselves into taking free damage from dragon.
On April 02 2014 02:14 Nos- wrote: these 1 man shockwaves tho
Yeah Selfie not doing well again. That change didnt pay off so far.
Moopz hadn't played assassins at all. It seems like Selfie is mediocre as best on casters but he plays assassins at least. Meta will shift 2-3 times before Worlds, so who knows what will happen next.
Still, i want SHC throw CW into relegations, so let's go.
Selfie is playing well, his team doesnt peel at all. Watch time and time again how eve after engaging reatreats behind renekton instead of flanking. How can orianna ulti more than one person when 5 ppl group infront or renekton? Rename to supa scared team or supa sissy team or whatever...
Also its interesting how moopz was the most scared of them all who was letting the team down and now selfie is the most agressive of all and his team doesnt follow.
Selfie's champion pool limitations should be expected, he practically came straight out of lomoQ (A few games with former MYM doesn't really account for much competitive experience). He's definitely talented and is far more willing to be a playmaker than moopz which is a very good trait for a mid laner. They're virtually guaranteed to drop down to relegations but with voidle/hjarnan's tendency to go on tilt feed and no k0u I think SHC can survive and hopefully throughout summer selfie will have more time to grow
On April 02 2014 02:22 Fusilero wrote: Selfie's champion pool limitations should be expected, he practically came straight out of lomoQ (A few games with former MYM doesn't really account for much competitive experience). He's definitely talented and is far more willing to be a playmaker than moopz which is a very good trait for a mid laner. They're virtually guaranteed to drop down to relegations but with voidle/hjarnan's tendency to go on tilt feed and no k0u I think SHC can survive and hopefully throughout summer selfie will have more time to grow
Honestly, i wish they can finish 6th. And CHOOSE. Because if CW lose to team without main jungler, i will laugh. Need to watch Reason and mouz tonight, just to get idea can they contest LCS teams or not.
Fnatic made some cute plays at top but SK's rotations in reaction is so good. Enjoying freddy's pick and mix build, going for the base MR/HP and damage item on trundle
I don't get why teams don't just ban Nid/Ziggs against Jesiz every game. He's great on those champs and terrible on almost everything else, it's like you can play SK with an all-star midlaner or you can play them with a bronze IV midlaner and for some reason teams decide to play against the all-star one.
On April 02 2014 02:58 Numy wrote: Flanking never works in league. People just turn on the lone players and crush them.
It could have worked fine, if they just waited a second for rekkles to catch up. they landed a ton of good cc, but with no damage to follow. rekkles and cyanide were still like 2 screens away when they went in.
On April 02 2014 02:58 Numy wrote: Flanking never works in league. People just turn on the lone players and crush them.
Works with certain champs. Shyvanna and Eve among them. Oh and Khazix of course.
Yea sorry that statement wasn't 100%. Flanking is just really really hard I feel and more often than not teams throw away advantages trying to do it. It was a cute idea by Fnatic but since they arrived at two different times SK could just outplay them really hard. The differences between a flanking action that work and those that don't is so small I wonder if it's worth it.
On April 02 2014 02:58 Numy wrote: Flanking never works in league. People just turn on the lone players and crush them.
Works with certain champs. Shyvanna and Eve among them. Oh and Khazix of course.
Yea sorry that statement wasn't 100%. Flanking is just really really hard I feel and more often than not teams throw away advantages trying to do it. It was a cute idea by Fnatic but since they arrived at two different times SK could just outplay them really hard. The differences between a flanking action that work and those that don't is so small I wonder if it's worth it.
It almost worked, candy/nrated/jesiz nearly died from soaz and xpeke alone, if they had waited just a moment for cyanide and rekkles to catch up it could have been a clean up
if peke didn't walk through jungle and get caught, SK wouldn't of been able to get baron. really fail from peke, this guy really sucks right now. xdade amirite?
On April 02 2014 03:21 wei2coolman wrote: I think this is the first time I've seen a EU team this split end a game this fast after getting baron.
Neo-SK actually have really good decision making, it's definitely their main strength they aren't wussying out of closing out wins (Hi there copenhagen doges) or set themselves even further behind when holding a deficit (Hi there supa hot crew)
On April 02 2014 03:21 wei2coolman wrote: I think this is the first time I've seen a EU team this split end a game this fast after getting baron.
You say that like it is a good thing, while it was the consequence of a mistake by Fnatic.
They didn't let fnatic group up under turret, most team would have just slow pushed that inhib, and rotate and do the same thing. It would have been another 10 minutes before game would end with any other team in EU. Really decisive pick offs from SK let them just stomp through.
On April 02 2014 03:20 Zhiroo wrote: Bora needs to step it up, his ult haven't been very good this game.
plz, yellowstar and rekkles are the only players on Fnatic that have been performing consistently on this team.
I know but he's been missing too many Zenith Blades and had a few bad ults during this game.
Karma speedboosts makes it pretty tough to hit good Leona ults. On the other hand, I don't see how you can say Bora needs to step it up when SK's MvP this game is xPeke.
To be fair I wouldn't call it one of lomostar's highlight matches, he's still definitely alongside rekkles the most consistent player on the team but still he was pretty iffy this match on the whole. But slightly iffy support play is nothing compared to baseball pitch mid laning
Yellowstar suicided 2/3 times as well.But peke's were at worse at times.Both did pretty dumb stuff.Rekkles continues to be the only really good consistent player on fnatic.
On April 02 2014 03:26 nafta wrote: Yellowstar suicided 2/3 times as well.But peke's were at worse at times.Both did pretty dumb stuff.Rekkles continues to be the only really good consistent player on fnatic.
Don't know about that. Rekkles only looked good in games Fnatic wins. Games they're losing or even tied, he literally does nothing. In fact, the last fight was basically he gets caught, dies and SK proceeds to roll.
Sjokz taking lessons from Phreak with these puns X_X.
On April 02 2014 03:26 nafta wrote: Yellowstar suicided 2/3 times as well.But peke's were at worse at times.Both did pretty dumb stuff.Rekkles continues to be the only really good consistent player on fnatic.
Don't know about that. Rekkles only looked good in games Fnatic wins. Games they're losing or even tied, he literally does nothing. In fact, the last fight was basically he gets caught, dies and SK proceeds to roll.
I think that's just the side effect of being ADC in s3 and s4.
Rekkles/Lomostar are definitely the most consistent, it is fair though that rekkles spends lots of time AFK farming and generally steering clear of the mid game danger where during their 0-8 slump which can be amounted heavily to "At 10-20 minutes cyanide and xpeke will get shit on" so he looks better than usual as fnatic get shit on because he's in a safe area happily farming
On April 02 2014 03:26 nafta wrote: Yellowstar suicided 2/3 times as well.But peke's were at worse at times.Both did pretty dumb stuff.Rekkles continues to be the only really good consistent player on fnatic.
Don't know about that. Rekkles only looked good in games Fnatic wins. Games they're losing or even tied, he literally does nothing. In fact, the last fight was basically he gets caught, dies and SK proceeds to roll.
He afk farms which is pretty much all you can do unless you make some plays with your team.And if everyone is as sad/quiet when they are losing as they look that is all he can do.
On April 02 2014 03:26 nafta wrote: Yellowstar suicided 2/3 times as well.But peke's were at worse at times.Both did pretty dumb stuff.Rekkles continues to be the only really good consistent player on fnatic.
Don't know about that. Rekkles only looked good in games Fnatic wins. Games they're losing or even tied, he literally does nothing. In fact, the last fight was basically he gets caught, dies and SK proceeds to roll.
He afk farms which is pretty much all you can do unless you make some plays with your team.And if everyone is as sad/quiet when they are losing as they look that is all he can do.
Sure, I would say that ADC's are def carrying less than S3 but at the same time, you look at Vasili who basically just puts his team on his back when they're getting stomped. Similarly to compare to an EU example, Candypanda ALWAYS looks involved with his team winning or losing.
On April 02 2014 03:26 nafta wrote: Yellowstar suicided 2/3 times as well.But peke's were at worse at times.Both did pretty dumb stuff.Rekkles continues to be the only really good consistent player on fnatic.
Don't know about that. Rekkles only looked good in games Fnatic wins. Games they're losing or even tied, he literally does nothing. In fact, the last fight was basically he gets caught, dies and SK proceeds to roll.
He afk farms which is pretty much all you can do unless you make some plays with your team.And if everyone is as sad/quiet when they are losing as they look that is all he can do.
Sure, I would say that ADC's are def carrying less than S3 but at the same time, you look at Vasili who basically just puts his team on his back when they're getting stomped. Similarly to compare to an EU example, Candypanda ALWAYS looks involved with his team winning or losing.
Vasilii who is playing vs na challenger teams.....While rekkles does tend to focus too much on farming the candypanda example is exactly what I said.They have better shotcalling and they coordinate with him better.
On April 02 2014 03:56 Fusilero wrote: Flashes in to ignite > flay kottenX to secure first blood and prevent the dragon. When migxa works he works well
And then when mixga doesn't work he works well for the other team.
On April 02 2014 03:56 Fusilero wrote: Flashes in to ignite > flay kottenX to secure first blood and prevent the dragon. When migxa works he works well
And then when mixga doesn't work he works well for the other team.
Migxa in a nutshell, he promises to never stop going in and it sometimes goes horribly, horribly wrong. Also I swear I saw MrRallez's ult during that fight even though he was at mid
Welp, with better positioning Millenium could have stalled till Solar Flare was available and then contested the dragon because only Ori's ult would have been available while Millenium would only miss On the Hunt an Desperate Power.
The amount of activity in this thread really dies down when the lowered rank teams play. I guess it is inevitable. I mean people are still most likely watching a little bit, but no reason to comment on it(for the most part) since it looks so unrefined
On April 02 2014 04:08 ketchup wrote: The amount of activity in this thread really dies down when the lowered rank teams play. I guess it is inevitable. I mean people are still most likely watching a little bit, but no reason to comment on it since it looks so unrefined
There's only so much player bashing we can do during matches like this
On April 02 2014 04:08 ketchup wrote: The amount of activity in this thread really dies down when the lowered rank teams play. I guess it is inevitable. I mean people are still most likely watching a little bit, but no reason to comment on it since it looks so unrefined
There's only so much player bashing we can do during matches like this
then again, you have those mind boggling bad plays that you just have to comment on how bad it was.
On April 02 2014 04:08 ketchup wrote: The amount of activity in this thread really dies down when the lowered rank teams play. I guess it is inevitable. I mean people are still most likely watching a little bit, but no reason to comment on it(for the most part) since it looks so unrefined
then again, you have those mind boggling bad plays that you just have to comment on how bad it was.
Watching Bayern vs Manu now. As much as I love league, this is still more important. :D
On April 02 2014 04:08 ketchup wrote: The amount of activity in this thread really dies down when the lowered rank teams play. I guess it is inevitable. I mean people are still most likely watching a little bit, but no reason to comment on it since it looks so unrefined
There's only so much player bashing we can do during matches like this
i dunno about that. na low tier teams are still talked about quite a bit, but that's because they're a lot more amusing.
Also, I'm tired of watching Ryze again. I remember why I was fine with him getting nerfed last time even though it meant I couldn't collect ELO with him anymore.
Selfie is really running low on ways for me to defend him, there's troubled transition but then there's the basics being fumbled. Okay that was better by selfie
On April 02 2014 04:08 ketchup wrote: The amount of activity in this thread really dies down when the lowered rank teams play. I guess it is inevitable. I mean people are still most likely watching a little bit, but no reason to comment on it since it looks so unrefined
There's only so much player bashing we can do during matches like this
i dunno about that. na low tier teams are still talked about quite a bit, but that's because they're a lot more amusing.
EU lower tier teams are boringly bad, NA lower tier teams do stupid shit for stupid reasons while EU lower tier teams just kind of individually derp while NA go for the big collective full retard
On April 02 2014 04:08 ketchup wrote: The amount of activity in this thread really dies down when the lowered rank teams play. I guess it is inevitable. I mean people are still most likely watching a little bit, but no reason to comment on it(for the most part) since it looks so unrefined
then again, you have those mind boggling bad plays that you just have to comment on how bad it was.
Watching Bayern vs Manu now. As much as I love league, this is still more important. :D
Soccer? there are no towers and kills... boring. xd
On April 02 2014 04:11 Swords wrote: Also, I'm tired of watching Ryze again. I remember why I was fine with him getting nerfed last time even though it meant I couldn't collect ELO with him anymore.
I actually find watching ryze okay. I think Ryze players actually have to make some sacrifices early game and consider what they want to do mid game. At least, that's how it should work for everyone.
On April 02 2014 04:12 wei2coolman wrote: i just wish a team would pick up zorozero already. i just want him to walk all over everyone in top lane, and force these games to end at 25 min mark.
On April 02 2014 04:08 ketchup wrote: The amount of activity in this thread really dies down when the lowered rank teams play. I guess it is inevitable. I mean people are still most likely watching a little bit, but no reason to comment on it(for the most part) since it looks so unrefined
then again, you have those mind boggling bad plays that you just have to comment on how bad it was.
Watching Bayern vs Manu now. As much as I love league, this is still more important. :D
Soccer? there are no towers and kills... boring. xd
On April 02 2014 04:12 wei2coolman wrote: i just wish a team would pick up zorozero already. i just want him to walk all over everyone in top lane, and force these games to end at 25 min mark.
He doesnt even do that vs challenger teams.
Zoro is running dangerously close to becoming S4's jwaow.
On April 02 2014 04:11 Swords wrote: Also, I'm tired of watching Ryze again. I remember why I was fine with him getting nerfed last time even though it meant I couldn't collect ELO with him anymore.
I actually find watching ryze okay. I think Ryze players actually have to make some sacrifices early game and consider what they want to do mid game. At least, that's how it should work for everyone.
watching ryze is better then lulu. just my opinion.
On April 02 2014 04:12 wei2coolman wrote: i just wish a team would pick up zorozero already. i just want him to walk all over everyone in top lane, and force these games to end at 25 min mark.
He doesnt even do that vs challenger teams.
i don't think he really cares about challenger team.
On April 02 2014 04:11 Swords wrote: Also, I'm tired of watching Ryze again. I remember why I was fine with him getting nerfed last time even though it meant I couldn't collect ELO with him anymore.
I actually find watching ryze okay. I think Ryze players actually have to make some sacrifices early game and consider what they want to do mid game. At least, that's how it should work for everyone.
I think his playstyle is alright - I actually really enjoy playing Ryze - he's rewarding and has a neat playstyle. I just find watching other people playing him kind of boring because, while the keyboard strokes have to be really accurate at the top level, visually he just doesn't do anything flashy.
On April 02 2014 04:11 Swords wrote: Also, I'm tired of watching Ryze again. I remember why I was fine with him getting nerfed last time even though it meant I couldn't collect ELO with him anymore.
I actually find watching ryze okay. I think Ryze players actually have to make some sacrifices early game and consider what they want to do mid game. At least, that's how it should work for everyone.
watching ryze is better then lulu. just my opinion.
On April 02 2014 04:11 Swords wrote: Also, I'm tired of watching Ryze again. I remember why I was fine with him getting nerfed last time even though it meant I couldn't collect ELO with him anymore.
I actually find watching ryze okay. I think Ryze players actually have to make some sacrifices early game and consider what they want to do mid game. At least, that's how it should work for everyone.
I think his playstyle is alright - I actually really enjoy playing Ryze - he's rewarding and has a neat playstyle. I just find watching other people playing him kind of boring because, while the keyboard strokes have to be really accurate at the top level, visually he just doesn't do anything flashy.
It's entirely selfish on my part as a viewer.
Ahh, okay. That makes sense to me. I agree that he doesn't have the most visually appealing skill set.
Quikshot commentating as if SHC just didn't bait themselves into a 4v5 while renekton was on bottom lane. It was a 4v5 fight where SHC actually got both ryze and Caitlyn luckily. If they actually had renekton tanking more, it would have been a pretty decent fight for once.
On April 02 2014 04:18 wei2coolman wrote: mil, plz end the suffering already
This needs to keep on, migxa will outfeed kiwikid to prove Europe's superiority again
Please at least migxa has an excuse. He is playing support who will generally suicide themselves during fights. Kiwikid was playing top. Come on, think about it. Solo lane feeding that much is seriously ouch.
On April 02 2014 04:18 wei2coolman wrote: mil, plz end the suffering already
This needs to keep on, migxa will outfeed kiwikid to prove Europe's superiority again
Please at least migxa has an excuse. He is playing support who will generally suicide themselves during fights. Kiwikid was playing top. Come on, think about it. Solo lane feeding that much is seriously ouch.
On April 02 2014 04:12 wei2coolman wrote: i just wish a team would pick up zorozero already. i just want him to walk all over everyone in top lane, and force these games to end at 25 min mark.
He doesnt even do that vs challenger teams.
Zoro is running dangerously close to becoming S4's jwaow.
Zoro was already best top laner in LCS last split.
On April 02 2014 04:18 wei2coolman wrote: mil, plz end the suffering already
This needs to keep on, migxa will outfeed kiwikid to prove Europe's superiority again
Please at least migxa has an excuse. He is playing support who will generally suicide themselves during fights. Kiwikid was playing top. Come on, think about it. Solo lane feeding that much is seriously ouch.
I don't think he was serious.
For a second though, because this game is silly, can we talk about how crazy it is that Dig kept Kiwi on as a support after that performance, but dropped Scarra after this season?
On April 02 2014 04:18 wei2coolman wrote: mil, plz end the suffering already
This needs to keep on, migxa will outfeed kiwikid to prove Europe's superiority again
Please at least migxa has an excuse. He is playing support who will generally suicide themselves during fights. Kiwikid was playing top. Come on, think about it. Solo lane feeding that much is seriously ouch.
I don't think he was serious.
For a second though, because this game is silly, can we talk about how crazy it is that Dig kept Kiwi on as a support after that performance, but dropped Scarra after this season?
And that Kiwi actually hasn't been too bad?
I think dignitas kept kiwi because he actually had a good attitude towards improving. Looking at Patoy's Q&A(or AMA or whatever it was), he didn't seem to actually get along with anyone on Dignitas. He said himself that he didn't talk to QTpie at all even in their lane. That team was so dysfunctional. I don't think scarra was "dropped" as much as he stepped down from his role as he realized he was getting older, and wasn't improving(probably burned out a bit).
also vote:
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On April 02 2014 04:18 wei2coolman wrote: mil, plz end the suffering already
This needs to keep on, migxa will outfeed kiwikid to prove Europe's superiority again
Please at least migxa has an excuse. He is playing support who will generally suicide themselves during fights. Kiwikid was playing top. Come on, think about it. Solo lane feeding that much is seriously ouch.
I don't think he was serious.
For a second though, because this game is silly, can we talk about how crazy it is that Dig kept Kiwi on as a support after that performance, but dropped Scarra after this season?
And that Kiwi actually hasn't been too bad?
I think dignitas kept kiwi because he actually had a good attitude towards improving. Looking at Patoy's Q&A(or AMA or whatever it was), he didn't seem to actually get along with anyone on Dignitas. He said himself that he didn't talk to QTpie at all even in their lane. That team was so dysfunctional. I don't think scarra was "dropped" as much as he stepped down from his role as he realized he was getting older, and wasn't improving(probably burned out a bit).
also vote:
Poll: Recommend Millenium vs Supa Hot Crew?
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(Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time for it.
Yeah, I agree that keeping Kiwi was the right idea, especially since he and Qt play together really well. Watching Kiwi play support now vs. when he first started on Qtpie's stream is amazing - he's improved an incredible amount and is still getting better.
Scarra wasn't dropped, but based on interviews with him and his stream he's said that the team removed him. There's no bad blood or anything (I think Scarra realized they were right that he wasn't growing as a player), but I don't think it was his decision.
On April 02 2014 04:54 Rijot wrote: What have they done for Heimerdinger to be good at top now? Or is it that people just suddenly realised, hey put da Donger at top!
The answer to donger top being ganked is simple, his ult turret kills them 1v2 anyway so why not.
On April 02 2014 04:54 Rijot wrote: What have they done for Heimerdinger to be good at top now? Or is it that people just suddenly realised, hey put da Donger at top!
The answer to donger top being ganked is simple, his ult turret kills them 1v2 anyway so why not.
don't need to ward if you can 1v2 - Zion-"even his teacher calls him zionspartan"-Spartan
On April 02 2014 04:37 Swords wrote: Yeah, I agree that keeping Kiwi was the right idea, especially since he and Qt play together really well. Watching Kiwi play support now vs. when he first started on Qtpie's stream is amazing - he's improved an incredible amount and is still getting better.
Scarra wasn't dropped, but based on interviews with him and his stream he's said that the team removed him. There's no bad blood or anything (I think Scarra realized they were right that he wasn't growing as a player), but I don't think it was his decision.
It'll be interesting to see how it all pans out.
Oh interesting. Thanks for the info. I didn't keep up with the scarra stuff
On April 02 2014 05:04 Ryuu314 wrote: First time Heimer in pro play as a non-troll, non-cheese comp pick since Dan Dinh's Season 1 Heimer mid
not bad
Why? I'd be happy if never sees play ever. At least in the cheese comps it was interesting, him actually being strong in standard stuff is just infuriating.
On April 02 2014 05:04 Ryuu314 wrote: First time Heimer in pro play as a non-troll, non-cheese comp pick since Dan Dinh's Season 1 Heimer mid
not bad
Why? I'd be happy if never sees play ever. At least in the cheese comps it was interesting, him actually being strong in standard stuff is just infuriating.
I personally don't mind seeing Heimer. Personally, I don't find his style of play any more infuriating than, say, a Nidalee. Regardless, like him or hate him, Heimer has one of the most unique kits in the game and more variation is always good.
On April 02 2014 05:04 Ryuu314 wrote: First time Heimer in pro play as a non-troll, non-cheese comp pick since Dan Dinh's Season 1 Heimer mid
not bad
Why? I'd be happy if never sees play ever. At least in the cheese comps it was interesting, him actually being strong in standard stuff is just infuriating.
Agreed, in his current form he feels kind of Broodlord/Infestor-ish in terms of spectating.
This game would be a lot more enjoyable if it weren't for last week's remake being such a shitshow.
I think the Heimer strat is fun (it probably won't be after a few games, but it's a novelty now), but I feel bad for Gambit and another loss really isn't good for them at all.
On April 02 2014 05:23 Redox wrote: Hm I gotta say I like this Heimer game. Makes it really tactical.
I think he's a little strong right now, but if they tweak his numbers a little instead of Olafing him it might be a cool strategy that teams can pull out with the right comps.
I know the "feed to win" schtick isn't really fair to Darien, but honestly Darien's playstyle involves yolo-ing in as a super tanky champ and making space for the rest of his team. Ryze just doesn't do that (at least not until he gets really fat).
sad when Alex is carrying but they're completely countering him with 2 hourglasses and 1 qss but darien can't stop getting caught even if Gambit is relying on him now.
On April 02 2014 05:24 ketchup wrote: Edward shouldn't play morgana. I believe it to be one of his worst support champions. He misses so many bindings
The Frostfang item is good for lane but horrible later on. Talisman and Mountain actives are infinitely better. Morg has Q to catch people, which has higher range than Frost Queen.
On April 02 2014 05:24 ketchup wrote: Edward shouldn't play morgana. I believe it to be one of his worst support champions. He misses so many bindings
The Frostfang item is good for lane but horrible later on. Talisman and Mountain actives are infinitely better. Morg has Q to catch people, which has higher range than Frost Queen.
That's why most people sell if after laning phase and buy Talisman later.
On April 02 2014 05:24 ketchup wrote: Edward shouldn't play morgana. I believe it to be one of his worst support champions. He misses so many bindings
The Frostfang item is good for lane but horrible later on. Talisman and Mountain actives are infinitely better. Morg has Q to catch people, which has higher range than Frost Queen.
That's why most people sell if after laning phase and buy Talisman later.
Edward didn't even have it in lane. He started the same as I do, early sightstone without gp/10 item.
Going Frost Queen after that is a really weird decision.
Udyr and Ryze picks are what is causing Gambit to lose this game.
Darien is a crappy Ryze player as it's completely the opposite of his playstyle. Udyr is awful even if you ignore the Karma and Heimer picks. He picked it into Caitlyn and Gragas, which is already a really bad idea since the two can kite/reposition him so damn hard.
On April 02 2014 05:24 ketchup wrote: Edward shouldn't play morgana. I believe it to be one of his worst support champions. He misses so many bindings
The Frostfang item is good for lane but horrible later on. Talisman and Mountain actives are infinitely better. Morg has Q to catch people, which has higher range than Frost Queen.
That's why most people sell if after laning phase and buy Talisman later.
Edward didn't even have it in lane. He started the same as I do, early sightstone without gp/10 item.
Going Frost Queen after that is a really weird decision.
Didn't see the start. Seems weird, being able to proc all of the Frostfang charges with Tourmented Soil is one of Morg's major strengths.
On April 02 2014 05:24 ketchup wrote: Edward shouldn't play morgana. I believe it to be one of his worst support champions. He misses so many bindings
The Frostfang item is good for lane but horrible later on. Talisman and Mountain actives are infinitely better. Morg has Q to catch people, which has higher range than Frost Queen.
That's why most people sell if after laning phase and buy Talisman later.
Edward didn't even have it in lane. He started the same as I do, early sightstone without gp/10 item.
Going Frost Queen after that is a really weird decision.
Gambit bot also lost really hard given they had the Dorans start and CW the gold item.
On April 02 2014 05:33 Fusilero wrote: Credit where it's due, youngbuck has managed to improve throughout the season and hey he's got some pretty fun ideas behind him. Oh and RIP millenium
You know the EU Challenger scene better than me, do you think millenium is gonna be stuck with C9 or Denial? And do you think they will lose?
On April 02 2014 05:33 ManBaker wrote: Gambit with Uydr if you keep out garbage teams like Ocelote-SK, Dragonborns or Giants have like a 10% winrate
They should just give it up
I'm not sure about that. Gambit has historically had really good success with Udyr. They ran him to great success in Season 2.
It's more the fact that the current fotm picks (like Gragas) make playing Udyr a terrible idea. Plus the fact that Udyr can no longer get stupidly ahead by power farming the jungle like he could in S2.
On April 02 2014 05:33 Fusilero wrote: Credit where it's due, youngbuck has managed to improve throughout the season and hey he's got some pretty fun ideas behind him. Oh and RIP millenium
You know the EU Challenger scene better than me, do you think millenium is gonna be stuck with C9 or Denial? And do you think they will lose?
On April 02 2014 05:33 Fusilero wrote: Credit where it's due, youngbuck has managed to improve throughout the season and hey he's got some pretty fun ideas behind him. Oh and RIP millenium
You know the EU Challenger scene better than me, do you think millenium is gonna be stuck with C9 or Denial? And do you think they will lose?
They will have to play NiP, given those dont choke at some point.
On April 02 2014 05:33 Fusilero wrote: Credit where it's due, youngbuck has managed to improve throughout the season and hey he's got some pretty fun ideas behind him. Oh and RIP millenium
You know the EU Challenger scene better than me, do you think millenium is gonna be stuck with C9 or Denial? And do you think they will lose?
They will have to play NiP, given they dont choke at some point.
On April 02 2014 05:24 ManBaker wrote: Jungle Udyr once again ruined everything
If they picked up a random jungler initiator they'd have won easily
Udyr just gets kited to no end and has 0 initiation
Even old ones like Jarvan or Nocturne would have done more work than an Udyr
Yeah Udyr is terrible here. Was he picked before or after Heimer?
...I literally posted a QQ in the QQ thread about an udyr who picked into a heimer/karma comp yesterday and here is Diamond doing the same thing.
I have no words.
You guys are really exaggerating here. He did not pick udyr seeing heimer or karma. CW held those two for their last picks after udyr was picked.
I wasn't here for pick/bans so I don't know the order. Udyr in this meta is pretty bad in general.
If he really wanted to make udyr work, he should've waited to see their picks first and then possibly go for it.
Yea, imo, Udyr is most definitely a last pick OR a first pick then build your entire team around him (aka grab Malph top or something with strong initiation).
Imo, this game is a poor indicator of Heimer's strength since Gambit picked the perfect comp for a Heimer pick to thrive against. I'd really like to see how a Heimer pick would fare against stuff like Ziggs, Leblanc, Gragas, Pantheon, etc... (My guess is not well post-laning phase at least).
On April 02 2014 05:33 onlywonderboy wrote: I wouldn't blame this game on Gambit's morale. That doesn't justify their terrible Pick/ban phase.
Even if morale was a problem it shouldn't be. Even though what happened was shitty, the best teams in anything are able to move on from circumstances outside of their control.
(That remake was absolutely shameful from Riot though, don't get me wrong)
On April 02 2014 05:33 Fusilero wrote: Credit where it's due, youngbuck has managed to improve throughout the season and hey he's got some pretty fun ideas behind him. Oh and RIP millenium
You know the EU Challenger scene better than me, do you think millenium is gonna be stuck with C9 or Denial? And do you think they will lose?
They will have to play NiP, given those dont choke at some point.
NiP are most likely, it's possbile C9.EU will just table flip and just go "fuck it let's secure millenium then get ready" and go with k0u for the playoffs. C9.EU with k0u is probably going to take it. As for denial, I just can't see them winning the challenger playoffs, they're a solid 3rd but still 3rd the top/bot just aren't strong enough consistently for kikis/niq to win. They may make 3rd and get slapped down by roccat, copenhagen doges or whatever but I don't see them beating the big two again. Then again, last season I'd have said the same thing about KMT comparative to TCM and look where they ended up so maybe, those fucking poles find a way. If I had to predict match ups right now I'd go with Millenium vs NiP SHC vs C9.EU Denial vs Copenhagen Doges
I'll give a potential upset nod to reason gaming, trashy can carry haaaaaard and might be able to squeeze past denial. As for mouz it's MYM without czaru you can fill in the gaps there and team coast gold just kind of suck, so sad that they somehow managed to get in over SK Prime, the fox sound and steve bakes cookies
On April 02 2014 05:33 Fusilero wrote: Credit where it's due, youngbuck has managed to improve throughout the season and hey he's got some pretty fun ideas behind him. Oh and RIP millenium
You know the EU Challenger scene better than me, do you think millenium is gonna be stuck with C9 or Denial? And do you think they will lose?
They will have to play NiP, given those dont choke at some point.
NiP are most likely, it's possbile C9.EU will just table flip and just go "fuck it let's secure millenium then get ready" and go with k0u for the playoffs. C9.EU with k0u is probably going to take it. As for denial, I just can't see them winning the challenger playoffs, they're a solid 3rd but still 3rd the top/bot just aren't strong enough consistently for kikis/niq to win. They may make 3rd and get slapped down by roccat, copenhagen doges or whatever but I don't see them beating the big two again. Then again, last season I'd have said the same thing about KMT comparative to TCM and look where they ended up so maybe, those fucking poles find a way
Remember LCS teams choose whom to play. Cant imagine NiP will not be picked last. Of course they still have to qualify first.
This lucian is real man mode. He really wants to be aggressive, but DNL so passive in their game play when he wants to be aggressive. Then they start going crazy after lucian dies lol. He must be shot calling while dead.
that was an awesome game really really really well played by denial! Even tho they got mind gamed mid picking nidalee into orianna
they should have just gone nid support and Karma mid vs ori
that last chase where curse chased them with 3 ppl all the way back to their turrets then they got the turn around and then they got killed running all the way to their base right before the end of the game lol
Could someone please LR the Roccat games today? I don't mean play by play, just main events? I'm stuck at work all evening again, and have all streaming media blocked by mean admins Or maybe anyone knows a proxy site that allows you to watch twitch? Edit: NVM they unlocked youtube XD
Could someone please LR the Roccat games today? I don't mean play by play, just main events? I'm stuck at work all evening again, and have all streaming media blocked by mean admins Or maybe anyone knows a proxy site that allows you to watch twitch?
The french streams (millenium, eclypsia and o'gaming) are on dailymotion. You can try one of them.
On April 03 2014 01:53 Redox wrote: So Roccat did not want to 2v2 bot? Someone explain.
Caitlyn-Morgana >>> Lucian-Thresh. It's worse only than Caitlyn-Karma.
Basically, you never want to face Caitlyn in lane.
unless you're actually good in botlane, then you can be like DL and pick vayne into that lane and proceed to win lane.
darien seriously needs to learn how to play the 1v2, no reason to die without jungler dive there.
Doublelift is playing against 5 WAY weaker ADCs and one decent in NA, he doesn't give a fuck about them. + There is Qtpie who always loses as well, but he's not WAY weaker.
On April 03 2014 01:53 Redox wrote: So Roccat did not want to 2v2 bot? Someone explain.
Caitlyn-Morgana >>> Lucian-Thresh. It's worse only than Caitlyn-Karma.
Basically, you never want to face Caitlyn in lane.
unless you're actually good in botlane, then you can be like DL and pick vayne into that lane and proceed to win lane.
darien seriously needs to learn how to play the 1v2, no reason to die without jungler dive there.
Doublelift is playing against 5 WAY weaker ADCs and one decent in NA, he doesn't give a fuck about them. + There is Qtpie who always loses as well, but he's not WAY weaker.
they're not weaker, he's just that much better. learn to get good, and then you don't have to do 2v1's just to deal with 2v2 counterlanes.
On April 03 2014 01:53 Redox wrote: So Roccat did not want to 2v2 bot? Someone explain.
Caitlyn-Morgana >>> Lucian-Thresh. It's worse only than Caitlyn-Karma.
Basically, you never want to face Caitlyn in lane.
unless you're actually good in botlane, then you can be like DL and pick vayne into that lane and proceed to win lane.
darien seriously needs to learn how to play the 1v2, no reason to die without jungler dive there.
Doublelift is playing against 5 WAY weaker ADCs and one decent in NA, he doesn't give a fuck about them. + There is Qtpie who always loses as well, but he's not WAY weaker.
they're not weaker, he's just that much better. learn to get good, and then you don't have to do 2v1's just to deal with 2v2 counterlanes.
That's basically same, let's phrase it as "they're not on same level".
On April 03 2014 01:54 wei2coolman wrote: I don't know why teams purposely put a timer on their team comp by choosing an AD mid without significant scaling magic damage elsewhere on the map.
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
it's weird to see gambit winning games with superpush nidalee/caitlin comp, usually it's them getting outpushed hard early and then they bruteforce their way back into the game with teamfights xD.
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
Maybe we should start using "literally worse than stalin" instead of "literally worse than hitler"
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
jokes are jokes. sorry to offend your sensibilities, may i suggest starching your jimmies so they don't get so rustled?
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
Maybe we should start using "literally worse than stalin" instead of "literally worse than hitler"
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
jokes are jokes. sorry to offend your sensibilities, may i suggest starching your jimmies so they don't get so rustled?
Jesus wei2, there is trolling and then there is making light the deaths of thousands of people in the not too distant past. This doesn't end well for you.
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
jokes are jokes. sorry to offend your sensibilities, may i suggest starching your jimmies so they don't get so rustled?
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
Maybe we should start using "literally worse than stalin" instead of "literally worse than hitler"
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
jokes are jokes. sorry to offend your sensibilities, may i suggest starching your jimmies so they don't get so rustled?
Jesus wei2, there is trolling and then there is making light the deaths of thousands of people in the not too distant past. This doesn't end well for you.
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
jokes are jokes. sorry to offend your sensibilities, may i suggest starching your jimmies so they don't get so rustled?
Jesus wei2, there is trolling and then there is making light the deaths of thousands of people in the not too distant past. This doesn't end well for you.
this is probably the best article that encompasses my views on jokes.
"Today it seems that we live in a world of extremes. On one end of the spectrum, we have anonymous Internet trolls looking for opportunities to dole out cruelty with impunity. But in mainstream culture, it often seems we’re drowning in a sea of political correctness that lapped up on our shores a couple of decades ago and has yet to recede."
See, the problem is right now you're on the anonymous internet troll end of the spectrum whether you intend it or not (which I don't think you do).
Are there any good games anymore in LCS? They all seem like stomps or teams that have no idea what they're doing (NA/EU either one, same story). I mean TSM vs. CLG was good this past week but everything else has just been disappointing to watch :/
do you read books? If yes, you should read "Gulag Archipelago" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. As to saying "worse than hitler", come on, hitler was an innocent mislead kid compared to stalin
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
jokes are jokes. sorry to offend your sensibilities, may i suggest starching your jimmies so they don't get so rustled?
Jesus wei2, there is trolling and then there is making light the deaths of thousands of people in the not too distant past. This doesn't end well for you.
this is probably the best article that encompasses my views on jokes.
"Today it seems that we live in a world of extremes. On one end of the spectrum, we have anonymous Internet trolls looking for opportunities to dole out cruelty with impunity. But in mainstream culture, it often seems we’re drowning in a sea of political correctness that lapped up on our shores a couple of decades ago and has yet to recede."
See, the problem is right now you're on the anonymous internet troll end of the spectrum whether you intend it or not (which I don't think you do).
yeah, because i totally made those comments out of cruelty... "But ask yourself again what’s worse: making fun of people or assuming that they’re too weak to take it?" TIL, put polish jokes in same area as jokes about the prophet mohammad.
On April 03 2014 02:38 las91 wrote: Are there any good games anymore in LCS? They all seem like stomps or teams that have no idea what they're doing (NA/EU either one, same story). I mean TSM vs. CLG was good this past week but everything else has just been disappointing to watch :/
Fnatic-Alliance yesterday was pretty decent. And Gambit-Roccat previous game was almost perfectly executed by Gambit as well.
these new trinket timers make level 1's so stupidly risky for both teams. blind invades as the optimal strategy at level 1 is such a fundamentally flawed game design.
On April 03 2014 02:43 wei2coolman wrote: these new trinket timers make level 1's so stupidly risky for both teams. blind invades as the optimal strategy at level 1 is such a fundamentally flawed game design.
seasons 1-3 invades/level 1 plans were due to fundamentally flawed game design as well? (considering no trinkets period)
On April 03 2014 02:43 wei2coolman wrote: these new trinket timers make level 1's so stupidly risky for both teams. blind invades as the optimal strategy at level 1 is such a fundamentally flawed game design.
seasons 1-3 invades were fundamentally flawed game design as well?
why do you think they kept changing how level 1's played out?
at least there were min/maxing risk/reward in regards to early ward placement in s2, and s3.
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
jokes are jokes. sorry to offend your sensibilities, may i suggest starching your jimmies so they don't get so rustled?
Jesus wei2, there is trolling and then there is making light the deaths of thousands of people in the not too distant past. This doesn't end well for you.
this is probably the best article that encompasses my views on jokes.
"Today it seems that we live in a world of extremes. On one end of the spectrum, we have anonymous Internet trolls looking for opportunities to dole out cruelty with impunity. But in mainstream culture, it often seems we’re drowning in a sea of political correctness that lapped up on our shores a couple of decades ago and has yet to recede."
See, the problem is right now you're on the anonymous internet troll end of the spectrum whether you intend it or not (which I don't think you do).
yeah, because i totally made those comments out of cruelty... "But ask yourself again what’s worse: making fun of people or assuming that they’re too weak to take it?" TIL, put polish jokes in same area as jokes about the prophet mohammad.
SHC is our only hope for the tie. go shc!
Why would you compare joking about people who died for the right to live in a free country to joking about a scammer? Damn I always knew americans are ignorant, but expected better from a TL veteran...
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
jokes are jokes. sorry to offend your sensibilities, may i suggest starching your jimmies so they don't get so rustled?
Jesus wei2, there is trolling and then there is making light the deaths of thousands of people in the not too distant past. This doesn't end well for you.
this is probably the best article that encompasses my views on jokes.
"Today it seems that we live in a world of extremes. On one end of the spectrum, we have anonymous Internet trolls looking for opportunities to dole out cruelty with impunity. But in mainstream culture, it often seems we’re drowning in a sea of political correctness that lapped up on our shores a couple of decades ago and has yet to recede."
See, the problem is right now you're on the anonymous internet troll end of the spectrum whether you intend it or not (which I don't think you do).
yeah, because i totally made those comments out of cruelty... "But ask yourself again what’s worse: making fun of people or assuming that they’re too weak to take it?" TIL, put polish jokes in same area as jokes about the prophet mohammad.
SHC is our only hope for the tie. go shc!
No, I don't think you didn't make them out of cruelty. But you're posting jokes that could easily offend someone on an anonymous messaging board, people got offended, and now somehow it's their fault for being offended?
Most people actually just assumed you were being ignorant rather than casually joking about thousands of people in labor camps.
It's hard to establish context when you're posting anonymously on the internet. You aren't Key and Peele, you aren't Stephen Colbert, you aren't even some struggling comedy writer who has a blog he puts his name on, you're a guy with a free account on a website with hundreds of other people with free accounts from different cultures and backgrounds.
Problem is only people refusing to use a single goddamn ward at level 1. Yo flask still exists and charm+pots+ward too, it's just people are all greedy with doran openings because fuck you I want my free ward to keep me alive for 6+ minutes thank you.
On April 03 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: Russian overlords > polish gulag
You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
jokes are jokes. sorry to offend your sensibilities, may i suggest starching your jimmies so they don't get so rustled?
Jesus wei2, there is trolling and then there is making light the deaths of thousands of people in the not too distant past. This doesn't end well for you.
this is probably the best article that encompasses my views on jokes.
"Today it seems that we live in a world of extremes. On one end of the spectrum, we have anonymous Internet trolls looking for opportunities to dole out cruelty with impunity. But in mainstream culture, it often seems we’re drowning in a sea of political correctness that lapped up on our shores a couple of decades ago and has yet to recede."
See, the problem is right now you're on the anonymous internet troll end of the spectrum whether you intend it or not (which I don't think you do).
yeah, because i totally made those comments out of cruelty... "But ask yourself again what’s worse: making fun of people or assuming that they’re too weak to take it?" TIL, put polish jokes in same area as jokes about the prophet mohammad.
SHC is our only hope for the tie. go shc!
Why would you compare joking about people who died for the right to live in a free country to joking about a scammer? Damn I always knew americans are ignorant, but expected better from a TL veteran...
That's your problem, you assumed wei2qualityposting is a TL veteran instead of just a troll that slipped through the cracks.
On April 03 2014 02:43 wei2coolman wrote: these new trinket timers make level 1's so stupidly risky for both teams. blind invades as the optimal strategy at level 1 is such a fundamentally flawed game design.
seasons 1-3 invades/level 1 plans were due to fundamentally flawed game design as well? (considering no trinkets period)
Also, supports didn't lose anything going all wards at level 1. now supports lose a significant amount of combat ability + lane control by going all wards at level 1.
it's just risk/reward management. right now it's too much of an investment (lane control) by support to go wards level 1 just to prevent early invade.
On April 03 2014 02:11 Redox wrote: [quote] You realize gulag is a Russian thing right?
iirc russia had gulags in poland.
yep. i'm right. "Initially, the list of Gulag slave labor camps in the USSR was created in Poland from the personal accounts of labor camp detainees of Polish citizenship"
wei2coolman confirmed ignorant, plz read this sentence again, THE LIST was created, also writing "polish gulag" is like "american attack on WTC", only worse because not true. Got some holocaust jokes maybe? because I like a good laugh at the deaths of thousands of people
jokes are jokes. sorry to offend your sensibilities, may i suggest starching your jimmies so they don't get so rustled?
Jesus wei2, there is trolling and then there is making light the deaths of thousands of people in the not too distant past. This doesn't end well for you.
this is probably the best article that encompasses my views on jokes.
"Today it seems that we live in a world of extremes. On one end of the spectrum, we have anonymous Internet trolls looking for opportunities to dole out cruelty with impunity. But in mainstream culture, it often seems we’re drowning in a sea of political correctness that lapped up on our shores a couple of decades ago and has yet to recede."
See, the problem is right now you're on the anonymous internet troll end of the spectrum whether you intend it or not (which I don't think you do).
yeah, because i totally made those comments out of cruelty... "But ask yourself again what’s worse: making fun of people or assuming that they’re too weak to take it?" TIL, put polish jokes in same area as jokes about the prophet mohammad.
SHC is our only hope for the tie. go shc!
Why would you compare joking about people who died for the right to live in a free country to joking about a scammer? Damn I always knew americans are ignorant, but expected better from a TL veteran...
That's your problem, you assumed wei2qualityposting is a TL veteran instead of just a troll that slipped through the cracks.
It's all good, you know better now.
alright, no jokes allowed. i'll keep that in mind.
On April 03 2014 02:43 wei2coolman wrote: these new trinket timers make level 1's so stupidly risky for both teams. blind invades as the optimal strategy at level 1 is such a fundamentally flawed game design.
seasons 1-3 invades were fundamentally flawed game design as well?
why do you think they kept changing how level 1's played out?
at least there were min/maxing risk/reward in regards to early ward placement in s2, and s3.
Is that why they decided to remove Oracles? I'm pretty sure Riot vision changes the past few months have been far worse than any changes that occurred in S2 or S3, trinkets have created a huge problem in the game in which no one wants to start with a ward or flask or consumables but has to start with a dorans item or long sword because of greed instead of safety.
On April 03 2014 02:43 wei2coolman wrote: these new trinket timers make level 1's so stupidly risky for both teams. blind invades as the optimal strategy at level 1 is such a fundamentally flawed game design.
seasons 1-3 invades were fundamentally flawed game design as well?
why do you think they kept changing how level 1's played out?
at least there were min/maxing risk/reward in regards to early ward placement in s2, and s3.
Is that why they decided to remove Oracles? I'm pretty sure Riot vision changes the past few months have been far worse than any changes that occurred in S2 or S3, trinkets have created a huge problem in the game in which no one wants to start with a ward or flask or consumables but has to start with a dorans item or long sword because of greed instead of safety.
The problem is they don't want stagnant item starts so keep doing stuff to change that while not realizing that their rune system is supposed to be the customization one days at level one. So instead we have this system were runes are pretty much the same and anytime a item start gets popular it gets nerfed.
Teams really need to do a better job of resetting the wave against the inhib turret when they do a lane swap for two turrets. I know SHC were actually somewhat justified in screwing it up because SK didn't drop their inner and SHC needed to pressure them into leaving it up and just taking dragon, but in general it's one of the easy things teams do consistently wrong.
On April 03 2014 03:00 ketchup wrote: I love how migxa has used like 99% of his ults so far on himself. It's funny in one of those "god damn, stop picking on migxa" way.
I think a fairly high percentage of mine are used on myself too in soloQ. Lulu makes people greedy, that harass and "ah whatever, I have a shield a slow and a speed buff if I get caught" factor. D:
On April 03 2014 03:01 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: DAT FUCKING SPOILER, MIGXA. How the fucking hell broadcast has 2 seconds delay to game always.
To reduce the utility of crowd spoilers Riot runs the spectator slightly behind live and catches it up when they do a replay near the end of the game to sync up the cameras.
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
well quickshot used to just call everyone (except alliance) bad and it was aweful too. You can't win with him
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
We've seen the first signs of a loss sugar coating from jatt and kobe24 "Nien rarely wins lane, cruzer needs to do more than get dragged along"
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
We've seen the first signs of a loss sugar coating from jatt and kobe24 "Nien rarely wins lane, cruzer needs to do more than get dragged along"
Former players can only handle so much. Deficio doesn't sugar coat much either
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
We've seen the first signs of a loss sugar coating from jatt and kobe24 "Nien rarely wins lane, cruzer needs to do more than get dragged along"
Quickshot does that all the time, and is wrong half of the time. He should critisize less, not more. Because he has no idea what hes talking about.
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
well quickshot used to just call everyone (except alliance) bad and it was aweful too. You can't win with him
Quickshot was on [A] hatetrain alongside with Deman until they won 8 in a row, lol.
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
Well to me it seems like Quickshot is just constantly spewing out enthusiastic analyzes of every little crap detail in the game. Most of the time he is wrong, and since he's just talking constantly it's just annoying to me.
Would be better if he were more quiet and maybe thought trough what he's actually saying some more..
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
We've seen the first signs of a loss sugar coating from jatt and kobe24 "Nien rarely wins lane, cruzer needs to do more than get dragged along"
Quickshot does that all the time, and is wrong half of the time. He should critisize less, not more. Because he has no idea what hes talking about.
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
We've seen the first signs of a loss sugar coating from jatt and kobe24 "Nien rarely wins lane, cruzer needs to do more than get dragged along"
Quickshot does that all the time, and is wrong half of the time. He should critisize less, not more. Because he has no idea what hes talking about.
Quickshot will spend half the game criticizing someone and then midway through the game that player will make a godlike play and Quickshot will act like he just jizzed his pants and talk about how "there's the great ____ we all know and love, I knew he had it in him all along".
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
We've seen the first signs of a loss sugar coating from jatt and kobe24 "Nien rarely wins lane, cruzer needs to do more than get dragged along"
Quickshot does that all the time, and is wrong half of the time. He should critisize less, not more. Because he has no idea what hes talking about.
Pls another EU pro to retire (Aranae?)
you clearly haven't heard araneae cast
I'd take him playing over him casting any day of the week.
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
We've seen the first signs of a loss sugar coating from jatt and kobe24 "Nien rarely wins lane, cruzer needs to do more than get dragged along"
Quickshot does that all the time, and is wrong half of the time. He should critisize less, not more. Because he has no idea what hes talking about.
Pls another EU pro to retire (Aranae?)
I heard Araneae's casting at BMC. No thanks. His English is not good enough and his thoughts not coherent enough. You might get your wish with Krepo though should EG fail to qualify for summer. .
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
Because you are not a "normal viewer" right? lol
I don't know if I am. I usually mute commentary, and I despise the camera/observer work. It frustrates me, but I try not to complain about it too much. I assume the normal viewer actually enjoys the commentary + what is shown on screen.
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
Because you are not a "normal viewer" right? lol
I don't know if I am. I usually mute commentary, and I despise the camera/observer work. It frustrates me, but I try not to complain about it too much. I assume the normal viewer actually enjoys the commentary + what is shown on screen.
Idk how you do it, I'd rather hear mediocre commentary than not be able to hear spells
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
Because you are not a "normal viewer" right? lol
I don't know if I am. I usually mute commentary, and I despise the camera/observer work. It frustrates me, but I try not to complain about it too much. I assume the normal viewer actually enjoys the commentary + what is shown on screen.
Idk how you do it, I'd rather hear mediocre commentary than not be able to hear spells
i love monte+doa's commentary, because during the boring part of the game they're like "okay nothing is going on, lets talk about really stupid funny shit to fill this dumb baron bait dance"
On April 03 2014 03:32 AsnSensation wrote: kinda cool that SK is doing well after everyone dismissed them before the season. Especially happy for my german brothers Candypanda and Nrated!
Will never be a SK fan though, Svenskeren and Jesisz too retarded flamers in soloQ
Kinda helps that they have an extra win that they shouldn't have.
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
Because you are not a "normal viewer" right? lol
I don't know if I am. I usually mute commentary, and I despise the camera/observer work. It frustrates me, but I try not to complain about it too much. I assume the normal viewer actually enjoys the commentary + what is shown on screen.
Idk how you do it, I'd rather hear mediocre commentary than not be able to hear spells
i love monte+doa's commentary, because during the boring part of the game they're like "okay nothing is going on, lets talk about really stupid funny shit to fill this dumb baron bait dance"
I've loved Doa since his GSL casting. Monte has made me a CLG fan
I wish they let us hear the SK team chat at the fight where nidalee jumped forward into chompers. I imagine it went something like "Did he just fucking jump into us?"
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
We've seen the first signs of a loss sugar coating from jatt and kobe24 "Nien rarely wins lane, cruzer needs to do more than get dragged along"
Quickshot does that all the time, and is wrong half of the time. He should critisize less, not more. Because he has no idea what hes talking about.
C'mon, he never criticises when it's Alliance, so he makes sure to never make bad critics, right?
On April 03 2014 03:32 AsnSensation wrote: kinda cool that SK is doing well after everyone dismissed them before the season. Especially happy for my german brothers Candypanda and Nrated!
Will never be a SK fan though, Svenskeren and Jesisz too retarded flamers in soloQ
I like CandyP and Nrated, but man I really dislike the rest of SK so much that I can't bring myself to root for them.
On top of the fact they hired Incarnati0n to coach them, that team is just full of douchebags.
On April 03 2014 03:16 doppr wrote: Quickshot is sooo exhausting to listen to. Ruins so much of eu lcs.
I just wish casters were more truthful in their analysis. Most of the time, they like to twist a bad play from one team to an "amazing play there by other team". It's really not fun to listen to, but I guess it's good enough for the normal viewer.
Because you are not a "normal viewer" right? lol
I don't know if I am. I usually mute commentary, and I despise the camera/observer work. It frustrates me, but I try not to complain about it too much. I assume the normal viewer actually enjoys the commentary + what is shown on screen.
Idk how you do it, I'd rather hear mediocre commentary than not be able to hear spells
I enjoy the game sounds, and sometimes will unmute. It's just that the majority of the times, stream is muted. I mean I'm not a good player or anything, I just really don't like a lot of the commentary that the casters spout out. If sound is on, I'm doing my best to ignore what's being said, so might as well just turn sound off entirely.
On April 03 2014 03:38 Fusilero wrote: It would be pretty hilarious if Millenium now go 4-0. WHEN THEY'RE OUT OF LCS.
I'd rather SHC git rekt by NiP than Mill. Getting last is truly a death sentence
NiP aren't untouchable, Challenger Scene is just ridiculously weak in comparison to LCS. There are 2,5 legit teams in NA and 1,5 teams in EU. So, that's all.
Okay, probably EU have 2,5 as well, i need to watch Reason tonight.
On April 03 2014 03:43 Dandel Ion wrote: I can't imagine anybody giving the games their all right now
relegations are locked in, standings for playoffs basically don't matter since there's no team that's clearly better than anybody else.
the only ones that still really care are prolly mill and shc
I bet, Alliance or Gambit prefer Roccat or CW to play against instead of clashing with each other. Thing is, team who will finish 4th right now if SK will be first have real chances to win whole split l0l.
On April 03 2014 03:38 Fusilero wrote: It would be pretty hilarious if Millenium now go 4-0. WHEN THEY'RE OUT OF LCS.
I'd rather SHC git rekt by NiP than Mill. Getting last is truly a death sentence
NiP aren't untouchable, Challenger Scene is just ridiculously weak in comparison to LCS. There are 2,5 legit teams in NA and 1,5 teams in EU. So, that's all.
Okay, probably EU have 2,5 as well, i need to watch Reason tonight.
On April 03 2014 03:38 Fusilero wrote: It would be pretty hilarious if Millenium now go 4-0. WHEN THEY'RE OUT OF LCS.
I'd rather SHC git rekt by NiP than Mill. Getting last is truly a death sentence
NiP aren't untouchable, Challenger Scene is just ridiculously weak in comparison to LCS. There are 2,5 legit teams in NA and 1,5 teams in EU. So, that's all.
Okay, probably EU have 2,5 as well, i need to watch Reason tonight.
Why are you using commas like periods
Dunno, habit. We use commas in maths usually in Russia, not periods.
On April 03 2014 03:38 Fusilero wrote: It would be pretty hilarious if Millenium now go 4-0. WHEN THEY'RE OUT OF LCS.
I'd rather SHC git rekt by NiP than Mill. Getting last is truly a death sentence
NiP aren't untouchable, Challenger Scene is just ridiculously weak in comparison to LCS. There are 2,5 legit teams in NA and 1,5 teams in EU. So, that's all.
Okay, probably EU have 2,5 as well, i need to watch Reason tonight.
On April 03 2014 03:38 Fusilero wrote: It would be pretty hilarious if Millenium now go 4-0. WHEN THEY'RE OUT OF LCS.
I'd rather SHC git rekt by NiP than Mill. Getting last is truly a death sentence
NiP aren't untouchable, Challenger Scene is just ridiculously weak in comparison to LCS. There are 2,5 legit teams in NA and 1,5 teams in EU. So, that's all.
Okay, probably EU have 2,5 as well, i need to watch Reason tonight.
Why are you using commas like periods
because periods are commas in glorious EU
at least round here, dunno bout mother russia
in soviet russia commas period you?... I don't know where I'm going with this
also Forgiven picking jinx to take her away from Candypanda not smart imo. Should have stuck to his caitlin/lucian and destroy lane , snowball with farm and towers.
On April 03 2014 04:56 Swords wrote: I wish they'd show us some midlane, I want to see how that matchup plays out.
If the farm and solo kill is reflective of anything, one sided for xerath What the hell is CW's bot lane going, is youngbuck/cowtard actually gonna have to carry bot/jungle!?
On April 03 2014 04:58 AsnSensation wrote: jesiz is geting owned damn.
also Forgiven picking jinx to take her away from Candypanda not smart imo. Should have stuck to his caitlin/lucian and destroy lane , snowball with farm and towers.
especially if you gunna pick jax, why force him to mobile adc if you gunna play jax?
BTW do people that keep complaining about toplane even play toplane? They don't like TP+farm, they don't like strong bruisers, they don't like unkillable tanks, these 3 things were almost always the essence of toplane.
Meh, Gambit should have remembered that Yorick's ult gives back full mana and ran asap when he fell, since it was obvious he was going to get at least Ryze or Sivir thanks to the 2 ranged ghouls.
If Gambit loses now, then Fnatic has to win against Roccat tomorrow, and Alliance win against Gambit and tiebreaker with Roccat, else we will have Gambit-[A] in first round, l0l.
It's not like CW won't be 6th in playoffs anyway, but still, will hurt each of teams a lot.
Darien just needs to stop playing Ryze. I think Dyrus said that even though Ryze has no skillshots, you still need to be good with him otherwise you're just gonna die.
On April 03 2014 06:27 MattBarry wrote: It's funny to see Nidalee players toss a spear and then cougar pounce away. That it doesn't do anything anymore xpeke
All Nidalees still do it, I guess it's just became ingrained in their brain.
Darien didn't do much apart from the Rune Prison cc in these fights because Ryze's range is still so low it's impossible to latch onto a target when they're Nidalee, Elise and Lucian running away while Culling.
On April 03 2014 06:27 Doominator10 wrote: Darien just needs to stop playing Ryze. I think Dyrus said that even though Ryze has no skillshots, you still need to be good with him otherwise you're just gonna die.
Ryze is an extremely skill intensive champion despite having no skillshots.
Even after the buffs, his laning is shaky and he has to be really aware of his positioning. On top of that, if you fall behind as Ryze, you're extremely reliant on your team to make space for you to catch up since he's extremely item dependent.
Even after he has items, he's still reasonably squishy and needs to really watch your positioning. Every time Darien plays Ryze he constantly gets out of position and loses Gambit objectives/teamfights. Normally it's not a problem since he plays super tanky champions, but on Ryze you simply can't do that and costs Gambit the game.
On April 03 2014 06:29 Redox wrote: Yorick didnt do much anymore in the end, which is why Gambit was at least somewhat able to still fight.
Even with Yorick ult, he still falls off really hard. The Yorick ghost is too easy to kill since controlling it properly is a bitch. This means the Yorick ult rarely does that much damage plus it doesn't revive your carry as often as you'd like.
They lost an engage botlane when both Lucian/Morgana were at 70%hp pre engage, while the Leona initiate hit, while Lucian didn't use a single SS, all the while Genja AA'd 3 times the Morgana in front of him rather than the Lucian at 15%hp trying to run away from Leona
FH being weaker, Tear longer to charge, Banshee lacking mana, etc. all made him somewhat weaker too (as in his 6 items-state doesn't deal as much damage as before and he's also not as tanky).
On April 03 2014 06:34 Alaric wrote: FH being weaker, Tear longer to charge, Banshee lacking mana, etc. all made him somewhat weaker too (as in his 6 items-state doesn't deal as much damage as before and he's also not as tanky).
I think Tear actually charges faster now for Ryze.
But yea, it's mostly the fact that FH sucks and it's not worth rushing. Banshee's also doesn't give mana, which is a huge deal too. Before, Ryze could go Tear>RoA>FH/Banshees and hit a nice three item timing where he's relevant in terms of damage and still be reasonably tanky. Now, Ryze has to go Tear>Roa>Seraphs, which makes him really really squishy until 5~6 items. If you try to fit in a FH before you finish Seraphs you won't do enough damage and you'll be useless.
I think Ryze is in a decent state, probably a bit overvalued atm, but it's more that Darien simply does not play a good Ryze. His playstyle is completely opposite of how Ryze should play nowadays.
Ahlol, it's way more legit. Alliance can even lose to Gambit and win against CW, if Roccat loses to Fnatic and force a tiebreaker. Or win both and Roccat wins against Fnatic, tiebreaker as well.
And if {M} wins against SK while CW beats SHC, {M} will finish 7th and SHC will be 8th.
On April 03 2014 06:36 TitusVI wrote: seriusly why is no one updating the leaguepedia page? I use this to check scores and they dont get updated fast enought. someone has to be fired.
On April 03 2014 15:30 Djagulingu wrote: Please keep giving Svenskeren Evelynn. SK needs more wins to secure the first place.
They're already first in regular season. And they will be 4th in playoffs, nothing new.
Even though, i'm interested in seeing how will they play boX series.
There are bunch of storylines for tonight.
If {M} wins against SK and SHC loses to CW, then {M} will finish 7th while SHC will finish split 8th as it was expected. People can laugh, but Millenium is only team, against which SK has negative record, 1-2 right now. So Creaton and crew can save their asses from NiP and relegations.
If Fnatic wins against Roccat, then they secure 3rd first round bye in a row in EU LCS for them. If Roccat wins, then it will be tiebreaker between Fnatic and Roccat. BUT. If Alliance wins against Gambit and CW, while Roccat wins against Fnatic, then it will be 3-way-tie between Fnatic, Roccat and [A].
CW can't go higher than 6th place already, even if they finish split 14-14 with Gambit, so Gambit can't fall less than 5th. Even though, Gambit can win against Alliance, finish split 15-13, and if Roccat loses to Fnatic and Alliance wins against CW, then it will be 3-way-tie for spots from 3rd to 5th which is a big deal, considering that neither Alliance or Gambit Gaming, i bet, want to face each other.
Also, minor storyline is SHC against CW, because if SHC wins, then Copenhagen Wolves will be only team who has losing record against SHC, also this possible win will secure Supa Hot Crew XD 7th place, even if Millenium beats SK Gaming.
And, finally. Considering that SK has secured 1st spot already, then winner of 4th/5th place match have nice chances to face either Fnatic or winner of 3rd/6th in finals.
On April 04 2014 00:03 Disengaged wrote: SK must thank Riot for giving them that extra win they shouldn't have.
Yup that decision by Riot was retarded and totaly unprofessional. But to be fair they didnt gift them a win, they gifted them a (50% ?) chance to win. Lets see though in the final standings if they actually needed that win to be first or not.
To be completely real, Jesiz looks mediocre as best when he's not Ziggs/Nidalee. Because of it i don't think SK will succeed in BoX series. And Svenskeren is just worse version of Diamondprox.
CP can't carry this team forever.
Also, second time in a row, winner of EU LCS regular season finishes with 18-10 record.
On April 04 2014 00:46 AsnSensation wrote: anyone else thinks they're overplaying ryze at the moment? seems like everyone that picks him gets shit on.
Not rly. Shyvana has 29% winrate in EU LCS, it doesn't mean that she's bad. Lucian is another case.
Even though. {M}-NiP. Dis gon be gud.
NiP goes up 2-0, falls apart, [M] pulls off the reverse sweep, all is right with the EU LCS.
I won't be surprised if Creaton enters God mode again and {M} will clean sweep NiP. But we'll see how will it be. If KottenX camps mid and duolane won't lose early, i don't think {M} chances are less than 50%.
Jesiz Orianna is good. And he did really well on lane this game, I think he was never this far ahead in cs. Also a shockwave getting flashed is not a fail shockwave.
On April 04 2014 00:57 Redox wrote: Jesiz Orianna is good. And he did really well on lane this game, I think he was never this far ahead in cs. Also a shockwave getting flashed is not a fail shockwave.
They got every blue buff from Lulu, ofc he will be far ahead. Jesiz is playing only casters, his assassins aren't even close to top level. He's like better version of Moopz and i still wait Jesiz to play Karthus.
Fnatic, Alliance and Gambit can just abuse it forever in BoX series.
On April 04 2014 00:57 Redox wrote: Jesiz Orianna is good. And he did really well on lane this game, I think he was never this far ahead in cs. Also a shockwave getting flashed is not a fail shockwave.
They got every blue buff from Lulu, ofc he will be far ahead. Jesiz is playing only casters, his assassins aren't even close to top level. He's like better version of Moopz and i still wait Jesiz to play Karthus.
Fnatic, Alliance and Gambit can just abuse it forever in BoX series.
Of course his assassins are not that good. Which is why I was only commending his ori.
On April 04 2014 00:57 Redox wrote: Jesiz Orianna is good. And he did really well on lane this game, I think he was never this far ahead in cs. Also a shockwave getting flashed is not a fail shockwave.
They got every blue buff from Lulu, ofc he will be far ahead. Jesiz is playing only casters, his assassins aren't even close to top level. He's like better version of Moopz and i still wait Jesiz to play Karthus.
Fnatic, Alliance and Gambit can just abuse it forever in BoX series.
Of course his assassins are not that good. Which is why I was only commending his ori.
Orianna in general fell a lot. I don't remember it winning at all this season in LCS/OGN, except for Hai playing against teams which aren't TSM/CLG and second game for Ryu against NJBS week ago.
It's like Lucian for midlane.
Lol, Quickshot, pls, C9EU won't even win against SHC with new jungler.
On April 04 2014 02:18 loSleb wrote: Do we know when they play tiebreakers if they happen?
Right after 3 LCS games.
On April 04 2014 02:18 wei2coolman wrote: Mk, thanks for the recap guys. Who do I root for if I want ties?
If you want tie for 2nd, then you cheer for Roccat and two wins for Alliance. If you want tie for 3rd, you cheer for Gambit, Fnatic and Alliance. That's it.
I dunno how did Quickshot come to conclusion that Wolves can go higher than 6th, but he's retard.
On April 04 2014 02:22 Disengaged wrote: Why did Gambit lose a ban?
for being russian, and annexing crimea.
i think alliance has this won, alex isn't on an assassin, don't think he can carry Genja AND Darien with non assassin. User was temp banned for this post.
Dafuq Alex totally setz up the Zed pick with that Ziggs. Everybody knows Froggen has played tons of Zed lately. Apparently Gambit wants it. And with the Zed Shyvanna for Wickd was also guaranteed.
On April 04 2014 02:25 Redox wrote: Dafuq Alex totally setz up the Zed pick with that Ziggs. Everybody knows Froggen has played tons of Zed lately. Apparently Gambit wants it.
Ziggs is just better with Caitlyn, when Nidalee is banned. Lol, Froggen went ham with long sword, k.
On April 04 2014 02:22 Disengaged wrote: Why did Gambit lose a ban?
Seems that they paused the game to change settings and it's not allowed.
Tabzz hairs are fucked up even more each week its insane
lol Riot
This is not really a Riot issue as it is gambit not caring. The players know about these rules beforehand. I believe they also get time before game starts to fix their in-game settings
On April 04 2014 02:18 wei2coolman wrote: Mk, thanks for the recap guys. Who do I root for if I want ties?
If you want tie for 2nd, then you cheer for Roccat and two wins for Alliance. If you want tie for 3rd, you cheer for Gambit, Fnatic and Alliance. That's it.
I dunno how did Quickshot come to conclusion that Wolves can go higher than 6th, but he's retard.
Wolves tie for 5th with Alliance if Alliance loses both of their remaining games.
On April 04 2014 02:18 loSleb wrote: Do we know when they play tiebreakers if they happen?
Right after 3 LCS games.
On April 04 2014 02:18 wei2coolman wrote: Mk, thanks for the recap guys. Who do I root for if I want ties?
If you want tie for 2nd, then you cheer for Roccat and two wins for Alliance. If you want tie for 3rd, you cheer for Gambit, Fnatic and Alliance. That's it.
I dunno how did Quickshot come to conclusion that Wolves can go higher than 6th, but he's retard.
Wolves tie for 5th with Alliance if Alliance loses both of their remaining games.
I guess, my mind just can't stand an idea that Alliance can lose to Wolves if it's not Week 1. Thanks.
On April 04 2014 02:27 The_Red_Viper wrote: is it just me or are there the same champs being played over and over again -.-
fotm is pretty strong this patch.
Champion pool for the game seems like it's 12-15 champions with the random off"meta" pick from some of the braver teams. #homogeneity
OGN does a pretty good in regards to bans/picks, see quite a few off fotm picks.
On April 04 2014 02:33 orzeu wrote: Why Diamond didn't go 3vs1 top? That was so bad.
not sure if this was their line of thinking, but I think it's cuz if you 2v3 defend in lane, you slow down the game, forces game to be more drawn out, which is exactly waht you want against all AD team.
On April 04 2014 02:54 ManBaker wrote: and a freebie 4v5 teamfight in favor of Gambit gets thrown away by the ever slumping Edward
Kha'Zix op, right, we know.
botrk sucks on cait, far too much as with zerker greaves and pd, also gives minimal AD for her ratios. also, botrk active is too short range for her to use comfortably.
^no it's fucking not because in 2minutes both shook and wickd will have randuins and then genja won't deal dmg to the targets he's supposed to kill again until 45min
2 carries stacking one bubble... no comment gambit.
On April 04 2014 02:58 wei2coolman wrote: god, shiv with IE, is so crap >.>, the extra crit% and as% from pd with the IE scaling is too good to pass up...
alliance makes no sense to me. full AD team. waits til 30 minutes to finally do something... wut.
They are waiting for their last whispers, all got armor
On April 04 2014 02:58 wei2coolman wrote: god, shiv with IE, is so crap >.>, the extra crit% and as% from pd with the IE scaling is too good to pass up...
alliance makes no sense to me. full AD team. waits til 30 minutes to finally do something... wut.
They are waiting for their last whispers, all got armor
you're suppose to hit early game timing before they can build any significant amount of armor. w.e, alliance still managing to win. Just not how you're suppose to play out all AD comp.
holy shit that krep0 tweet. he's ready for the commentary desk, he's been learning from phreak.
On April 04 2014 02:58 wei2coolman wrote: god, shiv with IE, is so crap >.>, the extra crit% and as% from pd with the IE scaling is too good to pass up...
alliance makes no sense to me. full AD team. waits til 30 minutes to finally do something... wut.
They are waiting for their last whispers, all got armor
you're suppose to hit early game timing before they can build any significant amount of armor. w.e, alliance still managing to win. Just not how you're suppose to play out all AD comp.
holy shit that krep0 tweet. he's ready for the commentary desk, he's been learning from phreak.
They cant fight, cause shyvanna is behind renek until level 11, their blue buffs get stolen 2-3 times and they are forced to defend. They cant fight they are behind.
On April 04 2014 02:59 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: That's some intense feeding, Gambit.
Okay, now Fnatic > Roccat and [A] > Wolves. No tiebreakers, no [A]-Gambit in first round and i'm satisfied.
I felt bad for teams last time. And i prefer seeing every team in best conditions.
So, now Wolves are 6th, Gambit are 5th secured. Worst record in Gambit's LCS history, after 21-7 and 15-13, now it's 14-14.
If Fnatic < Roccat and Alliance > Wolves, tiebreakers for 2nd between Alliance, Fnatic and Roccat. If Fnatic > Roccat and Alliance > Wolves, Fnatic 2nd, [A] 3rd, Roccat 4th. If Fnatic < Roccat and Alliance < Wolves, Fnatic and Roccat will play tiebreaker, Alliance 4th. If Fnatic > Roccat and Alliance < Wolves, then Fnatic 2nd, Alliance and Roccat will play tiebreaker for 3rd.
Bad bad play from gambit. no way they should have lost that game. they were going into the mid game with a gold lead, and had plenty of time to itemize against Alliance correctly... also, Alliance didn't even play early game that great either... guh. Nyph bubbles carried so hard.
On April 04 2014 02:58 wei2coolman wrote: god, shiv with IE, is so crap >.>, the extra crit% and as% from pd with the IE scaling is too good to pass up...
alliance makes no sense to me. full AD team. waits til 30 minutes to finally do something... wut.
They are waiting for their last whispers, all got armor
you're suppose to hit early game timing before they can build any significant amount of armor. w.e, alliance still managing to win. Just not how you're suppose to play out all AD comp.
holy shit that krep0 tweet. he's ready for the commentary desk, he's been learning from phreak.
They cant fight, cause shyvanna is behind renek until level 11, their blue buffs get stolen 2-3 times and they are forced to defend. They cant fight they are behind.
they got behind because they didn't fight early on. loss to many free dragons, just let gambit get solid lead.
Still not happy with how Alliance play. Way too cautios for my taste. Guess they just banked on Wickd and Shook outscaling their counterparts, but still. Pretty lame. I think this mentality will hurt them in the long run. They need more balls, like Fnatic.
On April 04 2014 03:07 Redox wrote: Still not happy with how Alliance play. Way too cautios for my taste. Guess they just banked on Wickd and Shook outscaling their counterparts, but still. Pretty lame.
Yea, they played so scared. Next game should be better, they always play like that after losing games.
On April 04 2014 03:07 Redox wrote: Still not happy with how Alliance play. Way too cautios for my taste. Guess they just banked on Wickd and Shook outscaling their counterparts, but still. Pretty lame. I think this mentality will hurt them in the long run. They need more balls, like FnaticC9.
alliance, runs all AD team, "play for late game". lol.
On April 04 2014 03:13 skykh wrote: Russian mafia blackmailing gambit forcing them throw every game so they can make money.
inappropriate joke. someone tried to commit suicide cuz of gambling in esports. can you stop being so insensitive and ignorant?
Nice try
But no.
We still remember your gulag joke, it was just 24 hours ago, sad attempt at faking indignation at a much lighter joke to somehow make up for you missed perma-ban yesterday.
Gambit botlane is so heavy, Edward feeds and plays bad in general and Genja lets his team play 4v5 all game long while farming and then channels all this money to items who tickle tanks. Add to that that he positions himself so safe that he can focus only tanks and you realise how useless he is. Teams also learned to abuse this, I think that for the first time Gambit wont even make it to top4.
On April 04 2014 03:20 sataNik[pG] wrote: Gambit botlane is so heavy, Edward feeds and plays bad in general and Genja lets his team play 4v5 all game long while farming and then channels all this money to items who tickle tanks. Add to that that he positions himself so safe that he can focus only tanks and you realise how useless he is. Teams also learned to abuse this, I think that for the first time Gambit wont even make it to top4.
l0l. Sigbet for Gambit in top-2 if no tiebreakers tonight or at least evading [A] in first round?
On April 04 2014 03:13 skykh wrote: Russian mafia blackmailing gambit forcing them throw every game so they can make money.
inappropriate joke. someone tried to commit suicide cuz of gambling in esports. can you stop being so insensitive and ignorant?
Nice try
But no.
We still remember your gulag joke, it was just 24 hours ago, sad attempt at faking indignation at a much lighter joke to somehow make up for you missed perma-ban yesterday.
Lol. I can't tell if this is serious or not, bravo
On April 04 2014 03:13 skykh wrote: Russian mafia blackmailing gambit forcing them throw every game so they can make money.
inappropriate joke. someone tried to commit suicide cuz of gambling in esports. can you stop being so insensitive and ignorant?
Nice try
But no.
We still remember your gulag joke, it was just 24 hours ago, sad attempt at faking indignation at a much lighter joke to somehow make up for you missed perma-ban yesterday.
On April 04 2014 03:13 skykh wrote: Russian mafia blackmailing gambit forcing them throw every game so they can make money.
inappropriate joke. someone tried to commit suicide cuz of gambling in esports. can you stop being so insensitive and ignorant?
Nice try
But no.
We still remember your gulag joke, it was just 24 hours ago, sad attempt at faking indignation at a much lighter joke to somehow make up for you missed perma-ban yesterday.
Lol. I can't tell if this is serious or not, bravo
I got confused and thought you were replying to yourself for a second lol.
On April 04 2014 03:13 skykh wrote: Russian mafia blackmailing gambit forcing them throw every game so they can make money.
inappropriate joke. someone tried to commit suicide cuz of gambling in esports. can you stop being so insensitive and ignorant?
Nice try
But no.
We still remember your gulag joke, it was just 24 hours ago, sad attempt at faking indignation at a much lighter joke to somehow make up for you missed perma-ban yesterday.
Lol. I can't tell if this is serious or not, bravo
I got confused and thought you were replying to yourself for a second lol.
On April 04 2014 03:07 Redox wrote: Still not happy with how Alliance play. Way too cautios for my taste. Guess they just banked on Wickd and Shook outscaling their counterparts, but still. Pretty lame. I think this mentality will hurt them in the long run. They need more balls, like FnaticC9.
alliance, runs all AD team, "play for late game". lol.
The reason they play Shyvana with this is so that they are NOT full ad. And yes they outscaled Gambit.
On April 04 2014 03:13 skykh wrote: Russian mafia blackmailing gambit forcing them throw every game so they can make money.
inappropriate joke. someone tried to commit suicide cuz of gambling in esports. can you stop being so insensitive and ignorant?
Nice try
But no.
We still remember your gulag joke, it was just 24 hours ago, sad attempt at faking indignation at a much lighter joke to somehow make up for you missed perma-ban yesterday.
I don't think you understand how sarcasm works.
You don't either, given that's the caliber of your jokes.
You got half a dozen people telling you to shut the fuck up but you carried on trying to defend your failed joke, it was so sad.
Here is a good one: A family walks into a hotel and the father goes to the front desk and he says "I hope the porn is disabled." The guy at the desk replies. "It's just regular porn you sick fuck."
On April 04 2014 03:07 Redox wrote: Still not happy with how Alliance play. Way too cautios for my taste. Guess they just banked on Wickd and Shook outscaling their counterparts, but still. Pretty lame. I think this mentality will hurt them in the long run. They need more balls, like FnaticC9.
alliance, runs all AD team, "play for late game". lol.
The reason they play Shyvana with this is so that they are NOT full ad. And yes they outscaled Gambit.
shyvana doesn't bring in scaling magic damage. I think too many people overstate how much magic damage she does. Putting a shyv on a team doesn't magically balance out the lack of magic damage damage you bring to a fight, when you still have a k6/zed/lucian. It was merely a matter of Gambit not going full retard. Individually if 1v1 scenarios Alliance outscales, but in a 5v5 scenario gambit's comp was a lot better in teamfights in lategame. Only having to itemize a singular damage type makes your comp so much stronger.
On April 04 2014 03:13 skykh wrote: Russian mafia blackmailing gambit forcing them throw every game so they can make money.
inappropriate joke. someone tried to commit suicide cuz of gambling in esports. can you stop being so insensitive and ignorant?
Nice try
But no.
We still remember your gulag joke, it was just 24 hours ago, sad attempt at faking indignation at a much lighter joke to somehow make up for you missed perma-ban yesterday.
I don't think you understand how sarcasm works.
You don't either, given that's the caliber of your jokes.
You got half a dozen people telling you to shut the fuck up but you carried on trying to defend your failed joke, it was so sad.
til it's okay to make fun of gambling in esports, but jokes about poland off limits. k. all these new unsaid boundaries.
On April 04 2014 03:48 orzeu wrote: At least Ziggs is nerfed in 4.5.
25 attack range is nerf? :DD If Elise is still strong as fuck after all those nerfs last season and now, i don't think 25 range will hurt Ziggs.
It's a pretty big deal to his laning.
Not rly, considering that he's usually lanes against melee ads and LeBlanc has less range than Ziggs even with nerf. Orianna has less range and use ball as much as Ziggs uses bombs, Lulu has same range + she can't shield minions now and Gragas got nerfed from midlane as fuck and will be seen as jungler/toplaner now.
+ There is Kayle, but she has less range in E form than Ziggs as well. And Nidalee but she's all about spears, not about laning phase at all.
Ehh. I dont really get this. Roccat has the same flaws during the wholse season. Why arent they eliminating them? They are so obvious.....They recall too often and they give objectives too easy when they lack waveclear....
I dont want fnatic in all stars, they probaly will win it since sk will probaly in a b0x series vs fnatic. I dont want to fnatic represent eu again it's getting boring.
On April 04 2014 03:59 skykh wrote: I dont want fnatic in all stars, they probaly will win it since sk will probaly in a b0x series vs fnatic. I dont want to fnatic represent eu again it's getting boring.
Why wouldn't you send your back to back lcs champs
On April 04 2014 03:59 skykh wrote: I dont want fnatic in all stars, they probaly will win it since sk will probaly in a b0x series vs fnatic. I dont want to fnatic represent eu again it's getting boring.
Why wouldn't you send your back to back lcs champs
They cant win vs omg/skt 100% no chance, better send a other team seeing how they do internationaly
How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
To be completely honest, i find hard to hate any team in League of Legends. EVEN TSM LOL.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
A) Old school team past their prime. B) Rekkles acts like a kid. C) Handsome? LOLOL, Cyanide & Soaz look awkward as hell. Rekkles looks like a gangly teen. I don't think I need bother commenting about Yellowstar. My wife thinks Xpeke looks like a Spanish hick. D) I find their plays gimmicky as hell especially the wait in a bush hoping for a pick.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
A) Old school team past their prime. B) Rekkles acts like a kid. C) Handsome? LOLOL, Cyanide & Soaz look awkward as hell. Rekkles looks like a gangly teen. I don't think I need bother commenting about Yellowstar. My wife thinks Xpeke looks like a Spanish hick. D) I find their plays gimmicky as hell especially the wait in a bush hoping for a pick.
How can they be past their prime if they keep winning
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
A) Old school team past their prime. B) Rekkles acts like a kid. C) Handsome? LOLOL, Cyanide & Soaz look awkward as hell. Rekkles looks like a gangly teen. I don't think I need bother commenting about Yellowstar. My wife thinks Xpeke looks like a Spanish hick. D) I find their plays gimmicky as hell especially the wait in a bush hoping for a pick.
I tend to have a gut reaction to overbearing fanboyism, so Fnatic having been more than overrated at several points rustled my jimmies with the people fawning over them everywhere. sOAZ isn't exactly likeable, nor is Yellowstar, I dunno about Rekkles, and xPeke is so overrated it makes "that" annoying regardless of him. Cyanide is... uh... transparent?
TSM doesn't annoy me because I find their egos more in check, I actually found TOO's stream funny, WT is adorable and even though blind fanboyism exists, I'm not exposed to it nearly as much as the one toward Fnatic (esp. here where I don't think anyone deludes himself on them amongst the usual people).
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
A) Old school team past their prime. B) Rekkles acts like a kid. C) Handsome? LOLOL, Cyanide & Soaz look awkward as hell. Rekkles looks like a gangly teen. I don't think I need bother commenting about Yellowstar. My wife thinks Xpeke looks like a Spanish hick. D) I find their plays gimmicky as hell especially the wait in a bush hoping for a pick.
When was their prime, lol? Season 1 Finals?
Rekkles is a kid, he can act as he wants if he delivers.
At least they can speak, not like Dyrus/Cruzer or other guys who we won't name here.
And if their playstyle is gimmicky, then it's unique. Considering that League has bushes for reason, i guess they have every right to use them.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Ok this might even beat KissBlade's comments in stupidity.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
On April 04 2014 04:13 Redox wrote: Oh well I guess haters will always find a reason to hate lol.
I don't know what you were expecting when you asked the question. People already stated that they don't like Fnatic, and then you asked why. People explained why, and you seem surprised by it.
On April 04 2014 04:13 Redox wrote: Oh well I guess haters will always find a reason to hate lol.
I don't know what you were expecting when you asked the question. People already stated that they don't like Fnatic, and then you asked why. People explained why, and you seem surprised by it.
Of course, just wanted confirmation of how little sense these reasons made. As can be seen from my initial post, I already suspected that.
On April 04 2014 04:13 Redox wrote: Oh well I guess haters will always find a reason to hate lol.
I don't know what you were expecting when you asked the question. People already stated that they don't like Fnatic, and then you asked why. People explained why, and you seem surprised by it.
That's what I was thinking. Lol, apparently it's not ok to like/hate different teams.
I'm not going to spaz over people because they don't like SKT1/Gambit/WE (even though they're shit now), etc
What is this song right now? :D Probably someone really knows and will save me from checking whole playlist.
With violins, i mean.
On April 04 2014 04:17 Kiett wrote: I was going to post something angry in response to all these idiotic reasons, then I remembered that I don't like Gambit because of Genja's unibrow.
feel free to keep hatin!
I assume that you hadn't been at LCS Moscow. Genja's unibrow pics were hilarious.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
First I thought this was sarcasm, then I saw who was posting. Lol.
I think Fnatic gets ridiculously easy brackets. Gambit tends to impress me more because of what their brackets usually looks. Though lately, Gambit has been looking awful and there's the fact that for some stupid reason they can never beat fnatic or ye old CLG.EU.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
First I thought this was sarcasm, then I saw who was posting. Lol.
? Everything I said was true. Are you telling me they didn't face C9 first round in both IEM and World's?
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
I don't know if you like any western team, but rest assured if you do then Fnatic is better than that team. Being the best western team does mean shit whether you agree or not
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
First I thought this was sarcasm, then I saw who was posting. Lol.
? Everything I said was true. Are you telling me they didn't face C9 first round in both IEM and World's?
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
I don't know if you like any western team, but rest assured if you do then Fnatic is better than that team. Being the best western team does mean shit whether you agree or not
No it doesn't. That's like saying Idra/Nony/White-Ra/insert whoever were good in BW because they were the best westerners!
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
You're going too ham, Cheep. They still had harder brackets than Casy.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
I don't know if you like any western team, but rest assured if you do then Fnatic is better than that team. Being the best western team does mean shit whether you agree or not
That's a rather bold claim when CLG/TSM/Alliance/SK are all arguably stronger.
On April 04 2014 04:21 KissBlade wrote: I think Fnatic gets ridiculously easy brackets. Gambit tends to impress me more because of what their brackets usually looks. Though lately, Gambit has been looking awful and there's the fact that for some stupid reason they can never beat fnatic or ye old CLG.EU.
Gambit's bot lane is a huge problem currently. Edward either is regressing or doesn't play well with Genja anymore. Genja is just Genja. He has odd ideas that sometimes work, and so he feels that validates all of his other odd ideas as well
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
You're going too ham, Cheep. They still had harder brackets than Casy.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
I don't know if you like any western team, but rest assured if you do then Fnatic is better than that team. Being the best western team does mean shit whether you agree or not
No it doesn't. That's like saying Idra/Nony/White-Ra were good in BW.
The BW western scene isn't remotely comparable to western LoL scene. You can't be serious
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
I don't know if you like any western team, but rest assured if you do then Fnatic is better than that team. Being the best western team does mean shit whether you agree or not
No it doesn't. That's like saying Idra/Nony/White-Ra were good in BW.
The BW western scene isn't remotely comparable to western LoL scene. You can't be serious
Being the best western team doesn't mean anything when the finals of the past two Worlds consisted of four Asian teams, and semifinals would've consisted of more if not for rigged brackets/invites/group stage setups.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
I don't know if you like any western team, but rest assured if you do then Fnatic is better than that team. Being the best western team does mean shit whether you agree or not
That's a rather bold claim when CLG/TSM/Alliance/SK are all arguably stronger.
Thing is. How many boXes did you see from CLG, TSM and [A]? 3? CLG lost to Millenium who got eliminated, TSM won against Lemondogs who're not alive anymore and Alliance smashed Dignitas who are dead horses almost.
And SK played one bo5 where they were carried by Nyph against SHC when Haydal just fucking choked after 2 wins. bo1 means nothing.
If there is no team that 27-1 or 28-0 in eu lcs, there is no hope for western teams. Dont rely on tsm and c9 please, tsm has still 0% winrate vs korean teams and c9 cant even beat fnatic.
Look at last worlds OMG literally trollpicked and stomped lemondogs top 2 eu team.
FWIW I think FNC is probably the best western team right now, pending them not going full retard at playoffs. They're more consistent than anyone in bracket BoXs currently (RIP Gambit). BK-TSM might be close, but based on how close they are to C9 and how FNC managed to beat C9 in both relevant encounters, it's not too outrageous to claim FNC as the best western team.
On April 04 2014 04:27 skykh wrote: If there is no team that 27-1 or 28-0 in eu lcs, there is no hope for western teams. Dont rely on tsm and c9 please, tsm has still 0% winrate vs korean teams and c9 cant even beat fnatic.
Look at last worlds OMG literally trollpicked and stomped lemondogs top 2 eu team.
I actually think CLG can snipe a few games tbh. Their roster looks very good now. Then again, yes it could be just NA LCS.
We are getting increasingly offtopic though.
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
saying clg/tsm (especially clg lol) might be better than fnatic but conveniently leaving c9 out of the equation because fnatic has a winning record over 3 bo3's over them, nice!
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
I don't know if you like any western team, but rest assured if you do then Fnatic is better than that team. Being the best western team does mean shit whether you agree or not
No it doesn't. That's like saying Idra/Nony/White-Ra were good in BW.
The BW western scene isn't remotely comparable to western LoL scene. You can't be serious
Being the best western team doesn't mean anything when the finals of the past two Worlds consisted of four Asian teams, and semifinals would've consisted of more if not for rigged brackets/invites/group stage setups.
You cant be serious, They just won a league twice where every week 100k-200k tune in to watch them. Thats like saying the english premier league doesnt mean shit, cause they get owned in the CL by spanish teams or Bayern Munich. Ridicolous statement.
On April 04 2014 04:31 AsnSensation wrote: saying clg/tsm (especially clg lol) might be better than fnatic but conveniently leaving c9 out of the equation because fnatic has a winning record over 3 bo3's over them, nice!
TSM and CLG are both playing well in the US LCS atm and we have little to no head to head matches between them and fnatic so yes I agree with Cheep on this.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
I don't know if you like any western team, but rest assured if you do then Fnatic is better than that team. Being the best western team does mean shit whether you agree or not
No it doesn't. That's like saying Idra/Nony/White-Ra were good in BW.
The BW western scene isn't remotely comparable to western LoL scene. You can't be serious
Being the best western team doesn't mean anything when the finals of the past two Worlds consisted of four Asian teams, and semifinals would've consisted of more if not for rigged brackets/invites/group stage setups.
You cant be serious, They just won a league twice where every week 100k-200k tune in to watch them. Thats like saying the english premier league doesnt mean shit, cause they get owned in the CL by spanish teams or Bayern Munich. Ridicolous statement.
Viewer numbers are meaningless to gauge skill which is what Cheep is doing.
On April 04 2014 04:27 skykh wrote: If there is no team that 27-1 or 28-0 in eu lcs, there is no hope for western teams. Dont rely on tsm and c9 please, tsm has still 0% winrate vs korean teams and c9 cant even beat fnatic.
Look at last worlds OMG literally trollpicked and stomped lemondogs top 2 eu team.
Who cares about regional competition if it's not OGN/LPL.
Thing is just that in whole West there are two teams - Fnatic and Gambit who proved that they won't choke against everything international against them. C9 were eliminated by Fnatic 3 times in international competition from 3.
Neo-TSM and Neo-CLG with Regi and Monte as coaches will perform i assume, probably Alliance also because of amount of raw talent in team, C9 will just stay as regional kings and choke every time. But both LCSes are so weak that there is no hope to develop teams to fight Koreans/Chinese teams.
On April 04 2014 04:07 Redox wrote: How could anyone hate Fnatic? Most old school team, genuinely nice guys that never flame, handsome, interesting playstyle. There is literally nothing to hate.
Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
I don't know if you like any western team, but rest assured if you do then Fnatic is better than that team. Being the best western team does mean shit whether you agree or not
No it doesn't. That's like saying Idra/Nony/White-Ra were good in BW.
The BW western scene isn't remotely comparable to western LoL scene. You can't be serious
Being the best western team doesn't mean anything when the finals of the past two Worlds consisted of four Asian teams, and semifinals would've consisted of more if not for rigged brackets/invites/group stage setups.
You cant be serious, They just won a league twice where every week 100k-200k tune in to watch them. Thats like saying the english premier league doesnt mean shit, cause they get owned in the CL by spanish teams or Bayern Munich. Ridicolous statement.
Viewer numbers are meaningless to gauge skill which is what Cheep is doing.
He was specifically talking about meaningfullness and results. It is complete nonsense from wherever you look at it. Cant believe I am even answering to this.
I think on paper Alliance and Neo-CLG both look really strong. TSM has just disappointed me too many times in internationals so even though I'll root for them, I've lost a bit too much faith.
On April 04 2014 04:27 skykh wrote: If there is no team that 27-1 or 28-0 in eu lcs, there is no hope for western teams. Dont rely on tsm and c9 please, tsm has still 0% winrate vs korean teams and c9 cant even beat fnatic.
Look at last worlds OMG literally trollpicked and stomped lemondogs top 2 eu team.
Who cares about regional competition if it's not OGN/LPL.
Thing is just that in whole West there are two teams - Fnatic and Gambit who proved that they won't choke against everything international against them. C9 were eliminated by Fnatic 3 times in international competition from 3.
Neo-TSM and Neo-CLG with Regi and Monte as coaches will perform i assume, probably Alliance also because of amount of raw talent in team, C9 will just stay as regional kings and choke every time. But both LCSes are so weak that there is no hope to develop teams to fight Koreans/Chinese teams.
Even LPL competition is shit now. LPL stagnated/regressed compared to last season, and OMG is once again the only team to even be close to being competitive. The top tier of LPL can probalby beat the top tier of LCS pretty convincingly, but the mid tier of LPL is very lackluster.
LPL structure is currently:
Top: S - OMG A- - EDG
Mid: B+ - LGD B - WE
Low: C- - EP.HK, iG D- - Royal F - PE
EDG has so many glaring weaknesses that are just painful to see, so we don't even need to look at anyone else.
On April 04 2014 04:12 orzeu wrote: [quote] Abusive playstyle that only work against mediocre teams.
Because of it they won 2 splits since S2 Regionals, were 2nd on 2 IEMs and top-4 in 3rd and top-4 on Worlds obviously. + Legendary IPL 5. xPeke might be overrated a bit, but when Fnatic are in top-form, they're awesome.
Fnatic has terrible results and they're highly overrated.
They win EU LCS which doesn't mean shit, their IEM and World's performance was hinged on stomping on C9 which also doesn't mean shit, and IPL5 they did nothing but beat TPA who was washed up and playing on a meta that didn't favor them and regional players CLG and M5. Got trounced convincingly by WE when WE was good.
I don't know if you like any western team, but rest assured if you do then Fnatic is better than that team. Being the best western team does mean shit whether you agree or not
No it doesn't. That's like saying Idra/Nony/White-Ra were good in BW.
The BW western scene isn't remotely comparable to western LoL scene. You can't be serious
Being the best western team doesn't mean anything when the finals of the past two Worlds consisted of four Asian teams, and semifinals would've consisted of more if not for rigged brackets/invites/group stage setups.
You cant be serious, They just won a league twice where every week 100k-200k tune in to watch them. Thats like saying the english premier league doesnt mean shit, cause they get owned in the CL by spanish teams or Bayern Munich. Ridicolous statement.
Viewer numbers are meaningless to gauge skill which is what Cheep is doing.
He was specifically talking about meaningfullness and results. It is complete nonsense from wherever you look at it. Cant believe I am even answering to this.
Meaningful in terms of assessing teams based on how good they are. Winning LCS is meaningless if you want to compete with OGN teams.
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
I think Fnatic could make Ro8 with an easy group draw. Against like Falcons, IM #1, and like Midas FiO
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
On April 04 2014 04:27 skykh wrote: If there is no team that 27-1 or 28-0 in eu lcs, there is no hope for western teams. Dont rely on tsm and c9 please, tsm has still 0% winrate vs korean teams and c9 cant even beat fnatic.
Look at last worlds OMG literally trollpicked and stomped lemondogs top 2 eu team.
Who cares about regional competition if it's not OGN/LPL.
Thing is just that in whole West there are two teams - Fnatic and Gambit who proved that they won't choke against everything international against them. C9 were eliminated by Fnatic 3 times in international competition from 3.
Neo-TSM and Neo-CLG with Regi and Monte as coaches will perform i assume, probably Alliance also because of amount of raw talent in team, C9 will just stay as regional kings and choke every time. But both LCSes are so weak that there is no hope to develop teams to fight Koreans/Chinese teams.
Even LPL competition is shit now. LPL stagnated/regressed compared to last season, and OMG is once again the only team to even be close to being competitive. The top tier of LPL can probalby beat the top tier of LCS pretty convincingly, but the mid tier of LPL is very lackluster.
OGN only thing that matters.
LCS is no better in case of difference between top and mid/bot. Thing is just in NA people actually care about regular season, in EU they don't. But agreed.
On April 04 2014 04:39 ketchup wrote: What's up with this top lane triple doran gragas build? Am I seeing this properly?
On April 04 2014 04:37 KissBlade wrote: I think on paper Alliance and Neo-CLG both look really strong. TSM has just disappointed me too many times in internationals so even though I'll root for them, I've lost a bit too much faith.
I feel TSM would be in a better position if Dyrus didn't choke every single time he plays in international competitions. Until he/they get over it I doubt it even matters how well they are playing before the event.
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
Probably man, but I'm sure there are just as many tsm fans that think they can go head to head with the top of ogn teams even with their 0-17 record or sth.
Both camps probably only watch LCS and no ogn games.
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
Probably man, but I'm sure there are just as many tsm fans that think they can go head to head with the top of ogn teams even with their 0-17 record or sth.
Both camps probably only watch LCS and no ogn games.
Even the most deluded TSM fans have to face the 0-15 record. There has been a resurgence of TSM > SKT sentiment since they have a new roster though, but it's small compared to the number of people who think FNC is a top team.
The main cause/problem is that FNC doesn't have an extensive head-to-head record against top Korean teams. Until they got 3-0'ed by KTB at IEM people could defend their claims by saying we don't have any concrete results (conveniently, of course, ignoring the 3-1 by RYL).
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
I think Fnatic could make Ro8 with an easy group draw. Against like Falcons, IM #1, and like Midas FiO
I think it's possible, but by saying that you're also admitting (correctly) that FNC has to rely on luck in being matched vs. bad teams to advance to the Ro8, meaning that they're a tier below the other Ro8 teams, and are not a top 8 Korean team.
On April 04 2014 04:38 MattBarry wrote: I've given up hope for the NA scene to catch up, but I think EU scene can stay relevant
On April 04 2014 04:39 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:
On April 04 2014 04:35 AsnSensation wrote:
On April 04 2014 04:32 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:
On April 04 2014 04:30 KissBlade wrote:
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
I think Fnatic could make Ro8 with an easy group draw. Against like Falcons, IM #1, and like Midas FiO
I think it's possible, but by saying that you're also admitting (correctly) that FNC has to rely on luck in being matched vs. bad teams to advance to the Ro8, meaning that they're a tier below the other Ro8 teams, and are not a top 8 Korean team.
At best they'd be number 8 but I haven't been watching as much masters as I should so idk
Edit: Nvm lol. After evaluating I think number 11 at best
On April 04 2014 04:38 MattBarry wrote: I've given up hope for the NA scene to catch up, but I think EU scene can stay relevant
On April 04 2014 04:39 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:
On April 04 2014 04:35 AsnSensation wrote:
On April 04 2014 04:32 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:
On April 04 2014 04:30 KissBlade wrote:
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
I think Fnatic could make Ro8 with an easy group draw. Against like Falcons, IM #1, and like Midas FiO
I think it's possible, but by saying that you're also admitting (correctly) that FNC has to rely on luck in being matched vs. bad teams to advance to the Ro8, meaning that they're a tier below the other Ro8 teams, and are not a top 8 Korean team.
At best they'd be number 8 but I haven't been watching as much masters as I should so idk
Edit: Nvm lol. After evaluating I think number 11 at best
10-11 as best, in good day even JinAir and IM squads are better, not speaking about SKT, KT, Najin, CJ and Samsung.
On April 04 2014 04:38 MattBarry wrote: I've given up hope for the NA scene to catch up, but I think EU scene can stay relevant
On April 04 2014 04:39 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:
On April 04 2014 04:35 AsnSensation wrote:
On April 04 2014 04:32 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:
On April 04 2014 04:30 KissBlade wrote:
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
I think Fnatic could make Ro8 with an easy group draw. Against like Falcons, IM #1, and like Midas FiO
I think it's possible, but by saying that you're also admitting (correctly) that FNC has to rely on luck in being matched vs. bad teams to advance to the Ro8, meaning that they're a tier below the other Ro8 teams, and are not a top 8 Korean team.
At best they'd be number 8 but I haven't been watching as much masters as I should so idk
Edit: Nvm lol. After evaluating I think number 11 at best
10-11 as best, in good day even JinAir and IM squads are better, not speaking about SKT, KT, Najin, CJ and Samsung.
KTA, KTB, SKT S, SKT K, SGO, SGB, NJBS, NJWS, CJB, CJF are all better. There's really no need to justify this, just take KTB 3-0 as the basis here.
IM #1 and Jin Air Stealth are comparable (assuming Stealth doesn't choke, which to be fair, is a large part of their shit performance and needs to be accounted for).
FNC is better than Falcons and IM #2.
Then you have OMG and EDG whom I'd take comfortably above FNC.
LGD with international experience, iG on a good day, and WE when they learn how to play are comparable/better than FNC. iG split 1-1 with FNC in IEM so we'll take that as the basis here.
Assuming FNC > C9 and C9 = TSM, the top LCS team ranks somewhere in the ~12 - 16th range internationally.
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
Probably man, but I'm sure there are just as many tsm fans that think they can go head to head with the top of ogn teams even with their 0-17 record or sth.
Both camps probably only watch LCS and no ogn games.
Even the most deluded TSM fans have to face the 0-15 record. There has been a resurgence of TSM > SKT sentiment since they have a new roster though, but it's small compared to the number of people who think FNC is a top team.
The main cause/problem is that FNC doesn't have an extensive head-to-head record against top Korean teams. Until they got 3-0'ed by KTB at IEM people could defend their claims by saying we don't have any concrete results (conveniently, of course, ignoring the 3-1 by RYL).
you must have missed the LR thread a couple of weeks ago when someone (i think wei2coolman?) was arguing that TSM could definitely get out of groups at OGN lol
And it's even hard to rate the 2nd tier korean teams, since most of the games we see them play they go against absolute monsters like the CJ, SKT, KT etc. Who knows how good they'd be on the western scene?
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
Probably man, but I'm sure there are just as many tsm fans that think they can go head to head with the top of ogn teams even with their 0-17 record or sth.
Both camps probably only watch LCS and no ogn games.
Even the most deluded TSM fans have to face the 0-15 record. There has been a resurgence of TSM > SKT sentiment since they have a new roster though, but it's small compared to the number of people who think FNC is a top team.
The main cause/problem is that FNC doesn't have an extensive head-to-head record against top Korean teams. Until they got 3-0'ed by KTB at IEM people could defend their claims by saying we don't have any concrete results (conveniently, of course, ignoring the 3-1 by RYL).
you must have missed the LR thread a couple of weeks ago when someone (i think wei2coolman?) was arguing that TSM could definitely get out of groups at OGN lol
Oh no I saw that and I'm pretty sure I called him retarded. That used to happen a lot more than it does not so maybe my perception is skewed by that? Regardless if you look at something like Reddit you'll see that the unironic FNC > OGN fans number much greater than the unironic TSM > OGN fans.
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
Probably man, but I'm sure there are just as many tsm fans that think they can go head to head with the top of ogn teams even with their 0-17 record or sth.
Both camps probably only watch LCS and no ogn games.
Even the most deluded TSM fans have to face the 0-15 record. There has been a resurgence of TSM > SKT sentiment since they have a new roster though, but it's small compared to the number of people who think FNC is a top team.
The main cause/problem is that FNC doesn't have an extensive head-to-head record against top Korean teams. Until they got 3-0'ed by KTB at IEM people could defend their claims by saying we don't have any concrete results (conveniently, of course, ignoring the 3-1 by RYL).
you must have missed the LR thread a couple of weeks ago when someone (i think wei2coolman?) was arguing that TSM could definitely get out of groups at OGN lol
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
Probably man, but I'm sure there are just as many tsm fans that think they can go head to head with the top of ogn teams even with their 0-17 record or sth.
Both camps probably only watch LCS and no ogn games.
Even the most deluded TSM fans have to face the 0-15 record. There has been a resurgence of TSM > SKT sentiment since they have a new roster though, but it's small compared to the number of people who think FNC is a top team.
The main cause/problem is that FNC doesn't have an extensive head-to-head record against top Korean teams. Until they got 3-0'ed by KTB at IEM people could defend their claims by saying we don't have any concrete results (conveniently, of course, ignoring the 3-1 by RYL).
you must have missed the LR thread a couple of weeks ago when someone (i think wei2coolman?) was arguing that TSM could definitely get out of groups at OGN lol
That's wei2coolman we're talking about. When you have 20k posts there's a good chance most of them are not very thoughtful.
On April 04 2014 04:59 Anakko wrote: And it's even hard to rate the 2nd tier korean teams, since most of the games we see them play they go against absolute monsters like the CJ, SKT, KT etc. Who knows how good they'd be on the western scene?
If LMQ goes with 20+ wins in NA LCS, i will literally laugh. And that's 2nd tier CHINESE team, not even Korean. Even though, Quantic failed but shit happens.
On April 04 2014 05:00 Redox wrote: Man I thought it was over lol. People will call it a throw again, but that was actually very wp by Froggen and Wickd to delay that one.
Froggen and Wickd are just carrying [A] last 4-5 weeks.
On April 04 2014 05:01 las91 wrote: Did it switch to NALCS halfway through this game?
I don't understand how I start watching and first thing I see of LCS this week is a baron throw LOL
If every baron attempt was succesful, that would actually be a an indication of too cautios play. You have to accept a certain risk because the gain is also big.
If LMQ goes with 20+ wins in NA LCS, i will literally laugh. And that's 2nd tier CHINESE team, not even Korean. Even though, Quantic failed but shit happens.
Well tbh I don't see LMQ winning everything, but who knows? On the other hand, the korean scene is just so deep and their solo queue is downright scary
LMQ is a third tier Chinese team at best, somewhere around the 6th-7th slot when they were in LPL.
I don't think LMQ will go 20+ wins but they're be solidly mid-tier judging by current LCS performance. If Uzi comes over on mid or jungle I think they can do 20+ wins.
On April 04 2014 05:01 las91 wrote: Did it switch to NALCS halfway through this game?
I don't understand how I start watching and first thing I see of LCS this week is a baron throw LOL
If every baron attempt was succesful, that would actually be a an indication of too cautios play. You have to accept a certain risk because the gain is also big.
Or you could just admit that was an overambitious baron call.
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
Probably man, but I'm sure there are just as many tsm fans that think they can go head to head with the top of ogn teams even with their 0-17 record or sth.
Both camps probably only watch LCS and no ogn games.
Even the most deluded TSM fans have to face the 0-15 record. There has been a resurgence of TSM > SKT sentiment since they have a new roster though, but it's small compared to the number of people who think FNC is a top team.
The main cause/problem is that FNC doesn't have an extensive head-to-head record against top Korean teams. Until they got 3-0'ed by KTB at IEM people could defend their claims by saying we don't have any concrete results (conveniently, of course, ignoring the 3-1 by RYL).
you must have missed the LR thread a couple of weeks ago when someone (i think wei2coolman?) was arguing that TSM could definitely get out of groups at OGN lol
wei2coolman also thought C9T would make LMQ "struggle"
On April 04 2014 05:06 Nos- wrote: I find it hard to judge LMQ since they were a professional team (albeit not a great one) in the Chinese scene playing amateur teams here.
They also trolled a fair amount, which ended up biting them in the ass more than a couple of times
On April 04 2014 05:05 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: LMQ is a third tier Chinese team at best, somewhere around the 6th-7th slot when they were in LPL.
I don't think LMQ will go 20+ wins but they're be solidly mid-tier judging by current LCS performance. If Uzi comes over on mid or jungle I think they can do 20+ wins.
Dunno, i expect them to go 14/14 or something better if they ofc qualify and not choke hard. But considering power of Dignitas/Curse/Coast/XDG/EG, they can grab even 17-18 wins and be not higher than 4th in NA lol.
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
Probably man, but I'm sure there are just as many tsm fans that think they can go head to head with the top of ogn teams even with their 0-17 record or sth.
Both camps probably only watch LCS and no ogn games.
Even the most deluded TSM fans have to face the 0-15 record. There has been a resurgence of TSM > SKT sentiment since they have a new roster though, but it's small compared to the number of people who think FNC is a top team.
The main cause/problem is that FNC doesn't have an extensive head-to-head record against top Korean teams. Until they got 3-0'ed by KTB at IEM people could defend their claims by saying we don't have any concrete results (conveniently, of course, ignoring the 3-1 by RYL).
you must have missed the LR thread a couple of weeks ago when someone (i think wei2coolman?) was arguing that TSM could definitely get out of groups at OGN lol
wei2coolman also thought C9T would make LMQ "struggle"
On April 04 2014 05:05 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: LMQ is a third tier Chinese team at best, somewhere around the 6th-7th slot when they were in LPL.
I don't think LMQ will go 20+ wins but they're be solidly mid-tier judging by current LCS performance. If Uzi comes over on mid or jungle I think they can do 20+ wins.
Dunno, i expect them to go 14/14 or something better if they ofc qualify and not choke hard. But considering power of Dignitas/Curse/Coast/XDG/EG, they can grab even 17-18 wins and be not higher than 4th in NA lol.
I mean, currently I consider TSM and C9 to be top and Dig to be mid, with CLG somewhere in the middle. I think LMQ can perform better than anyone below those 4, placing them solidly mid tier lol.
On April 04 2014 05:06 Nos- wrote: I find it hard to judge LMQ since they were a professional team (albeit not a great one) in the Chinese scene playing amateur teams here.
Of course that is not possible with the knowledge we have. Yet the knowitalls even can pedict where exactly they would place in LCS or LPL. When people cant even predict where a current LCS teams places in a few weeks.
On April 04 2014 05:06 Nos- wrote: I find it hard to judge LMQ since they were a professional team (albeit not a great one) in the Chinese scene playing amateur teams here.
Of course that is not possible with the knowledge we have. Yet the knowitalls even can pedict where exactly they would place in LCS or LPL. When people cant even predict where a current LCS teams places in a few weeks.
Well, yeah, when everyone is bad and can throw games at any given moment, it's hard to predict. It's like predicting who's gonna win any given game of solo queue you know?
TL:DR: Yes there are people who dislike fnatic. And their fanboys are worse than TSM =).
This is true. The one thing that TSM fans have over FNC fans is that TSM fans aren't delude dinto thinking TSM > Korea lol.
Neither are fnatic fans, your hate for the LCS teams is just probably just too strong so that you think they are.
They definitely are. If your only exposure to LoL fandom is on TL, maybe you can think this, but TL represents an insignificant portion of the LoL viewer base, and trust me, a lot of them think FNC is competitive with OGN teams.
Probably man, but I'm sure there are just as many tsm fans that think they can go head to head with the top of ogn teams even with their 0-17 record or sth.
Both camps probably only watch LCS and no ogn games.
Even the most deluded TSM fans have to face the 0-15 record. There has been a resurgence of TSM > SKT sentiment since they have a new roster though, but it's small compared to the number of people who think FNC is a top team.
The main cause/problem is that FNC doesn't have an extensive head-to-head record against top Korean teams. Until they got 3-0'ed by KTB at IEM people could defend their claims by saying we don't have any concrete results (conveniently, of course, ignoring the 3-1 by RYL).
you must have missed the LR thread a couple of weeks ago when someone (i think wei2coolman?) was arguing that TSM could definitely get out of groups at OGN lol
wei2coolman also thought C9T would make LMQ "struggle"
when was the last time his opinion mattered?
Naw that was Oo_Wonderful_oO but he has seen the light now.
On April 04 2014 05:17 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Gambit got best bracket for them, lel. Underperforming Roccat, SK and then Fnatic/Alliance in bo5. What can be better.
Wolves to relegation, won't miss you.
Alliance still played like shit this week. They have a lot of work before playoffs and need to play like they did last 2 weeks with early game control.
On April 04 2014 05:17 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Gambit got best bracket for them, lel. Underperforming Roccat, SK and then Fnatic/Alliance in bo5. What can be better.
Wolves to relegation, won't miss you.
Ok, I'm calm now.
Gambit were 3-1 in Spring Split against Fnatic and 5-4 if count the finals. SO YOU'RE WRONG, DUDE.
On April 04 2014 05:16 las91 wrote: I don't understand how these teams make certain champions looks so stupidly bad
Assuming that CW didn't actually want to purposely lose, I don't understand a bunch of things: 1- Why would CW let Alliance have Kha'Zix, aka the champion that Shook played for the half of the split 2- Why would a Lucian build berserker's greaves and qss against a comp of irelia-khazix-zed-caitlyn-thresh instead of tabis and randuins 3- What was the purpose behind picking such a comp anyway? Winning all the super late game team fights? Who would carry the team into that super late game?
EDIT: As a consolation prize for me, wolves relegated. You guys were by far the worst team in the LCS EU. Plz leave your spot for a team that deserves it.
On April 04 2014 05:16 las91 wrote: I don't understand how these teams make certain champions looks so stupidly bad
Assuming that CW didn't actually want to purposely lose, I don't understand a bunch of things: 1- Why would CW let Alliance have Kha'Zix, aka the champion that Shook played for the half of the split 2- Why would a Lucian build berserker's greaves and qss against a comp of irelia-khazix-zed-caitlyn-thresh instead of tabis and randuins 3- What was the purpose behind picking such a comp anyway? Winning all the super late game team fights? Who would carry the team into that super late game?
EDIT: As a consolation prize for me, wolves relegated. You guys were by far the worst team in the LCS EU. Plz leave your spot for a team that deserves it.
In case you are serious, Wolves are not relegated yet. And no way they are the worst team in EU CLS.
On April 04 2014 05:58 kongoline wrote: am i missing something or thers np point in picking barrier over heal now ? seems heal is superior in every way oO
i think you might be missing something since this is the LR thread.
On April 04 2014 05:24 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: Gambit also lost their wills to live after Riot basically said fuck you we're gonna screw you over.
The community was outraged and then promptly forgot about it when URF got released.
Agree everyone was saying WTF and argued and it is ended with Thank you Riot for URF.
I wasnt outraged about it and I dont care about URF. Also Gambit (or their fans) cant use that as an excuse forever.
What if that happened to Fnatic? Would you still be as laid back about it as with Gambit?
I am not a Fnatic fan. Try Alliance.
And imo it was a serious bug that warranted a regame. It wold have been a regame om the day it was played if the ref had acted correctly, and much less people would have complained. But even if it was a wrong decision, that happens in football or whatever all the time. No excuse to lose the next 5 games. Besides Gambit got a good bracket now.
On April 04 2014 05:24 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: Gambit also lost their wills to live after Riot basically said fuck you we're gonna screw you over.
The community was outraged and then promptly forgot about it when URF got released.
Agree everyone was saying WTF and argued and it is ended with Thank you Riot for URF.
I wasnt outraged about it and I dont care about URF. Also Gambit (or their fans) cant use that as an excuse forever.
What if that happened to Fnatic? Would you still be as laid back about it as with Gambit?
I am not a Fnatic fan. Try Alliance.
And imo it was a serious bug that warranted a regame. It wold have been a regame om the day it was played if the ref had acted correctly, and much less people would have complained. But even if it was a wrong decision, that happens in football or whatever all the time. No excuse to lose the next 5 games. Besides Gambit got a good bracket now.
I don't think the team matters. I just chose fnatic because that's what people have been focusing on in the last few pages here.
I think in the end, neither team decided that a rematch was necessary. NRated said even if they were given the chance to regame at the time, they wouldn't have taken it. They were basically forced to play again by Riot, and they couldn't say no. So yea, stupid situation for a stupid decision made by Riot. It basically tells you how bad the decision was when the team who gains the most from it is distancing themselves from the decision/situation.
On April 04 2014 05:58 kongoline wrote: am i missing something or thers np point in picking barrier over heal now ? seems heal is superior in every way oO
That's something from year ago. Barrier better than heal because cd is lesser plus barrier can't be reduced by 50% with one button. Some supports are picking heal occassionally, but not adcs.
On April 04 2014 05:24 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: Gambit also lost their wills to live after Riot basically said fuck you we're gonna screw you over.
The community was outraged and then promptly forgot about it when URF got released.
Agree everyone was saying WTF and argued and it is ended with Thank you Riot for URF.
I wasnt outraged about it and I dont care about URF. Also Gambit (or their fans) cant use that as an excuse forever.
What if that happened to Fnatic? Would you still be as laid back about it as with Gambit?
I am not a Fnatic fan. Try Alliance.
And imo it was a serious bug that warranted a regame. It wold have been a regame om the day it was played if the ref had acted correctly, and much less people would have complained. But even if it was a wrong decision, that happens in football or whatever all the time. No excuse to lose the next 5 games. Besides Gambit got a good bracket now.
I don't think the team matters. I just chose fnatic because that's what people have been focusing on in the last few pages here.
I think in the end, neither team decided that a rematch was necessary. NRated said even if they were given the chance to regame at the time, they wouldn't have taken it. They were basically forced to play again by Riot, and they couldn't say no. So yea, stupid situation for a stupid decision made by Riot. It basically tells you how bad the decision was when the team who gains the most from it is distancing themselves from the decision/situation.
I watched that, and nRated said later on he doesnt know if he had taken it. He also said the bug significantly influenced the game. He was just acting apologetic, and I think it is very likely that they would have taken it.
On April 04 2014 05:24 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: Gambit also lost their wills to live after Riot basically said fuck you we're gonna screw you over.
The community was outraged and then promptly forgot about it when URF got released.
Agree everyone was saying WTF and argued and it is ended with Thank you Riot for URF.
I wasnt outraged about it and I dont care about URF. Also Gambit (or their fans) cant use that as an excuse forever.
What if that happened to Fnatic? Would you still be as laid back about it as with Gambit?
I am not a Fnatic fan. Try Alliance.
And imo it was a serious bug that warranted a regame. It wold have been a regame om the day it was played if the ref had acted correctly, and much less people would have complained. But even if it was a wrong decision, that happens in football or whatever all the time. No excuse to lose the next 5 games. Besides Gambit got a good bracket now.
Are you talking about the Aatrox bug?
Pretty sure anybody with a brain watching that game knew that the Aatrox bug had no significant impact on the course of that game. It was standard Gambit mid and bot lane carrying the entire game.
On April 04 2014 05:24 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: Gambit also lost their wills to live after Riot basically said fuck you we're gonna screw you over.
The community was outraged and then promptly forgot about it when URF got released.
Agree everyone was saying WTF and argued and it is ended with Thank you Riot for URF.
I wasnt outraged about it and I dont care about URF. Also Gambit (or their fans) cant use that as an excuse forever.
What if that happened to Fnatic? Would you still be as laid back about it as with Gambit?
I am not a Fnatic fan. Try Alliance.
And imo it was a serious bug that warranted a regame. It wold have been a regame om the day it was played if the ref had acted correctly, and much less people would have complained. But even if it was a wrong decision, that happens in football or whatever all the time. No excuse to lose the next 5 games. Besides Gambit got a good bracket now.
I don't think the team matters. I just chose fnatic because that's what people have been focusing on in the last few pages here.
I think in the end, neither team decided that a rematch was necessary. NRated said even if they were given the chance to regame at the time, they wouldn't have taken it. They were basically forced to play again by Riot, and they couldn't say no. So yea, stupid situation for a stupid decision made by Riot. It basically tells you how bad the decision was when the team who gains the most from it is distancing themselves from the decision/situation.
I watched that, and nRated said later on he doesnt know if he had taken it. He also said the bug significantly influenced the game. He was just acting apologetic, and I think it is very likely that they would have taken it.
It's just a shitty situation for all parties involved. There's no way for SK to get out of that situation while saving face, if they were indeed forced to play by Riot as they said.
Luckily that game has literally no impact on the standing. If GMB had won SK would still be first (tied with Fnatic but with better head to head) and GMB would still be 5th (tied with Roccat, but Roccat has better head to head).