On January 17 2014 01:12 NeoIllusions wrote: If it means anything, MonteCristo and Thorin both maintain faith in Alliance and that they'll end up in the top 4. This is simply a (big) growing pains phase for the team.
It doesn't, listening to Thorin gave me the distinct impression that he never saw KMT or CW play before this week and his whole argument for placing Alliance and Millenium in top 4 was based on that. That doesn't mean the conclusion is necessarily wrong, just the way it was reached. You might as well cite the opinions of 2 regulars from this thread and they would probably be more aware of what they're talking about.
Probably's an understatement.
I really enjoy thorin's interviews. I think his read if off this time.
Of course Thorin doesnt know much about the game and I dont know why people would expect him to. He is just doing interviews, where players are usually reminiscing about stuff that happened 2 seasons ago.
I don't expect him to, I just pointed out people put too much weight on what this or that personality says about a topic that is outside of their area of expertise. Reminds me of this:
On January 17 2014 01:59 Scip wrote: once amazing and youngbuck get their teamplay together and maybe amazing focuses on bot lane a bit more, especially when dragon is up, they will crush everyone, absolutely everyone. I believe
when CW get a little bit of room to play with they just play brilliant, their loss against GG was a suffocating one, they were pushed into all towers from minute5 onwards and couldnt do any of their stuff, if they pick accordingly they'll be just fine and won't lose again
I was really annoyed about how CW handled the game vs SK. Their bot was crushing in early as usual and Amazing instead of protecting fed bot and snowballing from there, he was trying to help the weak lanes. (strategical mistake 1). At one point Sk botlane was oom and 40% life and ziggs didnt bother to ulti at bot. Even so, after that they killed 2 towers botlane and forg1ven didnt rotate to mid/top to melt towers and went 0 impact bootless BT pickaxe longsword passively farming (strategical mistake 2). Then they were stronger but made various mistakes on builds like: 1) Zero Banshee vs nida which is universally known as best anti nida item. Enemy team had 4 BV vs ziggs. 2) Zero aura items: annie was fed and was making crap ap items when the only problem was spears. She went rylais + NLR when she could have solari + zeke's. SHC had solari + aegis to help vs ziggs. 3) Forg1ven just needed BT+shiv/TF+LW+BV and easy game. Insteal he goes ultra expensive IE 2nd item, TF 3rd, wits end(???) 4th, LW 5th. Weirdly enough, even with all those mistakes they were still kinda winning the game, albeit with a lot of spear torturing involved until the final throw at baron.
They really need to play more creative, widen up and adapt to different situations instead of being stubbornly faithful to the stereotypical formula that brought them here. That formula was optimised for riskless high% vs average teams but its limited and predictable vs smart and experienced teams.
"Ziggs is jesiz's strongest champion" It must be noted that is by default SURPRISE GALIO BEFORE THEY EVEN SHOW MID LANE MOTHERFUCKER. Galio support wut