On August 04 2013 01:51 Iblis wrote: The (coincidental or not) dodge of hte shockwave from yellowpete and Froggen was cute. Coincidental flash? Was a really good dodge.
new m5 support actually went phil stone in lane...dunno how that is given the state of this game
lmao so these are the kind of assassinations Reginald and Scarra had in mind when they picked kassadin.
Holy crud EG completely rolled Gambit.
EG beats GG 20:4. Well, that was unexpected. I'm surprised.
that dive was very C9-esque. I'm impressed at how manly Froggen was just initiating with a riftwalk.
Aww yeah awesome stuff.
EG made plays, while Gambit didnt try anything all game other than taking some free objectives. So deserved win for EG.
Yeah EG! Only caught the end, and I do know that GMB got a new support recently so still not the best GMB, but Snoopeh played too! Go EG!
Well played EG well played.
I'm also glad Alex Ich is keeping the proud tradition of no man shockwaves.
On August 04 2013 02:01 Nitan wrote: I'm also glad Alex Ich is keeping the proud tradition of no man shockwaves. The coaching from Ocelot is paying off.
GG has nos way to pin down kassadin, Zac is a better version of the considered counter to twitch (Malphite is often used to dive and fuck twitch up).
EG didn't throw and didn't die for nothing in teamfight, good game from them.
On August 04 2013 02:01 Nitan wrote: I'm also glad Alex Ich is keeping the proud tradition of no man shockwaves.
Haha well to be fair he he did take a flash, it's not good but no way near as pro as Ocelote's Shockwave. Wich is in fact still shocking to watch back.
The dramatic unwrapping of the god hand. haha this is great.
Wow, this is almost like football, people going into matches injured because the team needs them. Not sure whether I like it.
I don't think this is going to work out for ATN :O
Oh shit Karma. In lane. Finally.
ATN's damage potential feels questionable.
ok i miss the 1st game and i read reddit and some1 posted that the EU LCS date got changed, i feel scammed.