set up time is no excuse, this is week 4.
Even if the setup time is 45 minutes and it cant be changed, ESL knows this, but still makes the schedule with 15 minutes time inbetween matches in mind.
but im glad this is happening during this long day, people might get really annoyed at them and start something.
yay its time for GIANTS vs fnatic. Another super calculated game by fnatic please.
3rd game is about to start and we're already almost an hour behind schedule. Nice.
It's going to be time for Fnatic vs Giants in 10-15 minutes. Oh well, this way I can run customs between games to check the impact of Vi's changes.
Giants sona first pick is pretty surprising with J4, Vi, and Kayle all open. Hoping to see some jungle elise, don't disappoint me Morden!
Disappointment it is =(
Wtf Ashe and Garen picks from Giants. MF, Kayle and Shen picks from Fnatic are a lot less exciting now.
fnatic are godly, sick fb.
everything went as expected.
Garen with the balls of steel
Sick plays by nrated, sick counterplay by Giants.
Balls of steel by xpeke to pick Zyra into Diana. It's a pretty hard lane post 6 to be honest.
Garen hasn't used ult yet. I'm impressed by Giants! with a comp that would be considered weak though, really like their style.
Edit: haha still no ult, Yellowstar flashes away and Barrier+Shen ult used on him.
Damn Giants! No wards, Sona+Ashe isolated top, and they overextend and get collapsed upon. Dude, that's unreasonable, such a basic mistake.
On March 01 2013 22:14 Alaric wrote:Garen hasn't used ult yet.  I'm impressed by Giants! with a comp that would be considered weak though, really like thir style.
Aye same. Still think fnatic will win though, they're just the better team.
so close to a triple kill there, Fnatic staying abit to long imo
Giants looking super impressive, I may have to eat my words. I ain't even mad.
Damn they're against nRated's Leona and a Zyra but that initiating power from Giants!. "Oh Sona and Ashe are a few seconds behind? No problem, that just means we'll not overlap their ults."
Aaaaaand stream dies. And it's back but we missed Giants! failing to kill Fnatic's mid tower, losing Diana and both outer and inner mid turrets.
A Twitch problem. I was watching the TPA game at the same time and it died as well
Youtube stream is still up, just twitch crashed.