On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
Reginald picked AP janna with a kog maw against CLG and they won. It was 100% Serious, they ran into an AoE comp when they had support janna amumu and kog, they had 2 picks to dig themselves out of a hole they don't know how to dig themselves out of, since I don't even remember the AoE meta so most of SK aren't used to it at all.
On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
Reginald picked AP janna with a kog maw against CLG and they won.
sivir was picked after janna and sona were both picked not fair to say that it only worked out "cause of that pathetic pick" when it seemed pretty targeted counterpick kog'maw benefits a ton from amumu and sona, more cc for him to get free damage off on during. candy's positioning seemed to slip in the later teamfights though, and jiji's ultis also became progressively better throughout the game as well, getting key stuns on candy and janna
The picks and bans from this series was the sloppiest thing about it. SK tried their hardest to ban the favorite champions of the other team, without regards to what they planned on picking. If they know that they want to run an AP janna strat (they had to know they were using this, it's not just some knee-jerk reaction pick when you select her before a mid lane hero is taken), then why on EARTH are they so concerned about banning their opponents' "strong" champions? If you are running a certain strat and team comp in a major tournament like this, you better know god damn well exactly what can give you problems. Why ban nidalee, urgot, and cho'gath, when those heroes clearly do not pose a threat what-so-ever to what they were running? Nidalee top against an irelia can do nothing, urgot against kog'ma results in kog'ma being stronger in all phases of the game, and cho'gath wasn't a problem before, and wouldn't have been that time, either. They spent so much time trying to get into CLG's heads, and not enough time trying to think about their own strat.
Honestly they should have ran janna support with no flash and cleanse OR fast QSS instead of rushing gold items. Grab a brand mid who can melt kennen/galio from afar.
On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
Sivir was a counter pick to Janna was it not?
i wouldnt be sure about that....cause i dont see an ap janna win a lane vs any other ad carry.
On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
Zenon look at what your shoutouts have done This is why we can't have nice things.
Historically the Janna+bunch of counterpicks comp has usually done well against AOE comps, because high level teams can position themselves to effectively avoid the AOE ults, with Janna as the reset. AP Janna puts a lot of pressure on mid tower early on, while providing a lot of utility.
This is the first time AP Janna has been counterpicked with Sivir, with outstanding results. A brilliant counterpick shutting down a lane is less than surprising.
On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
Sivir was a counter pick to Janna was it not?
i wouldnt be sure about that....cause i dont see an ap janna win a lane vs any other ad carry.
Yes, sivir was 100% absolutely an AP janna mid counter pick. The reason being, is that you can just push the mid tower and kill it, and prevent janna from doing anything at all. That is why AP janna is strong, because usually another AP carry will be mid, like a brand, oriana, casseopia, or something of that sorts. Janna actually does quite well against such champions, as well as any range AD... except Sivir. She has the best lane push of any hero in the game, and can't be matched on her sustainability. Janna just runs out of mana eventually, and IF amumu can cover, he cannot stop a sivir from pushing. And as you saw, they denied Janna blue buff the whole game, with taric and GP making god damn sure she didn't get it. Very smart heads up play from CLG, and was 100% intended.
On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
Sivir was a counter pick to Janna was it not?
i wouldnt be sure about that....cause i dont see an ap janna win a lane vs any other ad carry.
Maybe because AP Janna is picked to counter other AP carries (which is why SK picked her in the first place)? Putting Sivir mid was designed specifically to counter AP Janna.
On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
Reginald picked AP janna with a kog maw against CLG and they won.
On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
Sivir was a counter pick to Janna was it not?
i wouldnt be sure about that....cause i dont see an ap janna win a lane vs any other ad carry.
Maybe because AP Janna is picked to counter other AP carries (which is why SK picked her in the first place)? Putting Sivir mid was designed specifically to counter AP Janna.
ap janna counters nothing....cause they aint playing against scrubs.
On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
Sivir was a counter pick to Janna was it not?
i wouldnt be sure about that....cause i dont see an ap janna win a lane vs any other ad carry.
Maybe because AP Janna is picked to counter other AP carries (which is why SK picked her in the first place)? Putting Sivir mid was designed specifically to counter AP Janna.
ap janna counters nothing....cause they aint playing against scrubs.
ap janna does counter a lot of ap carries, but she deff does not counter kennen, so it was a terrible pick even if clg didn't chose to hardcounter.
On October 04 2011 19:25 sprddeath wrote: i dont realy get how u ppl trying to make sense of this last game....simply put it was a stupid game...all cause oce wanted to act cool and play some pathetic stuff like an ap janna, which will never work against a pro team like clg. chauster's sivir only worked out cause of that pathetic pick.
imo oce did that to get an excuse to loose....now he can say they lost cause they werent serious.
sk just proved they dont deserve to be called one of the best cause clearly they aren't
Reginald picked AP janna with a kog maw against CLG and they won.
and i see was chaox raping bot like usual. i dont see janna doing anything a support janna wouldnt do. so u cant say ap janna works...cause he just didnt do shit. he just played safe and got carried.
lol....wrong bout wht? ap janna gives nothing to a team a support janna wouldnt give. it just takes the spot as the ap carry which would be better given to many other champs