[Champion] Xin Zhao - Page 12
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Canada5941 Posts
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United States181 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
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United States1675 Posts
Edit: Also, I see no reason to get Wriggles on him, tbh. I think 1600 sets him back too much. | ||
3232 Posts
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United States1675 Posts
On August 12 2012 07:40 101toss wrote: Protip: When playing support xin, take a point in Q and camp top bush at level 1. Pick up first blood and top lane win ROFL nice | ||
United States1471 Posts
On August 11 2012 16:25 VashTS wrote: Recently started jungling Xin... He's really, really strong. Edit: Also, I see no reason to get Wriggles on him, tbh. I think 1600 sets him back too much. ya he doesnt need wriggles. i go philo (could get hog, i like the mp5), avarice. he is indeed very strong. | ||
Ireland921 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
He can be built tanky or assassin-y. Offense items: trinity force youmuu's for low armor/LW for high armor black cleaver bruiser items: early wriggle's (only if you're behind against melee champ) frozen mallet atma's maw zeke's defense items: aegis randuin's FoN | ||
United States3977 Posts
Runes are aspd red, armor yellow, flat cdr blue, aspd quints Masteries are 21/9/0 taking 4% cdr and all the other hitting things ones Ghost Smite, though Flash or Exhaust is ok. Skills QWE Q>W>E, though if you're going to lv 2 gank and are SURE it'll work, you can take E at level 2. Boots or Cloth first, depending on enemy jungle; usually boots. Against a gank-oriented, blue-first jungler, steal wraiths-red. From there, lv2 gank if I see a good opportunity; else wolves blue (check for gank opportunity) -> standard jungle clear. Against a red-first jungler, steal blue -> clear red side jungle, gank, clear blue Item build is madred's (no wriggles, you don't need it) -> phage sv (sv first if you need the mr) -> tabi or mercs. After that you ahve a few choices: Get Warden's Mail -> Randuins if you're the main initiator on your team and you're getting focused down. Get Bruta -> Ghostblade if you're initiating but you're not the main target of focus. Get Frozen Mallet if you're trying to peel someone like Singed off your carries. Get Trinity Force if you're stomping super hard or split pushing. Ghostblade/Randuins should be your first two big items 90% of the time, and usually the game will be over before you finish both. Once you have both, you'll be at 40% cdr (6% runes, 4% masteries, 10% spirit visage, 15% ghostblade, 5% randuins), with piles of armor, mr and health and a reasonable amount of deeps stats. You have nasty early ganks, and they get even nastier once you hit 6. Here are some ganking tips (and some general tips): If you're ganking without E, or ganking someone with mad escapes, Ghost up to them and Q them up into the air. Once you're 6, E to a minion BEHIND them, then ult. (Make sure they can't flash over you!) If your bot lane is behind and you're ganking, try to ult so that it separates them. If you're trying to clear jungle without blue, use only W on small camps. If you're fast, you can ult, then activate Randuins and slow everyone with the bonus armor/MR from ult. | ||
United States10467 Posts
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United States476 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
I was thinking something like: Youmuu's Nashor's Trinity Force as core, then get tanky items or more damage items as needed. You could open something like brutalizer + phage + stinger early game, seems strong. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On November 07 2012 07:15 BlasiuS wrote: Has anyone tried Nashor's Tooth on xin? It gives 25% CDR and the AP alone nearly doubles the sustain he gets from W, plus a good AS boost. I'm thinking of trying a 40% CDR build on him, but was curious if anyone else has tried it. I was thinking something like: Youmuu's Nashor's Trinity Force as core, then get tanky items or more damage items as needed. You could open something like brutalizer + phage + stinger early game, seems strong. it's like skarner all over again. tooth is real good at 1v1ing and looks awesome on paper, FH is better for working towards CDR cap in practice in basically every conceivable scenario. that being said, I enjoy building tooth on Xin, but FH is just too imba to ever take tooth very seriously. | ||
United States2405 Posts
On November 07 2012 08:52 Mogwai wrote: it's like skarner all over again. tooth is real good at 1v1ing and looks awesome on paper, FH is better for working towards CDR cap in practice in basically every conceivable scenario. that being said, I enjoy building tooth on Xin, but FH is just too imba to ever take tooth very seriously. I feel like Xin values the non-CDR stats on nashor's way more than the ones on FH. Skarner's different because he's way more mana-hungry than xin, and because xin already gets a bunch of free armor from his ult. But then again I've never tried FH on Xin. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On November 07 2012 15:31 BlasiuS wrote: I feel like Xin values the non-CDR stats on nashor's way more than the ones on FH. Skarner's different because he's way more mana-hungry than xin, and because xin already gets a bunch of free armor from his ult. But then again I've never tried FH on Xin. Zeke's or Ghostblade + FH is a very good CDR core on Xin. Outside of that, grab spark + phage and some other HP items and you're golden. As for Xin valuing the non CDR stats more than Skarner... uhhh, no. Current Xin doesn't scale nearly as well with AS as old Xin and definitely scales worse than Scarner with it. Xin's special AS scaling right now is basically the speed at which his knockup comes out and the frequency of his W passive triggers. Skarner's AS is an integral part of his ability spamming engine because every attack flat reduces his abilities CDs. Xin is frankly getting enough AS just off of W + either Zeke's or Ghostblade active to suit his needs in at least 7 out of 10 games. Xin looks at 2 good AP ratios, Skarner looks at 4 GREAT AP ratios (seriously, for their effective CDRs, Skarner's AP ratios are nutty). Mana regen is w/e, it benefits both equally and for both of them is less relevant than FH because of how quickly they can spam all their skills when they get the full ability spam engine rolling. | ||
United States3977 Posts
Frozen Heart is great because it increases the survivability of everyone on your team, as long as you're near their carry, as well as allowing you to basically ignore anyone without significant magic damage or LW. One question I have is how do people usually use their ults? Just dive into the middle and scatter everyone? | ||
United States2405 Posts
On November 07 2012 17:46 Mogwai wrote: Zeke's or Ghostblade + FH is a very good CDR core on Xin. Outside of that, grab spark + phage and some other HP items and you're golden. As for Xin valuing the non CDR stats more than Skarner... uhhh, no. Current Xin doesn't scale nearly as well with AS as old Xin and definitely scales worse than Scarner with it. Xin's special AS scaling right now is basically the speed at which his knockup comes out and the frequency of his W passive triggers. Skarner's AS is an integral part of his ability spamming engine because every attack flat reduces his abilities CDs. Xin is frankly getting enough AS just off of W + either Zeke's or Ghostblade active to suit his needs in at least 7 out of 10 games. Xin looks at 2 good AP ratios, Skarner looks at 4 GREAT AP ratios (seriously, for their effective CDRs, Skarner's AP ratios are nutty). Mana regen is w/e, it benefits both equally and for both of them is less relevant than FH because of how quickly they can spam all their skills when they get the full ability spam engine rolling. I don't think Xin values AS/AP more than skarner does...just that Xin makes more use of Nashor's than he does FH, unlike Skarner, who makes great use of FH (and therefore is the better choice for skarner). | ||
United States13274 Posts
On November 08 2012 02:59 BlasiuS wrote: I don't think Xin values AS/AP more than skarner does...just that Xin makes more use of Nashor's than he does FH, unlike Skarner, who makes great use of FH (and therefore is the better choice for skarner). what? how so? Xin's a melee with no way to get out of a fight and the ability to rattle off tons of abilities over a short duration due to his Qs CDR refreshing mechanics. How would he ever not value armor/mana/AS Slow Aura as much as AS/AP/Mp5? | ||
United States1864 Posts
For anybody: What runes do you use on him (TOP LANE)? I'm not sure how the armor penetration from Challenge works but it seems like maybe I should get flat AD marks/flat armor penetration quints or vice versa or something, but im not sure (edit: just red what runes mogwai uses in his stream thread, nvm). 21/9 or 9/21 masteries? Also, when you E to somebody for your combo is there a pause before you AA, then you press Q to refresh, or does it insta AA? (if you feel like answering this I don't actually know how it works on Jax either with his Q ![]() | ||
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