Damn, she feels weak. I hardly see her played anymore in both norms/ranked. Anyone had any success on dealing with her crappy early/midgame? I rarely find myself in situations where I can straight up out-trade someone unless I snowball somehow or get help from the jungle.
[Champion] Akali - Page 15
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United States1938 Posts
Damn, she feels weak. I hardly see her played anymore in both norms/ranked. Anyone had any success on dealing with her crappy early/midgame? I rarely find myself in situations where I can straight up out-trade someone unless I snowball somehow or get help from the jungle. | ||
United States2396 Posts
What i know is (or think i know): Mid > Top Gunblade core Trinity is neat if you go 30-0-0 Build balls to the wall AP, zhonyas/GA for a defensive item | ||
United States10536 Posts
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Denmark2142 Posts
I run 25-5, taking all the obvious things (no %AD though) in Offense and %armor/mres+reduced dmg from champions in offense. For runes I do hybrid pen/armor/mres/spellvamp - the spellvamp does quite a lot for your sustain pre-6 given you proc the 2nd q on creeps (don't just throw q's to get last hit with 1st proc if you can avoid it). Your peak at lvl 6 is a bit weaker, but as soon as you get your cutlass the 6% extra spellvamp does much more for you. I play her both mid and top, but I prefer to play her mid, especially since people can't really just place a pink in the middle of the lane anymore. | ||
United States3294 Posts
On December 05 2013 21:05 EquilasH wrote: Well I've been playing her all the time (both before this season and after) - Monte is right that the junglers and supports getting extra tanky isn't ideal, but the vision changes did her a lot of good. I run 25-5, taking all the obvious things (no %AD though) in Offense and %armor/mres+reduced dmg from champions in offense. For runes I do hybrid pen/armor/mres/spellvamp - the spellvamp does quite a lot for your sustain pre-6 given you proc the 2nd q on creeps (don't just throw q's to get last hit with 1st proc if you can avoid it). Your peak at lvl 6 is a bit weaker, but as soon as you get your cutlass the 6% extra spellvamp does much more for you. I play her both mid and top, but I prefer to play her mid, especially since people can't really just place a pink in the middle of the lane anymore. The new pinks make it so much better to lane with her. Have you ever tried running energy regen/lvl seals, flat cdr glyphs, hybrid reds, and spellvamp quints? I was checking out lolking akali profiles and one guy uses that setup exclusively. He has a pretty good kda too and is around 2k or so elo. I haven't been able to get in touch with him so i'm hoping maybe you have some experience with it. | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
I do like the idea of the combo between energy regen/lvl+cdr glyphs and I can imagine it working really well lategame (for Akali you need extra energy regen for CDR to work) but I think in 90%+ of the cases the tradeoff is too big from losing armor/mres. | ||
United States2396 Posts
On December 05 2013 21:05 EquilasH wrote: Well I've been playing her all the time (both before this season and after) - Monte is right that the junglers and supports getting extra tanky isn't ideal, but the vision changes did her a lot of good. I run 25-5, taking all the obvious things (no %AD though) in Offense and %armor/mres+reduced dmg from champions in offense. For runes I do hybrid pen/armor/mres/spellvamp - the spellvamp does quite a lot for your sustain pre-6 given you proc the 2nd q on creeps (don't just throw q's to get last hit with 1st proc if you can avoid it). Your peak at lvl 6 is a bit weaker, but as soon as you get your cutlass the 6% extra spellvamp does much more for you. I play her both mid and top, but I prefer to play her mid, especially since people can't really just place a pink in the middle of the lane anymore. No blade weaving? Is it too unrealistic to Pre mark Q>R>AA>2nd Q>R>AA? Are spellvamp quints THAT necessary? (i imagine they are but i wanna make sure i like her before buying them) | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
These are the masteries I run: http://preseason.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/masteries.html#3e9_5xgwl.16mbTGcg0.0.0 If you want to you could switch out one mastery point for blade weaving - the 5 in defense are just too valuable in lane to skip out on imo. Post 6 my usual harass combo mid will be pre mark Q>R>AA>2nd Q>E but if you can get away with a longer combo then that's great | ||
United States2396 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
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Germany2350 Posts
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Denmark2142 Posts
The Q>R>AA>2nd Q>E is not a teamfight combo, that's just the fastest way possible to proc 2 Q's (can be used in a teamfight, but it's not ideal to start using E that early cuz of energy). | ||
United States2396 Posts
What are good opening items for her? dshield, well it does its dshield things cloth+5 vs stupid stuff like gp/panth/zed(?) What do i start vs AP tops? How about non AD mids? I've heard you can open dblade with her. | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
Against any ranged champ (AP or AD) Doran's Shield will always be the superior starting item - the regen+reduced damage from autos is just too good to pass up on. I used to sometimes get rejuv bead+ward+pots but I think that opening is outdated after Doran's Shield change. Generally your 2 first big items will almost always be Gunblade+Hourglass. Sometimes you can get away with Gunblade+Lich Bane and every now and then I like to get Rylai's after my Gunblade (I can't really explain when, but sometimes I just have a feeling this route is the right choice). | ||
United States2396 Posts
Ive been doing dcap --> void usually since so far i've never really gotten ahead in lane to consider delaying hourglass but yeah i figured you could delay it. | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
After your core you have a few options: Deathcap, Void Staff, Guardian Angel and Rylai's are all viable. Edit: After doing some maths I calculated that with the combo of Dcap/Hourglass/Gunblade does 80 more damage using 2 q's and one r more than the combo of Lich Bane/Hourglass/Gunblade (I assumed 2 Lich Bane procs - you could get 3 Lich Bane procs I guess but it's not that realistic - though if you add e into the combo or another r the Lich Bane build wins in damage) | ||
United States2396 Posts
I don't use Rylai's often in general but the sticking power sounds nice. | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
Death Cap becomes an incredibly good item though once you have Lich Bane (and vice versa). The problem is that you might want to get your Guardian Angel at this point. Rylai is very situational and I don't use it often myself (Health is just pretty good when you already have quite a lof of resistances from your shroud+hourglass). | ||
Costa Rica676 Posts
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Denmark2142 Posts
It's mostly the same experience I have from playing myself and I pretty much never get Death Cap before Lich Bane. | ||
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