On October 01 2013 05:18 Alaric wrote: You saying this as the Jax, or the Darius player?
You're playing so many pricks I feel compelled to check.
god damn, why does everyone hate my champ pool. :< Alaric plz.
I actually play both Jax and Darius.
At this point I really like Bork over Gunblade, I think it gives me more of a splitpushing edge because the damage scales better. Also I like the fact that it's cheaper. also relevant:
On September 30 2013 12:58 cLutZ wrote: Can someone explain the TF straight to Blade to me? I understand getting cutlass for the awesome sustain, but I always feel far too squishy.
by the way SKT1 vs. Sword G1 is how Jax v. Shen would go in a just world
Nothing says you're obligated to finish off the BotRK. It's fairly common to build tanky stuff if you need it, a chain vest/negatron can do wonders to help you survive in lane.
But if you're doing well, you just straight up kill the enemy laner, so you don't really need more tanky stats. If you can finish off Triforce/BotRK before big team fights begin, you're in pretty good shape to be a major force in them.
Even if I'm punking my lane opponent (which is common as Jax), I feel like much less of a teamfight monster if Im TF+Blade instead of like TF + Visage/Randuins/GA
Well, that goes hand-in-hand with buying survivability, l0l. Buying Blade is all about sticking potential, making it easier for you to assassinate someone.
There's plenty of benefits from Omen/Visage but that really requires your enemy to stand there and fite you.
No one ever fights Jax. Jax is scary.
Pre-Triforce buff brawling with him as Renekton and Malphite wasn't that bad. Now? Eh.. >_>
it's a tougher matchup after these changes than it used to be in the old days, but I think it's still a skill matchup where the better player usually wins.
But I could also tell you right now that it's bad.
At max stats, Rageblade is giving you 30 AD, 72 AP, and 32% Attackspeed.
+5 AD on Rageblade is not going to outdo 8% less attackspeed compared to BotRK. 72 AP is not going to outdo the BotRK passive if 65 AP and 20 AD on Gunblade doesn't.
It has no active effect and no sustain pre 50% health. Once you drop below 50% health it gives less sustain than either item.
All this from an item that you have to be in combat for 2-3 seconds before you're even getting the maximum benefits from it.
Plus it doesn't build out of a Cutlass, which is like the most overpowered item in the world, sent from heaven just to make your laning easier.
So, after getting to max stacks on both passive and rageblade and dropping below 50% HP, you're slightly outdoing a Gunblades DPS, but sustaining worse than either item with no active effect and a worse buildup.
I think Rageblade suffers from a similar problem to items like Ruunans Hurricane, Executioners Calling, Atma's and Youmuu's Ghostblade. It's only 2600g and for a 2600g item it's quite good. But when you're looking at comparisons of slot efficiency you compare it to 3200g items, and compared to those it just doesn't cut it.
If it also gave say 2-3 AD per stack and was priced at 3200g, it would suddenly be a very effective item for Jax if you were expecting long fights and burst wasn't important, because it would then hands down be beating either item in long term DPS.
As some clarification, I watch this guy Link a lot, he's a really good Diamond Jax and also the person Dyrus studied when he was trying to get a handle on Season 3 Jax. He prefers 9/0/21, here's why
On October 06 2013 02:29 GhandiEAGLE wrote: As some clarification, I watch this guy Link a lot, he's a really good Diamond Jax and also the person Dyrus studied when he was trying to get a handle on Season 3 Jax. He prefers 9/0/21, here's why
On October 06 2013 02:29 GhandiEAGLE wrote: As some clarification, I watch this guy Link a lot, he's a really good Diamond Jax and also the person Dyrus studied when he was trying to get a handle on Season 3 Jax. He prefers 9/0/21, here's why
The logic makes sense, all his points are fair enough. I assume it is much easier to play this setup with better mechanics, though, as someone like me desperately needs 21 points in Defense to not get screwed over in a duel. A more careful and proficient player can survive with no issue with Utility runes, though.
Interesting. I may try them if I can tear myself away from Hearthstone :3
Lets see if we can do a little math to figure out which mastery build is best. This sort of thing is very difficult to do typically, but I'm going to give it a try because I have fun doing this shit.
For starters, we'll assume that 9/0/21 is worse late game. 2 GP10 isn't helpful at 6 items, neither is the starting gold, the biscuit or the ward. Lifesteal is nice but it's not going to be as good as 21 points in either tree later in the game, so if you're going Utility you're doing it to pick up an early game advantage.
So what's going to give Jax an advantage in early laning?
I'm going to disregard the +50 starting gold giving you two potions, because that requires you to sit at the fountain. You can already sit at the fountain and get 1 extra potion without missing any minions, so really you're only getting a 1 potion advantage if your strategy is to sit at the fountain.
So, lets look at the early game difference in sustain.
We're gonna look at a fairly standard 21/0/9 build (I'm going to use lets say http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/s3/#GlUvSllTvdtgvqUr, but this is probably not the best, we can work on that later) using lets say AS reds and Lifesteal quints.
Our Dorans Blade start Jax has 73.339 AD with 6% lifesteal as 21/0/9. 70.339 as 9/0/21
A last hit on a minion as 21/0/9 hits for 82.83 and heals for 9.96 A last hit on a minion as 9/0/21 hits for 72.87 and heals for 11.55
So, 1.5 extra healing per hit approx at level 1. Your 3% spell vamp on a level 1 Empower is healing for less than 1 HP after counting enemy MR. This is honestly fairly negligable, or at least I think so. Maybe I'm wrong!
You're getting the same biscuit, the same summoner mastery etc. So is the extra starting potion and 60 second ward really worth having worse late game power? I'm not sure I'm seeing it.
I also really really don't think the GP10 mastery is any good. It's an extra 12 gold per minute. Even supports aren't super into GP10 at this point, so why would your top laner be? I feel like if you're going 21 utility you're getting the GP10 because of a lack of better options, and are putting a ton of mastery points into 3% movespeed and lifesteal/spellvamp.
On October 06 2013 02:29 GhandiEAGLE wrote: As some clarification, I watch this guy Link a lot, he's a really good Diamond Jax and also the person Dyrus studied when he was trying to get a handle on Season 3 Jax. He prefers 9/0/21, here's why