On April 29 2012 06:08 BlackMagister wrote: What kind of masteries do people run on top lane Jax? 9/21/0 seems good for surviving laning phase, but 30/0/0 seems to synergize best with Jax's overall goal and his ultimate scaling giving him extra AD, AP and Magic/Armor Pen. Could just run cloth 5 or boots 4 pots into wriggles first to help him survive to gunblade?
I suppose you could only run this vs easy lanes though unless you're willing to lose a lot of cs early on. Or maybe he really could trade with other melee champs, I don't know.
I prefer getting upto the CDR/lvl stuff in defence and the CDR+lifesteal in offence. I guess 30/0/0 basically would let you do even better in lanes you already win while not really helping in your tough match-ups so I just go defence in every lane. I prefer to farmfest it up anyways.
He can trade well with anyone that primarily relies on autos like tryndamere or fiora. Someone like lee sin or riven is pretty difficult to deal with though. And people like shen & Yorick are nightmares.
depends on the lane. Vs guys who more or less beat you outright if you don't and vs guys with lots of dots, 9/21/0, otherwise I go 22/6/2. I always go flat ad reds and marks, armor yellows, flat mr blues.
@USnip are you still rushing gunblade? I've been going wriggles + wits into mallet but I'm gonna try gunblade today.
Jax is really versatile which throws people who want the one summoner/mastery/item build every game but it's a strength. Build him according to your lane matchup and your team's needs.
Safest masteries/summoners for blind pick is imo 9/21/0 and flash/teleport. Helps compensate for your lack of sustain in hard lanes, and even if it means an easy lane gets away with 10 HP instead of dying you can just zone them out of CS all game and use teleport to contest dragon etc. Offensive masteries are fine if you've got a good matchup and are better if you jungle (he's not as good as other junglers but he is a lot of fun there).
If your team needs someone to dive carries or initiate fights then build HP faster, If you have few stuns/slows on your allies go for phage or cutlass or rylais faster, if you need burst sheen is the most cost effective, items like rageblade can be fantastic or underwhelming depending on your team and theirs. Jax's kit has good damage, burst and survivability regardless of what you do it's all about maximising whichever aspect will be best for that game.
I rarely do gunblade rush unless it's a game where I'm doing well in lane and have someone else to initiate but I've been trying bilgewater early instead of wriggles and I think it's not a bad choice. Covers your lifesteal requirements, the slow is still very good despite reduced range/damage, and you always have the option to upgrade it anyway. There's kind of a continuity in what you want early where Gunblade is when you're in a strong position, Bilgewater if you're doing OK in lane and the slow will help you, Wriggles if you need more safety from your lane opponent or their jungler. Sometimes vamp scepter is all you need for a while, don't just blindly build wriggles.
i dont play jax but i imagine ghost would be better than flash on him?
On April 30 2012 11:57 nyxnyxnyx wrote: i dont play jax but i imagine ghost would be better than flash on him?
A bunch of summoners are viable on him depending on what you want really. Ghost is nice but I prefer flash in blind pick as it's just generically good. If you know your top lane opponent is one without skills that let them outrun you with ghost then I'd definitely consider it, it's possible I'm just not good enough with ghost to make it shine too as I take it rarely and on few champs.
CS-->flash-->leap-->activate CS is great for jungle ganks as an aside.
Ghost is good. Your gap closer is really strong though so flash gives you a lot more mobility and surprise potential.
There is no good lane build on him but gunblade. The masteries, runes, whatever, but the gunblade is inflexibly core, the item is just too good with the current incarnation of the hero.
11589 Posts
On May 01 2012 13:21 UniversalSnip wrote: Ghost is good. Your gap closer is really strong though so flash gives you a lot more mobility and surprise potential.
There is no good lane build on him but gunblade. The masteries, runes, whatever, but the gunblade is inflexibly core, the item is just too good with the current incarnation of the hero. I agree with this. The slow, sustain, and damage from GB synergise with your kit so well, it is absurd. I find you can build him just like old Jax with the addition of triforce and just do insane damage.
Having picked up jax after a long time again, with gunblade not being as good as it used to be on jax I either go wriggles first now if I need it and then triforce, or just straight to triforce. The burst damage you get out of triforce is just insane and your hp pool is quite nice with just the triforce and def masteries. Prefer it a lot more over gunblade. It helps you chase people and you get more ult hits out with the attackspeed.
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On May 01 2012 13:21 UniversalSnip wrote: Ghost is good. Your gap closer is really strong though so flash gives you a lot more mobility and surprise potential.
There is no good lane build on him but gunblade. The masteries, runes, whatever, but the gunblade is inflexibly core, the item is just too good with the current incarnation of the hero.
Before the remake, GB was core on Jax because it had awesome synergy with him and with it Jax was an average champ, nowhere near FP/ban worthy. Now the synergy with GB is less pronounced, and the item itself lost like 20% of its power. If it's still the best choice, I'd imagine Jax is beyond trash now.
On Jungle Jax I've been going cloth+5 --> tabi --> Cutlass, skipping the usual HoG and Wriggles. Thoughts? It just seems that delaying your core by 2500 is kinda silly seeing as how strong he becomes with cutlass or gunblade.e
i just started jungling jax the other day. i go boots+3, vamp scepter, gunblade, triforce, last whisper. SV was playing jungle jax the other night on his stream, a few games in a row, and thats how he did it. it works well. runes you can go +15 ad or +15% as. ive tried both and i think i lean towards the ad. masteries 9/21/0
gunblade and triforce are expensive but the component items are all very useful when you pick them up. there are a wide range of stats on these two items so build according to what you need.
I run jax in top lane always and have always ran 21/9/0 to accommodate my aggressive play style, I usually farm heavily and frequently roam once the opponents tower is down or if the opportunity presents itself before that. I was wondering if I should consider running 9/21/0 thou, usually as I said before I run 21/9/0 taking both the armor pen and magic pen mysteries and avoiding the bonus crit chance and ad per level. What do you guys think are the advantages for 9/21/0 over my current setup.
I also always run flat d reds, flat Mormon yellows, mrlvl blues and move speed quints, always, thoughts?
On May 11 2012 01:49 Cosmology wrote: I run max in top lane always and have always ran 21/9/0 to accommodate my aggressive play style, I usually farm heavily and frequently roam once the opponents tower is down or if the opportunity presents itself before that. I was wondering if I should consider running 9/21/0 thou, usually as I said before I run 21/9/0 taking both the armor pen and magic pen mysteries and avoiding the bonus crit chance and ad per level. What do you guys think are the advantages for 9/21/0 over my current setup.
I also always run flat d reds, flat Mormon yellows, mrlvl blues and move speed quints, always, thoughts?
Mormon yellows are OP on Max (maybe on all champs?)
I considered a number of other jokes but they quickly delved into the inappropriate for TL boards range.
On May 11 2012 01:40 Vaporized wrote: i just started jungling jax the other day. i go boots+3, vamp scepter, gunblade, triforce, last whisper. SV was playing jungle jax the other night on his stream, a few games in a row, and thats how he did it. it works well. runes you can go +15 ad or +15% as. ive tried both and i think i lean towards the ad. masteries 9/21/0
gunblade and triforce are expensive but the component items are all very useful when you pick them up. there are a wide range of stats on these two items so build according to what you need. Why wouldn't you go like 27/3/0? Seems like the 9 in defense doesn't do that much for jax.
On May 11 2012 02:56 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2012 01:40 Vaporized wrote: i just started jungling jax the other day. i go boots+3, vamp scepter, gunblade, triforce, last whisper. SV was playing jungle jax the other night on his stream, a few games in a row, and thats how he did it. it works well. runes you can go +15 ad or +15% as. ive tried both and i think i lean towards the ad. masteries 9/21/0
gunblade and triforce are expensive but the component items are all very useful when you pick them up. there are a wide range of stats on these two items so build according to what you need. Why wouldn't you go like 27/3/0? Seems like the 9 in defense doesn't do that much for jax. It really does, the scaling health and 30 base health helps an unbelievable amount
30HP is like one of the most significant 1-point wonders in all three mastery tree. In comparison, 10% armor pen/magic pen has trouble letting you do an extra 100 damage even late-game in a fight.
I just bought jax, and he is really fucking good. I started playing him jungle and he feels just as strong if not stronger than noct/trundle/WW, really top class and very strong.
The trick I found with jungle is to open with WEWQ or EWWQ, getting that counterstrike right away. It makes your jungle very solid and keeps your health very high. I had been going WQ, but counterstrike is much stronger.
I have been going 21-9-0 with AD reds, open vamp and I can easily jungle even without a leash. I have been going wriggles-->phage--->triforce, which feels strong. But I have also gone cutlass, which makes for really strong ganks as well if you feel thats what you need.
I have been doing realllllly well with him, and he jungles really fast once you get 6 as well as soloing drag like a champ.
On May 13 2012 16:54 sob3k wrote: I just bought jax, and he is really fucking good. I started playing him jungle and he feels just as strong if not stronger than noct/trundle/WW, really top class and very strong.
The trick I found with jungle is to open with WEWQ or EWWQ, getting that counterstrike right away. It makes your jungle very solid and keeps your health very high. I had been going WQ, but counterstrike is much stronger.
I have been going 21-9-0 with AD reds, open vamp and I can easily jungle even without a leash. I have been going wriggles-->phage--->triforce, which feels strong. But I have also gone cutlass, which makes for really strong ganks as well if you feel thats what you need.
I have been doing realllllly well with him, and he jungles really fast once you get 6 as well as soloing drag like a champ. I start with e for wolves and then get w at lvl 2. I agree that jax is a solid jungle right now. He is very strong in a lot of areas.