[Champion] Master Yi - Page 10
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Canada3353 Posts
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United States2687 Posts
That being said, AP YI is a favorite for many smurf players, so you might have run into someone who knows how to play, but was just messing around with you. | ||
United States3803 Posts
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United States2687 Posts
It's pretty easy in the new jungle for anybody, so take a look at your lanes in champ select, decide how effective a lvl 2 red gank will be (Does one of your lanes have a stun?). If a lvl 2 red gank doesn't seem effective, then go for a different start. Wraith jack -> blue and wolves blue depend on what kind of team you have, and what kind of pull you can expect to get. Q procs also makes things weird. With wraith jack _> blue sometimes you will Q proc the big wraith, sometimes you need to smite it to be safe. If this occurs, you'll need a good pull on your blue, consider if you can rely on a good pull from your team before attempting a wraith jack (just as a back up plan). The farm the jungle path would probably be wolves > blue > wraiths > red > golems > wraiths > wolves > b. I dont think boots 3 Yi could do it without lucky Q procs, but dorans blade yi, vamp sceptre yi should be ok (try in a custom game first though). If it doesnt work out just go wraiths > golems > red / b / wraiths / wolves | ||
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United States2687 Posts
On February 25 2012 10:55 ultimatenewb wrote: AP Yi =) Just a head up, if you're goign to start posting on these forums you'll want to type out posts that have some real content. Something like "ap yi =)" is going to get you warnings etc, but something like "I also really like playing AP Yi heres how I do it: ..." Or "I love AP Yi, thanks for the guide, it's helped me improve at AP YI". | ||
Canada2562 Posts
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137 Posts
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Hungary4707 Posts
On February 25 2012 13:54 Hidden_MotiveS wrote: Yi beats bots really hard. I have to try him as a top laner sometime. Like you kill one bot, then you use ER, kill another, continue the cycle. All he really needs to do this is some MR and lifesteal but I went for the all damage ghostblade route. Never seen anyone own bots so hard. hehe dont use E after you kill someone with ult. It actually decreases your dps. Wuju style gives huge damage bonus when its active, and when its CD is refreshed you get also the passive bonus. So its 1.5 times the passive together. When you reactivate E, you will lose the passive bonus damage. | ||
United States2687 Posts
On February 26 2012 07:02 STYDawn wrote: Whats the new jungle build? been using the final yi build but that feels a bit out of date Depends on the game, but things like wriggles, wits, ghostblade are nice. Atmogs is also nice, but I dunno, I just don't really like it that much on Yi. Depends on what your team needs you to do really. Splitpushing? itemize attack speed. Gonna be in team fights? Work out your role: Is it to soak up a bit of damage? Atmogs. Is it to come in and clean up? itemize more for damage. Early game you're tossing up between wriggles or dorans blade stacking. And I feel like wits and brutalizer are also pretty core on him. Afte rthat just evaluate whether you need more damage, or whether you need to survive longer. Oh and Triforce is pretty good on Yi, but in usual games, its an unaffordable luxury. | ||
1164 Posts
The main issue I've had is teamfighting and non-laning 1v1; if he can jump in when someone is low, he can immediately start chaining Alpha Strikes for a huge amount of damage. However, this either means that Yi has to wait until someone is close to death to engage, or his team has to reliably take out two champions, both without the upfront damage of an AP carry (though the latter can get one Alpha Strike in). Hence his team needs to be on board with that idea. He has an even harder time 1v1ing someone, even with DFG or Lich Bane. | ||
United States37500 Posts
Chain Alpha Strikes make or break AP Yi it feels like. :< I'd rather just auto people to death with insane AS/MS if I'm Yi, but that's just me. Edit: his split pushing is on par with AD Yi but his backdooring is much worse. You need Lich Bane if you plan on BD'ing. | ||
1164 Posts
The main problem about his backdooring, unlike AD Yi, is that he can't really 1v1 most people. He needs a teamfight to be really effective. If nothing else, he has the Swain Effect going for him. People don't see too many "serious" AP Yi (i.e not a pre-30 game) and underestimate just how much of a bully he can be. Which is the main advantage of AP Yi over AD. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On March 06 2012 09:46 ManyCookies wrote: Oh I don't use it while they're attacking me. Use it in-between minion waves, or just hold back for a few seconds at a safe-ish distance. The main problem about his backdooring, unlike AD Yi, is that he can't really 1v1 most people. He needs a teamfight to be really effective. Well, getting to use Meditate to absorb enemy spells is a highlight for AP Yi. You take hits but still net positive health. Playing against champions like LeBlanc or Sion, they deny you that option because their combo will break Meditate and they have the range to poke you while you try to heal in safety. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On March 06 2012 09:51 NeoIllusions wrote: Well, getting to use Meditate to absorb enemy spells is a highlight for AP Yi. You take hits but still net positive health. Playing against champions like LeBlanc or Sion, they deny you that option because their combo will break Meditate and they have the range to poke you while you try to heal in safety. You can just head out of their sight and heal a bit. AP yi's a lane bully for sure. So are AP sion and AP nunu. So it's a good thing that they all fall off as hard as an anvil through air. They're all situationally good, but they lack large bursts of damage late game. Sion loses his shield to AD focus (though his flash combo still works when he's fed and he targets someone squishy). He basically only has two useful skills and his tankiness late game is overrated. Nunu can rarely ever get his R off, and his E starts to not hurt, but he can still slow an AD's attack speed by 25% . He also builds frozen heart more often that the other two so he's more useful for his team at slowing enemy attack speed. And he can buff his AD's attack and movement speed. I still don't think this is enough to justify having him over a bruiser or mid. Yi does well when he chains alphas, or the enemy team for some reason attacks him while he's healing. He also has two useful skills. I find it's very hard to get kills in lane as AP nunu or yi. Sion has an easier time getting fed. I have an easy time staying a bit behind yi and nunu in top lane as kayle. I also feel more useful than them later on. I haven't faced sion but I feel like he'd be the same. Just looking at the champ list, some other lane bullies are vlad, taric, raka, yorick, shen, riven, and warwick. Basically anyone with free or large amounts of undeniable sustain that they like to get. I find the original 3 I went in detail about to be the more annoying AP bullies. | ||
United States10467 Posts
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United States1898 Posts
Boots 3 -> Wriggles -> Philo/zerkers/mercs -> Phage -> Aegis -> Hex drinker -> GA I then upgraded every item (phage -> FM, Hex -> MoM) and it actually worked pretty well. Going in and attacking with Yi and waiting for the CC to be over, then pressing W makes you very resilient and you do a shit ton of damage. | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
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United States3721 Posts
On August 10 2012 01:51 greggy wrote: Max E? How does that work? I've not played for a while but doesn't it only add 5 damage (10 on active) per level? 10 damage is like a free longsword, is kinda how I think about it | ||
United States1898 Posts
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