On January 09 2011 14:17 TheYango wrote: About Yordle Snap Traps, I actually disagree with using them to cover ganking paths, particularly if you're mid.
Cait shouldn't be mid because her passive requires brush for you to use it correctly.
Caller is hands down the best Cait on TL so idk why you guys are hating. He's won us a couple of TT games with her in ranked using that same tiamat build and I'm actually thinking that it's one of the best ways to play her.
Just curious, has anyone tried a skill order like QWEEER for the first 6 levels?
Seeing as her whole kit is pretty lackluster after the laning phase,getting 3 levels of E before 6 maximizes your burst, putting it ahead of other ranged carries, and o n par with burst casters.
It's probably bad, but I figured it's something that might be worth trying.
On January 10 2011 05:54 TheYango wrote: Just curious, has anyone tried a skill order like QWEEER for the first 6 levels?
Seeing as her whole kit is pretty lackluster after the laning phase, it would seem like getting a gold advantage early on is the best way to leverage her skill set. Getting 3 levels of E before 6 maximizes your burst, putting it ahead of other ranged carries, and on par with burst casters.
It's probably bad, but I figured it's something that might be worth trying.
The problem with E's damage is it pushes you away, which means if you're trying to kill someone its counter productive. I only really use E as a utility spell to get away or move faster (shoot it backwards) to get more auto attacks.
On January 10 2011 05:59 Phrost wrote: The problem with E's damage is it pushes you away, which means if you're trying to kill someone its counter productive. I only really use E as a utility spell to get away or move faster (shoot it backwards) to get more auto attacks.
I mean, it's counter-productive if you still want to chase and push more auto-attacks, but if you can Trap-Q-Ignite-Auto-E-R, then you've got a solid amount of burst damage, which may not necessitate chasing (particularly since she's new and people won't correctly judge her burst).
Plus, since E's range is longer than your autoattack, you don't necessarily even lose autoattacks casting it, because if you were already outside of 650 range (or if chasing further would put you in tower range), you weren't going to get any more autos.
On January 10 2011 06:10 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: If you're leading with trap you're doing it wrong lol
Without an opponent triggering a trap or someone with CC ganking you're lane (in which case, you can try to chain trap off of their CC anyway) you're not going to reliably lock someone down anyway.
I'm willing to accept that it's probably bad, but somehow, a ranged carry that can achieve 600+ level 6 burst damage without even considering autoattacks yet feels like it warrants at least some experimentation.
On January 10 2011 05:59 Phrost wrote: The problem with E's damage is it pushes you away, which means if you're trying to kill someone its counter productive. I only really use E as a utility spell to get away or move faster (shoot it backwards) to get more auto attacks.
I mean, it's counter-productive if you still want to chase and push more auto-attacks, but if you can Trap-Q-Ignite-Auto-E-R, then you've got a solid amount of burst damage, which may not necessitate chasing (particularly since she's new and people won't correctly judge her burst).
Plus, since E's range is longer than your autoattack, you don't necessarily even lose autoattacks casting it, because if you were already outside of 650 range (or if chasing further would put you in tower range), you weren't going to get any more autos.
The cooldown reduction from leveling Q is significant enough that I think E would be strictly for escaping or shooting backwards for an extra auto or two
On January 10 2011 06:10 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: If you're leading with trap you're doing it wrong lol
Without an opponent triggering a trap or someone with CC ganking you're lane (in which case, you can try to chain trap off of their CC anyway) you're not going to reliably lock someone down anyway.
I'm willing to accept that it's probably bad, but somehow, a ranged carry that can achieve 600+ level 6 burst damage without even considering autoattacks yet feels like it warrants at least some experimentation.
No, I'm not saying cait is bad, she's awesome, but you don't lead with trap, it's for the midgame when you can use it in a teamfight as part of a stunlock chain. In lane you basically just use it to block potential gank routes, force them to walk with their creeps and trap bushes.
On January 10 2011 05:59 Phrost wrote: The problem with E's damage is it pushes you away, which means if you're trying to kill someone its counter productive. I only really use E as a utility spell to get away or move faster (shoot it backwards) to get more auto attacks.
I mean, it's counter-productive if you still want to chase and push more auto-attacks, but if you can Trap-Q-Ignite-Auto-E-R, then you've got a solid amount of burst damage, which may not necessitate chasing (particularly since she's new and people won't correctly judge her burst).
Plus, since E's range is longer than your autoattack, you don't necessarily even lose autoattacks casting it, because if you were already outside of 650 range (or if chasing further would put you in tower range), you weren't going to get any more autos.
let's see the things wrong with this a) you expect the enemy to walk into a trap when you are in range b) you have ignite c) you expect to be in range to use ignite after using Q without being gibbed d) this combo of yours would do less than 1500 damage at level 11, assuming you hit everything and the enemy has no armor, and that you're not being chased or anything
I just figured that since her whole kit is lackluster after laning, I went with the logic of "what does the most damage during laning", and I guess I took that too far without considering any of the real practicalities.
How is her whole kit lackluster? Her range is fine, she has an escape mechanism that doubles as CC, she has a cc that doubles as an escape mechanism and adds to a stunlock, she can still contribute to a battle from waaaaaaay far and on top of that she's a ranged dps.
I mean, she's not corki, but she's not terrible either.
has anyone tried AP cait yet? Of course it wouldn't be a serious build, but I imagine seeing squishes lose half their health from a trap and nuking people down while being chased being pretty funny.
On January 10 2011 12:46 UniversalSnip wrote: she's a pretty solid counter to solo top xin actually, you abuse range and trap the bushes and if he tries to leap you he gets stunned.
On January 10 2011 09:32 Crazazyasian1337 wrote: has anyone tried AP cait yet? Of course it wouldn't be a serious build, but I imagine seeing squishes lose half their health from a trap and nuking people down while being chased being pretty funny.
So I just tried this build and started off 1/2/0 and then after the second tiamat I starting raking in the kills. Ended off 9/3/12. So many assists still though :O
On January 10 2011 15:46 Deluge- wrote: So I just tried this build and started off 1/2/0 and then after the second tiamat I starting raking in the kills. Ended off 9/3/12. So many assists still though :O
On January 10 2011 15:46 Deluge- wrote: So I just tried this build and started off 1/2/0 and then after the second tiamat I starting raking in the kills. Ended off 9/3/12. So many assists still though :O