I have no idea how to play him properly. I've seen a huge variety of builds, and I don't really know how to judge which one is actually most consistent/ 'the best'.
Do you get Wriggle's?
Do you just get Razors + vamp scepter and thus get a much faster bloodrazor?
What boots do you get? When do you upgrade them?
If the enemy is warding all over the place, when is an ideal time to buy Oracle's? After Razors? After Vamp. scepter?
So basically yeah, wriggles for the lifesteal and to save money on wards, open cloth armor and don't get too fixed on starting golems+red. Boxcamp the shit out of their jungle, feel free to ult when jungling before lv 10. You don't really need health to trap, you just need bluebuff and boxes.
On December 03 2010 08:01 TieN.nS) wrote: Nolja went Wriggle's into TriForce against CLG in Newegg and OP was undefeated with his Shaco so sounds pretty good to me~
I've been yelled at nonstop every time i've built triforce. =/
It seems like it gives Shaco just about everything he needs, though-- I'll give it another shot. The 300 health (I think it's 300) is a particularly nice bonus because he's so squishy by default.
And yes, I watched that Reginald video long before posting this. I'm pretty sure it's pre-nerf though and in an entirely different metagame, so it may be entirely irrelevant now for all I know.
cloth + 5 pot 3 jitb under golem's spawnpoint, 1 jitb at the choke to river, 1 jitb behind golem bush (or a fourth at golem spawn if you feel very safe), smite blue buff and kill small lizards. level 2 gets knife. wolves->wraiths, save smite, level knife->golems, smite one->red buff, set up 3 jitbs outside of lizard's range, draw it in with knife, kill with smite gank closest lane by deceiving in, backstabbing with red, and using knife to keep them slowed. 100% of the time will get you a kill. literally 100% of the time. b home and buy madred's + more pots, boots if you can afford them. clean up the jungle again or gank again depending on the situation. you want to hit 6 asap. at level six you'll want madred's and recurve or madred's and zerkers, either works. run to dragon, jitb under dragon, immediately ult, immediately knife dragon, then attack it. knife and jitb on cooldown, dragon will go down in seconds. go grab buffs and gank again. depending on how many kills you got (i've had 4 in the first 4 minutes before O_o) you can have bloodrazor as early as 12.5 minutes, but it should never be later than 20 minutes. once you've got BR and zerkers either force teamfights and blow up their squishies, using Q as an escape not an initiate, or go to empty lanes and push towers like the madman you are. your clone + jitb help you take down towers insanely fast. every item after bloodrazor is situational. i frequently follow up BR with: banshee sunfire thornmail black cleaver randuin etc etc etc
if your team is all magic damage and needs an AD carry, skip the bloodrazor and build infinity edge after madred's razor. consider turning madred's into lantern or saving it for BR later. sell your zerkers lategame for mercs
On December 03 2010 10:27 TheYango wrote: Semi-related, but apparently Guinsoo made a post saying they want Shaco to be a better laner, but not jungle.
On December 03 2010 10:27 TheYango wrote: Semi-related, but apparently Guinsoo made a post saying they want Shaco to be a better laner, but not jungle.
On December 03 2010 10:27 TheYango wrote: Semi-related, but apparently Guinsoo made a post saying they want Shaco to be a better laner, but not jungle.
A clown that can go invisible, crits when invisible, has a passive slow, has a fear and does extra damage when attacking from behind sounds like he belongs in the jungle....
On December 03 2010 10:22 gtrsrs wrote: shaco through the 1400 level is played as such:
cloth + 5 pot 3 jitb under golem's spawnpoint, 1 jitb at the choke to river, 1 jitb behind golem bush (or a fourth at golem spawn if you feel very safe), smite blue buff and kill small lizards. level 2 gets knife. wolves->wraiths, save smite, level knife->golems, smite one->red buff, set up 3 jitbs outside of lizard's range, draw it in with knife, kill with smite gank closest lane by deceiving in, backstabbing with red, and using knife to keep them slowed. 100% of the time will get you a kill. literally 100% of the time. b home and buy madred's + more pots, boots if you can afford them. clean up the jungle again or gank again depending on the situation. you want to hit 6 asap. at level six you'll want madred's and recurve or madred's and zerkers, either works. run to dragon, jitb under dragon, immediately ult, immediately knife dragon, then attack it. knife and jitb on cooldown, dragon will go down in seconds. go grab buffs and gank again. depending on how many kills you got (i've had 4 in the first 4 minutes before O_o) you can have bloodrazor as early as 12.5 minutes, but it should never be later than 20 minutes. once you've got BR and zerkers either force teamfights and blow up their squishies, using Q as an escape not an initiate, or go to empty lanes and push towers like the madman you are. your clone + jitb help you take down towers insanely fast. every item after bloodrazor is situational. i frequently follow up BR with: banshee sunfire thornmail black cleaver randuin etc etc etc
if your team is all magic damage and needs an AD carry, skip the bloodrazor and build infinity edge after madred's razor. consider turning madred's into lantern or saving it for BR later. sell your zerkers lategame for mercs
I've been doing this build at the 1300 level (other than I do Regi's jungle route), but my team tends to suicide while I attempt to push towers, but my team doesn't seem to understand that forcing 4v5's away from towers is a bad idea. I was thinking that I might try opening Wriggles into IE then GA followed by more damage making me faster at killing towers. Does this sound viable?
Is anyone else tired of free shaco weekend already? I've been smurfing with a friend who started playing recently and he was on nine out of ten teams. Almost always terrible. One game we went from 8-0 to 8-7 when our jungle shaco started ganking. We only won cos it was 5v4.
On December 03 2010 10:27 TheYango wrote: Semi-related, but apparently Guinsoo made a post saying they want Shaco to be a better laner, but not jungle.