[Champion] Anivia - Page 2
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United States2707 Posts
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United States2233 Posts
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Netherlands1021 Posts
And its true, being good at using the wall, not wasting them is by far the hardest thing on anivia, together with the propper timing of the second activation of your Q and stopping your R at propper times (the 4/5 sec cd can seem so long) | ||
Germany1471 Posts
Seconly Boots of swiftness and MS Quints are great on her since positioning is absolutely critical on her. Her E is shortranged but important to hit since it´s the big damagesource. Movementspeed also improves your abilitiy to hit skillshots, in this case Q and W. She is bar none the squishiest champion (depending how you count the egg), if her abilities are avoided even partially by the enemys she is omlet. A few things to keep in mind: Wall grants vision. Use it to check brush, NOT your face! Qs activation stun also applies the chill effect for E even if you can´t "doublehit". If your egg is on CD you get a buff showing you the duration till it´s up again - enemies can see that! | ||
Sweden5901 Posts
You shouldn't really have mana problems if you've got mana regen runes and playing remotely correctly with just normal last hitting and Q>E to harass sometimes. Rune build: MPen reds, mp5/lvl yellows, flat AP blues and AP quints. Summoner build: ghost/flash, teleport/flash or clarity/flash if you lack the runes. Ability build: Start with Q for obvious reasons. After that R > E > Q > W for train order. Mastery build: 9/0/21 Item build: I start crystal + hp pots so I can harass more. First B: lvl 1 boots, catalyst, pots + 1 ward. Second B: finish RoA if you're owning else I go straight for Archangels staff, get both of these regardless. After that I build either speed 3 boots or sorc boots, Zonyas ring and then defense; Bveil if they have strong AP/initators and GA if they have strong AD or you're just getting focused every single team fight. GG Playstyle: Laning phase: You're pretty much #1 AP carry in the game right now, get farmed. Don't take huge risks unless you're confident you can win the lane and/or survive their jungle gank. You're an excellent baiter because of your egg passive, if you're losing your lane in early game and your jungler is coming for a gank, just time it, let him overextend a bit to kill you, then rofl as your jungler flies in and finishes him off. This can be risky so be confident about your enemies dmg output and the time it'd take him to kill you while egged. If you're having trouble landing your Q in early game, try shooting it through your own creeps to hide that its coming for him. Also lead with it, its a slow projectile so don't aim where they are, aim where they're going. Team fights/Roaming: Stay in the back and poke in and out with Q > E to catch people for your team, use R to kite enemies and then R > E. Save your Q for a quick stun on their anti-carries if you know you're gonna get ccd, it can save your life. Don't be scared to catch the enemy teams carries as they're pushing behind their tanks after the initial engagement, kite with R, do a 180 turn, throw Q and stun on their most dangerous champ and focus them down, just makes sure you dont do it alone with no backup, its gonna turn ugly really fast. Use your wall to check brushes, never facecheck anything when you know they're missing from the map. Use your wall to block half the opposite team in a team fight, use them in chokepoints in the jungle. At max level it can completely block of a choke point. Use wall to give vision in jungle if you're for example pushing top tower before inhib tower, you can then intercept enemies that are coming to gank you, quick stun across the wall followed by combo = dead enemy. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On January 04 2011 23:42 Senx wrote: If you're having trouble landing your Q in early game, try shooting it through your own creeps to hide that its coming for him. Also lead with it, its a slow projectile so don't aim where they are, aim where they're going. Q is slow enough that it should only ever land if, a) you have something setting it up (W, R, or someone else's CC), or b) they choose to willingly get hit by it (e.g. they decide to take the last-hit you're trying to force them off, or they're chasing you), or c) they're straight up bad. You can use it to protect yourself or to force people off of last-hits, but against someone who's not brain-dead and who has decent pings, you're not going to push any damage leading with Q. | ||
Germany1471 Posts
The power range between worst and best application is the biggest out of any champ. Even a Ez missing all his skillshots isn´t as harmfull as a really bad wall. | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
(even a bit on how Anivia fights without allies, R>E>Q>E, and she can fight on her own VERY WELL) Team liquid people really need to learn to solo propperly, you play together to much and can't solo anything. Thinkin Anivia can't 1v1 is just .... :/ | ||
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