Order of phage. atmas, and banshee's normally is dependent on the game.
[Champion] Xin Zhao - Page 3
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United States9316 Posts
Order of phage. atmas, and banshee's normally is dependent on the game. | ||
United States605 Posts
On December 27 2010 11:12 BlackPaladin wrote: Your build sounds exactly like the one Guardsman Bob uses actually. He does wriggles, GB, phage, atmas, banshee's and won't complete phage into frozen mallet unless he's item capped, pumping elixers constantly, and still has a lot of gold. Order of phage. atmas, and banshee's normally is dependent on the game. Thats the Udyr!! Haha. Well yeah its a good way for Xin because you are a good mix of tank and DPS at all the right times in the game. Nice to have a build that a good player uses! | ||
Canada5878 Posts
Wriggles I think is a preference thing. Wards are quite an investment to keep buying now that they don't last as long and die really easily. So the gameplay value of wriggles went up. I would like starks much better on Xin though. | ||
Denmark994 Posts
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United States605 Posts
On December 27 2010 18:18 Advocado wrote: Isn't building wriggles on a laning character putting you at an disadvantage? Why? Its good for pushing, keeping you alive (with the lifesteal and armor), free wards, and it helps at neutrals (Xin is great with red, as well as extra damage at dragon and baron). | ||
Denmark994 Posts
On December 28 2010 02:17 fadestep wrote: Why? Its good for pushing, keeping you alive (with the lifesteal and armor), free wards, and it helps at neutrals (Xin is great with red, as well as extra damage at dragon and baron). That makes a lot of sense. Just that you get the Recurve Bow a bit later, but that doesn't matter so much I guess. I definitely like the Bloodrazer after having gotten it during a game of jungle xin zhao. Just seemed like you would have to go a bit out of your way to get it. I played with Stinger earlier today and that felt really good, but probably more likely to be the opponents having a day off. The CD% is great and att spd is cheap on it. | ||
9871 Posts
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United States5348 Posts
On December 28 2010 07:53 UniversalSnip wrote: instead of wriggles just build triple doran's, lol. It's still good. For 300 less gold you get the same attack damage and lifesteal and 300 health instead of 30 armor (wayyyyy better), and you don't have to build out of cloth armor and longsword. uh, it also takes up 3 inventory space. pain in the ass if you're still buying wards/hp pots, which as xin (an off-tank) seems like part of your responsibility. not to mention the fact that i like to build omen and bveil at the same time, going for some combination of hog, catalyst, chain vests and null magic mantle (with exceptions against certain dmg types), means that having your lanestaying item as 1 slot and combining partly with ward space is pretty convenient. i do agree that i'd rather have starks over wriggles, but at the same time theres a pretty significant cost difference, not to mention the built in wards. not to mention the fact that theres nothing stopping you from simply selling your wriggles for starks once you've gotten pretty good gold returns from the bonus wards. | ||
9871 Posts
On December 28 2010 08:25 barbsq wrote: uh, it also takes up 3 inventory space. pain in the ass if you're still buying wards/hp pots, which as xin (an off-tank) seems like part of your responsibility. not to mention the fact that i like to build omen and bveil at the same time, going for some combination of hog, catalyst, chain vests and null magic mantle (with exceptions against certain dmg types), means that having your lanestaying item as 1 slot and combining partly with ward space is pretty convenient. i do agree that i'd rather have starks over wriggles, but at the same time theres a pretty significant cost difference, not to mention the built in wards. not to mention the fact that theres nothing stopping you from simply selling your wriggles for starks once you've gotten pretty good gold returns from the bonus wards. Eh, what? I assume you're building blades ----> damage item (ghostblade, bloodrazors) ----> tank items. Going straight for wriggles or starks into tank items seems pretty questionable, you won't have much damage output even for an off-tank. | ||
United States1183 Posts
Ghost/Exhaust 1/14/15 Flat HP Quint, AS Marks, Flat Armor Seals, Mres/lvl Blues. | ||
Germany2044 Posts
My runes: HP Quints Red AD or Apen (nowadays I prefer AD, helps jungle) Yellow Dodge Blue Mana My masteries are: 21 - 9 - 0 when laning 21 - 0 - 9 when jungling (I usually jungle) When jungling I start with the 300g armor and 5 pots into Madred's Razors -> Boots -> Wit's End. That's usually my basic build. From there I'll see how the game goes and what is needed against enemy champs. Usually I opt for Phage->Frozen Mallet or Madred's Bloodrazer. If they have a lot of AP I go Hexdrinker after Wit's End. I personally love Wit's End. It's such a cheap item for the what you get. For 2150 it does 42 dmg, 40%, 30MR, burns 42 Mana. The only disadvantage is that you don't get the 42dmg as bonus dmg so it doesn't affect your abilities. Still, the items totally rules mid game imo. I gotta try getting SotD and Ghostblade, because that's what you guys all seem to use as a basic build. | ||
Canada5878 Posts
Really don't understand why you would not want attack speed runes if you're jungling though. | ||
Canada1237 Posts
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United States1183 Posts
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Canada5878 Posts
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Denmark610 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On December 29 2010 08:16 Chrispy wrote: Solo gp vs any melee is a very happy day for GP. except Pantheon | ||
United States91 Posts
On January 05 2011 05:48 Papvin wrote: Hm, is there something I'm missing about Xin jungling? I've tried it a couple of times, and I must say I've rarely played a worse jungler, it's like, Shen's faster? My jungle runes are not at all optimized for Xin, that might be the problem? Running ArPen, Armor, CDR and Health. In my experience as well, I wasn't too impressed with Xin's jungle. IMO he lanes much better than he jungles. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
Edit: On my first try going golems first I did 4:03 with plenty of health left over for a gank attempt. Not sure why people say Xin is slow. | ||
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