[Champion] Xin Zhao - Page 4
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United States4126 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
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United States4126 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
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United States1356 Posts
I practice with one bot on my team and 2 on the other side. That seems to get an optimally high level bot at any point in the jungle practice so that it's closer to a real game. First blood games get even crazier if you already jungle at low health. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States1356 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
On January 11 2011 02:56 ghen wrote: People don't realize when they practice jungling.. You need bots in the game to make the monsters level up the fastest. I practice with one bot on my team and 2 on the other side. That seems to get an optimally high level bot at any point in the jungle practice so that it's closer to a real game. First blood games get even crazier if you already jungle at low health. Are you sure about that? I haven't been able to find a definitive source on the subject. The wiki claims it's based on elapsed time whereas this post claims it's based on the highest level champion in the game. In either of those two cases the presence of bots in a practice game would be almost irrelevant for a straight clear as long as it wasn't slow. Your mid is going to hit level 2 at ~2:45, 3 at ~3:15 and 4 at ~3:45. Both routes shown in my video have the buff creeps dead by that point. Edit: Just tested using bots. It's definitely based on the highest level champion in the game on either side. So for any jungler who can level faster than a solo laner bots are irrelevant. | ||
Black Paper Moon
Chile20 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
in lane, I run Flat HP, ArPen, Armor, and MRes. As Chrispy and others have said, this does strain your mana pool a bit, but I just play pretty conservatively with my skill usage with Xin unless I have blue buff or am all-in on a fight. If you want you can replace Armor with Mana Regen and I've been thinking about doing so myself, I just like showing up on lane with over 50/50 in Armor/MRes. I run 0/21/9 and Ghost Ignite or 1/21/8 and Ghost Exhaust. The item build is d-shield -> boots -> merc treads + ghostblade (order depends) -> Black Cleaver + Guardian Angel + Banshee's (order depends). in jungle... uhg, I'm currently bouncing between 2 builds. The first is my old build... AS Marks and Quints, Armor Seals, MRes Glyphs. 1/16/13. Start cloth + 5 hp pots, start gols (smite) -> wraiths -> wolves -> blue (smite) -> wraiths -> red (smite) -> gols. back and buy razors, then you go mercs -> recurve bow -> Bloodrazor + Guardian Angel + Banshee's Veil (order depends), occasionally with phage -> frozen mallet mixed in somewhere. The idea with this build is that you're an initiating tank. You go into the fight first and just try to last the longest. Who you end up fighting isn't terribly relevant because you pose a serious threat to anyone with bloodrazors and your CC which is super charged by your W + attack speed. The issue with this build and why I've been shifting off of it is that one of Xin's best uses is as a strict counter to ranged carries and just instantly blowing them up. While this build can kill anyone, it's not really optimized to blow up squishy high priority targets. Which leads into... My new jungle build, which is ArPen Marks, HP Quints, Armor Seals, MRes Glyphs (same page as laning). same 1/16/13 spec as the other jungle setup, same starting path, though you don't end up as high health with this build, so backing after blue for boots, a ward and a couple pots and then going gols -> red -> wraiths -> wolves can be preferable. The item build is cloth -> boots -> wriggle's lantern -> merc treads -> ghostblade -> GA/Banshee's -> Black Cleaver. This build doesn't outlast tanks the way the other one does, but it will absolutely demolish opposing carries that you focus. | ||
United States9109 Posts
wraith jack (smite blue, use Q to reset auto attacks) -> pot on your way to SMALL GOLEM JACK make sure you pull them out of the sight of creep waves -> your own wolves -> your own wraiths -> your own golems -> B to get more pot + long sword -> blue wolf wraith golem b for madreds or wriggles and boots -> red GANK yes the gank comes late, but if you have time to get a gank in anywhere, take it, cause you're at high HP for this whole route. for example last game after the b for long sword, top lane was pushed pretty far so i got an easy gank then headed straight to blue to continue the route. the main problem with this is that since you're not taking any of the high-money value creeps, you get your madreds later which slows you down a bit, but it's been pretty safe, it fucks the other jungler pretty royally (they were 4 when i hit 6, even though our bottom lane fed him a double kill x_x) my item build for both laning and jungling xin has been the same, i feel like this shouldn't work at all but i have had gr8 success with it wriggles (for jungle only) -> boots -> recurve bow -> sword of the divine -> mercs -> giant's belt, ruby gem -> phage -> frozen mallet -> hella survivability as appropriate, sometimes ghostblade. ghostblade active + w nets you like 1.7 AS, combined with mallet no one is getting away from you EVER, it's great for just doing your standard E,R initiate then chasing down the already half-health carry and not dying because of imba armor/mr boost from ult and imba passive also you mow down towers like it's your fucking job, which it is i run MS quint arpen red ar/level yellow mr/level blue 1/14/15 or 0/21/9 note: i am 100% positive this is not an optimal build at all, smash's is probs wayyy better but like i said, for some reason this has been working fiendishly well for me so i'm gonna stick with it a bit | ||
Germany6657 Posts
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United States2707 Posts
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United States1557 Posts
He gets Wriggles after GB. | ||
United States2707 Posts
1 ArPen Quint, 2 ASPD quints 9 ArPen reds 7 ASPD yellows, 2 Armor yellows 9 ASPD blues | ||
Panama18 Posts
On February 27 2011 06:54 dnastyx wrote: Gman bob runs the same build, but sometimes skips Wriggle's in favor of a fast bruta->GB What do you mean by "the same build"? | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Panama18 Posts
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United States2707 Posts
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