On July 06 2011 00:33 Mogwai wrote: leaving W at level 1 and leveling E, I STILL hit 5 ticks when I really want to tickle someone to death (usually). E's cone is pretty wide and goes 600 units forward, just having the blink to get in range is enough to practically guarantee 4 hits if you really want them, even with the fucking 2.5 second channel. *shrugs*, I dunno, if they don't want the combo, they need to redesign the character, there isn't really a convenient way to make those abilities not interact with each other as a combo. (that is without making them both so bad that you wouldn't even want to use them anyway) o.O If I just walk to the side after the stun, it hits 2 times at most, normally 1.
It has like a 1sec startup.
On July 06 2011 00:36 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2011 00:33 Mogwai wrote: leaving W at level 1 and leveling E, I STILL hit 5 ticks when I really want to tickle someone to death (usually). E's cone is pretty wide and goes 600 units forward, just having the blink to get in range is enough to practically guarantee 4 hits if you really want them, even with the fucking 2.5 second channel. *shrugs*, I dunno, if they don't want the combo, they need to redesign the character, there isn't really a convenient way to make those abilities not interact with each other as a combo. (that is without making them both so bad that you wouldn't even want to use them anyway) o.O If I just walk to the side after the stun, it hits 2 times at most, normally 1. It has like a 1sec startup.
screw walking to the side. Just click to behind him. It'll put you right out of the cone :-p.
ok, so the thing is that if they decide to go with the whole stupid step-to-the-side route is that you zone them out of where they want to actually run to for the channel duration, which almost always nets you an extra auto attack + Q at least, which more than makes up for it. like, if I get 2 ticks + instead of running away, you ran towards me and to the side, I then get to cancel my channel and smack you upside the head + chase, which is even awesomer to the maximum IMHO because 2 ticks is like an auto + it pulled you into me, basically netting me an extra 2 seconds worth of you not running away. At least that's how I see it.
srsly, I'm bringing Pantheon back. He still sucks ass, but globals and being able to 1v1 ranged carries somehow makes up for all his faults atm IMO.
I play him for 2 days now, i really like him (well lvl 11 Pubs.. in the last 3 games i went something like ~15/7/15... i lost the first 3 after i bought him badly but since then i either had more luck with allies or improved like tenfold ). Followed that featured guide on solomid.net, tons of fun to have with that guy .
I did not find a real use for his "E" yet aside from cleaning Creepwaves fast in Mid/Lategame... Only hitting 1 enemy Hero does not seem to be worth it when your autoattacks can Crit/Various other stuff and seem to altogether do more dmg (except not hitting multiple targets)... Since i mainly neglect it when fighting Summoners i seem to do way better...
Btw: Fight -> Die/Revive -> Jump -> Kill'em all is probably the most fun thing ever.
On July 06 2011 16:49 Mogwai wrote: srsly, I'm bringing Pantheon back. He still sucks ass, but globals and being able to 1v1 ranged carries somehow makes up for all his faults atm IMO.
What, there are champions that can't 1v1 ranged carries? Or do you mean in lane, where ranged carries don't exist in solo lane anymore, or lategame? <-- Confused.
I mean lategame that it's really difficult to defend Pantheon's split push with a single character, as he'll beat the bag out of most champs 1v1.
panth is one of those champions well suited for being a OFF tank dps. building him raw damage is the best with some defensive items like. Warmogs+atmas and FON. get a phantom dancer, zerk boots, and a blood thirster.
This is how i play panth, he is a really good, support OFF tank and if need be can be build to tank because of his passive ability to block 1 attack.
If i were to pick a champion, panth is a good one for a lot of reason, in a team battle, he is a good starter/finisher. dosent have to be even near it, his ult is well worth to have once he lands. he usually gets focused, leaving the AD carries. to clean up..
this is just my opinion but at higher ELO's, tanky dps panth goes a lot farther then streight up DPS, because if you want that go with Xin, or any other melee carry. All im saying is a good build order for a top level panth is
Dorans Shield Berserker boots Warmogs Atmas FoN(If they have a lot of AP)(Thornmail, if they have AD) Blood Thirster (sell dorans shield)Phantom dancer.
You will see that your survivability early game is amazing and also your late game becomes scary.
Runes id pick for this type of build for Panth Mark of Strength (0.95 Attack Damage) x9 Glyph of Focus (0.65 Cool down Reduction) x9 Seal of Evasion (0.75% chance to dodge) x9 Quintessence of Fortitude (+26 health) x3
The Runes make him a good damage dealer and also able to hold off a lot of damage.
Thank you all for looking at this, hope this helps some players struggling with panth, i know i did for the longest time, until i developed this build and to me, it does the body good. lol
Honestly all the pantheon nerfs felt like Riot accidentally releasing an OP iteration of Panth with his 100-0 in 2 seconds burst and then them just scrambling to rectify it by making Panth weaker than Tibbers.
Whenever I play him, I still manage to do pretty well early game in a duo lane 'cause his harass is still decent. It's just after early laning, no matter what items I get I'm useless.
I got solo'd by tibbers once. True story
Bot-lane Panth hits people where it hurts, but he blows on a team without a proper ranged hitter (AP or AD).
On July 08 2011 03:21 Southlight wrote: Bot-lane Panth hits people where it hurts, but he blows on a team without a proper ranged hitter (AP or AD).
Panth/Ali gogo?
More like we keep jumping out to huge leads at bot but when our team is like Jarv Panth Janna Cow WW we're doomed.
Russian Federation4235 Posts
Panth has great AD scaling coupled with atrocious base damage. So you either have to build him full AD with paper HP (useless) or tanky style with little to no damage (useless). 160% AD on Q is really kewl, but without AD items Q does like 200 damage? Also, being almost fully physical damage, he needs APen too much to build tanky.
mogwai I'm a little puzzled you seem to feel his global isn't a problem... at least in past discussions
I mean I agree HSS is the biggest thing contributing to his history of imbalance but globals are really unhealthy as well no?
Overheard on Riot stream: "Once we can show ults on the minimap, we can do changes like actually making pantheon good again"
Then they talked about reducing ult cast time.
On July 08 2011 05:05 UniversalSnip wrote: mogwai I'm a little puzzled you seem to feel his global isn't a problem... at least in past discussions
I mean I agree HSS is the biggest thing contributing to his history of imbalance but globals are really unhealthy as well no? meh, that was my opinion from awhile ago. Nowadays I agree, globals are just generally a problem.
I feel like this deserves a bump. I never played Pantheon when he was good, but I'm wondering if the optimal build has changed at all - eg. if you need Ignite to properly rule a lane.
Run him in the jungle. Smite+Flash, cloth+5. I run attackspeed red,blue,quint and armor yellows. 16/3/11. He still sucks but hey, at least no one has to see it.
I've been experimenting with Wriggles, doesn't seem too bad considering how aggressive you need to play (free wards) and the autocrits when you last hit = double lifesteal.