[Champion] Pantheon - Page 18
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Korea (South)3851 Posts
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United States6533 Posts
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Korea (South)3851 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
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United States4789 Posts
On April 30 2011 02:27 Juicyfruit wrote: #1 co-op vs ai champion imo~ So agreed. Bots never buy armor and Panth bursts like a bitch | ||
Canada5484 Posts
On April 30 2011 04:38 BlackPaladin wrote: So tryhard. Actually goes ghostblade + brutalizer on pantheon vs bots. He even pushed towers. WHO DOES THAT?? How can I carry you, even vs bots, if I don't tryhard?? | ||
United States9316 Posts
![]() Also, don't get why you built IE. I'd say BT is better on panth. | ||
1100 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Hello all, I think it's probably safe to say that we are all on a similar page with Pantheon. He's weak, with no roll in a competitive team because TF fills his role better. Pantheon's early game has been repeatedly nerfed. He is a mere shadow of his former self. While I understand the reasoning behind this, it still makes me sad to see one of the strongest early game champions get hit so hard with the nerfstick, especially when I hear things from Riot that really don't make sense to me. Things I've heard: * The issue is his global ult + CC. If this truly was the main issue then why does TF still have a global ult and a stun? * He's just not fun to lane against. Has anyone laned against Urgot? He presses E and then does 2/3 of your life for free. If you're a melee champ against him you've lost (maybe with the exception of Morde). * He does too much damage. Yes, because if he doesn't do a significant amount of damage he is useless. He really has almost zero utility later on in the game in teamfights. The changes that have taken place have moved him from a viable pick to a bad version of Twisted Fate. Here is the thing about Pantheon, either he kills you, or he dies, there really isn't much middle ground with him. He has no escape mechanism, and after all the changes he doesn't even have the damage to 1v1 people anymore. Late in the game he falls apart because he has 2 moves that have no utility, only damage. Heartseeker is at no point worth using in the game because it's too unreliable and does very little damage and isn't worth putting points into because of this. Maxing his Spear Shot is still the only way to really effectively play him, and he's just worse than he was pre-season 1. So here are the issues: * Global Ult * Stun * A lot of Damage With his skill set now he is mediocre up to 30 min and relatively weak after. Here are some proposed changes * Q: Leave this as it is for now. * W: Convert the stun to a silence and convert this move to physical damage with a small damage ratio. This means that when Panth jumps on people they can still cast most summoners (except flash) and simply run away. For instance, you jump on someone, and they simply ghost away, or exhaust you and run, etc... The silence duration might want to be changed to 1 second at lvl 1 to make this stronger early on in the game. The change to physical damage means that it actually does significant damage at early levels with armor pen runes. So now with the change to heartseeker (weaker early game because he has no stun) his Aegis at least will make up for the damage lost. * E: Allow E to apply on-hit effects for each hit. This is the biggest change, and in my mind the most versatile. This change allows Panth to itemize differently depending on who he is facing. Tiamat for big AoE teamfight heartseeker damage, Frozen Mallet/Phage for keeping people in your heartseeker after you silence them, BlackCleaver for big AoE armor reduction, wit's end for big AoE mana burn, Madred's for big %Magic Damage against a team. Imagine Jungle Pantheon with this change, he would be a very strong jungler. Grab Lizard and gank with the slow + silence combo, or big lifesteal with bloodthirster. I really feel that this change would make Pantheon way more itemize-able for the end game and gives him a pretty unique skill. Again, it is still a 2.5 second channeling move. Numbers may need to be changed but overall this would be a very fun change in my eyes. * R: Leave how it is for now, I know you guys want globals to be nerfed so of course I assume this will be changed soon anyway. With these changes his W-E combo only becomes potent as he gets items, but it should hopefully become quite strong later on in the game as Panth gets big on-hit effect items. Note: This might require some testing to see just how effective certain items are on Panth with these changes. I could see some items just being too strong on him (bloodthirster lifesteal possibly being too strong, madred's making his heartseeker do too much damage, etc.). | ||
70 Posts
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Zanzabar Haberdasher
United States510 Posts
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9871 Posts
Another issue... I was whining about the fact they'd probably buff e and nerf q back in... november? Not because I somehow knew it would be a balance issue but because a disintegrate you have to channel is, uh, a less fun disintegrate and disintegrate is not a hugely fun spell in the first place. HSS is just boring. I don't understand why you compare him to urgot and tf, is this supposed to be a defense of his mechanics? Urgot and tf have legitimate issues, they are terribly unfun to play against. My feeling is that 1) The global has to go. Fuck true globals, I've come around to riot's viewpoint on this, they just suck. 2) his E should be replaced with a soft CC spell. For example, what if E swept his shield around him knocking enemies back and dealing a % of their health if they're stunned? Depending on the strength of the new spell W might need a bit of buffing so he can sufficiently stick to a target. 2) Q scaling should be increased to compensate for the loss of E. | ||
United States3977 Posts
Spear shot is just boring and not really fun to use or play against. At least with Urgot you have to aim/dodge somewhat. | ||
10417 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
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Netherlands814 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
A quote from a player I got matched with in 3v3 queue: "Is it obvious enough that I am ulting into the fight?" "I think faxing you I am ulting is less obvious than that circle" | ||
United States13274 Posts
On May 03 2011 09:33 LoCicero wrote: Hey, what do you guys think about these changes to Panth I suggested in the council forums? + Show Spoiler + Hello all, I think it's probably safe to say that we are all on a similar page with Pantheon. He's weak, with no roll in a competitive team because TF fills his role better. Pantheon's early game has been repeatedly nerfed. He is a mere shadow of his former self. While I understand the reasoning behind this, it still makes me sad to see one of the strongest early game champions get hit so hard with the nerfstick, especially when I hear things from Riot that really don't make sense to me. Things I've heard: * The issue is his global ult + CC. If this truly was the main issue then why does TF still have a global ult and a stun? * He's just not fun to lane against. Has anyone laned against Urgot? He presses E and then does 2/3 of your life for free. If you're a melee champ against him you've lost (maybe with the exception of Morde). * He does too much damage. Yes, because if he doesn't do a significant amount of damage he is useless. He really has almost zero utility later on in the game in teamfights. The changes that have taken place have moved him from a viable pick to a bad version of Twisted Fate. Here is the thing about Pantheon, either he kills you, or he dies, there really isn't much middle ground with him. He has no escape mechanism, and after all the changes he doesn't even have the damage to 1v1 people anymore. Late in the game he falls apart because he has 2 moves that have no utility, only damage. Heartseeker is at no point worth using in the game because it's too unreliable and does very little damage and isn't worth putting points into because of this. Maxing his Spear Shot is still the only way to really effectively play him, and he's just worse than he was pre-season 1. So here are the issues: * Global Ult * Stun * A lot of Damage With his skill set now he is mediocre up to 30 min and relatively weak after. Here are some proposed changes * Q: Leave this as it is for now. * W: Convert the stun to a silence and convert this move to physical damage with a small damage ratio. This means that when Panth jumps on people they can still cast most summoners (except flash) and simply run away. For instance, you jump on someone, and they simply ghost away, or exhaust you and run, etc... The silence duration might want to be changed to 1 second at lvl 1 to make this stronger early on in the game. The change to physical damage means that it actually does significant damage at early levels with armor pen runes. So now with the change to heartseeker (weaker early game because he has no stun) his Aegis at least will make up for the damage lost. * E: Allow E to apply on-hit effects for each hit. This is the biggest change, and in my mind the most versatile. This change allows Panth to itemize differently depending on who he is facing. Tiamat for big AoE teamfight heartseeker damage, Frozen Mallet/Phage for keeping people in your heartseeker after you silence them, BlackCleaver for big AoE armor reduction, wit's end for big AoE mana burn, Madred's for big %Magic Damage against a team. Imagine Jungle Pantheon with this change, he would be a very strong jungler. Grab Lizard and gank with the slow + silence combo, or big lifesteal with bloodthirster. I really feel that this change would make Pantheon way more itemize-able for the end game and gives him a pretty unique skill. Again, it is still a 2.5 second channeling move. Numbers may need to be changed but overall this would be a very fun change in my eyes. * R: Leave how it is for now, I know you guys want globals to be nerfed so of course I assume this will be changed soon anyway. With these changes his W-E combo only becomes potent as he gets items, but it should hopefully become quite strong later on in the game as Panth gets big on-hit effect items. Note: This might require some testing to see just how effective certain items are on Panth with these changes. I could see some items just being too strong on him (bloodthirster lifesteal possibly being too strong, madred's making his heartseeker do too much damage, etc.). I love you Loci, but they're not well thought out changes. 100% guaranteed that HSS with on-hit procs is broken, no way around it. The way a cone AoE that applies on hit effects synergizes with certain items makes it so that the numbers would have to be balanced around Pantheon building Black Cleaver + Tiamat + bloodthirster every game. And balancing it around those items makes it suck without them, makes it suck early, yadda yadda yadda, I'm 100% convinced it can't work. Maybe this is a slippery slope argument from me, but every time I imagine a rework involving this change I know it's just introducing a brand new balancing nightmare that puts Pantheon right back on track he's been on his whole life (OP -> balanced (HSS does nothing) -> OP -> UP). Uhg, I could write more here about my thoughts, but I've already written so much, so I'll just link you to all the threads I've made on Pantheon since the last round of nerfs: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=518381 http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=640498 http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=664767 And just for the sake of thoroughness, everyone has their Pantheon timelines wrong. Pre-Season 1, Pantheon was considered imbalanced and HSS hit like a truck. This goes all the way back to his release (though it took people awhile to realize it). After Season 1 was released Pantheon was balanced (HSS was nerfed into the ground with the patch that came with Season 1's release). Enough forum QQ about Pantheon being either UP or uninspired led Riot to rebuff HSS, which immediately made Pantheon OP again which led to a giant string of nerfs that took Pantheon to his worst spot ever (now, he's clearly UP now, see 3rd post on this page: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=518381&page=14). ...and to take things further, Morello is currently in charge on the Pantheon remake and his step 1 is to make the ult non-global. He has allowed for no back-and-forth on this issue and I cannot use any reasoning to make him change Pantheon in any way until they make the ult non-global. So while your effort is admirable Loci, you'd be spending your time in a more productive manner watching paint dry than trying to convince Morello that his ult is not the problem. /bitteroldmanrant | ||
Canada5878 Posts
I think Morello is planning on getting rid of all the global teleports (I think for preparation of Magma chamber, which is a lot larger than SR) and turn them into something like Nocturne's ult. I think then Pantheon will get his cc or damage back. Oh looks like globals being nerfed is common knowledge. Does anybody know if other globals like GP and Karthus will be effected as well? | ||
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