SC2 could be so much more - design and balance - Page 8
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United Kingdom235 Posts
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Costa Rica2390 Posts
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Germany48 Posts
On November 06 2015 06:05 Nazara wrote: I have added a polls section to the opening post, if anyone wants to participate ![]() Done. Hopefully lot's of people will participate. | ||
United Kingdom235 Posts
Big J About the void ray, my thoughts about giving it charge back were as follows: - charging on buildings/units before taking on marines and keeping up charge while kiting was interesting type of micro, that required good timing on movement, attack and focus fire - the idea was to make or keep void ray as a harass tool that can be easily repelled if not micro'ed correctly , like vulture in bw - in no way I was thinking about making void ray as a part of core composition, maybe even reducing cost, supply and health to be more disposable, and function like mutalisk in bw - bad in straight up engagement, good when micro'ed properly. - Even then , an upgrade could keep void ray on second charge at all times, making it better in core army, if you want, but I still don't like the idea of air being core. Regarding economy, I believe hmh and dh are both superior then half patches. I didn't write anything about it because I wanted to start the thread and run out of time. Another reason for that is that other threads have covered it extensively. replying to dinosaur poop: It is an upgrade, but I didn't talk about it with intention of needing warp gate. But the reasoning is this: Warp gate has a long research time if not chronoboosted. Zerg has 3 larva from inject, producing 12.5% more larva then a hatch for half the cost (used to be 33% with 4 larva per inject). Queens come into play early , and even then roaches are very larva efficient. Zerg production can be impossible to stop in straight up fight. Terrain has a reactor, which can drastically lower the cost of production buildings (mainly factory and starport). Marauder also counters stalkers pretty hard. All this means that if protoss is not boosting warp gate research, to get more economy for standard play or anything else, he is using gateways for quite a bit of time, which are producing units up to 3x% slower, while other races produce units faster. Protoss cannot keep up, so we need msc and force fields in the game to defend. With buff to gateway production ( same or only 10% slower then warp gate) msc and photon cannon would not be needed at all. Maybe force field could be nerfed as well. Maybe gateway and warp gate times can both be reduced, or maybe without the macro boosters, only a small tweak to gateway would be needed. It is hard to tell without checking it, but I believe it is an easy and good solution. Regarding unit selection: nowhere I have stated 12 unit limit or lower like in warcraft, personally I had 24 in mind. Unit selection limit does have benefits and flaws. Benefit is that psychologically, it promotes action. 1 group is easier to manage then two. Two is easier then three etc. But when you have a limit and build a full group of units, it brings you a sense of achievement, however small. Once you have 24 roaches, for example, you will want to use that group, instead of waiting for another 3 roaches to spawn. With unlimited selection, you think more as "i have 24 roaches, but I can wait for 27, because why not. Or maybe I should wait and get next 4..." And so on and on. There is no reason why you would not wait to have a bigger force before moving out. It promotes turtling. With limited selection on the other hand, you want to use the full group because it is easier to control, and because you have a small psychological pat on your back "hey, you just made a full group! Go get them", which leads to more action. However, the smaller the selection is, the harder it is to control bigger armies. This can be again beneficial, breaking down the deathballing and turtling, but increases frustration at the same time. The point is to find a good balance and not to dismiss idea just because you didn't try it, or tried with a number that is too limiting. I reckon if we never had unlimited selection in the first place, the poll would be skewed more in direction of "unlimited selection?! You're shitting me gtfo". Maybe same would be true to multiple buildings selection. I made a flop in the ht feedback poll, not including "nerd feedback if emp is also nerfed". Maybe poll would look different, maybe not, too late to change it now ![]() We have quite a few thousand views, surely we can get some more voters! Don't give up just because beta is finished :D Sorry about formatting, I typed it on my phone . | ||
Austria1201 Posts
i totally agree with you - i remember seeing it in the first alpha battle report and being like "WTF is this unit" i dont know who had the terrible terrible idea to give every race a dragoon unit, and on top of that weaken the protoss dragoon. that destroyed racial identity, and brought with it so many other horrible design choices i found it hilarious in a depressing way when blizzard took the marauder as an example of a unit that was often seen as imbalanced, yet never had to be changed in one of their community posts, shows how little they care about the communitys suggestions... so many people identified the problems right from the start... hydra being tier2 and the infernal triangle of terrible terrible damage units (marauder, roach, immortal) being core game design problems right from the start. it was never possible to build a balance model as beautiful as BW's around such flawed core design ![]() | ||
France2027 Posts
On November 06 2015 17:37 summerloud wrote: one of the core things that is broken with the game is the marauder i totally agree with you - i remember seeing it in the first alpha battle report and being like "WTF is this unit" i dont know who had the terrible terrible idea to give every race a dragoon unit, and on top of that weaken the protoss dragoon. that destroyed racial identity, and brought with it so many other horrible design choices i found it hilarious in a depressing way when blizzard took the marauder as an example of a unit that was often seen as imbalanced, yet never had to be changed in one of their community posts, shows how little they care about the communitys suggestions... so many people identified the problems right from the start... hydra being tier2 and the infernal triangle of terrible terrible damage units (marauder, roach, immortal) being core game design problems right from the start. it was never possible to build a balance model as beautiful as BW's around such flawed core design ![]() seeing the binary "stim attack + move + attack + move + attack + move" "micro" (it is often not really micro rather just necessary binary handling : if bio ball stronger then move forward if weaker move backwards ~ now with disruptors the binary just also includes "is there a disruptor shot coming this way") going on even today hurts my eyes. The marauder attack slowing down targets is such a HUGE mistake for the game's diversity, because you can't/shouldn't engage them unless you know you won't want to retreat, and the only way to engage them is to run straight towards them from one direction (+ making force fields the necessary micro move put behind). Because of the mega damage it does to "armored" and of that slow down, I think that's a big reason why the siege tank can't be a strong siege tank (since then armored units would get obliterated AND units forced to stay under fire of siege tanks any time an engagement happens + slowed down in the vital process of reaching the tanks). So basically we can thank this bad idea for killing Terran positional tactics identity, to replace it with slowing down stutter attack bio ball that can take flight. It is kind of funny because it is so easy to remove and change for the better but it stayed in the game forever lol. | ||
United States1010 Posts
On November 06 2015 21:14 ProMeTheus112 wrote: seeing the binary "stim attack + move + attack + move + attack + move" "micro" (it is often not really micro rather just necessary binary handling : if bio ball stronger then move forward if weaker move backwards ~ now with disruptors the binary just also includes "is there a disruptor shot coming this way") going on even today hurts my eyes. The marauder attack slowing down targets is such a HUGE mistake for the game's diversity, because you can't/shouldn't engage them unless you know you won't want to retreat, and the only way to engage them is to run straight towards them from one direction (+ making force fields the necessary micro move put behind). Because of the mega damage it does to "armored" and of that slow down, I think that's a big reason why the siege tank can't be a strong siege tank (since then armored units would get obliterated AND units forced to stay under fire of siege tanks any time an engagement happens + slowed down in the vital process of reaching the tanks). So basically we can thank this bad idea for killing Terran positional tactics identity, to replace it with slowing down stutter attack bio ball that can take flight. It is kind of funny because it is so easy to remove and change for the better but it stayed in the game forever lol. What did I just read? Binary handling? Lol. There are several abilities, compositions, and scenarios that dramatically reduce the effectiveness of a retreat (or otherwise impedes movement): - [T] concussive shells - [T] ignite afterburners - [P] graviton beam - [P] blink - [P] time warp - [P] stasis ward - [Z] creep - [Z] fungal growth All of these abilities--and I'm probably forgetting some--directly affects an opponents ability to disengage for a poorly-taken fight, or directly affects movement speed of the opponent (in one extremely ridiculous case, setting it to zero!). | ||
France2027 Posts
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Thieving Magpie
United States6752 Posts
On November 07 2015 00:53 ProMeTheus112 wrote: Yes ok maybe I exagerrate a bit but you know what I mean no? It is very common to see a ball just stim attack one way or the other repetitively. If you do get caught in a bad situation it can be game ending so that prevents a lot of smaller engagements to even happen. It's something I really didn't like playing WoL. But OK. What you are describing is micro. Making the same 2-4 actions repeatedly using dexterity to gain tactical advantage. Micro is good, and should be encouraged more. | ||
United States5213 Posts
On November 06 2015 17:37 summerloud wrote: it was never possible to build a balance model as beautiful as BW's around such flawed core design ![]() It was never about building a beautiful model for Blizzard. It was about building a model they could understand and control. And it is easier to understand and control when each race has a "Dragoon." Remember how the Oracle originally functioned with mineral shields? That was sure easy to balance because the ability to easy to use and predict what was going to happen. There was no skill ceiling and because of that it wasn't beautiful, it was terrible. The problem is, Blizzard controlling the game is almost always universally bad because they destroy the beauty of the game. And unfortunately that is because Blizzard fails to understand how to design a beautiful game. Broodwar wasn't balanced by intelligent design, it became balanced unintentionally with things like Muta-stacking were discovered. But Blizzard couldn't control Broodwar for fear of ruining it with bad game design choices. And we know they would have ruined BW now, because we've seen what they've done with Starcraft 2. Sadly, they decided to forget all the lessons learned from Broodwar and just give us boring predictability, and in some cases, infuriatingly, gave us predictable unpredictability (like in the case of the Widow Mine), both which has increasingly diluted the skill ceiling and increased the frustration of playing Starcraft 2. And this is all in an era of games like LoL, that naturally raise the skill ceiling in meaningful ways while focusing on reducing the frustration of playing. It didn't have to be this way, and it is why I went back to making custom maps for WC3 for my RTS fix. | ||
United Kingdom235 Posts
On November 07 2015 03:53 Thieving Magpie wrote: But there is no difference between Silver and Grand Master player performing stutter step with MM ball. What you are describing is micro. Making the same 2-4 actions repeatedly using dexterity to gain tactical advantage. Micro is good, and should be encouraged more. Marauders ability slows down units without any input from the player. You can't dodge it, or escape it. Once you decide to retreat or regroup, all the units affected by Concussive Shells are going to be destroyed. No matter how much better you are then your opponent, you lose more in the engagement. Maybe your force was split in two, maybe it was on the move and you want to get into better position. In any case, you will lose some units because you cannot save them from the automatic slowing effect. This creates the situation when you want to be absolute sure you can engage the Bio ball and win the fight - which does not encourage fighting, quite the opposite. I think this is what ProMeTheus is saying. | ||
960 Posts
On November 02 2015 08:10 Nazara wrote: Warp Gate>Gateway, Chronoboost and bandaids as their consequence. Force Fields were hated since their introduction. Formerly to help Protoss in their early game, so Protoss wouldn't die to rush tactics, but also to split enemy army effectively halving DPS of Zerg/Terran and winning the game for Protoss. Blizzard tried some bandaids for it - increasing burrow speed, making Massive units destroy FF, and lastly, designing a unit with a sole purpose of fighting FF (the unit in question now is being redesigned as a Liberator/Tank/Lurker siege stopper which I think is silly). Lets not to forget about Photon Overcharge and lately Pylon Overcharge, which don't just help with defence - PO simply shuts down any kind of early game pressure/harassment. Implementation of a hero unit - Mothership Core (MSC) - is also a widely debated. But why does Protoss need early game protection, if most units in the game have same or similiar stats as they had back in Brood War, where Protoss was fine or even was the primary agressor? Because Warp Gate (WG). Let me explain - Protoss production is centered around Warp Gate and that is the "standard" Protoss production rate of units required to keep up with Terran and Zerg. Someone thought that Gateway is not enough, that P needs a new fancy way of making units - and that is fine by itself. Now, Warp Gate produces units faster then Gateway and can spawn units anywhere on the map. Spawning units on the map is fine as an upgrade, but Gateway being so inferior to WG is a bad design. There is no benefit of choosing Gateway over Warp Gate. None whatsoever. Producing early game units from Gateway is inefficient - Zealots are warped 35% faster with WG, Sentries by 15% and Stalkers by 31%. It means that before switching to WG, Protoss produces his units at lower rate then other races. While WG is balanced in mid and late game, Gateway is lacking. Terran can produce much more units thanks to Reactor, while Zerg with Injects can spend a lot of extra larva on attacking units. Gateway in the meantime is still just a Gateway. Because Gateway production is slow compared to increased production of Zerg and Terran, and everything was balanced around Warp Gate build times, Protoss cannot field same amount of units as effectively as other races. Early rushes and timing attacks would kill Protoss outright because Gateway production without Chronoboost is not enough compared to what other races have. That is, in my opinion, the reason why FF is invulnerable, easy to spam and comes so early in the game. So what about Mothership Core and Pylon/Photon Overcharge? Its existence is a result of three separete issues: one of the WG (already discussed), one of drops (which will not be discussed just yet), and the last one being the Chronoboost. Heresy! Or is it? Lets think about what Chronoboost does: it speeds up the rate of production (economy), alternate production (army), or technology. You can be very flexible with it: - Boost Probe production, gaining an edge against players who play too safe - Boost upgrade/gates/WGs for a powerfull timing attack/all in - Boost Probe production while going for a less powerfull timing attack but better economy to gain lead in mid-late game - Boost a unit production and its upgrades/tech for harassement - Boost a random building (Nexus/Cybernetics Core/Robo) to fake your techpath/build. And many more, but boosting one dimension (army/tech/economy) comes at a cost of falling behind in another. Protoss without Chronoboost is mediocre when it comes to economy (no MULE, cannot convert army production for extra probes like larva), army production or tech/upgrades. Yes, attack/shield/armor upgrades can be boosted and finished faster then those of other races, but because of a possibility of CB, crucial tech has been slowed down in order nerf all-ins. Think about how Blink and WG research time was increased as a result of strong cheese play. But, both of those (or at least WG) are necessary for Protoss just to not fall behind and stay in game if playing standard. Both are painfully slow to research if you're not all-inning. But can still hit quickly if you CB them, which led in the past to exploiting it in the Blink all-in era. This is why Protoss cannot be balanced as long as there is Chronoboost - standard play can be very economical but at the same time is too slow to keep up with the enemy army and tech, resulting in P having to rely on FF, MSC and its PO for defence in the early game. Yet in a same way harass and all-in/cheese is way too strong if it is boosted. There is no middle ground in Protoss strategy. And that my dear is exactly why so many people don't like to play agains Protoss - because with Chronoboost, there are many more timings to which you have to adapt in order not to lose vs Protoss, making their cheese/all-ins stronger, but not helping Protoss as much while playing standard. And in order to give Protoss some defensive advantage, MSC with Photon Overcharge was introduced. tl:dr Protoss being gimmicky is a consequence of Chronoboost - either cheese is too strong, or standard play too weak, as balancing between the two is next to impossible. P needs Force Field and a hero unit (Mothership Core) with Pylon cannons to play standard game and not to die when if not cheesing. Gateway producing units at much lower rate then Warp Gate is also a big contributor to this (or rather, Larva Inject, Reactors and Techlab switching make Gateway production much worse in comparison). With Chronoboost the PvP looks like safe>>>aggressive>>>greedy>>>safe, without it will be more like safe>>aggressive>>greedy>>safe, which would reduce a bit the coinflip nature of PvP, even if just a little bit. Here I'll speed this up. REMOVE WARPGATE, BALANCE FROM THERE. David Kim/Blizzard/Blue please wake the fuck up you're losing a 17+ year loyal fan. I've only played Protoss my entire SC/BW/SC2 history, please fucking remove this idiot mechanic. It's no longer cute or unique, we don't want it anymore nor has it ever been good for balance from day 1. Because of Warp they've had to come up with dumb mechanic gimmick after dumb mechanic gimmick. Just fucking remove it. I agree with whoever mentioned up top, as long as they balance the game around idiot design philosophies, it will never be able to achieve balance. LotV panel showed me that many others were right, they'll never get there as long as they stick to the flawed-core design they chose. OP: Give this post (2012) on Warpgate a read, SuzyQuark explains it much better than me; the problems were from core design of WoL forward With these issue known back then, Blizzard still came out with gimmick fixes, instead of just killing the fucking problem at the source, Warpgate Mechanic | ||
United Kingdom235 Posts
I agree that Warp Gate makes it really problematic and messes up the balance a lot. 4 Gate all-ins, Stalker all-ins, crazy Adept Prism rushes - it can be blamed on WG and Warp Prism. I read the thread you linked earlier, while browsing the forum, and I agree on this one with you. On the other hand, I know a lot of players are so used to WG, that they would stop playing the game altogether without it, even as WG introduces more problems then its worth. Same with less efficient pathing, which would solve the deathballing issue almost on its own, but people are already used to current pathing so much after 5 years, that we would hear to no end the cries if Blizzard changed it to something more resembling BW or Starbow. | ||
United Kingdom235 Posts
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France2027 Posts
On November 08 2015 06:29 Nazara wrote: I believe with long warp-in time on far away pylons, and extra damage to units being warp-in can balance it, at least a little bit. I agree that Warp Gate makes it really problematic and messes up the balance a lot. 4 Gate all-ins, Stalker all-ins, crazy Adept Prism rushes - it can be blamed on WG and Warp Prism. I read the thread you linked earlier, while browsing the forum, and I agree on this one with you. On the other hand, I know a lot of players are so used to WG, that they would stop playing the game altogether without it, even as WG introduces more problems then its worth. Same with less efficient pathing, which would solve the deathballing issue almost on its own, but people are already used to current pathing so much after 5 years, that we would hear to no end the cries if Blizzard changed it to something more resembling BW or Starbow. Yeah agree, and for second paragraph also yeah it would probably be more than risky especially after not recognizing the issues for so long. Who knows what would happen, but they are not going to do it, they made it that way for a reason even if a bad one. | ||
France15952 Posts
On November 06 2015 17:37 summerloud wrote: one of the core things that is broken with the game is the marauder i totally agree with you - i remember seeing it in the first alpha battle report and being like "WTF is this unit" i dont know who had the terrible terrible idea to give every race a dragoon unit, and on top of that weaken the protoss dragoon. that destroyed racial identity, and brought with it so many other horrible design choices i found it hilarious in a depressing way when blizzard took the marauder as an example of a unit that was often seen as imbalanced, yet never had to be changed in one of their community posts, shows how little they care about the communitys suggestions... so many people identified the problems right from the start... hydra being tier2 and the infernal triangle of terrible terrible damage units (marauder, roach, immortal) being core game design problems right from the start. it was never possible to build a balance model as beautiful as BW's around such flawed core design ![]() That's literally the first time I read something about the marauder being a core problem... maybe since WoL beta. And in the same breath, you're talking about how bad "dragoon for everyone" is while mentioning Hydralisks, which are really not that different from dragoons, once you remove the dumb AI. I mean, in the end, they're all some kind of slow midrange units that can shoot up... The marauder is way further from a dragoon that the hydra is... This is precisely the kind of post that prevents the community from having any constructive argument about the game. You have to sort all the "X unit is so bad blah blah bad design" posts from the actually interesting thoughts. | ||
Austria1201 Posts
this way you could restore psi storm or other spells to their former glory without making mass templars overpowered the editor even has the option to edit unit cost for terrazine as a 3rd resource | ||
France2027 Posts
On November 07 2015 03:57 BronzeKnee wrote:The problem is, Blizzard controlling the game is almost always universally bad because they destroy the beauty of the game. And unfortunately that is because Blizzard fails to understand how to design a beautiful game. Broodwar wasn't balanced by intelligent design, it became balanced unintentionally with things like Muta-stacking were discovered. But Blizzard couldn't control Broodwar for fear of ruining it with bad game design choices. And we know they would have ruined BW now, because we've seen what they've done with Starcraft 2. I don't agree with the part were you say bw "became balanced unintentionally with things like Muta-stacking were discovered". Before Muta-stacking was discovered, Brood War was already a great game and it was great because of its intelligent design. Sure the developpers never expect players would play so fast and micro the way they did, but if you look at the numbers and general mechanics in the game they are very accurately laid out and give lots of possibilities. There are a lot of numbers and mechanics in the game which were never changed after release, most of them. The design of BW is very intelligent and I really think it is the primary reason why it shined so bright and is so fun to play. Muta Stacking, in my opinion, though it changed match ups quite a bit, is not really a good thing in BW. It provokes ZvT to almost always go muta harrass at start, and allows mutas to snipe templars or probes very easily unless P has enough corsairs, for instance. It is too hard to counter Mutas with something else than corsairs in PvZ because of this, even though the game was designed intelligently with goons being a good all rounder to use against them, and archon very strong, but he can't catch up with any mutas because they are in a ball (if he does, mega damage ; similarly with storms it is risky to try it because mutaball can dodge it quite easily but if not, mega damage). In my opinion, this bug is not good for the game, but it is not possible or intelligent to try and forbid it. I think the game would be better without it, and the most creative days of BW date from before this bug entered the arena. Something that pins the early game down strongly in ZvT means that there are less diversity for the midgame as well. And ZvZ is the one true problem match up in the game, where muta battles are very central... I guess a lot probably won't agree with me about that. But anyway the game was definitely great and well balanced before muta stacking came into use. The reason why Blizzard is not capable of doing intelligent design today like you said and I agree with you, is, I think, not because they have never been, it is because it is simply not the same company as before. Almost everybody is gone, and now they work with much bigger teams on a much more industrial model that target financial goals with little risk. Creativity and smart design is very complicated to organize in such a situation, and brings a greater sense of financial risk. They have likely hired people such as Dustin Browder for his ability to appeal to masses rather than to make a great RTS, that is exactly what the later C&Cs are. Big nukes and powerful-looking units. | ||
Clear World
125 Posts
On November 10 2015 04:03 summerloud wrote: one solution to the whole "spellcasters being too weak because of smartcasting" issue that ive never heard so far would be to limit the massability of overpowered units by letting them cost another type of resource that is finite this way you could restore psi storm or other spells to their former glory without making mass templars overpowered the editor even has the option to edit unit cost for terrazine as a 3rd resource That solution probably don't get suggested because i don't think people want another resource in the game. And like almost any suggested change, a change like this does sort of require the game to be designed with that aspect in mind, which this game isn't at the moment. And this "issue of spellcaster" you're talking about seems like it could be improved on with ease without restorting to a new resource. | ||
746 Posts
On November 10 2015 04:51 ProMeTheus112 wrote: I don't agree with the part were you say bw "became balanced unintentionally with things like Muta-stacking were discovered". Before Muta-stacking was discovered, Brood War was already a great game and it was great because of its intelligent design. Sure the developpers never expect players would play so fast and micro the way they did, but if you look at the numbers and general mechanics in the game they are very accurately laid out and give lots of possibilities. There are a lot of numbers and mechanics in the game which were never changed after release, most of them. The design of BW is very intelligent and I really think it is the primary reason why it shined so bright and is so fun to play. Muta Stacking, in my opinion, though it changed match ups quite a bit, is not really a good thing in BW. It provokes ZvT to almost always go muta harrass at start, and allows mutas to snipe templars or probes very easily unless P has enough corsairs, for instance. It is too hard to counter Mutas with something else than corsairs in PvZ because of this, even though the game was designed intelligently with goons being a good all rounder to use against them, and archon very strong, but he can't catch up with any mutas because they are in a ball (if he does, mega damage ; similarly with storms it is risky to try it because mutaball can dodge it quite easily but if not, mega damage). In my opinion, this bug is not good for the game, but it is not possible or intelligent to try and forbid it. I think the game would be better without it, and the most creative days of BW date from before this bug entered the arena. Something that pins the early game down strongly in ZvT means that there are less diversity for the midgame as well. And ZvZ is the one true problem match up in the game, where muta battles are very central... I guess a lot probably won't agree with me about that. But anyway the game was definitely great and well balanced before muta stacking came into use. The reason why Blizzard is not capable of doing intelligent design today like you said and I agree with you, is, I think, not because they have never been, it is because it is simply not the same company as before. Almost everybody is gone, and now they work with much bigger teams on a much more industrial model that target financial goals with little risk. Creativity and smart design is very complicated to organize in such a situation, and brings a greater sense of financial risk. They have likely hired people such as Dustin Browder for his ability to appeal to masses rather than to make a great RTS, that is exactly what the later C&Cs are. Big nukes and powerful-looking units. I don't really like the myth to be perpetuated that BW was this wonderful designed game. It had a lot of issues that people are willing to look over because the other portions of it were good enough. This is true for all designs--as in the goal is not to design everything right, but to have enough good stuff that the bad stuff doesn't seem bad. For example: Bio play in TvP and TvT. Essentially non-existent in BW because mech play was OP. But since mech was fun to watch--no one minded that they were a bit OP compared to bio. Muta play is OP in BW ZvZ, and really dictates a lot of how that plays out. But there was +15 to bio buff to compensate for it like they did in SC2. Why? Because players were not given the option from the get go--they did not (as a population group) feel that it was ever correct to attempt to fix BW. In SC2, the developers gives the player base so much sway and that sway has been the cause of all the issues in SC2. | ||
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