I don't like any of the new units except for the Lurker (for obvious reasons.) I absolutely hate the Disruptor from concept to implementation.
I have already pre-purchased the game though and I will play its campaign and then keep it on my shelf to complete my Starcraft collection, but right now I have very little faith in the way the game is shaping up.
It wasn't like this when I first saw HoTS. There was some disappointment or confusion with some things throughout the beta process but I felt in general like the game was going to be an improvement from the minute I played the demo at MLG.
This beta process however, has left me feeling disheartened. It feels like Blizz is trying too hard to force certain playstyles just to make the game more fun to watch, and that comes at the expense of making the game very unfun to play. I would've hoped by now they would've learned their lesson in this regard.
With an official release date already announced, the game already available for pre-purchase (yes I know I am part of the problem in this regard) and they are just now beginning testing on a brand new MASSIVE change to the game's core macro mechanics? It just feels like at this point the game can't possibly be ready with the time they have left to finish it.
I am not excited, I am worried. I don't like feeling this way.