On July 18 2019 06:28 FaCE_1 wrote: dam, that's pretty bad...
and about TFT, it's weird that you play your placement but yet you get a rank after first game O_o
so far 1st, 2nd, 1st :D I think they started it with SR where they tell you what your rank would be while you go through placements, no?
seam weird...
got bronze 3 at the end. :[
yeah, just cant play enough during the weeks. will see how it goes. you can so much on a win so I guess the ranking will change quickly.
Yup, they changed ranked now on SR as well. You get a rank at your first game, however, you don't go down (inside the original placements) and you gain elo at an accelerated rate.
It's also the first beta ranked season. They probs don't want the issue of a bunch of shitters getting to diamond before the game is even balanced.
My tip for TFT: Get Aatrox into your comp. Doesn't matter when, where, how, why. Get him in there.
Veigar is one of the champs that I think is super busted with items & level 3 as well. Fits well with yordles too. He auto-targets low star champions, and with good items(read: shojins/archangels), can just ult almost continuously.because of how low the mana cost is for his ult.
Voli is also one of the sleepers too IMO, if he gets ult off with a supporting items, he can win the game with an auto or two.
Aatrox does a fuckton if he gets off the ult. Worth stacking items on if you're going blademaster or sorc IMO, but as a standalone pick I think some more CC orientated picks are better.
Don't play TFT, so can't comment on it.
- Riot giving Renek a shield breaker seems a bit strange. Basically means he dumpsters champs like Riven harder than ever, but does nothing versus others.
- Lots of mechanics being changed. Flat damage reduction and vision on channeled roots are interesting ideas, QoL improvements I guess.
- Aatrox proven to be one of the worst reworks in recent history.
- Akali is close second, Riot playing with all her numbers every patch to try to make her viable but not broken.
- Swain might be too strong.
Nobody probably cares here, but Riot's entirely artificial ARAM balancing makes the map pretty unfun. Only damage done/taken and healing are affected, when the real reasons are champion abilities. Maybe I feel that way because 108% dmg Zoe players who can play her have no problem one shotting carries... Starting to lose interest because of it.
The ARAM balancing is awful. It's lazy "balancing" based on champ win percentages. After thousands of League games, I have a good idea how trades should look and the random buffs/nerfs to damage dealt/taken messes it all up.
Yeah, it catches me off guard sometimes too, I think they leave the ability numbers alone because they don't want to confuse people if Liss ult suddenly stunned longer on ARAM. But the flat buffs/nerfs are also pretty stupid, they balance around win rates not damage numbers, so Ryze suddenly has 118% damage buff, meanwhile Malz with low numbers does 90%. Champs like Mundo also laught at their nerfs, he doesn't care if he does 92% of his normal damage, Conquerer is broken on him.
On July 18 2019 16:40 Amui wrote: Veigar is one of the champs that I think is super busted with items & level 3 as well. Fits well with yordles too. He auto-targets low star champions, and with good items(read: shojins/archangels), can just ult almost continuously.because of how low the mana cost is for his ult.
Voli is also one of the sleepers too IMO, if he gets ult off with a supporting items, he can win the game with an auto or two.
Aatrox does a fuckton if he gets off the ult. Worth stacking items on if you're going blademaster or sorc IMO, but as a standalone pick I think some more CC orientated picks are better. I think veigar is more a mid tier mage since he is single target. and if you run yordle, trist / gnar should be your hyper carry imo.
As for Voli, he is one of the big gun since the last patch. You go Brawler and you give him RFC and he will shread team, specially if you can give him the glacial passive.
I'm still not sure about Aatroxx. I agree he is pretty good when he ult but he isn't really tanky. If you can build some def. items on him, can could pop-off.
RFC Voli is def not slept on lol
Just Curious
Poll: Modes you playAll (5) 36% SR/ARAM (3) 21% SR/TFT (2) 14% ARAM/TFT (2) 14% SR (1) 7% TFT (1) 7% ARAM (0) 0% 14 total votes Your vote: Modes you play (Vote): SR (Vote): ARAM (Vote): TFT (Vote): SR/ARAM (Vote): SR/TFT (Vote): ARAM/TFT (Vote): All
Vote as in currently on a somewhat regular basis. I didn’t talk about the SR patch at all because I feel like only me, darkcore and jek still care about SR
I'm ARAM/TFT as I decided to give ranked a break for a season.
If you want Voli to be a real monster, stick a Darkin Blade on him and turn him into a demon. His chain lightning procs Demon buff.
only TFT for me, at least for a while.
And yeah, demon Voli is a beast.
Where's the ranked only option
I've been playing TFT this patch, simply because I've got a killer flu that's destroyed my bodily functions and playing a LoL gives me headaches.
I've been in diamond promo limbo for like 2 weeks now. Pretty much got into series, tft release, and then just left it.
I might try hard to get back to diamond again this year(after like a 3 year hiatus, and probably 6-7 promo attempts since), but I'm starting to get too old for the game
I think my biggest weakness in TFT is just greeding too hard. I generally like pumping XP or eating losses a lot more than re-rolling early on, even if I have a shit comp so I enter mid-lategame at too low HP to survive a bad round or two, even when I stabilize.
I didn’t talk about the SR patch at all because I feel like only me, darkcore and jek still care about SR
I don't actually play SR much anymore tbh . I play ARAMs mostly because I just want something to mechanically exhaust myself, otherwise I'm enjoying my Paradox games. I do watch a lot of streams though, so I think I still understand the game pretty well, that's why I comment on the patch notes. But ARAM seems to have gotten extremely toxic recently (is there an MMR for ARAM? Loads of people in my games are either high Diamond or feel like try hards), so I might try some SR again. Last season was the first time I didn't grind to Diamond, and I don't really feel like it this season.
There's MMR in ARAM. https://na.whatismymmr.com/ Will give you a rough estimate based on who you play against.
I've been playing mostly TFT right now. If friends want to play aram or ranked I queue for those. I find myself frustrated playing Summoner's Rift by myself these days.
There's MMR in everything that is matchmade(not customs/practice).