On July 31 2014 19:51 PrinceXizor wrote: I have no idea how they are coding those boots that they cause so many issues.
Probably just a copy paste issue, where they overwrote a line.
that had to have happened multiple times by now, between sorc boots doubling magic pen two separate times and this. someone should be fired for that happening three separate times by now.
On July 31 2014 10:01 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Janna's really good against Tristana. I played a MF/Janna lane vs Morg/Trist and Janna caught Trist mid-jump 2 times with a tornado for kills when she otherwise would have escaped. The Trist was overextending technically because that possibility exists, but literally nobody was prepared for it happening because I'm sure nobody but my Janna knew what she intended to happen.
MF and Wukong are my top two and they're 69% and 78% respectively. Hopefully I can make D1 this season, I'm in promos for D2 right now
No. Thresh rapes tristana. If you want to absolutely shut down a tristana, thresh is the way to go. If you get in range to flay her back, your Q will never miss, since the delay for her W and your Q is practically the same. If she tries to jump away before you flay, your flay will bring her back down immediately. Her jump is also easily hookable in mid air if you just Q anywhere in the flight path since trist will technically "catch it" in mid air. I love trist and I play extremely aggressive with her (standard chinese server), so having a thresh straight up trashing me in the face was very haunting.
Granted, Im not sure how aggressive ADCs are on your server, but if you want a good idea, lane vs Vasili to get a feel of how we play laning phase here on the asian servers. Our Sword of the Occult is already named after Draven due to a certain famous Draven player, and the only proper way to play Draven now is to tower dive all the time (as long as you trade 1-1 you win) We learn the game by over extending all the time, and the difference between a diamond and gold is that they are even more aggressive, yet the aggression is refined, and they somehow get away with it too.
If you main trist, ban thresh if you want a good time. On the other hand, any aggressive but non-all in support works for trist.. Especially a certain yordle.
On July 31 2014 21:22 Volband wrote: - have chalice and idol. 35% cdr - buy mikael. 40% cdr - i die. 35% cdr
What? Not sure if dying actually caused it, I just checked again after I died.
Were you still dead when you checked? Because CDR when you're dead is sometimes not accurate.
Yeah CDR and being dead doesnt really go together. Best way to reproduce this is to buy a CDR item while dead and refund it. The stat page will remain the same as if you have the item until you respawn
On July 31 2014 20:54 padfoota wrote: Granted, Im not sure how aggressive ADCs are on your server, but if you want a good idea, lane vs Vasili to get a feel of how we play laning phase here on the asian servers. Our Sword of the Occult is already named after Draven due to a certain famous Draven player, and the only proper way to play Draven now is to tower dive all the time (as long as you trade 1-1 you win)
This video scarred me: Vincent gets 41 kills in 20 minutes against Plat-level players. Horrible quality but you get to see Draven, without having taken any inhibitor towers, zoning an entire team into their fountain by himself. Featuring quotes like "Go around the nexus so you can gank him from behind".
is it only me who hates new match history? why the hell do i have to go to www to see whole content on top of that its very annoying i cant click freerly anymore cuz it opens new page and moves me to browser, also why is there gold income before kills and deaths?
It's really dumb. What is total gold earned going to do in the scope of your match history from what you see at a glance? The only time total gold earned is useful is when you see how much you earned in comparison of other people. Heck, I think CS would've been a smarter choice for a number to be put there.
honestly getting to see the final score page like you can for ranked 5s would have been a much better change than this, nobody wants to have to leave the client for results, we have op.gg for that
On August 01 2014 01:17 wussleeQ wrote: It's really dumb. What is total gold earned going to do in the scope of your match history from what you see at a glance? The only time total gold earned is useful is when you see how much you earned in comparison of other people. Heck, I think CS would've been a smarter choice for a number to be put there.
Let's be real. KDA isn't exactly the end all be all either.
It would be great if riot could figure out the math for a "usefulness" algorithm. Stuff like placing wards, good pinging and teamfight value gives + while low cs, bad map awareness and deaths that do not correlate with opponent deaths or teammate survival counts against you.
On August 01 2014 02:19 Osmoses wrote: It would be great if riot could figure out the math for a "usefulness" algorithm. Stuff like placing wards, good pinging and teamfight value gives + while low cs, bad map awareness and deaths that do not correlate with opponent deaths or teammate survival counts against you.
How would you be able to quantify map awareness? Counting wards isn't the only way to have map awareness. Sometimes you can know something is going on by enemy behavior. Is a 25% health LeBlanc pushing a wave in on a full Swain? More then likely a gank is happening. Things like that.
On August 01 2014 02:34 JimmiC wrote: I would like to see gold at different times. As well as solo generated gold. Because some times you are doing well at certain points but then the tam fails and all the sudden the guy you are beating top gets gold from 4 towers and a dragon. Also KDA at points would be interesting. It could say that you are great in lane but not could at moving that advantage to later stages. It would also be interesting to shift it per role.
The new stats have this. The new stats are good I'm just not a fan of leaving the client to see minor stats
On August 01 2014 02:34 JimmiC wrote: I would like to see gold at different times. As well as solo generated gold. Because some times you are doing well at certain points but then the tam fails and all the sudden the guy you are beating top gets gold from 4 towers and a dragon. Also KDA at points would be interesting. It could say that you are great in lane but not could at moving that advantage to later stages. It would also be interesting to shift it per role.
The new stats have this. The new stats are good I'm just not a fan of leaving the client to see minor stats
I think that's why their moving to an html 5 based client in the future. Once they do they can have all that in client, and this is just a stopgap measure.