On June 30 2014 21:19 GozoShioda wrote: hey guys im trying to write a paper for school about korean team gaming houses and im having trouble finding sources do you guys know where i can find some? (can be videos or written)
On June 30 2014 21:19 GozoShioda wrote: hey guys im trying to write a paper for school about korean team gaming houses and im having trouble finding sources do you guys know where i can find some? (can be videos or written)
what runes do you guys use for midlane? Been looking at some korean pros and they don't seem to run mr blues, seeing a lot of hp/lvl seals or ap/lvl blues which seems incredibly risky
On July 01 2014 00:31 Nos- wrote: what runes do you guys use for midlane? Been looking at some korean pros and they don't seem to run mr blues, seeing a lot of hp/lvl seals or ap/lvl blues which seems incredibly risky
I run MR but I'm not a mid main and I can understand that you don't really know if they're going to have an AD mid esp. at high levels.
I prefer blue side when supporting, easier to get some vision in if we end up being shoved. River much more threatening when we push out after a shove and I go to ward it as purple side. I dont mind any when I'm mid, although it's prob the lane where the camera is the most noticeable to me in laning phase (prob because range is more of a concern and it's more "on the edge" than bot, also less vision so more gank routes). Top I think I prefer purple side atm, but I prefered blue in s2 because of the tribrush and the amount of early ganks (level 2, etc.) without trinkets or anything and all the guys like J4 camping the bush until you tried to get a ranged minion.
Post-laning I feel much more comfortable on blue side because the vision difference is quite noticeable between pushing purple bot t2 and blue top t2 (prob the most awkward turret to siege for me).
This brings out an interesting point. Say through some statistical method I can predict who will win the game just by looking at team composition with 80% accuracy in 1 in 10 games... so whenever I see that kind of bad comp I just dodge...
Gaming houses: the old broodwar shows like hyungjoon becomes a progamer and nalra's oldboy have some insights now and then into the gaming houses (aside from being entertaining watches)
On June 30 2014 06:52 jaybrundage wrote: Yo Slayer I saw some stuff about you arguing about Garen while glancing over it I recalled that you play/played Garen at a decently high level I enjoyed Garen in s3 (I think it was) I know it was before the W nerf. And after that I couldn't dominate lane sufficiently to win games with him and stopped picking him up.
I'm curious do you still play Garen and can you give me the run down on how to play him properly now?
(Eagerly Awaiting :3)
I played garen to D1 a few months back, still play him and do fine but don't play him all the time but not for any reason in particular.
Runes: something like arp/ad/armour/mr. you can try things like regen quints armour quints mr quints with AD reds also if you like. Masteries: 9/21, taylor it to the lane and team comp so get the anti slow vs a lot of slows, anti AoE vs a lot of AoE, anti crit vs auto attack heavy ADCs, get missing hp%regen if vs an all physical damage lane. Item build: Normally you start dorans shield, you can try null magic+2 or cloth+5 against stuff like i dunno teemo or lulu or jayce or something but im not sure if its worth it. Summoners: Flash/ignite. TP is probably not worth because you rely so much on bursting people down and your passive is great for staying in lane, you never run out of mana anyway so stock up on HP pots and you can stay in lane until you want your items.
VS AD lanes: Normally rushing sunfire is always the best VS AP lanes: The spectral cowl is good, bveil is great, hexdrinker is great. Against some lanes especially if you get ahead early you may want to rush mercs with alacrity or swiftness boots. I've found it works great against teemo and in general people who rely on harass and you can very easily all in. If you fall behind you tend to just rush banshee veil and farm as much as you can.
You can't really play aggressive before level 5. Certain guys are weak early and maybe you want to push early because its hard to cs under tower and they might have trouble themselves csing under tower. Irelia is someone you might consider pushing early against.
You shouldn't look to dominate early game. Although you can do well early game you shouldn't try to force yourself to win a lane because you aren't all that strong. You should only be playing garen if you are comfortable playing him in mid and lategame because you won't be snowballing any games from the lane phase like you can say with irelia where you can dump on someone finish trinity and run around and kill everyone. Just focus on CSing well and avoiding getting ganked. You can absolutely play aggressive post level 6 but you just need to plan everything carefully. Some lanes you win and a lot more lanes depend on your timing. Often you want to spin into them during silence and disengage when it runs out, you can stil get E damage and they'll lose damage trying to auto you. You essentially do 0 DPS once your Q and E are on CD so unless they are super low after your Q E that autos+ult+ignite is enough to kill. Remember E gets a lot stronger every rank so at levels 7 and 9 you start to do quite a bit of damage. Same with level 11 and 16 for your R. Q ranks are important for silence duration and movement speed duration. (1.5-->2.5 silence 1.5-->4.5 movement speed duration)
Mid/Late game: you essentially have no engage. Although flash+Q+E+ult+ignite is often a good way to catch someone if you have follow up you play a role that straddles the line between assassin and tank. You have one burst combo and then smaller combos that do about 50% of the full ult+ignite combo with just Q+E. You are really tanky especially if your time your W well and are very hard to catch and kill because Q lasts 4.5 seconds and removes slows, and W also has CC reduction. Generally in teamfights you can do two things 1: Dive into a squishy 2: Help focus someone in their front lines.
1: This is normally something you do later on in the fight, with some back up. Since you come in with the silence they can't really ignore you and if someone comes in to back you up just after silence lands they are probably dead. The main problem is lacking an hard gapcloser which is why you need to rely on timing here. 2: This happens mostly at the start when they try to engage, especially if they have an assassin the silence is valuable, but even so you do a decent amount of damage once you get some %penetration and you are almost always tankier than them so if you are both focusing whoever is in front it should benefit your team slightly more, especially when you don't rely on constantly being in range to do damage, you just need about 3 seconds to do a full combo and people like irelia and shyvana need to constantly be in range.
The main dilemma is whether to use ult+ignite to finish off their tank and hope to win the 5v4 with you probably <50% hp and with only Q and E, or to save it and hope to be able to flash in as soon as their tank retreats. The first option is safer, while the second option might be you flashing in at 40% hp to try to combo down their AP carry but if it works the chances of winning the teamfight are a lot higher.
In terms of item builds usually its something like this Dorans-->Sunfire-->Mercs-->Hexdrinker-->LW-->Randuins-->Black cleaver Other good tank items are: Banshee veil, Warmogs, Thornmail. In terms of damage Hex+LW+Black cleaver is way more than enough, and often you might get warmogs or bveil instead of BC, or sell hex for BC. You often get randuins before LW too. Your W passive is strong enough to make it pretty good to go full defensive stuff even vs void staffs and LWs but often you need more damage, it depends on team comps. W active has an incredibly long CD and its hard to time it effectively but just do your best. It triples in duration from rank 1 to rank 5 so that helps your lategame also.
This brings out an interesting point. Say through some statistical method I can predict who will win the game just by looking at team composition with 80% accuracy in 1 in 10 games... so whenever I see that kind of bad comp I just dodge...
i've been trying to get myself to dodge more in these discouraging champ select situations but also heavily weighting purple side disadvantage into my decision. like if someone seems like a douchebag, you aren't super confident in your lane matchups/team comp, and you're on purple side; dodging is probably always the right move.
if we are blue side i'll give my teammates a lot more benefit of the doubt.
This brings out an interesting point. Say through some statistical method I can predict who will win the game just by looking at team composition with 80% accuracy in 1 in 10 games... so whenever I see that kind of bad comp I just dodge...
i've been trying to get myself to dodge more in these discouraging champ select situations but also heavily weighting purple side disadvantage into my decision. like if someone seems like a douchebag, you aren't super confident in your lane matchups/team comp, and you're on purple side; dodging is probably always the right move.
if we are blue side i'll give my teammates a lot more benefit of the doubt.
OP is one of the few who learned how to use the dodging feature properly is all
If I get bad feelings during champ select, I quit the game, queue up for the dodge timer then go take a dump then come back and play.
This brings out an interesting point. Say through some statistical method I can predict who will win the game just by looking at team composition with 80% accuracy in 1 in 10 games... so whenever I see that kind of bad comp I just dodge...
Such a small sample size from OP, and it's not like his mmr jumped significantly outside normal variance.
Posts like these just make me shake my head, who da fuck cares, just play the game and learn to carry. Even if you're on a losing side of a composition, doesn't mean there isn't anything to gain by playing it out.