On June 25 2014 18:14 Cixah wrote: Riot's live design team makes heads spin. You take what you can get and you like it, I've never really seen rhyme or reason to it at all.
Supposedly, they take input from LCS pros and things highly, but to what extent the numbers help I have no idea. I prefer patches happening less frequently than this load of crap we call balance now. I'd be much happier with the current patch cycle if Riot also introduced a few more tiny buffs to underused champions. Seems like they are wasting an opportunity to buff a few underused champs that don't have kit issues.
On June 25 2014 18:14 Cixah wrote: Riot's live design team makes heads spin. You take what you can get and you like it, I've never really seen rhyme or reason to it at all.
Supposedly, they take input from LCS pros and things highly, but to what extent the numbers help I have no idea. I prefer patches happening less frequently than this load of crap we call balance now.
And you get a stale game with the pool of 15 champions at max in pick/ban and same strategy over and over again. I dunno whats good about it.
"Change is good" (c)
lol i like how maokai is just gonna end up with a twisted advance that is the same cd but way less range hahaha. deez retards
New York City13113 Posts
The pro scene is stale is because pro players don't like to stray from their comfort picks. You think people couldn't have been picking Jax into those Shyvana/Mundo lanes at the start of season 4? At the end of Season 3, when Zed was running rampant, no LCS team even thought about picking Kayle, and then suddenly she was "OP", and then she got nerfed, and no one played her until the Korean Runaan's build became popular, and then suddenly she was must-pick/must-ban again. Pro players are bad at adapting, and citing their laziness as an example of poor design really irks me.
At level 1 yeah, I assume what's being targeted with the changes is his teamfighting and his late game (jungling and early game being handled by the tanky jungler itemisation changes) anyway. The ult change is leaving me perplexed tough. Live Vengeful Maelstrom has 625 range and 575 radius, if PBE Vengeful Maelstrom is centered on him it's going to lose space (because Mao always takes some) for the same radius, and the range drops to 0. Then what's the "range changed to 500" thing. @_@
United States23745 Posts
On June 25 2014 22:45 VayneAuthority wrote: lol i like how maokai is just gonna end up with a twisted advance that is the same cd but way less range hahaha. deez retards No cast time though.
Kayle ult has had an oppressively low cooldown for a long time though. That crap is never down, you get a 24 second cooldown with 40% cdr at level 3.
Why doesn't Riot maintain a pool of champions that you're allowed to play for 2 months at a time.
Its pretty much what their "balance" cycles are because there is the false assumption that good players only need 2 weeks to figure a patch out.
On June 25 2014 22:50 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 22:45 VayneAuthority wrote: lol i like how maokai is just gonna end up with a twisted advance that is the same cd but way less range hahaha. deez retards No cast time though. Weird, I never really saw a problem with Twisted Advance, other than than the CD (it should be low since it's what ties his kit together). Maybe some mana cost reductions on all his spells so he can see play as a support or something.
Maokai's new W does about as much damage as Morde's R's initial damage.
Number isn't the issue for damage because it's the PBE and that can very easily be changed (fwiw the current W does more damage at level 1, until the target reaches ~850 HP, so around level 6-7 for most champions without items).
Twisted Advance does have a cast time, or rather a cast animation: Maokai "transforms" into his form before moving to the target, and if you lose vision (for example because of chasing near corners) the spell will cancel. You don't lose mana or the cooldown, but ~0.75s which can often be enough to let them escape (considering Maokai's low base MS and the fact that if you couldn't cast earlier prob means they were at the edge of the range). So it'll help a bit, although the range reduction is prob still a nerf.
On June 25 2014 22:45 VayneAuthority wrote: lol i like how maokai is just gonna end up with a twisted advance that is the same cd but way less range hahaha. deez retards Maybe it's like Trist ult's range "nerf". It calculates from edge to edge rather than center to center.
I think it speaks volumes to the time it takes for players (pro or otherwise) to come up with new shit, I mean the kayle runaan build and twitch ghostblade thing are both relatively new (maybe not in China for twitch but at least in korea and NA) and those champions/items haven't been changed in ages.
On June 25 2014 22:47 GrandInquisitor wrote: The pro scene is stale is because pro players don't like to stray from their comfort picks. You think people couldn't have been picking Jax into those Shyvana/Mundo lanes at the start of season 4? At the end of Season 3, when Zed was running rampant, no LCS team even thought about picking Kayle, and then suddenly she was "OP", and then she got nerfed, and no one played her until the Korean Runaan's build became popular, and then suddenly she was must-pick/must-ban again. Pro players are bad at adapting, and citing their laziness as an example of poor design really irks me.
I think it is partially caused by the little downtime teams get while their seasons are running. If you only have a single week to prepare for a game (or even more than one) you don't want to waste time testing things that likely won't give you anything. So you stick to the already well known and tested stuff.
With more spare time pro players get more on soloqueue, thereby get confronted with and test themselves a larger variaty of champs, builds and strats. Then they bring this new stuff that seems decent in soloqueue into scrims and tournaments (just like it happened with the runaan's build).
On June 25 2014 23:14 zer0das wrote: Kayle ult has had an oppressively low cooldown for a long time though. That crap is never down, you get a 24 second cooldown with 40% cdr at level 3.
Kayle is in my mind the MOST broken champ in a game. Got out of a game 30 seconds ago where our team got absolutely dumpstered, we stalled until i managed to get runaans and it was onesided from there on.
Kayle 6 items is like trist. A-MovElo
kayle is what adcs wish they could be :>
Why was (is?) Nidalee's win rate only at 41%? Was it because people were trying to play her in the mid lane but weren't doing well with her mid due to the changes in her kit? Because I thought she was very strong in the top lane currently, so I would have thought that her win rate would be a little higher.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm just confused.
On June 25 2014 23:30 Alaric wrote: Number isn't the issue for damage because it's the PBE and that can very easily be changed (fwiw the current W does more damage at level 1, until the target reaches ~850 HP, so around level 6-7 for most champions without items).
Twisted Advance does have a cast time, or rather a cast animation: Maokai "transforms" into his form before moving to the target, and if you lose vision (for example because of chasing near corners) the spell will cancel. You don't lose mana or the cooldown, but ~0.75s which can often be enough to let them escape (considering Maokai's low base MS and the fact that if you couldn't cast earlier prob means they were at the edge of the range). So it'll help a bit, although the range reduction is prob still a nerf.
I am prettt sure AP Maokai will be hilarious especially with the W damage buff and the R changes.
I wonder if you can DFG while W is on route.
On June 25 2014 23:34 Nos- wrote: I think it speaks volumes to the time it takes for players (pro or otherwise) to come up with new shit, I mean the kayle runaan build and twitch ghostblade thing are both relatively new (maybe not in China for twitch but at least in korea and NA) and those champions/items haven't been changed in ages.
Wasn't ghostblade just buffed in the last patch so it lasts longer on ranged champions?
I agree with your point though - pros seem really afraid to experiment. It makes you wonder if some of that comes from the pro scene having very little job security. I think pro-teams would rather stick with what they believe to be safe than risk losing a game and having it cost them at the end of the season.
Even so, it does seem like lack of imagination is a real problem.
United States47024 Posts
I'd say its a lack of incentive. Once you come up with something new, everyone is going to copy it, so you want to save your "good" stuff for when it matters and makes a difference for your results--which is usually tournament finals or at least playoffs.
LCS means there's basically only one real tournament final every season, plus Worlds, that's important enough to actually bring out anything extraordinary. Korea at least has more events overall like T-LoL Masters or NLB that teams would care about winning.
On June 26 2014 00:28 Swords wrote: Wasn't ghostblade just buffed in the last patch so it lasts longer on ranged champions? Ghostblade on ranged like Twitch/Lucian were already becoming common even before this patch. LPL hasn't even played with the change yet because they're not immediately up to date on patches.