[Patch 4.10] Nidalee/Skarner Rework General Discussion - P…
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Canada12016 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
Imagine you came up with a good pick with high skill cap. Say... I don’t know.... Anivia. You devoted many hours not just individually but as a team as well to perfect her. You spent a lot of effort to make her OP. What do you get? You just draw an Anivia ban every single game until at least one other team has also realized her potential. There is basically 0 incentive in innovation due to the ban system. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
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Canada12016 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
Something like that. But it does solve the problem of 'banning Anivia every game' which I have described. | ||
France45622 Posts
On June 26 2014 00:47 Scip wrote: That's why I'd like to see only 2 bans on each team or maybe try no bans at all. I think it'd be a lot more interesting. Nidalee/Ziggs, sometimes Lulu/LB, sometimes Kass. Such midlane. x_x (The offlane would prob have even less variety tbh, but the champions in the popular pool aren't nearly as jarring as Nidalee/Ziggs so you don't really notice them until it's Kayle or a fed Jax.) | ||
United States8983 Posts
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Canada12016 Posts
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France45622 Posts
It makes way worse a lot of combos of whole teamcomps that would tend to fall off (like double AD, double AP, a comp without a big tanky guy). Bringing tanky junglers and hard initiators in general would probably be a good first step as I believe it's what would be most effective to unlock "viable" pool and playstyles, then proceed from there. + Show Spoiler [wall of text] + From my limited understanding of DotA, it's also because the teams' setups and heroes' roles are far less defined than in LoL. Because the utility is so powerful for most spells it's easier to find a replacement for most heroes if your #1 choice gets banned (save for Batrider, always pick/ban never leave alone hue). Because you run more supports (from what I got it ranges from only one "hard support" to up to 3 supports in general depending on line-ups?) you also give less information on your composition with some picks (compare to LoL where Lulu is always mid, Shyvana always off-laning, etc. Kayle and weird choices like sOAZ's Lulu top or Innox's Lee Sin are the only exceptions atm), meaning it's harder to target specific roles during interwoven bans I guess. In LoL if you see two pics you can immediatly tell where they're going to be, and how they can be handled. The (currently) extremely passive and slow meta also means that aggressive/cheesy compositions, although viable, are suboptimal because it's so stupidly hard to acquire an advantage large enough to close out the game by midgame unless you're superior to the enemy team to a point that reduces the importance of your comp anyway. This by itself invalidates a lot of tactics and compositions, discourages hard roam (I still hold in my heart the AP Sion bot/Blitz support with duo mid/Elise jungle gank squad from LPL, the amount of planification and coordination was beautiful) because of all the exp/farm to lose, with the drakes on top of that. Because only a subset of tactics and gameplans are optimal right now, a bunch of picks are dismissed and the few remaining ones are "figured out". You may had some new ones, but they'll fit into the same tactics instead of bringing new comps and styles with them (Jax is back because the passivity has been increased and the Xv0 style removes dominating match-ups like Renekton, Ryze or Kayle from the equation even when the latter 2 are still picked; Kayle has seen a sharp resurgence but she only fits the "stall then smash" style and didn't bring anything new). It's partly Riot's homogenisation of champions. It's partly shit like turrets and summoner spells changes, and support itemisation and shit like that that screams "fuck you for being proactive, passivity is where it's at!". It's also because you're really punished for no following certain guidelines in terms of comps. I posted about that awhile ago, but stuff like needing a tanky offlaner because junglers are fighters and sometimes initiators but not real frontliners atm (or get crush by the aforementioned ones). You lose really easily if you go double AD, a bit less if you go double AD. So even if two picks are really strong and would complement a specific plan and kind of comp really well, if they conflict in terms of lane assignements you have to give up on it (like how it's hard to fit Karthus and Orianna in the same teamcomp because both are mids; that's not the best exampple, hm... ). Technically if you wanted hard stall, Anivia, Lux, Syndra can work just as well as Ziggs. They're nowhere near as safe as him (Satchel Charge is Rocket Jump levels of safety, on top of cancelling dashes/etc.) and can only clear their own wave, not the sidelanes (seriously wtf is that % bonus damage on minions). They don't poke as hard as him offensively either. You don't pick Ziggs because you want to stall like CLG.EU did in s2 with Anivia, you do it because he fits the meta super well on top of being strong by himself. If teams specifically wanted to outscale/aim for the lategame and picked Ziggs for this purpose it'd be more interesting, for example. But currently picking late game is more of a default choice, "gotta be way better to win by midgame so easier to stack late game picks". Don't act surprised Teut, you know it's not the first time I do this. | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
As a spectator, it's not that interesting to watch though. Pick/ban phase and pregame chat takes like 10 minutes? But it's pretty much all filler, how long can you talk about whether or not the top lane is going to be Jax or Shyvana? Or oo, Lulu is top instead of mid, wow, big shock move there, so bold. Given that the pick/ban phase and pregame is approximately 1/3rd to 1/5th of the time it takes to play a game, you'd think they'd try to make it something that people want to pay attention to. Which is why I really don't understand their reasoning for limiting it to 3 picks. Like even solo que drafts are pretty damn boring, because odds of anything you want to play getting banned are pretty low once the "OP's" are established. For something that takes so long it'd be nice if I actually went into it thinking "wow, I wonder what's going to happen this time" instead of "well another 5-10 minutes of my life down the drain." | ||
United States10467 Posts
While innovative game plans like the invades M5(Gambit) did were very fun, other teams were able to counter it by becoming more coordinated in buff ganks. Then the jungle got more monsters and counterjungling became more forgiving. Blue buff became less of a big deal over time due to nerfs and champion mana buffs and items like athenes. Any innovation you make will just get nerfed into the ground because it's deemed too powerful, or as Yango said, will get copied like the poke comps with Nidalee/Jayce (which were also nerfed a lot but are still played) or 2v1 lanes (not yet nerfed enough so people still do it). You don't gain any advantage from being creative in the long run. Sometimes Riot just kneejerk nerfs champions like Urgot/Janna mid/Raka the moment they sees play in competitive. Sometimes people don't believe a build is good so they don't copy it. Eg Darien's builds. That's the only point where innovation seems to be rewarded. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On June 26 2014 01:25 zer0das wrote: Pick/ban phases are so boring. Cloud 9 picks like the same damn composition with a minor variation for like 6-7 games at a time if the other team doesn't ban it, and it gets really boring very quickly. Maybe not this split because they're still trying to get back to where they were, but all-stars and and the previous split... it's like Elise/Morgana every game if it's not banned. I can't really fault them because they're just trying their best given the system. As a spectator, it's not that interesting to watch though. Pick/ban phase and pregame chat takes like 10 minutes? But it's pretty much all filler, how long can you talk about whether or not the top lane is going to be Jax or Shyvana? Or oo, Lulu is top instead of mid, wow, big shock move there, so bold. Given that the pick/ban phase and pregame is approximately 1/3rd to 1/5th of the time it takes to play a game, you'd think they'd try to make it something that people want to pay attention to. Which is why I really don't understand their reasoning for limiting it to 3 picks. Like even solo que drafts are pretty damn boring, because odds of anything you want to play getting banned are pretty low once the "OP's" are established. For something that takes so long it'd be nice if I actually went into it thinking "wow, I wonder what's going to happen this time" instead of "well another 5-10 minutes of my life down the drain." The thing is a more complex pick/ban phase actually makes the time needed for it even longer. Adding interwoven bans basically will make the draft take 3-4 minutes longer. While there are some spectators for which the current draft is boring but that draft would be interesting, I'm betting the most spectators actually find the draft boring irrespective of the format or how nuanced it is. | ||
United States8519 Posts
I doubt Riot would want to take the risk though, which is a shame. | ||
United States17713 Posts
On June 26 2014 01:41 zer0das wrote: I guess it depends on what audience you're targeting. I think a lot of people here would gladly sacrifice 3-4 more minutes for having something more strategic. The League audience as a whole? Eh... probably less likely. I think people would probably get acclimated with it and enjoy it once they realized it allows for much more specialized picks and team comps, even if there was some initial resistance. I doubt Riot would want to take the risk though, which is a shame. their official stance on this was that dota is won or lost in ban/pick because they have this pick format, and that league is won and lost in game because they have their format. its really...wrong but its their official stance. they think that dota's ban/pick removes skill from the game. at least according to their official comments on it. Because of that, riot's opinion is parroted by the general population whenever ban/pick changes are discussed. "we want the game about skill!! adding bans takes away skill!" | ||
United States10467 Posts
On June 26 2014 01:32 TheYango wrote: I'd argue that having no bans would make you see less signature champs, not more. No bans basically means that the first 2 picks on both teams will often be stuff they would have otherwise banned, which means that signature champs in any role that has a must-pick "OP" champion get strangled out of the game by the higher priority of that champ. My argument is that no such champion exists given Riot's speed at nerfing things. Like there's never been a champion so OP that Froggen's that champ would be better than Froggen on Anivia. | ||
United Kingdom1470 Posts
On June 26 2014 01:48 obesechicken13 wrote: My argument is that no such champion exists given Riot's speed at nerfing things. The existence of Kassadin speaks strongly against your argument. | ||
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