[Patch 4.8] RIP Pantheon General Discussion - Page 6
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Canada22817 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
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Canada22817 Posts
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France45622 Posts
Of course that'd be stupidly ridiculous. | ||
Poland7525 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
Damage and cooldown stay the same as 4.8. Instead of shredding MR, shred 2/3/4/5/6 + 0.01 * AP armor per cast (live is 6 + 0.01 * AP MR per cast). Stack up to 10 times. What does this solve: 1. Solves Soraka's super Q scaling issue. Previously Soraka's Q scales in two additional ways beside the raw damage scaling with AP. First her Q does magic damage and Q shreds MR (and that scales with AP too); secondly her Q reduces her W cooldown (also scales with AP), making her more durable. I don't see any possible changes with her W, but we can definitely take away her MR shred. 2. Makes support Soraka less awkward. Back in S2, most Sorakas max W and E second, opting to not put any points in Q until level 13. The fact of the matter is her Q was, and still is, a poor support skill beyond the damage it provides. By changing it to armor shreds allow her to better synergize with her ADC in the support role. Furthermore, the increasing shred per Q rank makes Q max first the norm for support Soraka while staying away from W max, which is the playstyle Riot wants to see about her. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
First there is the issue of time required. BC has no cooldown; a champion such as Talon or Pantheon can apply the stacks almost instantly, while Soraka requires multiple casts of Q in close range while trying to stay alive. It is very unlikely that she will be able to maintain more than 2 stacks on a high priority target before her or her target is blown up. Then there is the issue of range and mmobility. Soraka has no gap closers and her Q has short range. It will be very difficult for her to reach a high priority target where her flat shred is more powerful. Instead she will be mostly hitting tanks and stay at the backline. | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States3529 Posts
On May 22 2014 17:43 GolemMadness wrote: They said they're not gonna do that. Really, I just want them to remove the cast time delay on his ult. Cast time on his ult. QoL on his auto attack animation and sound QoL on his laser (smart casting outside of the start zone should cast from the closest point instead of run to cast) Upgrades to his q and w augments so that they have singular purpose (that is his w augment should replace a mana sustain item entirely and his q should replace a defensive item entirely just like his e augment is a complete offensive item) He would be pretty strong with those changes. | ||
United States164 Posts
GolemMadness wrote: Nobody's denying that newer champions as a whole are "better" designed than older ones as a whole. That still isn't an argument that the amount of utility is getting out of control or anything. All it means is that they're getting more consistent with their designs, and the few older champions who have been left behind may eventually need reworks. (From previous thread) I'm a little surprised no one jumped on this, especially given how much you guys like to mock the same-y modern champion design. I think the champion design from early in League is vastly superior to the later stuff on the whole. The process was still somewhat organic back then, which led to a lot of interesting mechanics and mismatched skills instead of a bunch of stuff that's forced because champions need X, Y, and Z to be competitive in whichever role they're intended and so they can make BIG PLAYS for observers to watch. Annie is the poster child for this. I think she may have the best-designed kit to date. Everything fits together beautifully without giving her the single-mindedness a lot of later releases have. They would NEVER give her 625 auto range today. Or a defensive steroid on E to help with the stun rotation. Or even the zero cast point. A pretty substantial portion of the early champions have much more interesting kits for the disparate elements. In addition to being more interesting (to me) from a design perspective, I think they also open up more non-mechanical avenues for creative play--for example E-max, Shiv rush Tristana to mitigate her laning weaknesses. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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England6749 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On May 23 2014 01:54 turdburgler wrote: malphite can be built AD in the sense that every champion can be built ad. AD malphite actually works pretty good, the amount of burst it puts out is pretty insane. Hydra+SotD from chu8 was always hilarious to watch. | ||
2602 Posts
On May 23 2014 01:54 turdburgler wrote: malphite can be built AD in the sense that every champion can be built ad. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On May 23 2014 01:55 wei2coolman wrote: AD malphite actually works pretty good, the amount of burst it puts out is pretty insane. Hydra+SotD from chu8 was always hilarious to watch. Sorry, does his W splash crit? | ||
United States60033 Posts
No, it doesn't, but the point is that his ult knocks them up long enough for him to Auto attack twice, both of which are SotD crits, and activate Hydra. It's pretty absurd. I wouldn't say it's competitively viable, nor would I suggest it as a way to climb solo queue ladder, but damn if it isn't fucking hilarious to see fuckers get popped by AD malphite. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
I am going back to SotD noc. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
On May 23 2014 01:54 turdburgler wrote: malphite can be built AD in the sense that every champion can be built ad. his W AD boost is significant and you can win some lanes with ad that you can't with AP, and probably can't with tank, but i haven't tested enough. its obviously not optimal but its not that far from good you'd be surprised you obviously get only 1 or 2 ad items | ||
France987 Posts
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United States35092 Posts
On May 23 2014 02:44 Maluk wrote: I want to test that new "freelo Kayle" build, do I have to build the Runaans directly after Nashor's tooth ? Yes. | ||
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