It actually makes a lot of sense with new changes.
I think Lulu & Morgana are pretty much safe from her burst and its not like they can beat her, but she cant feed on them and then u just push lane into her and she loses farm:-)
I also played some talon vs le blanc and if you have fast hands you can fuck her up pretty bad, the moment she tries to chain you, successfully or not you jump on her, silence Q,W, autoattacks and she loses the trade. But its hard and risky "-)
On April 17 2014 21:58 schmutttt wrote:Some people say Galio but I think Galio is just a terrible champ so I wouldn't bother with him. Either ban her or play something like Ziggs that can afk farm (He can also trade with her pre 6 and post 6 he should have enough items to just waveclear safely).
Galio is hilarious vs LB.
Riot needs to add an armor pen boot to the game. Berserker is feeling more and more out of place with all the AS runes and items in the game. If mages can choose between magic pen and CDR boot, why can't ADC choose between AS and armor pen?
And I don't think it will be that OP on assassins since now everyone can run exhaust or heal.
Baa?21242 Posts
Galio is hilarious but it doesn't make Galio not useless z.z
I <3 Galio though.
On April 17 2014 22:55 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: Galio is hilarious but it doesn't make Galio not useless z.z
I <3 Galio though.
Meh, I still maintain that Galio is and always has been wholly underrated.
I also feel Galio is massively underrated. His ult is a bit clunky with the Tenacity interaction but he has so much power anyway.
On April 17 2014 20:42 AlterKot wrote: What's the counterplay to LeBlanc?
Malzahar crushes her. Anyone that can shove hard while presenting a respectable 1v1 threat can beat her.
Lulu is great against her. You just have to use whimsey on her if she use distortion offensively and before she can proc her q to silence. Dodge her bind and you should win every trade.
I do real well against Leblanc with Lux, but it requires a little practice, since you have to shield before she hits you.
You can fight her pre 6 (you lose level 2 and win level 3), but post 6 you just farm at a bajillion range and ignore her.
Problem with "countering" lb is there's just such a large skill range of different lb players out there, and the majority of the "counters" can be torn apart by an actually good leblanc player, or just an aggressive jungler. (Although the good ones are pretty rare below diamond :p )
Most long range farming mids can typically just force a farm lane though, if they play it properly. Things like barrier ori/ziggs are pretty safe if you play it right.
Zed/Fizz are also skill matchups, if you actually want a chance of beating her.
On April 17 2014 23:24 killerdog wrote: Problem with "countering" lb is there's just such a large skill range of different lb players out there, and the majority of the "counters" can be torn apart by an actually good leblanc player, or just an aggressive jungler. (Although the good ones are pretty rare below diamond :p )
Most long range farming mids can typically just force a farm lane though, if they play it properly. Things like barrier ori/ziggs are pretty safe if you play it right.
Zed/Fizz are also skill matchups, if you actually want a chance of beating her.
When talking about champion counterpicks, you have to assume a reasonably close skill level - of course skill can overcome bad match-ups.
The problem of course is that if you choose a champion just to counter another, you are probably awful with them and it won't pan out.
When I read this before, I got the feeling that despite him saying it's for soloq that a lot of it is slanted towards pro play.
Huh? Renekton top is always top tier... it ate so many bans so far in EU playoffs. Soraka mid is stupidly top tier too, hai's been abusing the living shit out of it, and iirc Scarra ate a ban for it even before 4.5. TF has been seeing a bit of play in Korea now, though dunno about "top tier". And Hai recently been complaining about how strong Graves is now.
I ran attack speed quints once on Ori and put 3 points in shield early. Leblanc's full combo dealt zero damage while I hit her with only autoattack while I was silenced. When she use reactivated her W, I immediately used my QRW combo and continued autoattacking her to death.
Clockwork windup most OP.
I find it kind of strange too, although GoldenGlue is still in HS so maybe he hasn't been able to practice as much as Dig would like either.
If there's a meta for Scarra to come back into though it's this one. He can play farm oriented mid champions quite well, and the EU playoffs have already demonstrated that Karthus and Soraka are strong right now.
Surprised to see no mention of Miss Fortune by DL, she's a monster laner now and heal debuffs are in high demand. I guess he's never liked her much, right?
On April 17 2014 23:39 Alzadar wrote:Show nested quote +On April 17 2014 23:24 killerdog wrote: Problem with "countering" lb is there's just such a large skill range of different lb players out there, and the majority of the "counters" can be torn apart by an actually good leblanc player, or just an aggressive jungler. (Although the good ones are pretty rare below diamond :p )
Most long range farming mids can typically just force a farm lane though, if they play it properly. Things like barrier ori/ziggs are pretty safe if you play it right.
Zed/Fizz are also skill matchups, if you actually want a chance of beating her. When talking about champion counterpicks, you have to assume a reasonably close skill level - of course skill can overcome bad match-ups. The problem of course is that if you choose a champion just to counter another, you are probably awful with them and it won't pan out. I get that, but it's not always linear. You can have matchups which are favoured one way in bronze/silver/gold, and favoured the other way in plat/diamond, because some high-skill trick turns the matchup, or one champion is just harder to play to a certain level.
fx leblanc will likely beat syndra at lower skills, but a really good syndra can q-e leblanc out of her jump, suddenly flipping the matchup on it's head as syndra suddenly wins the early trades.
Or zed, where he just totally loses matchups to basically all ranged bullies at lower elos, but as you get to higher elos where zeds understand the strength of their level 2-3-4 all ins, suddenly chances for counterplay start appearing, and some matchups change.
I was talking to realdevil yesterday about the matchups, and he was saying that a bad leblanc will lose to a bad lulu, but once you get to the really good lulu's and leblancs, leblanc will start winning/at least going even.
I just find the "gimme a counter to lb" idea a bit silly, especially when all the responses are either fotm counterpicks (where the leblanc will have much more experience in the matchup, (and more experience on the champion in general) then you unless you seriously invest time in it. Or people suggesting their niche-ish main, where they probably just have way more experience in the matchup then the lb does, and hence don't lose/win it. Much better to just pick the most favourable of your current champ pool, or pick up a new champion which happens to be decent vs her in lane and practice that, then try and get some pocket counterpick.
As an aside, I've also had a lot of success against leblancs by just having a spare "anti lb" runepage, with mres seals glyphs and quints, and ad/mpen/hybridpen reds. You get something like 31 mr from runes, and you're basically immune to her lvl 1-2-3 all ins, and invinceble once you finish chalice, and get to just play your normal game while lb can't do much.
edit: this whole post seems to contradict itself at least twice, I really shouldn't write half a post after just waking up, then the other half after eating, makes no sense. W/e, just pretend i said something intelligent then read naftas post
Problem with leblanc is junglers.She is really hard to gank while she is really good to setup ganks.1v1 vs her really isn't hard at all.A lot of champs can reck her.