On March 20 2014 05:06 Slayer91 wrote: No, you just have to not get greedy and don't get harassed much, so that diving is pretty hard. Diving only has a chance if the opponent is low hp, pantheon can block a couple shots but even still running around tower with W on one guy makes things really hard, if your jungler comes at that point its a guaranteed double kill.
Nasus also needs armour quints and cloth armour start obviously and most people are probably doing terrible things like lifesteal quints and doran shield start You can safely assume unless someone mains top he doesn't own armor quints let alone a page with them.
On March 20 2014 05:06 Slayer91 wrote: No, you just have to not get greedy and don't get harassed much, so that diving is pretty hard. Diving only has a chance if the opponent is low hp, pantheon can block a couple shots but even still running around tower with W on one guy makes things really hard, if your jungler comes at that point its a guaranteed double kill.
Nasus also needs armour quints and cloth armour start obviously and most people are probably doing terrible things like lifesteal quints and doran shield start Ah, I see. I don't know about quints, but you are right that more often than not people start doran's shield instead of cloth 5. Thanks for the response, now I know what to expect if the Nasus is playing it properly. If I can't hardcore stomp the lane I'll have to really help the rest of the map get ahead early or the Panth pick is kinda useless.
90% of top laners dying to renekton is also because of dorans shield opening and not cloth 5
90% of top laners dying to renekton is wait wtf his ult is so strong why is my jungler going in oh god i guess we're doing this
u guys are pathetic with this renekton whine, he isnt even champion with highest kill potential early game, trynd and riven low level cheeses are so much more scary
a joke about people building wrong items=/= whine what teh actual fuck LMAO
On March 20 2014 05:46 kongoline wrote: u guys are pathetic with this renekton whine, he isnt even champion with highest kill potential early game, trynd and riven low level cheeses are so much more scary Don't get me started...
What about rengar top vs Nasus I have had some success with it but I am also not diamond
On March 20 2014 05:44 Kyrie wrote: 90% of top laners dying to renekton is wait wtf his ult is so strong why is my jungler going in oh god i guess we're doing this
This is actually like how I've witness Renekton snowball like 80% of the time lol
On March 20 2014 01:40 Kyrie wrote: ahri's had several distinct fotm eras of which dfg assassin was only the most recent
this is too far back for me to say with certainty but i do believe revolver ahri was problematic at some point I remember in mid to late S3 there was a popular Ahri build in Korea which builds Dorans Blade->Sheen->Revolver->Spectral Wraith. It usually ends up with Lichbane, Spectral Wraith, Rabadons, Arthenes. That was a very fun build to play : early ad and sheen provides huge all-in power at 6 ; in late game fight it provides a huge amount of sustain damage and healing.
It is still fun to play lichbane ahri even after they nerf her whole skill set after S3 worlds. I used to rush lichbane voidstaff to compensate the damage nerf on ahri. But I guess it is not that viable now since Riot does not realize that Ahri can utilize lichabne too.
On March 20 2014 06:01 IamPryda wrote: What about rengar top vs Nasus I have had some success with it but I am also not diamond
Playing Nasus against full offense Rengar is no fun. NO FUN AT ALL.
rengar isnt scary at all if you're having troubles you're bad
On March 20 2014 05:46 kongoline wrote: u guys are pathetic with this renekton whine, he isnt even champion with highest kill potential early game, trynd and riven low level cheeses are so much more scary
90% of games have renekton
so you see a lot more games with renekton snowballing early
United States23745 Posts
On March 20 2014 06:18 Slayer91 wrote:rengar isnt scary at all if you're having troubles you're bad Show nested quote +On March 20 2014 05:46 kongoline wrote: u guys are pathetic with this renekton whine, he isnt even champion with highest kill potential early game, trynd and riven low level cheeses are so much more scary 90% of games have renekton so you see a lot more games with renekton snowballing early Yeah well most of us that are playing are actually bad so...
On March 20 2014 06:20 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On March 20 2014 06:18 Slayer91 wrote:rengar isnt scary at all if you're having troubles you're bad On March 20 2014 05:46 kongoline wrote: u guys are pathetic with this renekton whine, he isnt even champion with highest kill potential early game, trynd and riven low level cheeses are so much more scary 90% of games have renekton so you see a lot more games with renekton snowballing early Yeah well everyone that are playing are actually bad so...
fixed im just reassuring people they have a way to win they just need to think harder
On March 20 2014 06:18 Slayer91 wrote: rengar isnt scary at all if you're having troubles you're bad Srs, Rengar got pooped on by the SV nerf.
hes still viable in chaos teams, thats about it
(tryn, nid, yi, udyr, etc all split pushing is what i refer to)
On March 20 2014 06:18 Slayer91 wrote:rengar isnt scary at all if you're having troubles you're bad Show nested quote +On March 20 2014 05:46 kongoline wrote: u guys are pathetic with this renekton whine, he isnt even champion with highest kill potential early game, trynd and riven low level cheeses are so much more scary 90% of games have renekton so you see a lot more games with renekton snowballing early
Without jungle help, it's a very rough match early for Nasus. He just constantly combos you when you try to CS, and even if you can freeze the wave near your tower, he'll still hit you with his ranged abilities.
his W pushes the wave and his E damage is not scary at all his trading isnt even that strong, even against early nasus
you don't even need to freeze per se because that involves tanking creeps, you can just let him combo you once and hit him a bit with your sticck and W if you want, or just back off and repeat.
Rengar is definitely still viable and really strong.Especially if you get to play vs someone who doesn't main top can easily snowball and just oneshot everyone.He is rather annoying.
yeah rengar is kind of okay if he does fine in lane phase