[Patch 4.4] CUDDLY INCOMING! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ - Page 26
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United States15536 Posts
Canada5009 Posts
On March 19 2014 23:50 739 wrote: IEM Fails compilation I need to share. Alt-tabs League Of Legends ftw I think it's unfair to call Froggen's pronunciation of LeBlanc a fail given that most English speakers say LeBlaannkk. The C is silent. | ||
India1783 Posts
Btw does the damage done by lyandri passive proc spell vamp? | ||
Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
On March 19 2014 16:01 GolemMadness wrote: 30 more AP for 500 gold is going to make him a monster? Technically the new item is worse because it costs 500 more for 30 AP and you lose out on 600 gold of mana regen!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||
6318 Posts
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Netherlands13241 Posts
On March 20 2014 00:53 xes wrote: Technically the new item is worse because it costs 500 more for 30 AP and you lose out on 600 gold of mana regen!!!!!!!!!!!! When WotA was FOTM I can remember both mana and manaless champs using it. Morde/Vlad/Akali but Cassio/Ryze/Ori/Ahri etc too. Taking aura away was what doomed WotA into irrelevance. I don't think it'll be relevant again soon, vamp isn't useful at all for the average AP who has to maximise burst. Plus it doesn't fit into any of the item timings. You always have to get manaregen first (grail/tear/drings) and then you need a rod item (cap/DFG). Getting WotA after the mana item will make you do way less damage, and after you get the big AP item you absolutely need the Void Staff. It just doesn't fit as well on mana dependent AP champions as it does on no-mana champions. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On March 20 2014 01:12 kongoline wrote: not gonna lie im not happy with the fact wota costs more, i already skipped it a lot on vlad because it delayed my core items like zhonya/void by too much, now i think i will upgrade it as a last item which is sad considering in some matchups i need that extra spell vamp/cdr it provides just to survive laning phase I would have liked it if they just made revolver easier to get, so the investment to unlock the spellvamp effect doesn't feel like it gimps your item timings. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On March 20 2014 01:18 wei2coolman wrote: I would have liked it if they just made revolver easier to get, so the investment to unlock the spellvamp effect doesn't feel like it gimps your item timings. Didn't we have enough problems with Ahri and Morgana? | ||
United States60033 Posts
On March 20 2014 01:23 Sufficiency wrote: Didn't we have enough problems with Ahri and Morgana? I don't think Ahri or Morgana's problem was their spellvamp effect... Pretty sure ahri's problem was LOL DFG REK UR SHIT, TRY N CATCH ME I GOT 3 DASHES. And morg hasn't been a problem since like early s2. conversely they could just make the revolver timing a bit stronger in terms of damage. | ||
1594 Posts
this is too far back for me to say with certainty but i do believe revolver ahri was problematic at some point | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On March 20 2014 01:40 Kyrie wrote: ahri's had several distinct fotm eras of which dfg assassin was only the most recent this is too far back for me to say with certainty but i do believe revolver ahri was problematic at some point Of which revolver was not one of them. | ||
Bulgaria18893 Posts
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1594 Posts
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6318 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On March 20 2014 00:50 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: Imagine if sunfire procced rylai and lyandri. I guess the closest I can replicate something like that is singed. Btw does the damage done by lyandri passive proc spell vamp? As far as I can tell, it procs Spirit Stone, but not spellvamp. | ||
Canada1600 Posts
On March 20 2014 01:45 nafta wrote: Ahri with revolver has never been problematic wtf.The only reason people got it was because everyone played double ap and it was a broken item.Every mid and top got it.... It was really nice on her, with ult/w giving 100% spell vamp once upon a time, so that 40% vamp ahri (double wota) was really tanky in teamfights, but not really that brokenly op. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On March 20 2014 02:14 dae wrote: It was really nice on her, with ult/w giving 100% spell vamp once upon a time, so that 40% vamp ahri (double wota) was really tanky in teamfights, but not really that brokenly op. True, but my argument is actually that the free spellvamp on Ahri and Morgana significantly increased their laning power, even though their non ultimate abilities are comparable to most other mid laners in terms of power. Therefore, I think spellvamp on traditional mid laners is very strong because they can often clear waves very quickly and safely and from a long range, even though they are limited by mana. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On March 20 2014 02:34 Sufficiency wrote: True, but my argument is actually that the free spellvamp on Ahri and Morgana significantly increased their laning power, even though their non ultimate abilities are comparable to most other mid laners in terms of power. Therefore, I think spellvamp on traditional mid laners is very strong because they can often clear waves very quickly and safely and from a long range, even though they are limited by mana. That's because it's FREE. But rarely any traditional mids are going to go out of their way to build spellvamp. Also in terms of item changes, I would love to see a modernization of RoA as an alternative to Athenes. | ||
Sweden4641 Posts
On March 19 2014 23:31 kongoline wrote: LOL, everyone on that list scales pretty hard into late game and since when elise has bad late? i still remember ogn game where 6item renekton tried to split, kept losing to support elise and everybody in live report thread was disgusted by it, guess people have short memory. They are all vaccum champions, none of them fit the metagame anymore. All of them force a metagame which does not work when they are not ban/fp power. All lategame is now a day is baron control and lane split push without champions. When you come in late vs a common team comp you lose if they engage with the big 4 top laners and they can easily. Vaccum champions don't bring this sort of thing to the table and can not deal with it. Watch SkS vs Im1 in masters week 1. Its renekton vs prenerf Yasou and shows exactly why these champions which all outscale Renekton in split pushing but big team fights they can't bring the neither zoning, engage or the ADC control that Renekton can. Lategame has never been about damage as its always bonkers amount by that time its about map control and reliable cc to start a fight on your terms. They are all part of pick comps when none of them can control the map to get picks. | ||
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