[Patch 4.4] CUDDLY INCOMING! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ - Page 27
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Canada5009 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On March 20 2014 02:48 wei2coolman wrote: That's because it's FREE. But rarely any traditional mids are going to go out of their way to build spellvamp. Also in terms of item changes, I would love to see a modernization of RoA as an alternative to Athenes. True. It is FREE on those two. But if you make revolver cheap enough (e.g. only 1 amp tome + 330 gold), it will be ubiquitous for all traditional mid laners. This addresses to some of the suggestions of making revolver cheaper / low investments. | ||
Bulgaria18893 Posts
On March 20 2014 03:11 Sufficiency wrote: True. It is FREE on those two. But if you make revolver cheap enough (e.g. only 1 amp tome + 330 gold), it will be ubiquitous for all traditional mid laners. This addresses to some of the suggestions of making revolver cheaper / low investments. Then when the other mid just goes chalice he will still win cause spell vamp is a terrible early game stat on most mid laners. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On March 20 2014 03:11 Sufficiency wrote: True. It is FREE on those two. But if you make revolver cheap enough (e.g. only 1 amp tome + 330 gold), it will be ubiquitous for all traditional mid laners. This addresses to some of the suggestions of making revolver cheaper / low investments. Well I was thinking about just a small cost adjustment like 1k total investment. You're still sacrificing the large mana regen and mr you get from chalice for spellvamp and ap. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On March 20 2014 03:03 Alzadar wrote: I think that the problem with Rod is that it very directly conflicts with Tear (big mana pool + AP, also shield from Seraph's competes with Rod's health), and both are slow items that ramp up, so it's hard to get both unless you're Ryze. One thing I am really annoyed about roa/catalyst is that the regen (Valor's Reward?) works only during level up. Thus its application is somewhat limited (does not work after level 18) and does not always work the way you want it to (e.g. leveled up while you are on your way to lane because someone else took a tower). I am curious what if Valor's Reward works as an active with 2 (?) minutes cooldown instead. | ||
United States735 Posts
On March 20 2014 03:28 Sufficiency wrote: One thing I am really annoyed about roa/catalyst is that the regen (Valor's Reward?) works only during level up. Thus its application is somewhat limited (does not work after level 18) and does not always work the way you want it to (e.g. leveled up while you are on your way to lane because someone else took a tower). I am curious what if Valor's Reward works as an active with 2 (?) minutes cooldown instead. Or a time scaling active, so that you still have the mechanic of more uses early as opposed to late, which would keep the reward of getting an early catalyst/ROA as opposed to a late one. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
if this is true everything is right in the world 99% that biebs is doing cocaine from a hookers ass though | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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United States1945 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On March 20 2014 03:35 InfSunday wrote: Or a time scaling active, so that you still have the mechanic of more uses early as opposed to late, which would keep the reward of getting an early catalyst/ROA as opposed to a late one. Scaling with time helps, but I think it still suffers from its limited number of application and the unreliability. | ||
United States10110 Posts
Hilarious watching everyone go "OMG ITS A KAT! KIIIIIILL", and then they don't realize what I've built until I soaked up so much damage my team kills them. | ||
United States1546 Posts
On March 19 2014 00:32 Alzadar wrote: Yeah Darius is a classic I guess, you never see him though. Renekton gives me no real trouble. You have to respect him early game but after a Chain Vest and level 6 you're pretty safe, and Renektons always get hypey trying to deny you and then you kill them. Trundle is always fun and has a decent match-up vs Nasus, but like everyone else his advantage starts to fade after level 9 and is entirely gone by level 11. I know this is a pretty late response, but my go-to counter for Nasus is Pantheon. It is the most one sided lane that I have ever played, and it has worked several times against plat and low diamond players (I'm silver 1, but my ranked 5's team has been thrown up against teams with a few high ranking solo q'ers on them). I start flask, 2 mana, and 1 health pot and spam spear level 1, then go in to auto trade when my passive is up. By level 3 if the river is warded and you know the enemy jungler isn't top it is really easy to all-in and kill him with ignite. After that just q, w, auto, e, q combo him every time he walks back into lane and either zone him completely from the wave or kill him again if he tries to farm. Get brutalizer as your first item along with mana pots to keep up the spear spam. I don't know how well it works if the enemy jungler ganks top early (like pre-level 3, but nobody has done that yet), but by the time level 6 or so rolls around I have always been so far ahead that even if they do gank I can always trade one back or sometimes just kill them both. Since my jungler doesn't have to come top except to counter-gank the rest of the map is usually at least even, so I end up using my ult mainly to follow Nasus to whatever lane he goes to try and farm and constantly deny him. Has anyone else played the matchup? I'm curious if Pantheon is as hard of a counter as it seems or if my opponents have just been playing poorly. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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6318 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
at least pre 6 anyway | ||
Netherlands4122 Posts
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United States1546 Posts
On March 20 2014 04:34 Slayer91 wrote: pantheon reks nasus early but if he stays calm and hits level 7 and some armour without dying you get rekt he can just stomp you with his ult because you have no damage after your burst if you are W'd. Hmm... I can see that. His ult is a bit troublesome to deal with but usually by that time I've killed him once or twice and am up in levels and items so it doesn't do enough to tip the fight in his favor. Would he have to E max early to clear and farm from a distance? In my games if he lets the minions hit turret pre-6 I either q poke him down until I can all-in by myself or call my jungler up to dive him. If both junglers come then it boils down to how well we can dodge turret aggro but it works almost every time, Nasus is just too weak early for that fight to go well for him. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On March 20 2014 02:34 Sufficiency wrote: True, but my argument is actually that the free spellvamp on Ahri and Morgana significantly increased their laning power, even though their non ultimate abilities are comparable to most other mid laners in terms of power. Therefore, I think spellvamp on traditional mid laners is very strong because they can often clear waves very quickly and safely and from a long range, even though they are limited by mana. You have to keep in mind that when Morgana was deemed a problem in mid, the meta was very very different. There were far less options for the mid lane. Wave clearing was not as efficient, assassins were not as strong, and in general, sustain was very very highly valued. Morgana could probably get her passive completely reverted and I'd doubt she'll become a top tier pick. WotA was a problem in the past due to two things. 1. Its sheer dumb cost efficiency. 2. The way auras work in LoL. Auras stack for the bearer, so when you run double AP, both your mid and solo laner got 2 WotA auras - which ended up as 60 ap and like 40 spell vamp if I remember correctly. It was just stupid cost efficient and powerful, which is even further compounded by the fact that back then, all aura items were hilariously under costed since Riot wanted to incentivize players to buy auras. They've since learned, which is why Aegis has seen continuous nerfs to its aura and general efficiency. Right now, WotA is underbought because sustain simply isn't a valued stat on AP champions - at least the ones that are popular. Even for champs like Vlad, you see players ignoring spellvamp or skimping on it in order to get stuff like Guise to become relevant asap. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Nasus also needs armour quints and cloth armour start obviously and most people are probably doing terrible things like lifesteal quints and doran shield start | ||
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