Man this xerath rework really has me down. I miss siege mode xerath, self rooting for 2 seconds out of every 2 minutes is the most boring thing ever. With that range it's not even a trade off.
Tried dblade against Renekton on Jax and it's a bitch because although it kinda works, a single lucky trade and you're basically zoned off the wave. Then, if he's smart he won't push and even if you don't miss much exp the gold differential will bone you seeing how much Jax needs to pull ahead.
The most annoying part about Renekton is that his W goes through Counterstrike because "fuck dodge right?" and that with how fast he can combo and how wonky the turret AI can be sometimes (I've moved out of range and back in between a shot and when the targeting line appears and had the turret stay on me several times, and yesterday it did the opposite, I ran back in when I noticed I was too far and it switched anyway, it's so annoying to @_@) he can easily get his almost full combo off you while taking a turret shot at most, if any. Guess I'll start cloth+5 and armour quints (over lifesteal), then build vamp over finishing tabi or trying to get triforce, and work on outsustaining him during fights. Which still won't do shit early because Jax have no means of sticking once his E is down but at least it should let me farm.
Alternatively, push the wave like a madman from level 1 to prevent him from trying to be cute and last hit/harass with Q while waiting for me to try and get one of the caster minion to chase me to the reaches of Earth. Make him push back if he tries too hard, otherwise shove him to turret and back off for standard gank timing then let his wave push yours.
On March 20 2014 23:56 phyvo wrote: Man this xerath rework really has me down. I miss siege mode xerath, self rooting for 2 seconds out of every 2 minutes is the most boring thing ever. With that range it's not even a trade off.
Yeah I think this rework was a pretty big failure.
The whole stated point of the rework was that they didn't think Xerath was bad but they wanted to give him a more unique and cool identity, then the only big change they did in the rework was to functionally remove what made him unique and cool, the self root.
On March 21 2014 00:03 Alaric wrote: Tried dblade against Renekton on Jax and it's a bitch because although it kinda works, a single lucky trade and you're basically zoned off the wave. Then, if he's smart he won't push and even if you don't miss much exp the gold differential will bone you seeing how much Jax needs to pull ahead.
The most annoying part about Renekton is that his W goes through Counterstrike because "fuck dodge right?" and that with how fast he can combo and how wonky the turret AI can be sometimes (I've moved out of range and back in between a shot and when the targeting line appears and had the turret stay on me several times, and yesterday it did the opposite, I ran back in when I noticed I was too far and it switched anyway, it's so annoying to @_@) he can easily get his almost full combo off you while taking a turret shot at most, if any. Guess I'll start cloth+5 and armour quints (over lifesteal), then build vamp over finishing tabi or trying to get triforce, and work on outsustaining him during fights. Which still won't do shit early because Jax have no means of sticking once his E is down but at least it should let me farm.
Alternatively, push the wave like a madman from level 1 to prevent him from trying to be cute and last hit/harass with Q while waiting for me to try and get one of the caster minion to chase me to the reaches of Earth. Make him push back if he tries too hard, otherwise shove him to turret and back off for standard gank timing then let his wave push yours.
u do realize the day jax can be blind picked into anyone and go ęven in lane he will get nerfed? even hashinshin doesnt want renekton nerfs because its like the only thing left which keeps jax in check, if they keep nerfing bruisers jax will be next
I know it's not an easy match-up, doesn't mean it's impossible. Every match-up is playable once you've tried Wukong vs Darius anyway. It's winnable, I'd rather blind pick Jax than Lissandra or Trundle just because I'm better at him and they have their rough match-ups too and I've only won a single time with Lissandra late game, he reduced tankiness and need to control vision/focus/initiation properly means that more often than not people screw up playing around it, for example. So sometimes I have to blind pick Jax, and people pick Renekton or a pocket Singed. Should I roll over and die just because I don't get an autowin match-up instead and declare the game lost?
That's the third or fourth times I mention that match-up here in a few months, and everytime people assume I expect to trash Renek blind-folded and with hands tied and try to lecture me. Jax outscales Renekton so going even early is enough to "win" the match-up, and I never said I aimed for more, zzz.
On March 20 2014 10:58 cLutZ wrote: The Doran shield nerf just made Mundo almost unplayable and made banning Renekton paramount to have an interesting toplane.
you're playing mundo wrong
You('re) seeing bad renektons. Do you even iem?
what's your point? what does renekton have to do with mundo being almost unplayable? but sure d5 is pretty much all trash though.
Renekton kinda trashes Mundo and his point is that the dshield nerf made the match-up go from hard to unwinnable. I'm pretty sure that cloth+5 > dshield against Renekton though, even pre-nerf.
On March 20 2014 23:56 phyvo wrote: Man this xerath rework really has me down. I miss siege mode xerath, self rooting for 2 seconds out of every 2 minutes is the most boring thing ever. With that range it's not even a trade off.
Yeah I think this rework was a pretty big failure.
The whole stated point of the rework was that they didn't think Xerath was bad but they wanted to give him a more unique and cool identity, then the only big change they did in the rework was to functionally remove what made him unique and cool, the self root.
Dude. He has a Memento Mori/Genesis like ult. What could be morr awesome than that?
On a more serious note, Xerath is hard to play and his IP cost is high. Without any kind of incentives (e.g. good skin, grossly overpowered launch), very few players are willing to try him. It is like what happened to Ezreal in S2.
I honestly feel he isn't bad at all in his current state. But he doesn't stand out so few players are willing to invest the time and eenergy to play him well.
Is there a general consensus on what champ was most op/bad on launch? I'm super interested in that sort of stuff, I heard Xin was pretty ridiculous, obviously Irelia and Olaf were all really broken and Lucian was pretty underwhelming at launch.
On March 21 2014 01:35 Klonere wrote: Is there a general consensus on what champ was most op/bad on launch? I'm super interested in that sort of stuff, I heard Xin was pretty ridiculous, obviously Irelia and Olaf were all really broken and Lucian was pretty underwhelming at launch.
i link you to this video, and with that you see the most broken hero at release
Zyra was pretty bad. There was the pre hotfix where she would solo drag @ lvl 3 over the wall (iirc).
Back then I was subscribed to elobuff. About two weeks after release I noticed she had a 60%+ winrate vs quite a few champs I was pulling up. I went through every champion in the game, 60+% winrate vs all worldwide.
Although from what I have heard/seen Xin was worse, but that was the most broken I have seen on release.
There's a reason why his name was WinXiao for so long.
Some of the ones from newest to older, that I think were pretty bonkers (straight release, not at all patched) jinx(graves 2.0 except with global), zac(unkillable), elise(dat everything), kha'zix(dem missles), rengar(dat sustain), diana(dat dmg and tankiness), zyra(dat dmg and cc), jayce(dat hammer), draven (bleed op'd), darius (dat dmg), ahri (dat dmg), shyvana (dat clear speed), graves (dat burst), talon (infinite mana rake spam op'd), the rest I didn't play league before Ori release.
On March 21 2014 01:53 wei2coolman wrote: There's a reason why his name was WinXiao for so long.
Some of the ones from newest to older, that I think were pretty bonkers (straight release, not at all patched) jinx(graves 2.0 except with global), zac(unkillable), elise(dat everything), kha'zix(dem missles), rengar(dat sustain), diana(dat dmg and tankiness), zyra(dat dmg and cc), jayce(dat hammer), draven (bleed op'd), darius (dat dmg), ahri (dat dmg), shyvana (dat clear speed), graves (dat burst), talon (infinite mana rake spam op'd), the rest I didn't play league before Ori release.
Talon was retarded because with just Philostone you had enough mp5 to spam his rake on cooldown forever. Not to mention his like 30 second cd ultimate.
Most frustrating part of Rengar release was most definitely the fact his stealth had no delay, and no cooldown basically so you could split push forever and never die, real fair.
Win Zhao was the most blatantly broken hero to be released though.
On March 21 2014 01:38 Ketara wrote: Zyra only champ I know of that was so OP at launch she had to be nerfed via hotfix.
LeBlanc was hotfix nerfed the day she was released.
You could literally Q people out of lane from a million range with no followup required, then when you got your ult they would instantly die from Q-->R.
On March 20 2014 23:56 phyvo wrote: Man this xerath rework really has me down. I miss siege mode xerath, self rooting for 2 seconds out of every 2 minutes is the most boring thing ever. With that range it's not even a trade off.
Yeah I think this rework was a pretty big failure.
The whole stated point of the rework was that they didn't think Xerath was bad but they wanted to give him a more unique and cool identity, then the only big change they did in the rework was to functionally remove what made him unique and cool, the self root.
Dude. He has a Memento Mori/Genesis like ult. What could be morr awesome than that?
On a more serious note, Xerath is hard to play and his IP cost is high. Without any kind of incentives (e.g. good skin, grossly overpowered launch), very few players are willing to try him. It is like what happened to Ezreal in S2.
I honestly feel he isn't bad at all in his current state. But he doesn't stand out so few players are willing to invest the time and eenergy to play him well.
At the moment he's picked 2.77% of the time, it used to be 1.15% of the time. So for now he's actually more popular (leftover rework hype). I don't doubt that his kit will allow him some time in the spotlight at some point in the future But that has nothing to do with why I don't like the rework.
Between skarner and xerath I'm actually dreading poppy and sion, although maybe with their brokenness they have more in common with eve (whose rework I actually liked).
On March 21 2014 02:07 wei2coolman wrote: Actually wasn't release TF pretty stupid? it had like 2 globals right?
E was gate, Ulti was a global reveal + slow + reduced cast time on gate. If you stood still while using pick a card you got 2 aoe stuns. I mean Annie could cycle with e through her stacks to get a double stun