So, I'm already in a bad mood. So I decided to play ranked (fatal mistake) since I was invited.
I picked my comfort role : Jungler.
And from the start of the game it went downhill. My opponents picked mobile champions, so we picked mobile heroes too... or so it seemed : Fizz/Kha into our Ahri/Lee. Somehow, both my solo lanes got raped hard from the start (lee sin died to an obvious gank - he saw jungler coming - at level 2). Mid had to flash from Kha all in lvl 3 (I managed a gank mid but he jumped away without burning flash). Beside that "good" gank, I wasn't able to do any for the rest of the game. I tried bot 2 times, but they failed. Nami + Ezreal + superior ward. My bot had a soraka, which didnt help.
At some point, the enemy team started laughing at us (So I reported them all). I hate it when people feel the need to insult the losing team
I've read about disabling all chat + muting allies. Anyone doing it? Does it really help?
On August 25 2013 07:09 XenOmega wrote: So, I'm already in a bad mood. So I decided to play ranked (fatal mistake) since I was invited.
I picked my comfort role : Jungler.
And from the start of the game it went downhill. My opponents picked mobile champions, so we picked mobile heroes too... or so it seemed : Fizz/Kha into our Ahri/Lee. Somehow, both my solo lanes got raped hard from the start (lee sin died to an obvious gank - he saw jungler coming - at level 2). Mid had to flash from Kha all in lvl 3 (I managed a gank mid but he jumped away without burning flash). Beside that "good" gank, I wasn't able to do any for the rest of the game. I tried bot 2 times, but they failed. Nami + Ezreal + superior ward. My bot had a soraka, which didnt help.
At some point, the enemy team started laughing at us (So I reported them all). Can't just take the win I guess -_-
I've read about disabling all chat + muting allies. Anyone doing it? Does it really help?
When I'm playing bad and the team gets on my case about it, I just mute everyone and turn off all chat.
I have everything on by default, but I'll mute people liberally if they prove to be idiots.
Since the 5th/6th place match in the EU LCS play-offs had me so perplexed, I figured I'd repost here my thoughts about the series and how/why it went the way it did, so I could get people with a better eye than mine to discuss it and explain it to me. Is it 0K, or should it stay in the EU play-offs thread even after the games are over?
+ Show Spoiler [Standard masonry contribution] +I'm having trouble really getting at how this series unraveled—don't take it as a criticism, I mean I am, personally, unable to make out what allowed Alternate to prevail and made NiP fall here.
For all I've seen, it boiled down too: 1. Kerp > MiMer, by far, really far. Creaton+Jree < Freeze+Deficio in lane, and Freeze also has stronger teamfighting because he makes less dumb decision as EU.Zuna. 2. Bjergsen is better than FLord, however FLord is good enough that if given a lead he can take over the lane and snowball it. 3. Alternate are stronger when playing their highly aggressive playstyle, but seem to have trouble making plays when they start lacking confidence, which shows a lot when they're behind and hurt them when they don't take the initiative in the early game. 4. Winning top, and more importantly mid, lets Alternate either pull pressure on these parts of the map, relieving Creaton so he can still farm to relevance, or straight-up roam bot to bully Freeze, relieving them of their least favourable match-up. This also gives Aranae clear goals and objectives—I'm probably wrong on this, but it feels like the more idle he is, the more prone he is to making dubious calls, whereas having a set "I'll camp mid" makes him focus and prevents derps.
Which leads too: 5. The matches revolve a lot around mid because it's where the star player/play maker of each time is, and while the other lanes are skewed this one is the most balanced, thus the one where making your laner snowball as the more impact on the overall game. In turn it makes the jungle very important because of the pressure they can apply to tilt the mid match-up one way or the other. 6. Putting mid and the off-lane ahead allowed them to be threats and dictate the tempo of the game, making them rely way less on Creaton. In Alternate's wins he still had a lot of dubious flashes and decisions, but because at these points they only needed him to do damage and not dominate the fights it wasn't so impactful. On top of it, it's harder to punish him when their two other laners are such threats, giving him a bunch of leeway.
In game 1, Fizz is hard to gank while Diana isn't too strong early on, so a jungler like Vi couldn't really do much there. On top of that Vlad perma-pushing "closed" this lane too (although Kerp took a huge lead thanks to it so didn't need help), and I don't know why Aranae didn't go bot, but it removed a lot of what he could do, leading to screwing around and relinquishing the momentum to the lanes, with Bjergsen outdoing ForellenLord hard. Cue a big lead for NiP.
In game 2, it seems like the Blitz pick created a lot of pressure bot. Denying Freeze Cait also gave Creaton a very safe laner so he could farm well, despite still falling behind in cs. Blitz also put a lot of pressure on NiP's jungle at level 1, and the blue steal ultimately lead to a Renekton exp advantage after Alternate's blue was contested, letting Kerp dominate even harder. More importantly, Bjergsen was on the much more easily gankable TF, and on top of that lacked his flash because of Blitz, allowing Aranae to camp him and let FLord snowball (FLord also got a little exp lead when he didn't follow Bjergsen as their blue was contested). As Kerp single-handedly ruined NiP's jungler it made a Bjergsen comeback much less likely as he wouldn't receive help, while focusing on mid even post-6 (FLord stayed mid, he didn't roam, he just tried to kill Bjergsen over and over again) neutralised the threat of TF ult (also the fact that he was so behind meant that even when he got to Gate bot he was unable to accomplish anything). Alternate had strong midgame picks on top of that, so they were able to snowball hard by pushing all lanes and crush the inhib.
In game 3, despite Vi not being excessively effective making her focus on Diana before she hit her stride gave FLord the lead he needed to beat Bjergsen, and once both laners hit 6 they kept diving him again and again to make sure he'd be neutralised, again using Caitlyn to allow Creaton easy farming while Kerp did his thing of dominating MiMer. Then, rather than focusing on mid, they spread over the whole area between top and mid (including the blue buff contest when they were stronger), effectively pulling people off of bot lane (at one point all of NiP were at their blue while Creaton was happy all alone in bot lane) to prevent the gap between their marksmen to get as wide as in game 1. They somehow found their confidence again and went for plays, snowballing the big lead they had formed by then.
That's more or less the analysis I get from it, anyway. I'd be interested to hear anyone's opinion regarding what could explain how the series went.
On August 25 2013 06:45 ProV1 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 25 2013 06:29 BlueBird. wrote: Please don't play guessing game, no reason to accuse random players of being dicks just does more harm than good. If he had given a name that's fine, but guitar didn't. I don't mean to come off like an ass I just don't like to see these kinds of things happen, it can turn sour quickly.
Also the upper balcony seats are ridiculously expensive on that site as well, on one hand I wish people wouldn't pay for that stuff to reward the scalpers but on other hand i know people really wanted to go and people are going to do what they are going to do and if they have the money, not getting to go would be bad too. I would have bought TI3 tickets if I got my hands on them for a reasonable price from a trusted source, I'd go to this too if it wasn't so spread out a few weeks and the prices weren't that high lol. You know it's always better to just ignore a post you don't like rather than trying to subtly condemn people's actions and opinions under the guise of a wannabe white knight moderator. I know tone is hard to read on the internet, but I'm not trying to harm any1's reputation here. I'm just genuinely curious as to pro players' real personalities, and trying to hype up enough posts on here that maybe guitar will give in and say something, so my curiosity can be satisfied.
Probably shouldn't respond to this, but I could care less about people's reputations.
Also I'm not being subtle, I think some of what goes on is basically internet bullying, and I could care less if these are public figures, that doesn't forgive your actions.
People can discuss Reginald and Dyrus all they want, that stuff is out in the open, it's public, I think it goes overboard and I don't condone it or w/e, but I'm not gonna butt in and say don't discuss this. But if we start trying to guess over guitars post, were basically going to implement every single LCS player for things we have no clue about, in two posts alone we've discussed it being 4 different people already.
You call me a white knight moderator, but frankly, you tell me to shut up as well. So continue your discussion, but I got my $.02 in, and you frankly know what kind of direction this is headed. What do they call them, internet witch hunts?
Also, I could never be a mod for TL, I would ban so many people, I'm sure the mods know from how much I report certain things.
If guitar wants to name someone that's on him, though I hope he takes it all to pm, and he probably had reasons for witholding the name in the first place, he doesn't want to be burning bridges, connections are probably important for his job.
On August 25 2013 07:38 BlueBird. wrote:Show nested quote +On August 25 2013 06:45 ProV1 wrote:On August 25 2013 06:29 BlueBird. wrote: Please don't play guessing game, no reason to accuse random players of being dicks just does more harm than good. If he had given a name that's fine, but guitar didn't. I don't mean to come off like an ass I just don't like to see these kinds of things happen, it can turn sour quickly.
Also the upper balcony seats are ridiculously expensive on that site as well, on one hand I wish people wouldn't pay for that stuff to reward the scalpers but on other hand i know people really wanted to go and people are going to do what they are going to do and if they have the money, not getting to go would be bad too. I would have bought TI3 tickets if I got my hands on them for a reasonable price from a trusted source, I'd go to this too if it wasn't so spread out a few weeks and the prices weren't that high lol. You know it's always better to just ignore a post you don't like rather than trying to subtly condemn people's actions and opinions under the guise of a wannabe white knight moderator. I know tone is hard to read on the internet, but I'm not trying to harm any1's reputation here. I'm just genuinely curious as to pro players' real personalities, and trying to hype up enough posts on here that maybe guitar will give in and say something, so my curiosity can be satisfied. Probably shouldn't respond to this, but I could care less about people's reputations. Also I'm not being subtle, I think some of what goes on is basically internet bullying, and I could care less if these are public figures, that doesn't forgive your actions. People can discuss Reginald and Dyrus all they want, that stuff is out in the open, it's public, I think it goes overboard and I don't condone it or w/e, but I'm not gonna butt in and say don't discuss this. But if we start trying to guess over guitars post, were basically going to implement every single LCS player for things we have no clue about, in two posts alone we've discussed it being 4 different people already. You call me a white knight moderator, but frankly, you tell me to shut up as well. So continue your discussion, but I got my $.02 in, and you frankly know what kind of direction this is headed. What do they call them, internet witch hunts? Also, I could never be a mod for TL, I would ban so many people, I'm sure the mods know from how much I report certain things. If guitar wants to name someone that's on him, though I hope he takes it all to pm, and he probably had reasons for witholding the name in the first place, he doesn't want to be burning bridges, connections are probably important for his job. You do realize he could've talked about only Reginald, but instead he added the "I have another tasty gossip as well, you might be interested in, but I won't tell you, because i'm a good guy" tease. What's the point? If he's not going to name him, then just don't bring it up - now I'm quite interested in that name as well, but not even allowed to pursue it, even though I was teased with it.
I doubt it was intentional, but still created an interesting scenario.
On August 25 2013 06:43 Duvon wrote:Show nested quote +On August 25 2013 06:37 cLutZ wrote:On August 25 2013 06:07 wei2coolman wrote: Ticket reselling needs to be stopped. Such a dick move to do, to drive prices up. It's the fault of the vendor (riot) for setting the initial price too low. A business doing ticket reselling will still have money to put into it though.
Im sorry, but this isnt really true. If Riot sold the tickets for like 95% of what the resale vendors do there would be no margin in reselling. Thus, better prices for the endgame customer, and riot gets more money for esports.
On August 25 2013 06:58 -Zoda- wrote:Show nested quote +On August 25 2013 06:43 Duvon wrote:On August 25 2013 06:37 cLutZ wrote:On August 25 2013 06:07 wei2coolman wrote: Ticket reselling needs to be stopped. Such a dick move to do, to drive prices up. It's the fault of the vendor (riot) for setting the initial price too low. A business doing ticket reselling will still have money to put into it though. Sadly yeah. The only way to stop it is to not rebuy tickets until they go down to at least at original price. But hey, people with money and no time just don't care.
They will never go down to the initial price because most of the supply was bought up at a lower price, say $100 for a ticket worth $500. Thus there is too little supply for the people who would like to pay $500 for a ticket, which drives up the price to things like $2k. If riot just sold the tickets at, for instance $500 (random number), then some people would be excluded, but the overall customer experience would be better, because a person paying $2k wouldnt be sitting next to a person who paid $50.
Holy cow The entire point of my post was to show that regi is indeed different, by normal unspoken social rules. The other person I alluded to is nothing like regi, he just takes compliments poorly too -_- I didn't mention him by name because it's irrelevant but I was talking about maple lol. You vultures are so hungry. I mentioned other players so it didn't seem like I was attacking regi (which I'm not lol). Maple just refuses to admit he ever plays well, he's negative, but not mean
Sorry for 'teasing' you guys it wasn't my intention at all -_-
So I was toying with the idea that Lucidity boots might be a DPS upgrade from Zerkers, thanks to Double tap, however I found that this is not the case at all, in fact it would take 40% cdr to = the dps of 20% attack speed, and that is ignoring the animations of moves since I cannot time them.
this is my math if ppl want to check for mistakes (as well as some notes)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/NoTdG62.png)
I also just learned about the mana bug like 2 hours ago, so I'm sorry if my thoughts on Lucian were a bit odd. My inital thought when he first came out was MF ult bot build, which while it seemed strong seemed not that great because of his mana problems. but E>double tap > Q > double tap is a lot of damage with this build
I then switched to s2 style graves build (s2 build with bt first) and it felt a LOT stronger, I feel like his attack animation when he has the double tap buff is a bit clunky and makes comboing somewhat clunky, am I the only one?
also I agree with others his ult is pretty underwelming, it's not bad, but it's more icing than cake, when on paper I thought it was the cake.
the demand/supply equilibrium would probably end up like $100 for worst seats and $1000 for the best. can you imagine the community outrage if Riot priced it like that? They'd be labelled as the esports anti-Christ and the greediest, most soulless company in the world by the gaming community.
United States47024 Posts
On August 25 2013 08:14 cLutZ wrote: Im sorry, but this isnt really true. If Riot sold the tickets for like 95% of what the resale vendors do there would be no margin in reselling. Thus, better prices for the endgame customer, and riot gets more money for esports.
On the other hand, this way is a lot better PR-wise for Riot.
Can you imagine the outcry if Riot was selling Worlds tickets at $1500 a pop? As is we only get a little bit of "oh yeah, Riot's kind of stupid for not putting measures in place against these things", with most of the anger directed at the resellers. If Riot sold them directly at $1500, you'd get a lot of angry people complaining about that price even though Riot would still easily sell out the Staples Center.
On August 25 2013 08:23 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On August 25 2013 08:14 cLutZ wrote: Im sorry, but this isnt really true. If Riot sold the tickets for like 95% of what the resale vendors do there would be no margin in reselling. Thus, better prices for the endgame customer, and riot gets more money for esports.
On the other hand, this way is a lot better PR-wise for Riot. Can you imagine the outcry if Riot was selling Worlds tickets at $1500 a pop? As is we only get a little bit of "oh yeah, Riot's kind of stupid for not putting measures in place against these things", with most of the anger directed at the resellers. If Riot sold them directly at $1500, you'd get a lot of angry people complaining about that price even though Riot would still easily sell out the Staples Center.
Thing is even if Riot sold them for what ever price they are going now you would still get resellers who then double/triple the "high" price Riot asks anyway. People will want to go and some will pay outrages prices to do so.
As for Lucians ult. Early game its a damage increase if you can hit for a fair amount of the shots. After that it quickly drops off but like other adc with dps loss ults (cait for example) there are still places where it has its value. While running away it is useful and it has a larger range then his basic auto attacks so its also useful to extend your range. Still I would love for a way to change the direction once cast
I don't think there's a way for Riot to appease everybody, unless every ticket was linked to ID, and an official ticket resale/transfer method. But setting up a system like that just for a single event is probably not practical. Better to just sell the ticket and then let economics play out.
Also Riot is going to lose money on the event(not counting PR) unless they charge some obscene ticket price(which people will be willing to pay), but the backlash won't be worth it.
Also, a tribute to our other overlords at costco, in true canadian fashion.
On August 25 2013 08:36 Amui wrote:I don't think there's a way for Riot to appease everybody, unless every ticket was linked to ID, and an official ticket resale/transfer method. But setting up a system like that just for a single event is probably not practical. Better to just sell the ticket and then let economics play out. Also Riot is going to lose money on the event(not counting PR) unless they charge some obscene ticket price(which people will be willing to pay), but the backlash won't be worth it. Also, a tribute to our other overlords at costco, in true canadian fashion. ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/GO8ChxR.jpg) Pootine. Gleargh.
Wtf is this ? Fries with ?... Cheese ?
So haven't play much this patch yet, is it generally accepted yet that Skarner with the new Trinity Force is totally nuts? Sheen is made for him and slow was always the undesirable part, having speed instead, plus stronger Sheen and lower cost makes it insane.
I'd definitely not eat that.
im gold 4, supported a gold 5 varus as nami. played vs plat cait, she goes 1 7 in lane and starts suiciding to baron alone. how do these people not get baned for account boost? she was really really bad. just to get an idea, my varus sucked so hard he started w at level 1 "to help last hit" and we still got fb at 2.