On August 10 2013 05:05 Clinic wrote: opinions on the coolest skill+flash combo? i'd go with jarvan flag grab knockup Definitely 3rd riven q+flash for me. Knock them the other way+no way to react to it at all.
I know 5-hit was joking but Flash+Soraka skills are awesome. Flash heals and Flash silences can make such big impacts and people are like, wtf, it's just Soraka.
Flash-Sona slow powerchord is also hilariously awesome.
Flash Malphite ult always looks sick as fuck as you blast through half the screen like a atomic bomb
I love playing sejuani and going Flash + Q + ult :3
Flash Blitz grabs, everything else is tomfoolery.
Ive been playing mainly kennen lately... and was wondering if mix pen runes were worth the massive investment? Are they situationally good on kennen? always better than mpen? How about on other champs?
Flash Fiddle ult is pretty satisfying. So is suicide Karthus.
Flash Fear Fiddle is pretty clutch/brutal. Flash Lulu ult.
On August 10 2013 09:38 Rice wrote: Ive been playing mainly kennen lately... and was wondering if mix pen runes were worth the massive investment? Are they situationally good on kennen? always better than mpen? How about on other champs?
They are my next rune buy.
IMO they are good on like any AP toplane.
On August 10 2013 09:38 Rice wrote: Ive been playing mainly kennen lately... and was wondering if mix pen runes were worth the massive investment? Are they situationally good on kennen? always better than mpen? How about on other champs? Most people play Kennen as AD early lane for the dominance and then switch to AP items. Going early doran's with flat AD helps you dominate lane super hard and I believe all the pros do that (top lane at least).
IIRC, pros rather go at least 2 LS quints on kennen for Dblade start. Helps with good sustain. Usually they round it up with 1 AD quint, prob for better last hitting. They take mixed pen marks though.
Would it be worth it to swap one of the hybrid pen for a crit chance considering how much you auto harass in laning phase?
On August 10 2013 10:04 Anakko wrote: IIRC, pros rather go at least 2 LS quints on kennen for Dblade start. Helps with good sustain. Usually they round it up with 1 AD quint, prob for better last hitting. They take mixed pen marks though.
Would it be worth it to swap one of the hybrid pen for a crit chance considering how much you auto harass in laning phase?
1 crit chance rune in every page bro. Random crit and make and break a game sometimes.
Totally unrelated, but is there OGN rebroadcast today? I don't dare to go to the dedicated thread to ask in fear of spoilers....
On August 10 2013 10:04 Anakko wrote: IIRC, pros rather go at least 2 LS quints on kennen for Dblade start. Helps with good sustain. Usually they round it up with 1 AD quint, prob for better last hitting. They take mixed pen marks though.
Would it be worth it to swap one of the hybrid pen for a crit chance considering how much you auto harass in laning phase?
Probably not. Crit quints give +1.86 % chance. Even if you harass a lot, I doubt you'll get more than one or two procs all laning phase. The arpen component will likely do more damage over that time.
EDIT: Nvm, I tohugh you were talking quints for some reason, always go one crit rune.
Honestly though a perfect flash morgana ult on 5 people is the most satisfying thing in the entire game
Not sure if we allowed to talk about TI3, but I swear listening to my friend explain Dota2 matches as they go on make me believe Dota2 is a more broken/"cracked out" version of LoL.
7 second stuns, everyone has a "QSS", half of these picks can TF ulti/blick like every 5 seconds, these Pudge hooks, walls, and overall it just seems like Dota2 is the "Marvel 3" while LoL is the "Street Fighter" imo.
Could just me just not fully understanding exactly whats going on in Dota2 and/or my friend exaggerating things.
edit: As I type this I just saw Gyrocopter shoot a Corki ulti but it homes rofl.
double edit: Loooooooooooooooooool Hook into Fountain tp. Da fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuqq.
You need to pick Morgana for that. D: I'd like to pick her back up. But then I'd also like to do the same with Cassiopeia, Brand, and some Pantheon is always nice, and why not Syndra since between Orianna and Cass... but I've already got to work on my Viktor and Ori, so picking up even more champs for mid would be a bunch of work. :<
Since I changed my runepages a bit I've bought hybrid pen marks and pieced together an HybridPen/armour/MR/MS page that I've tested on Lulu. Woah. It maybe only be 8 ArPen and 5 MPen but you definitely feel the difference on your harass after awhile, I don't feel like I end up oom with the enemy marksman half HP when I miss some Qs. Even for pushing creep waves it helps, since when they've got around these levels of armour/MR it's a 10% damage increase from the runes.
^ amusingly enough, I've come to compare DotA2 to UMvC3 in that both are games I didn't understand much (I mean, even knowing a hero's kit I had no idea about the particles beforehand anyway) and I learnt "on the job" during a tournament (EVO for UMvC3). UMvC3 went from "clusterfuck" to "clutch as fuck", and DotA2 gets a lot more interesting after 2 nights trying to make out what happens, when I can actually follow a bit the momentum and overall strategies of the teams and know by myself when to get hyped and actually understand what happens during the teamfights (I now have a new found love for Clockwerk).
Not everyone would spend a full 2 sessions like that not understanding much just to be able to enjoy the next few matches though, and it's not like I understand everything and could follow a match without any commentary, so I very well see the barrier for beginners.
On August 10 2013 11:04 sung_moon wrote: Not sure if we allowed to talk about TI3, but I swear listening to my friend explain Dota2 matches as they go on make me believe Dota2 is a more broken/"cracked out" version of LoL.
7 second stuns, everyone has a "QSS", half of these picks can TF ulti/blick like every 5 seconds, these Pudge hooks, walls, and overall it just seems like Dota2 is the "Marvel 3" while LoL is the "Street Fighter" imo.
Could just me just not fully understanding exactly whats going on in Dota2 and/or my friend exaggerating things.
edit: As I type this I just saw Gyrocopter shoot a Corki ulti but it homes rofl.
double edit: Loooooooooooooooooool Hook into Fountain tp. Da fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuqq. Dota is basically a super powered version of LoL. The only champion LoL has that I can think of off the top of my head that even begins to have the power level of dota heroes is Poppy cuz of her passive and ult. Personally, I think Poppy would actually do better/be more popular in Dota since you can trilane/baby sit her much better than in League.
It's just different design directions between the two games. Both games work well in their own environments.
On August 10 2013 11:04 sung_moon wrote: Not sure if we allowed to talk about TI3, but I swear listening to my friend explain Dota2 matches as they go on make me believe Dota2 is a more broken/"cracked out" version of LoL.
7 second stuns, everyone has a "QSS", half of these picks can TF ulti/blick like every 5 seconds, these Pudge hooks, walls, and overall it just seems like Dota2 is the "Marvel 3" while LoL is the "Street Fighter" imo.
Could just me just not fully understanding exactly whats going on in Dota2 and/or my friend exaggerating things.
edit: As I type this I just saw Gyrocopter shoot a Corki ulti but it homes rofl.
double edit: Loooooooooooooooooool Hook into Fountain tp. Da fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuqq. hook into fountain ruined that game for me. Everything else was fun to watch though.
+ Show Spoiler +Are we allowed to talk about dota2 in this threador will neo shine his darkness?