On June 05 2013 20:21 mr_tolkien wrote: Please don't talk about my ban here in GD, I don't want Neo to get mad at me :3
I'm going on a Cassio spree on my smurf, god is this champion fun and powerful. I'll never understand why she sees so few playtime.
No mobility and squishy. Her best case scenario is really good, but when a bit overextended in a teamfight, she just dies. Pro teams usually just play her with Yorick, since that makes it much easier to play her in teamfights. And since she is not popular in tournaments, she isn't played much elsewhere. In addition to that she also isn't easy to play.
Well she's squishy if she builds squishy, but just like Diana she can live with building a bit of tanking. Rylai/Abyssal/Zonhya are all crazy good on her, while Rabadon isn't exactly 1st buy worthy.
'cept Diana has pretty good base stats, bruiser-y, and good enough base damage that she can build resistances to abuse her shield too. Cass won't deal as much damage when built the same way, and have trouble with mana in long stand-offs/sieges. She also doesn't have Diana's shield nor utility.
Played some Brand yesterday. Pretty fun, his cooldowns are low and I get the feeling that a small range buff would make him strong, and if you overdid that by even a tiny bit he'd be batshit OP.
On June 05 2013 21:59 LaNague wrote: wait, they let you change your mail when you just have the password?
I thought ever since mmos got big and the "hacking" started, game companies got wiser.
so many people sign up with throwaway emails that it's not completely simple to require email confirmation to change an email address
at a previous company I worked for that handled pretty sensitive user data, I asked why we still let users sign up with passwords like "password" and the response was that there were shittons of users who would literally quit the signup process if they weren't allowed to use their terribad passwords. A decision was made high-up that getting more users was more important than account security, so yeah
On June 05 2013 22:25 ticklishmusic wrote: Played some Brand yesterday. Pretty fun, his cooldowns are low and I get the feeling that a small range buff would make him strong, and if you overdid that by even a tiny bit he'd be batshit OP.
His w's range is already quite long range clocking in at 900 range to the center of it, 1250 to the far edge of it. His e is pretty comparable to most non skill shots. Don't know why you would buff his range.
On June 05 2013 22:25 ticklishmusic wrote: Played some Brand yesterday. Pretty fun, his cooldowns are low and I get the feeling that a small range buff would make him strong, and if you overdid that by even a tiny bit he'd be batshit OP.
His w's range is already quite long range clocking in at 900 range to the center of it, 1250 to the far edge of it. His e is pretty comparable to most non skill shots. Don't know why you would buff his range.
Well his E range used to be bigger and it definitely made him stronger in lane.
Main reason brand isn't played much is his terrible targeting on his ult imo.If they fixed that and maybe gave him just a bit of love he'd get to a competetive pick.
^ his ult prioritise champions if the target is ablaze. So unless they're all 5 in a total clump you should manage to get 2+ bounces off on the initial target. His ult is fun, but once he gets Rylai's I really like his kiting potential. With 2 skillshots, and the ability to stun+nuke people whi get too close, Brand with some CDR (he needs mana regen to lane properly, so chalice is often the first item on him) is as much of a pain in the ass to chase and take down as he is as a burst mage, if not more.
If you want competitive reasons: lack of utility. You need to bring a combo of safety+damage+utility+tankiness+wave clear+initiation potential. He clears fast, but can't instashove like a Lux/Anivia/Zed/Kha'Zix (closer to Orianna), his only safety is killing people faster than they kill him post-6, his utility is a hard-to-pull-off stun or requires rylai, he has no tankiness, his initiation potential is pretty low, so his biggest asset is his damage. And for Brand to bring enough burst to overshadow all the side advantages of Lux/Diana/Jayce/TF/Kha'Zix/etc. he'd need to be batshit OP.
On June 05 2013 22:25 ticklishmusic wrote: Played some Brand yesterday. Pretty fun, his cooldowns are low and I get the feeling that a small range buff would make him strong, and if you overdid that by even a tiny bit he'd be batshit OP.
That's the idea. He was a huge lane-bully on release because his E had 675 range, so you'd max that and dunk people by forcing trades. 625 means that you can still do it, mostly during the first levels because everyone will get in aa range to farm, and E+1-2 autos+your passive is surprisingly strong. But it's way harder to catch people later, especially longer ranged ones like Anivia, Lux or TF, and you can't aggro as easily as other champs because Flash+EQ to get a stun off gives a lot of leeway to your target (even without being Ryze levels of Flash-spell goodness, even Anivia has an easier time with the slow+immediate tick on her ult->E, or Morgana flash-ult, Lux flash-Q, etc.).
I want to see if I can somehow get close to gold, until then I only play Viktor (and some Ryze) mid. But Cass, Brand, Swain are the champs I'd give time to once I go back to normals or want to expand my mid pool.
I love Brand. He really shines when contesting objectives. His lack of mobility just makes him so susceptible to ganks early on, but if you can make it out of laning OK - you can dominate Dragon and Baron fights.
Alas, like so many champions, there are just so many newer champions that are just plain better choices usually. I would love to see some competitive Brand though!
By the way Cassio fell off when they nerfed her a long time ago. You used to build her with whatever the hell you want (Warmog? Why not) because as long as you lived you were going to output insane damage. Now her damage and scaling just aren't what they used to be so you need to build offensive items to really output damage (which is not a bad thing) but her kit just lacks the utility, durability, mobility, and control that most mids bring now.
Compare her to Karthus - it's really hard to see what she brings that really outshine Karthus, since it's almost impossible to land a good ult as Cassio without dying yourself.
EDIT: or Ryze, the other common high sustained damage AP.
On June 05 2013 20:56 Capped wrote: This damn forum is so unintiuitive with the way it does things, i have to highlight then click the buttons at the top to bold / spoiler crap, it sucks.
Been trying to make a skin discussion thread but its taking me fucking ageees xD
Anyone know if polls stay active without you posting them? :|
You can always just type [b] [/b if you want. Pretty fast, considering most people on TL type like lightning
On June 05 2013 23:32 JonGalt wrote: I love Brand. He really shines when contesting objectives. His lack of mobility just makes him so susceptible to ganks early on, but if you can make it out of laning OK - you can dominate Dragon and Baron fights.
Alas, like so many champions, there are just so many newer champions that are just plain better choices usually. I would love to see some competitive Brand though!
On June 05 2013 23:32 JonGalt wrote: I love Brand. He really shines when contesting objectives. His lack of mobility just makes him so susceptible to ganks early on, but if you can make it out of laning OK - you can dominate Dragon and Baron fights.
Alas, like so many champions, there are just so many newer champions that are just plain better choices usually. I would love to see some competitive Brand though!
Mana costs for him are crippling in a prolonged fight, even with Blue it can run out if you get some extra CDR.
Waiting for some QoL changes before he gets played extensively.
What. Never had any mana problems (outside of early laning, since he doesn't push that well so spamming WE each wave is a bad idea) with Chalice/Grail. CDR is less important to casting more than to having the right spells up at the right time for a combo, I've found.
I really like his design. In a way, it makes him weaker since he relies on landing several spells when a bunch of champs now have some cookie-cutter ability or so much ability tacked on hitting just one that he needs to land/commit twice as much to get the same result, but it gives him flexibility and lets you setup combos depending on the situation + actually reward you for hitting stuff (where's the reward with Kha'Zix, really? It's just become the regular case).
Edit: and as fun as it is, the video's just gambling , proper play I think would have been to chase while waiting for cooldowns (using ignite and Janna to make them think twice before turning on him). Since Q was almost up, and he probably ran as fast as them (Janna passive), using flash Q-ult+ignite on the champ Q'd would have earned a kill, and maybe 2 if it didn't bounce to minions after hitting each champ once.
No, they really need to just rework Brand's ult to prioritize champions and reduce subsequent damage dealt on the same target. It's incredibly stupid to have an ult have random mechanics, when they have actively reduced RNG-based effects in the past (e.g. dodge).
There are all sorts of RNG mechanics that could be done away with.
Brand ult Gangplank ult Alpha Strike Phage
No reason why any of those should still be in the game.
The only RNG that I can really understand is crit chance, and I don't even like that, I just think removing it would take a rather large overhaul, whereas the above could all be fixed very easily.
On June 06 2013 00:52 Sandster wrote: No, they really need to just rework Brand's ult to prioritize champions and reduce subsequent damage dealt on the same target. It's incredibly stupid to have an ult have random mechanics, when they have actively reduced RNG-based effects in the past (e.g. dodge).
They want the ult to be less effective when fighting inside minions than fighting in the open, though.
Maybe it could get a mechanic similar to katarina's bouncing blade - it bounces to the closest target that it hasn't hit yet, or if there isn't such a target, it can bounce back to a previous target. Also, if the target is ablaze, the next bounce ignores minions.
On June 06 2013 00:57 Ketara wrote: There are all sorts of RNG mechanics that could be done away with.
Brand ult Gangplank ult Alpha Strike Phage
No reason why any of those should still be in the game.
The only RNG that I can really understand is crit chance, and I don't even like that, I just think removing it would take a rather large overhaul, whereas the above could all be fixed very easily.
On June 06 2013 00:57 Ketara wrote: There are all sorts of RNG mechanics that could be done away with.
Brand ult Gangplank ult Alpha Strike Phage
No reason why any of those should still be in the game.
The only RNG that I can really understand is crit chance, and I don't even like that, I just think removing it would take a rather large overhaul, whereas the above could all be fixed very easily.
They have stated they are OK with crit because, even though it's random, it's how AD's scale late game. They did want to remove it early game though (hence the change in the offensive tree), though sometimes it confuses me why champions like Trynd have crit too (instead of, say increasing crit per rage as he levels up).
GP ult is another one which I think should be changed to be flat damage over time for everything in the area.
Alpha Strike and Blade Waltz, while random, at least have a fixed start and end location. Blade Waltz is imo definitely an improvement over Brand's current ult in terms of design.