4. Nientonsoh to top. I really don't get this. Megazero proved himself to be an effective threat in the 2nd half of the LCS and is exactly the kind of player that CLG needs, the one that can take pressure off of bot lane. Yet they go with the talented Nientonsoh who plays pretty much everything BUT toplane. Dignitas was able to go out and get Kiwikid and we can all agree that dude is pretty good with room to improve, but putting Nien up against Dyrus, or Voyboy who have years of toplane experience seems utterly insane.
Just wanting to point out, because lots of people are bringing up Kiwikid for some stupid reason, Kiwikid played mid and ADC when he applied to top lane for Dig. He had been playing league for a few months. If Kiwikid is a good example of a solid pick up then Nien should be a great pick up in everyone's minds since he mained the same two roles as Kiwi and has played league a lot longer than Kiwi had previously. edit: Not to take anything away from Kiwi but he was a pretty huge risk on Dig's part. Especially when they also could've gotten top lane mains to join their team. CLG is taking a risk on Nien, maybe it'll pay out and maybe it won't. But if it pays out people will view it just like they're viewing the gamble that Dig took on Kiwi.
Everything else in your post I pretty much agree with though. Only time will tell if the new line up is better or worse.
What is always with the circlejerk about jiji? I started watching LoL about the time of IPL 4, and every time I have seen him play it's been lackluster at best. Yet on reddit or wherever anytime he is mentioned I see "OMG JIJI OP NEXT BONJWA" or something like that. Can anyone inform me?
Well doublelift proved at worlds that he is not in a slump because of his own play. When paired with a world-class support, he is indeed a world-class ADC.
The choice of nien for toplane is puzzling and jiji jungle is sort of wtf inducing but we'll see...
On May 27 2013 10:58 Diamond wrote: What is always with the circlejerk about jiji? I started watching LoL about the time of IPL 4, and every time I have seen him play it's been lackluster at best. Yet on reddit or wherever anytime he is mentioned I see "OMG JIJI OP NEXT BONJWA" or something like that. Can anyone inform me?
In beta and the first half of S1 jiji was really really good. Most people agreed that he was the best mid laner in the game. He had multiple accounts in the top 10 ladder (3 if I remember correctly). Combine with the fact that jiji is really humble and just a super chill guy and lots of people love him.
I like him too. He's my favorite player. But I have to admit I'm pretty confident he isn't good enough to play at the pro level anymore. I will be overjoyed if I'm wrong but I wouldn't be surprised to see him get replaced half way through this split for a new jungler.
On May 27 2013 10:58 Diamond wrote: What is always with the circlejerk about jiji? I started watching LoL about the time of IPL 4, and every time I have seen him play it's been lackluster at best. Yet on reddit or wherever anytime he is mentioned I see "OMG JIJI OP NEXT BONJWA" or something like that. Can anyone inform me?
jiji was the best mid through like preseason 1 then he never managed to keep up with people by somewhere around mid season 1
I really don't understand all the negativity about the roster change for CLG. I mean nien has shown time and time again to be a top quality player, sure he hasn't played top in the past but give the guy some practice in the top lane and he'll no doubt be one of the better tops in NA. Understandably it's kind of weird that they would pick nien over somebody like mega but having nien is still probably going to be a great pick up. Chauster + double bottom is something people have been hyping up ever since chauster left the support role, and now that they actually move him back it seems like most people are against the idea. Jiji going to jungle is at least IMO the most questionable part of the roster change.
On May 27 2013 10:58 Diamond wrote: What is always with the circlejerk about jiji? I started watching LoL about the time of IPL 4, and every time I have seen him play it's been lackluster at best. Yet on reddit or wherever anytime he is mentioned I see "OMG JIJI OP NEXT BONJWA" or something like that. Can anyone inform me?
Off the top of my head, for some reason the Flash over a Morg bind into double kill at IEM Hannover World Championships against old-Curse sticks in my head.
But like people have said, Season 1 Jiji was King of Mid lane. Was okay in lane, but really good at teamfighting. But in Season 2 the world changed and Jiji didn't keep up.
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On May 27 2013 11:19 GTR wrote: When a player gets recruited and shows signs of a lack of confidence in their role, you know things aren't going to end up right.
Yeah, kind of a gongshow.
I think maybe part of the idea is to take Nientensoh away from other potential suitors.
I hope aphro didnt get shafted by this, I imagine it was an amicable parting (hopefully he got some phat contract termination cash) but its a kind of strand move to invest in him for the future... And then dump him when he gets good (his blitz game in promo matches was really good). Nien is really good, adding him to be roster is a great move, but putting him in top is very strange. Bringing back jiji and putting him in the jungle is beyond strange... He did show good zed games in promo, I wonder if we'll see that kind of champ pool I the jungle. A lot of pressure on chauster now, time to see if his mouth has been making checks his skills can cash, beating na not lanes wont prove anything though, they are going to need to make it out of group stages at worlds.
On May 27 2013 11:19 GTR wrote: When a player gets recruited and shows signs of a lack of confidence in their role, you know things aren't going to end up right.
Yeah, kind of a gongshow.
I think maybe part of the idea is to take Nientensoh away from other potential suitors.
For example, imagine Nien on Curse.
Ahah! Before you could buy that last iPhone in the store, I decided to buy a second one for myself so you wouldn't have one!
On May 27 2013 10:58 Diamond wrote: What is always with the circlejerk about jiji? I started watching LoL about the time of IPL 4, and every time I have seen him play it's been lackluster at best. Yet on reddit or wherever anytime he is mentioned I see "OMG JIJI OP NEXT BONJWA" or something like that. Can anyone inform me?
Off the top of my head, for some reason the Flash over a Morg bind into double kill at IEM Hannover World Championships against old-Curse sticks in my head.
But like people have said, Season 1 Jiji was King of Mid lane. Was okay in lane, but really good at teamfighting. But in Season 2 the world changed and Jiji didn't keep up.
every time I see the old map graphics it blows my mind I'm playing the same game.
On May 27 2013 11:12 Psyonic_Reaver wrote: I'm tried contacting TL.net advertising and three Red Names about this and never got a response. I'm assuming it's ok to do this.
Want to win a $10 in Riot Points for League of Legends? All you need to do is follow our twitter and Twitch.tv account! Tomorrow at 9pm PST (West Coast, USA) I will pick THREE random winners that followed twitter to recieve a $10 in Riot Points! Winners will be invited to join PsyonicReaver on Skype if they'd like to do any shoutouts to friends or family!
So what are you waiting for? Follow us now!!!
Your Account MUST be level 10 or above in order to recieve the $10 gift in Riot Points. Your Account MUST be on the US Server. Your twitter name must be easily linked to your Twitch.tv name!
On May 27 2013 11:19 GTR wrote: When a player gets recruited and shows signs of a lack of confidence in their role, you know things aren't going to end up right.
Yeah, kind of a gongshow.
I think maybe part of the idea is to take Nientensoh away from other potential suitors.
For example, imagine Nien on Curse.
Ahah! Before you could buy that last iPhone in the store, I decided to buy a second one for myself so you wouldn't have one!
Well, I mean I'm not exactly a CLG fan or anything, but they can't be dumb enough to put two players in roles they aren't comfortable with... can they?
I dunno, I can see Jiji jungling with CLG, Chau is loud and obnoxious and shot cally-enough, and Jiji's strengths as a player were never really laning in the first place, but I've literally never seen Jiji playh Jungle before.
I've also never seen Nien play top... and the history with AD carry mains playing top lane competitvely is not good at all. Westrice looked bad top. Like... just bad. It especially weird because Nien is one of those players that is used to 100% of the time hard carrying his team and getting all the farm. I dunno, seems strange.
I wish CLG would recycle more talent instead of keeping the the same blood. It reminds me of a stage in Portal 2 where GlaDoS talks about how she was recycling the same roomfull of air and how bad it was.