On May 01 2013 13:26 Craton wrote: All champions are equal, but some are just more equal than others.
Kinda sounds like you're saying new sej is op, there. pigs op.
On another note, Lissandra is so much fun even as an adc. That 0 cast time snare is so good.
On May 01 2013 17:13 iCanada wrote:Show nested quote +On May 01 2013 16:55 ticklishmusic wrote: even though aram has been incredibly frustrating due to the amount of afk'ers on my team, i'm not going to lie i've played more lol today than in months. I think the ARAM match making is hilarious. lolol. But maybe thta just cuz most of the league I play already ARAM. <_< JUst kicked teeth in with AD Nami.
AD nami is legit man, so much CC no1 can dive or 1v1 you
nothing like arriving at a losing teamfight and turning the tides.
On May 01 2013 17:24 ticklishmusic wrote:Show nested quote +On May 01 2013 17:13 iCanada wrote:On May 01 2013 16:55 ticklishmusic wrote: even though aram has been incredibly frustrating due to the amount of afk'ers on my team, i'm not going to lie i've played more lol today than in months. I think the ARAM match making is hilarious. lolol. But maybe thta just cuz most of the league I play already ARAM. <_< JUst kicked teeth in with AD Nami. AD nami is legit man, so much CC no1 can dive or 1v1 you nothing like arriving at a losing teamfight and turning the tides. 
So Dyrus leveling an alt vs bots has twice more viewers than OGN, sounds legit
On May 01 2013 10:17 ketchup wrote:Show nested quote +On May 01 2013 05:51 LaM wrote: Ok this is the most random question I have ever asked, but does anybody remember that guy who was a high ELO player a few years ago (name azn something) and was known for raging. He switched to SC2 beta and was at the top for a little while (cheesed a shit ton). He played Pantheon (or something else, I remember it was 1 champ and it was a gay/snowbally champ) a lot I think.
I was just thinking of the people I hated playing against/with the most (guy was an asshole, but always snowballed when he was on the other team).
Uhh yeah. A long long time ago, there used to be a high elo twitch that everyone hated, and only played twitch. I believe his name was something along the lines of superaznguy or something equally generic like that. I cannot remember the name too well though. It's a bit difficult to search for, but maybe this might help someone else remember the name if it's the right person.
Aznwiseguy and i beat that guy to get 1800 >_>. I swear to god vampyro is the same person.
On May 01 2013 14:09 Craton wrote: Someone ought to make a program that will override all the particles on skins like lux / blitz / anivia and reset them to the default look. Wouldn't this be possible by just changing the clientside skin? All skins are already stored on your computer, so you can actually use them -- you're just the only one who can see the difference between it and default. At least that's how fanmade skins work afaik.
But yeah. iBlitzcrank = meh
Playing jungle Lissandra for the last few games and rocking it up. Hue.
I doubt it since Vampyro never plays Ezreal.
On May 01 2013 14:18 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On May 01 2013 14:17 Craton wrote:On May 01 2013 14:11 Gahlo wrote:On May 01 2013 14:07 Craton wrote: Bear = free 50g When I first started playing, I'd take smite with me every game when I found out Tibbers was smitable. Fuck old Annie Bot. Take smite vs Zac for free 300g every CD. Or pick Irelia into him and QQQQ. I call it the Hashinshin spamfest.
The absolute worst is the last time I played zac and got into a jungle scuffle against a fiddle. He leveled from a nearby creep just as I died and got to crow storm all of my slimes =[
Can you Kayle ult one of the blobs for maximum fun?
I think they're counted as minions, so I doubt it.
On May 01 2013 10:17 ketchup wrote:Show nested quote +On May 01 2013 05:51 LaM wrote: Ok this is the most random question I have ever asked, but does anybody remember that guy who was a high ELO player a few years ago (name azn something) and was known for raging. He switched to SC2 beta and was at the top for a little while (cheesed a shit ton). He played Pantheon (or something else, I remember it was 1 champ and it was a gay/snowbally champ) a lot I think.
I was just thinking of the people I hated playing against/with the most (guy was an asshole, but always snowballed when he was on the other team).
Uhh yeah. A long long time ago, there used to be a high elo twitch that everyone hated, and only played twitch. I believe his name was something along the lines of superaznguy or something equally generic like that. I cannot remember the name too well though. It's a bit difficult to search for, but maybe this might help someone else remember the name if it's the right person.
Thinking of Rincent?
It was Rincent or Ricest, I know what piece of shit you're talking about
What is this. I patched yesterday, played several games, and this morning there is another 700mb patch? What am I missing..
On May 01 2013 12:46 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On May 01 2013 12:32 cLutZ wrote: Well absolute burst is pretty irrelevant no? The relevant levels of burst are basically:
0. Can Kill Sona in 1 Combo 1. Can Kill SupportAD Carry in 1 Combo 2. Can Kill AD CarrySupports in 1 Combo 3. Can Kill Caster/Carry in 1 Combo 4. Can Kill Jungler in 1 Combo 5. Can kill tank/bruiser in 1 combo
Breakpoints 4/5 are unreachable. And for BP 1-3 you can replace Kill with "effectively Zone" depending on the teamfight location and enemy character. Of course sometimes you have more than one champion bursting a character. But if 2 players are on bursty champs and can't kill #1-3 (mostly) then you are likely losing.
any sona who isn't tankier than the ad carry by midgame is doing it wrong
i guess in lane phase you can catch them with just a philo and low level but even then suppor and ad carry are close in tankiness
Re: Support items consist of a million ruby crystals.
If I get really fed I like to get a giants belt-->warmogs instead (or sometimes randuins)
On May 01 2013 21:52 Dusty wrote: It was Rincent or Ricest, I know what piece of shit you're talking about
Think it was Rincent, although I've had equally bad experiences with both players (although, admittedly, I haven't encountered them that much)
Played an ARAM as Sona yesterday. Finished with CDR boots/Reverie/Shard of True Ice/Twin Shadows/Crucible/Locket. I call it the piano build.
On May 01 2013 21:52 Dusty wrote: It was Rincent or Ricest, I know what piece of shit you're talking about
Heh he actually inspired me to play Twitch top lane, which was crazy fun and genuinely strong. It was my main until the stealth rework where they gutted his solo lane viability - but hey, they gave me Eve instead which is cool I guess.
And now to something completely different: What is the level of competition on EUNE compared to EUW? What I mean is: If you are diamond 1 on EUNE, is that the same as diamond 1 on EUW in terms of skill level? Perhaps someone has an account on both servers so they can respond with first hand experience?
Does aram queue actually have a mmr or do they just throw anyone together? I've been on teams with plats, golds, silvers, bronzes, and unrankeds. It's a bit ridiculous and the teams are so uneven due to it lol.