First ARAM:
We got Soraka Ashe Zilean (me) Tryndamere Anivia. They got NidaleeGG Sivir Chogath Lee Udyr... we had the shittiest early game ever (infinite Nid/Sivir poke), but still managed to win somehow after pulling off some pro kiting.
Pretty interesting rubberband mechanics...
Guys I need your help.
Could you list me EPIC throws that happened in the history of LoL competitive gaming ? It's for my emission of this evening, «how to throw a LoL game».
On April 30 2013 23:21 Sufficiency wrote: First ARAM:
We got Soraka Ashe Zilean (me) Tryndamere Anivia. They got NidaleeGG Sivir Chogath Lee Udyr... we had the shittiest early game ever (infinite Nid/Sivir poke), but still managed to win somehow after pulling off some pro kiting.
Pretty interesting rubberband mechanics...
Yeah we had 5 ace-s on both teams without any nexus turrets because whoever gets revived just runs towards enemy nexus.Full ham/yolo/swag/420.That why aram is fun :D.
People who cry over killsteals, especially in arams are crazy :D
not an aram, but i had one guy in a coop match for FWotD say before minions even spawn that he hopes im not gonna ks him. So I said I won't touch any bot on our lane and let him 1v2 the bots while I csed. He quit the game before lvl 6 and I pushed the lane to nexus ><
Howling Abyss lags a fuckton compared to proving grounds. It's actually quite unplayable on this computer.
A shame. Guess I won't be playing aram until I get home.
First aram I queue into, get quadra as Ashe in the first 3 minutes
I think Lissandra is good but it is tricky to build her. CDR is a must.. at max rank 40% CDR takes W from 10 to 6 and E from 12 to 7.2. Also reduces ulti from 100 to 60. From my experience playing her her dmg scales harder with CDR than anything else. Only real choice for CDR is Athene or Morello and she really benefits from the MR.. morello is more for long range caster like lux.
As of now I think athenes + rod like old anivia build is very good. She needs the HP from RoA because of very low base. After that I would build Zhonya. Being able to jump in, combo, then zhonya and wait for CDs is strong. You can do it twice using ult the first time then zhonya the second time which usually is long enough for teamfight to be over.
I do not think mpen build is great because her base damage is not that high. Usually mpen build is really strong on heroes with high base damage (IE rumble elise). Also her scaling is OK but not that high either so I think maybe building more utility with abyssal ECT is better than deathcap.
My only complaint is range. I understand why its short but I think her auto attack and R could have longer range without making her OP
TLDR: CDR is op, AP is OK, Mpen not that good.
On April 30 2013 23:22 mr_tolkien wrote: Guys I need your help.
Could you list me EPIC throws that happened in the history of LoL competitive gaming ? It's for my emission of this evening, «how to throw a LoL game». Every Dignitas game ever.
United States15536 Posts
On April 30 2013 23:57 HazMat wrote:Show nested quote +On April 30 2013 23:22 mr_tolkien wrote: Guys I need your help.
Could you list me EPIC throws that happened in the history of LoL competitive gaming ? It's for my emission of this evening, «how to throw a LoL game». Every Dignitas game ever.
Dem sick burns.
On April 30 2013 23:22 mr_tolkien wrote: Guys I need your help.
Could you list me EPIC throws that happened in the history of LoL competitive gaming ? It's for my emission of this evening, «how to throw a LoL game».
The famous CLG.EU vs M5 game. M5 went full retard on items, like their item choices alone threw the game.
Karthus getting Force of Nature, Vladimir selling his WotA and Abyssal when they had double AP, getting Thornmail instead of Hourglass...
Man ARAM is zoomed out a ton, kind of wierd, I wonder why they did that.
One thing I don't like is there is no indication of the range of the fountain lazer, I accidently TF gated to cut off a running gragas and got lazered and we almost lost because of it. In fact, why is it that there is no like spawn platform? You just start out like loitering around in the back.
other than that its great
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
On April 30 2013 23:48 Shikyo wrote: Hmm.
Howling Abyss lags a fuckton compared to proving grounds. It's actually quite unplayable on this computer.
A shame. Guess I won't be playing aram until I get home.
Happy Birthday! Get yourself a new computer!
United States15536 Posts
On May 01 2013 00:04 JonGalt wrote:Show nested quote +On April 30 2013 23:48 Shikyo wrote: Hmm.
Howling Abyss lags a fuckton compared to proving grounds. It's actually quite unplayable on this computer.
A shame. Guess I won't be playing aram until I get home. Happy Birthday! Get yourself a new computer!
osnap Shikyo birthday. the legend continues
omg I gotta have the worst aram luck ever, g1 enemy has lux g2 enemy has anivia g3 enemy has janna ~~
On May 01 2013 00:16 AsnSensation wrote: omg I gotta have the worst aram luck ever, g1 enemy has lux g2 enemy has anivia g3 enemy has janna ~~
When you play vs gragas/lux/kog/xin/ez you'll remember those games with joy.
Nothing tops being that anonymous champion in aram that noone on the enemy team cares about untill you pull a quadra or pentakill - and then they realise that you have been doing the bulk of the damage to them only when its too late. Kayle, battleraka and Ryze are great for this kind of play.
On May 01 2013 00:04 JonGalt wrote:Show nested quote +On April 30 2013 23:48 Shikyo wrote: Hmm.
Howling Abyss lags a fuckton compared to proving grounds. It's actually quite unplayable on this computer.
A shame. Guess I won't be playing aram until I get home. Happy Birthday! Get yourself a new computer! I have, and will get another one as soon as Haswell is released.
This is my sister's old computer.
Oh and thanks~
On April 30 2013 23:43 daemir wrote: People who cry over killsteals, especially in arams are crazy :D
not an aram, but i had one guy in a coop match for FWotD say before minions even spawn that he hopes im not gonna ks him. So I said I won't touch any bot on our lane and let him 1v2 the bots while I csed. He quit the game before lvl 6 and I pushed the lane to nexus >< I had a jungler complain when Sona (played by natalie, who was sitting behind me) "stole first blood" [from me] when I was at like 50 health and madly fleeing. I was like "it's fine, Sona saved my life" and he was like "no its not."
Like... what. You weren't even there.
Lissandra's full combo is 215 damage at level 3, compared to Leona's 255 assuming all marks get proc'd (Leona is tankier and it's easier to dodge Lissandra's E/force her to warp to it before it damages, but in turn she can't poke the way Lissandra can). Not as bad as it could have seemed.
About the scaling, Taric has scaling on his heal, cc, and nuke/defensive steroid, and he's still workable as a support, I don't see how because Lissandra's Q and W scale with levels "kills" her.
But we'll see plenty of her mid, and I'll weep if I ever pick Talon or Cass. :<
The new nunu picture is a thing of horror.