On April 30 2013 23:48 Shikyo wrote: Hmm.
Howling Abyss lags a fuckton compared to proving grounds. It's actually quite unplayable on this computer.
A shame. Guess I won't be playing aram until I get home.
Yeah me and my mate are noticing that on our old shitty laptop. 30 fps summoners / dominion but 20 fps in aram.
Shame, its putting a downer on our drinking game. (1 shot for the worst champ and another for whoever has the worst score at the end of the game.)
On a side note, LoL is awesome for drinking games, this tonight and last night we drank a shot everytime the NA LCS casters said something stupid, needless to say we got very wasted.
On May 01 2013 00:36 Alaric wrote: Lissandra's full combo is 215 damage at level 3, compared to Leona's 255 assuming all marks get proc'd (Leona is tankier and it's easier to dodge Lissandra's E/force her to warp to it before it damages, but in turn she can't poke the way Lissandra can). Not as bad as it could have seemed.
About the scaling, Taric has scaling on his heal, cc, and nuke/defensive steroid, and he's still workable as a support, I don't see how because Lissandra's Q and W scale with levels "kills" her.
But we'll see plenty of her mid, and I'll weep if I ever pick Talon or Cass. :< Scaling on his CC is REALLY minor compared to most CC scaling (0.1s / level, many scaling CCs are 0.2-0.5/level) and it was also a HUGE nerf to his support power.
Lissandra is in an interesting place itemization wise, because she wants CDR real bad, but doesn't need mana regen.
My first game as her all I had for regen was a single dorans ring, didn't even put any points utility, and I never had mana problems all game long. Her passive means your first spell on each minion wave is free, so basically you only lose mana on spells you use to harass the enemy laner.
This means that Athenes/Morellos are partially wasted on her, because they're both heavy mana regen items (Athenes especially), but she's not going to make the use of that regen.
The only other real CDR item on her is DFG, which does synergize real well because her burst combo is stronk.
I'm looking at using CDR runes on her + DFG, and foregoing Athenes/Morellos altogether, just using a dorans and ROA for regen. What do people think about this?
On April 30 2013 23:57 HazMat wrote:Show nested quote +On April 30 2013 23:22 mr_tolkien wrote: Guys I need your help.
Could you list me EPIC throws that happened in the history of LoL competitive gaming ? It's for my emission of this evening, «how to throw a LoL game». Every Dignitas game ever. A precise game would help.
On May 01 2013 00:00 Alzadar wrote:Show nested quote +On April 30 2013 23:22 mr_tolkien wrote: Guys I need your help.
Could you list me EPIC throws that happened in the history of LoL competitive gaming ? It's for my emission of this evening, «how to throw a LoL game». The famous CLG.EU vs M5 game. M5 went full retard on items, like their item choices alone threw the game. Karthus getting Force of Nature, Vladimir selling his WotA and Abyssal when they had double AP, getting Thornmail instead of Hourglass... Which game was it already ? Remember the tournament or stg like that ?
I remember a game we had khazix, kat, yi, trist, and a garen that never connected. Didn't matter that it was 4v5, 4 resets were too much. Kill anyone with out burst and it turns into an ace lol. I wonder if aram q makes sure each team has 1 champ of a certain role or if it really is random like it should be.
how do you build mid quinn?
the one time i played her i built BT/BC/TF, but i'm pretty sure that's kinda wonky.
United States23745 Posts
On May 01 2013 00:43 Ketara wrote: Lissandra is in an interesting place itemization wise, because she wants CDR real bad, but doesn't need mana regen.
My first game as her all I had for regen was a single dorans ring, didn't even put any points utility, and I never had mana problems all game long. Her passive means your first spell on each minion wave is free, so basically you only lose mana on spells you use to harass the enemy laner.
This means that Athenes/Morellos are partially wasted on her, because they're both heavy mana regen items (Athenes especially), but she's not going to make the use of that regen.
The only other real CDR item on her is DFG, which does synergize real well because her burst combo is stronk.
I'm looking at using CDR runes on her + DFG, and foregoing Athenes/Morellos altogether, just using a dorans and ROA for regen. What do people think about this? She can go OOM pretty easily if you are spamming Q, I think Grail is probably still a a decent pick up, but like after your Zhonya's.
On May 01 2013 00:47 BlackPaladin wrote: I remember a game we had khazix, kat, yi, trist, and a garen that never connected. Didn't matter that it was 4v5, 4 resets were too much. Kill anyone with out burst and it turns into an ace lol. I wonder if aram q makes sure each team has 1 champ of a certain role or if it really is random like it should be. I had a 4v5 where the enemy team had 4 ADC and a squishy mage and we won because the combination of Shyv ult, Equalizer, and Crowstorm was just too much for them to deal with lol. Based on our line-ups I'm pretty sure it's pure random. I've had plenty of games without an ADC.
On May 01 2013 00:49 kainzero wrote: how do you build mid quinn?
the one time i played her i built BT/BC/TF, but i'm pretty sure that's kinda wonky.
I've been doing mid Quinn for the last month or so and this is my build order:
Longsword+2 opener
Rush Bilgewater Cutlass (get 2 longswords first if you're ahead, go vamp scepter first if you're behind)
Core is Bilgewater Cutlass + Phage + CDR boots
After that get a Pickaxe for moar damage, then finish BotRK.
What you want to work towards is BotRK + LW + CDR boots + Phage + Hexdrinker. Final item is an IE. Finishing Frozen Mallet and Maw almost never happens, but if you're real far behind you can finish these early so you don't get instagibbed.
scorched earth renekton where? riot pls
On May 01 2013 00:47 BlackPaladin wrote: I remember a game we had khazix, kat, yi, trist, and a garen that never connected. Didn't matter that it was 4v5, 4 resets were too much. Kill anyone with out burst and it turns into an ace lol. I wonder if aram q makes sure each team has 1 champ of a certain role or if it really is random like it should be.
Well, the first team I ran into didn't have anyone as ADC unless you'd count teemo being one, but he went AP anyways. AP teemo is the worst crap in ARAM since all you need is someone from the other team to build hextech sweeper and his mushrooms are never ever gonna do anything. Same item counters all stealthers like Akali soooo bad it's almost unfair. Only balancing factor I guess is that it's like a 2k gold item, so you miss out on more damage.
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
On May 01 2013 00:37 Capped wrote:Show nested quote +On April 30 2013 23:48 Shikyo wrote: Hmm.
Howling Abyss lags a fuckton compared to proving grounds. It's actually quite unplayable on this computer.
A shame. Guess I won't be playing aram until I get home. Yeah me and my mate are noticing that on our old shitty laptop. 30 fps summoners / dominion but 20 fps in aram. Shame, its putting a downer on our drinking game. (1 shot for the worst champ and another for whoever has the worst score at the end of the game.) On a side note, LoL is awesome for drinking games, this tonight and last night we drank a shot everytime the NA LCS casters said something stupid, needless to say we got very wasted.
My buddy and I used to play normals as a pre-game. A kill was 2 sips, assists and deaths were 1 sip. 6 sips in the drink of your choice.
One time I went AP Malph mid and ended up 20+ kills and one death. That was around 5pm, we weren't going out till 11. Awesome night.
Oh god, the lore. The delicious looooooooooore.
Good thing fire is super effective against ice. Brand and annie gonna wreck face vs lissandra's dream, huehue.
Dunno, have you ever tried to set ice on fire? It is not that easy.
United States37500 Posts
Some of these skins are hilariously bad. I mean conceptually.
Ice Anivia? Feral Warwick?
Are you even trying Riot?
A good Teemo isn't countered by Hextech Sweeper.
United States23745 Posts
On May 01 2013 01:57 NeoIllusions wrote: Some of these skins are hilariously bad. I mean conceptually.
Ice Anivia? Feral Warwick?
Are you even trying Riot? Who cares about conceptually, the new Anivia skin is sick lol.
How would Liandry's be on Lissandra?