[Patch 3.02: Fake Quinn] General Discussion - Page 24
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Australia1382 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
No, there is absolutely no way that a 375 gold combine gives 18% attack speed in addition to everything else, lol. Also, it doesn't address the issue that CUTLASS' total cost is still wrong. 375 gold for 6% attack speed + everything else is more reasonable, if still absurdly strong. If that goes live, BotRK+Zephyr+Locket has the potential to be the highest-effectiveness set of teamfight items on quite a few heroes. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On February 15 2013 14:14 TheYango wrote: No, there is absolutely no way that a 375 gold combine gives 18% attack speed in addition to everything else, lol. 375 gold for 6% attack speed + everything else is more reasonable, if still absurdly strong. If that goes live, BotRK+Zephyr+Locket has the potential to be the highest-effectiveness set of teamfight items on quite a few heroes. That actually sounds like a really sick bruiser build on certain champs. I think Quinn might be one of those champions that is as good or better top than duo bot. I dunno why, but I just get that feeling, maybe it's the short range and blind like Teemo has, but I think she's a good kit for an anti-bruiser. | ||
United States35097 Posts
On February 15 2013 14:14 TheYango wrote: No, there is absolutely no way that a 375 gold combine gives 18% attack speed in addition to everything else, lol. Also, it doesn't address the issue that CUTLASS' total cost is still wrong. 375 gold for 6% attack speed + everything else is more reasonable, if still absurdly strong. If that goes live, BotRK+Zephyr+Locket has the potential to be the highest-effectiveness set of teamfight items on quite a few heroes. Oh god, realized I misread it because the way they list item cost is based on the parts and not the whole purchase. What a horrible design decision. | ||
United States5635 Posts
On February 15 2013 14:08 Two_DoWn wrote: Either they fucked up somewhere, or they REALLY want to break the BT rush for AD's and Mogs for Tops. This is standard for raw tooltips pulled from the data files. I have no idea what the weird cost numbers actually represent but whatever it is it's not your standard format patch note. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On February 15 2013 14:27 TheYango wrote: So basically how Quinn really ends up working is that she's a ranged hero that has a transformation ulti that makes her and all her skills melee. And 525 range | ||
United States35097 Posts
I like how the omw ping has a slider on the ring that follows your movement. | ||
United States9006 Posts
On February 15 2013 14:27 TheYango wrote: So basically how Quinn really ends up working is that she's a ranged hero that has a transformation ulti that makes her and all her skills melee. She also only has 525 range and she has no escape. From her kit I'm gonna guess she's strong in lane because having a long range spell that also blinds and a 750 range slow sounds really strong in lane phase but her slow puts her at risk and I dunno if she has any real way to deal with how much dive this game has right now. Was kind of excited about her but her kit seems kind of bad for the current meta. | ||
United States13684 Posts
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Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
She's works really well at sniping other ADCs. I played 1v1 Quinn vs Quinn game and if you get the passive on them, you got AA + E + AA + Q for burst and they can't trade back. While they're blinded you R E W Q R and basically 100-0 them while they're blinded the whole time. She has a ton of AS steroids and her BAT and AS growth are both really good. Her armor is terrible and birdform gives no resists. So she's basically longer ranged AD teemo with skillshot blind and then an ult that makes her melee. I have no idea how you are supposed to play her (certainly not MF/Graves AD bursty carry or Kog/Trist/Vayne hypercarry). On February 15 2013 14:33 Two_DoWn wrote: The interesting thing will be where damage/stun takes effect on her E. If it doesnt make her invulnerable I cant see it much use as anything other than an escape mechanism. From general playtesting I believe you're untargetable during the animation of E except when landing on the target and when you bounce back. When two Quinns E at each I'm don't recall if you take damage or not but the bounceback becomes way larger and its really hilarious. | ||
Australia1382 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
On February 15 2013 14:50 ChaoSbringer wrote: You max E and only use your Ult+Bird-form abilities if you're dueling someone. Otherwise you would just double tap your Ult for the AoE damage. Or to chase/run away...dat +80% MS | ||
United States15065 Posts
She's got a 1.5 second blind on a 7 second cooldown. Vault has 750 range so she can use it to close distance on somebody who tries to kite her at range, plus the slow and steroid it gives off marking them. If they're running away, her R will give her 700 movespeed for 20 seconds and a nuke that scales off HP missing. Her teamfighting ability looks a little bit more suspect. I bet she's an amazing split pusher. | ||
Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
On February 15 2013 14:50 ChaoSbringer wrote: You max E and only use your Ult+Bird-form abilities if you're dueling someone. Otherwise you would just double tap your Ult for the AoE damage. Double tapping ult is hard because there's a lot of cast animation and no quick way to cancel, unlike canceling Riven ult animation. Her teamfighting just seems really lackluster because her ult doesn't help and her AD ratios on Q and E aren't really that good either (+25 on Q, +13 on E with 39 bonus AD). Her passive is insane (.8 total AD?) but is somewhat unreliable and if you wanted an AA burster might as well play Vayne... I'm wondering if she does well top, Teemo or Nid style her recommended items are like Mallet and BotRK. E also lets you kite out of any gapclosing melee top lane like Jax or Xin. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
zed nerf is kinda curious, i know koreans love him, but he didnt see much play outside of it. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
Health:475(+85 per level) Mana:245(+35 per level) Movement Speed:335 Armor:17(+3.5 per level) Magic Resist:30 Comparably: Amumu has 472 (+84) health and 18 (+3.3) armor Graves has 410 (+84) health and 15 (+3.2) armor Zed has 445 (+85) health and 17.5 (+3.5) armor | ||
United States20754 Posts
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