On February 09 2013 01:22 Alaric wrote: Yeah, maybe I should have said instead that "in soloQ, you don't want to pick Nasus into gank-heavy junglers with a strong early, as you won't be able to follow their pace without destroying your own development and you can't trust your teammates to play accordingly and not rage at you if you leave them to their own devices" or something of that sort.
At least it's fun. I never really gave much thought to Nasus because of his slow developement and lack of escapes (compared to Jax who lifts off faster and has mobility) but he fits the "raid boss" archetype that I love in my champs really well, especially once he has enough CDR to spam Wither.
Riven's really annoying though, mobile enough that she almost doesn't care at all about Wither (she just has to skip her passive-powered autos toward the end of the spell) and can evade Spirit Fire's AoE easily.
I pick Nasus into everything, gank-heavy and counter-junglers included. In fact, all of my wins have been against junglers like Rammus, Shaco, Lee Sin, Hecarim et al.
You don't have to have 500 stacks on Q at 20 minutes to be a scary Nasus. Obviously 500 stacks are scarier than 200-300, but the fact of the matter is that a 500 (110 base + 130 AD + 260 stacks) damage nuke on a 2.4 second cooldown is scary enough on a champion who can effectively eliminate your AD carry simply by spamming one spell. You can have 260 at 11 minutes if you're undisturbed, or you can have it at 20 minutes if you're actively ganking. Either way you'll still contribute a lot late game simply because you're Nasus.
do you play him in top lane or jungle?
Definitely jungle. After jungling him I can't imagine playing him top lane again. With the stacking change he's basically an ideal jungler, he can build pure tank while still maintaining a large amount of both offense and utility due to Q stacking and Wither.
How are you supposed to deal with AP nida in soloqueue? She basically always goes something like 8/1/9, throwing spears at everyone while being completely unattackable. And it does not matter how many spears you dodge, she just throws 5 more. And if a single one of those hits 3/4 of your hp are gone. I am pretty sure that a soulstealer should be core on her with just how utterly invulnerable she is with that range and movespeed and those jumps. Somehow she always baits 1-2 people into running after her through the jungle and completely rapes them in teamfights.
On February 09 2013 03:53 Simberto wrote: How are you supposed to deal with AP nida in soloqueue? She basically always goes something like 8/1/9, throwing spears at everyone while being completely unattackable. And it does not matter how many spears you dodge, she just throws 5 more. And if a single one of those hits 3/4 of your hp are gone. I am pretty sure that a soulstealer should be core on her with just how utterly invulnerable she is with that range and movespeed and those jumps. Somehow she always baits 1-2 people into running after her through the jungle and completely rapes them in teamfights.
She's just one of those champs that are really hard to deal with in soloq. Not much you can do when one spear chunks you for half health. They are pretty easy to dodge if you see them coming but it's those blind spears that will ruin your day. Best bet is to try and shut her down in lane, but that's more up to the Mid laner and Jungler.
On February 09 2013 03:53 Simberto wrote: How are you supposed to deal with AP nida in soloqueue? She basically always goes something like 8/1/9, throwing spears at everyone while being completely unattackable. And it does not matter how many spears you dodge, she just throws 5 more. And if a single one of those hits 3/4 of your hp are gone. I am pretty sure that a soulstealer should be core on her with just how utterly invulnerable she is with that range and movespeed and those jumps. Somehow she always baits 1-2 people into running after her through the jungle and completely rapes them in teamfights.
either ban her or if you are not first pick you have to take it upon yourself to pick a hard engage as people in solo q wont after a nid pick. That is a free loss unless every lane destroys.
On February 09 2013 03:25 onlywonderboy wrote: You guys should check out the LCS Trash Talk thread over on Reddit, I got quite a few chuckles out of it.
On February 09 2013 03:25 onlywonderboy wrote: You guys should check out the LCS Trash Talk thread over on Reddit, I got quite a few chuckles out of it.
On February 09 2013 03:25 onlywonderboy wrote: You guys should check out the LCS Trash Talk thread over on Reddit, I got quite a few chuckles out of it.
I've seen quite a few Ziggs recently, fucker shouldn't have been on free week, so annoying to deal with. :[ Especially the 575 passive-powered auto range when you play something like Morgana and her 425 range.
On February 09 2013 05:09 Alaric wrote: I've seen quite a few Ziggs recently, fucker shouldn't have been on free week, so annoying to deal with. :[ Especially the 575 passive-powered auto range when you play something like Morgana and her 425 range.
On February 09 2013 03:25 onlywonderboy wrote: You guys should check out the LCS Trash Talk thread over on Reddit, I got quite a few chuckles out of it.