On November 15 2012 12:40 NeoIllusions wrote: But who would you take a qualifier away from then? I'm pretty damn happy with the participants of IPL5 as is. :O
As it is it's too late to change anything. However I would have liked 3 qualifier spots for NA and EU each and then 2 qualifier spots for the rest.
Maybe for IPL6. :3
P.S. who da fk is going to breakout for NA and when? >____>
I got my money on curse.na and clg.na (assuming stable roster for both team).
About Draven's ult, just go into a custom game, ask a friend in the opposite team to go mid, hit lvl6, put a ward behind him, tp back to base. Throw your ult from there in his direction, hit him once then twice on the way back then as the ult is coming back to you, just tp back on your ward behind him and see what the ult behaviour will be.
It has probably less practical use as is, but at least it would show if it's even possible to triple hit with that ult.
I'm currently "at work" so can't test me myself otherwise it's be my pleasure ^^'
On November 15 2012 16:52 Razhil wrote: About Draven's ult, just go into a custom game, ask a friend in the opposite team to go mid, hit lvl6, put a ward behind him, tp back to base. Throw your ult from there in his direction, hit him once then twice on the way back then as the ult is coming back to you, just tp back on your ward behind him and see what the ult behaviour will be.
It has probably less practical use as is, but at least it would show if it's even possible to triple hit with that ult.
I'm currently "at work" so can't test me myself otherwise it's be my pleasure ^^'
On November 15 2012 13:55 BlackPaladin wrote: Lets not get too excited over the new model. They might have made her AA animations suck cock like they did to TF.
Or her running animation will make her look like an awkward lanky pre-teen. Like TF and Soraka.
What do you mean by this? I see that Soraka still moves with some (more) dignity (than others). What is not so nice is her AA animation, if you build any AS. Than its like she has a seizure.
I don't really like the animations on either champion. Running, attack, or spell animations. It could very well just be that I'm used to the old models and old animations so the change is jarring for me. But to me nearly everything Soraka or TF do comes across as awkward. In my head, the old models/animations were cartoony and not very realistic so they worked. The new models are still cartoony but appear to be trying to be realistic so it just flops for me personally.
I realize that I'm in the minority and that most people probably prefer the re-works. I just don't think new models for older champions is important or necessary and honestly would've preferred them to stay like they were. See, the Kayle or Tyndamere re-works kept the image of the champion and look pretty true to the originals but the Soraka/TF ones and presumably all of the ones in the future are going to follow this newer style where the champion looks radically different form their old model. I just don't like it.
On November 15 2012 18:13 overt wrote: I don't really like the animations on either champion. Running, attack, or spell animations. It could very well just be that I'm used to the old models and old animations so the change is jarring for me. But to me nearly everything Soraka or TF do comes across as awkward. In my head, the old models/animations were cartoony and not very realistic so they worked. The new models are still cartoony but appear to be trying to be realistic so it just flops for me personally.
I realize that I'm in the minority and that most people probably prefer the re-works. I just don't think new models for older champions is important or necessary and honestly would've preferred them to stay like they were. See, the Kayle or Tyndamere re-works kept the image of the champion and look pretty true to the originals but the Soraka/TF ones and presumably all of the ones in the future are going to follow this newer style where the champion looks radically different form their old model. I just don't like it.
Actually i dont really like the new Soraka, lore sucks, splash looks like some anime babe, and her IG model is just too tall. Old Dryad Soraka was looking rough and wild, with ribs pushing her pale skin, the new is just an original soraka in green (much like the chineese splash). But the moves are much better, especially with the divine skin, riot has a problem with long skirts, but its much better than the original, thats sure.
Kayle, trynd, and gp's reworks just flushed the champions out better visually. But soraka and TF reworks radically changed the champion's feel and made the animations clunky and ugly to me. I don't mean the models themselves, but the animations. They move as if they have a dick up their asses, and their aa's are a lot clunkier. It's not an improvement at all imo. And TF's cards used to also be a lot easier to see and dodge, now they're smaller and yet their hitboxes are the same. >_>
TBH the biggest thing that bothered me about the TF revamp isn't the visuals, but the sound set. Totally unsatisfying to hear the new PAC sounds compared to the old ones.
On November 15 2012 18:46 BlackPaladin wrote: Kayle, trynd, and gp's reworks just flushed the champions out better visually. But soraka and TF reworks radically changed the champion's feel and made the animations clunky and ugly to me. I don't mean the models themselves, but the animations. They move as if they have a dick up their asses, and their aa's are a lot clunkier. It's not an improvement at all imo. And TF's cards used to also be a lot easier to see and dodge, now they're smaller and yet their hitboxes are the same. >_>
his autoattack is so clunky its not even fun to play him really
They move as if they have a dick up their asses, and their aa's are a lot clunkier
well as regards soraka, her old AA was notoriously horrible, I think it actually got streamlined even before the remake a bit and it was still bad. I personally like her new incarnation's movement, the old soraka kind of looked hunchbacked and odd, the new one looks wierd but still sort of regal. Unfortunately, like most of the new champs and remakes, she's fucking HUUUUUUUGE now, which I dislike. it makes minions look like toys and detracts from champs like jarvan who are supposed to be slabs of manlybeef towering hunklike above the sweaty fray but now just look like teenagers with some pads on, or skarner who TF wouldn't look out of place skateboarding on.
They move as if they have a dick up their asses, and their aa's are a lot clunkier
well as regards soraka, her old AA was notoriously horrible, I think it actually got streamlined even before the remake a bit and it was still bad. I personally like her new incarnation's movement, the old soraka kind of looked hunchbacked and odd, the new one looks wierd but still sort of regal. Unfortunately, like most of the new champs and remakes, she's fucking HUUUUUUUGE now, which I dislike. it makes minions look like toys and detracts from champs like jarvan who are supposed to be slabs of manlybeef towering hunklike above the sweaty fray but now just look like teenagers with some pads on, or skarner who TF wouldn't look out of place skateboarding on.
They said they are going to scale all champs up but I just don't understand why we need our champs to be bigger.
They move as if they have a dick up their asses, and their aa's are a lot clunkier
well as regards soraka, her old AA was notoriously horrible, I think it actually got streamlined even before the remake a bit and it was still bad. I personally like her new incarnation's movement, the old soraka kind of looked hunchbacked and odd, the new one looks wierd but still sort of regal. Unfortunately, like most of the new champs and remakes, she's fucking HUUUUUUUGE now, which I dislike. it makes minions look like toys and detracts from champs like jarvan who are supposed to be slabs of manlybeef towering hunklike above the sweaty fray but now just look like teenagers with some pads on, or skarner who TF wouldn't look out of place skateboarding on.
I liked her old model a whole lot more, she looks like a giant mutant goat now o.O
They said they are going to scale all champs up but I just don't understand why we need our champs to be bigger.
I imagine the design justifications are towards visual clarity and ease of definition (eg it's easier to see what a bigger champ is doing, and they're easier to make out and click on the midst of a melee when their spell effects are relatively smaller- which all the new ones are)
I happen to agree though, the smaller champions subtly gave the game a more epic feel. Lanes felt bigger, monsters were monstrous, distances made more sense. Now it feels like summoner's rift is valoran's equivalent of legoland.