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Singapore5741 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
On November 10 2012 23:53 justiceknight wrote: how do u lane against Rumble as a melee bruiser? whenever i go last hit minion i got flamethrower hard and eat tons of dmg. honestly? you don't. very few standard bruisers can match rumble's lane strength. | ||
Portugal3229 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
On November 10 2012 23:53 justiceknight wrote: how do u lane against Rumble as a melee bruiser? whenever i go last hit minion i got flamethrower hard and eat tons of dmg. First time he uses flame thrower the lane will push and then you farm at tower and when your jungle comes you win. Once you are stronger you just jump on him as soon as he wastes spells on creeps/to harass. | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
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United States2552 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
We're doing a change (or a bugfix, depending on your point of view) on both Warwick and Malzahar. Their ultimates will be treated like leashes... because they kind of are. (You can't QSS leashes. You can only break them via distance.) What this means is that QSS will break the stunning effect on you but until you get out of range of them, it won't cancel the damage and other effects these characters will be doing. Malzahar will get his full Nether Grasp until they break the leash and Warwick typically gets 2 (maybe 3) more swipes before the target walks away. Nice buff to WW and Malz, but not huge in the "makes them OP way". Just stops them from being countered by one item, mostly. Yeah, Phantom Dancer has had its' statistics extensively readjusted. It lost a *lot* of movement speed and a little bit of attack speed. It's also slightly cheaper and thus less slot-efficient. It's been known for a while that Phantom Dancer was just too good but nerfing it would've caused a drastic effect on AD carry mobility / balance for a while. We've shifted some statistics around into other items that AD carries can easily fit into their builds and now PD doesn't have to be the king of both AS, Crit and MS. On the plus side, it now has Ignore Unit Collision on it though. How useful that passive is, I'm not sure - but it is something that people have been asking for quite a while on their carries. I guess PD needed a nerf? The were probably tired of "am I AD? Build PD" and want to make other options more inviting, but unless it becomes crap or there's an even better AS/Crit option, we'll probably still see it all the time. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
On November 11 2012 00:28 Requizen wrote: Some more Xyph goodies: Nice buff to WW and Malz, but not huge in the "makes them OP way". Just stops them from being countered by one item, mostly. I guess PD needed a nerf? The were probably tired of "am I AD? Build PD" and want to make other options more inviting, but unless it becomes crap or there's an even better AS/Crit option, we'll probably still see it all the time. If this also means that Urgot ult switches you no matter what you do, this is going to be very frustrating. | ||
Bulgaria5710 Posts
On November 11 2012 00:28 Requizen wrote: Some more Xyph goodies: Nice buff to WW and Malz, but not huge in the "makes them OP way". Just stops them from being countered by one item, mostly. I guess PD needed a nerf? The were probably tired of "am I AD? Build PD" and want to make other options more inviting, but unless it becomes crap or there's an even better AS/Crit option, we'll probably still see it all the time. So basically, build triforce out of that zeal nowadays, yes? New PD god-tier for Speed Garen builds tho huehuehue | ||
Australia18228 Posts
On November 11 2012 00:32 little fancy wrote: If this also means that Urgot ult switches you no matter what you do, this is going to be very frustrating. It should still cancel, just like it'll still cancel Skarner's ult. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On November 11 2012 00:32 little fancy wrote: If this also means that Urgot ult switches you no matter what you do, this is going to be very frustrating. No, I think the implication is that it'll have a leash as long as the max range, which is 850 at max. So if he ults you, you QSS, and then run 900 units from him, it'll interrupt. | ||
Bulgaria5710 Posts
On November 11 2012 00:43 Requizen wrote: No, I think the implication is that it'll have a leash as long as the max range, which is 850 at max. So if he ults you, you QSS, and then run 900 units from him, it'll interrupt. If something like this happens to you, however, just QSSing will break it ![]() | ||
335 Posts
On November 10 2012 22:37 Scip wrote: hmmm, thinking about the new jungle. I'm thinking that the single-target junglers that are currently really good will become OP. So most likely Shen and Nunu jungle god-tier. Skarner and Hecarim to useless tier. Maokai and Nautilus to "you used to be able to jungle with this?" tier. Lee Sin will probably still be very strong, same for Nocturne. Amumu probably lower mid tier. OH and Udyr back to god-tier and Teutonica getting top10 on ladder again? Amumu was one of the better/faster junglers even in the old jungle. His W does % HP damage so he is still fast against large hp creeps and he takes little damage because of E. People are overreacting to jungle speed. Udyr already power clears the jungle but you don't see him much because every champion and their mother has a million ways to kite him now. Doesn't matter if maokai clears slow because he still has two cc's and a crazy teamfight ultimate. He's also very easy to play so I think hes still going to be very popular. | ||
Canada630 Posts
as a note the top laners I play are Olaf Darius Jayce(I break even with him) Nidalee and rarely Malphite do you just have to be aggressive or what I'm sick of getting run over by him. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On November 11 2012 00:51 adriftt wrote: Amumu was one of the better/faster junglers even in the old jungle. His W does % HP damage so he is still fast against large hp creeps and he takes little damage because of E. People are overreacting to jungle speed. Udyr already power clears the jungle but you don't see him much because every champion and their mother has a million ways to kite him now. Doesn't matter if maokai clears slow because he still has two cc's and a crazy teamfight ultimate. He's also very easy to play so I think hes still going to be very popular. To follow up on the other ones, Skarner still has good single target damage (highest base AD in the game with Cho, AS on his shield, Q still does respectable damage to single targets and is spammable), and has good toughness with his shield. I think he'll still be a very viable jungle. Not to mention he'll have the option to just play gank heavy like he does now with permaslow and ult. Hecarim will probably need buffs, likely removing or raising the damage cap on Q and W for minions. It was put in place because without them, he would be the fastest jungler in the game, but now I think it'd be ok if the big monsters are strong enough to warrant it. | ||
Australia2725 Posts
On November 11 2012 00:56 rewired wrote: Ok seriously what do you guys do to beat/stop Garen ever since they changed him I've lost EVERY lane to this spinning fucker. as a note the top laners I play are Olaf Darius Jayce(I break even with him) Nidalee and rarely Malphite do you just have to be aggressive or what I'm sick of getting run over by him. You pick Darius and keep hitting him until he dies. Just got to not chicken out, Darius is infinitely stronger in an all-in brawl at every level. | ||
United States7572 Posts
It makes a nice little button that shows you all the player streams and events so you can easily see who's streaming without searching around several pages of twitch/own3d/solomid etc. I like it PIC + Show Spoiler + ![]() | ||
Australia419 Posts
On November 11 2012 00:32 little fancy wrote: If this also means that Urgot ult switches you no matter what you do, this is going to be very frustrating. This is actually addressed by Xyph himself in another post in the same thread. His answer was along the lines of "It cancels the ult, such that you do not swap positions or remain surpressed, but Urgot still gains his armour and magic resistance" So basically, the same as now, as you would expect/hope. The changes were very specific to WW and Malz, because they do damage, as well as control. The idea of the change is to make it such that the QSS directly counters the control, and indirectly the damage (by moving out of range after removing the cc) I'd say its a significant buff for Malz, because the damage is a pretty massive part of his ult; the control itself was always awkward in a team fight because it leaves you pretty exposed. This will help for those situations where you want to catch someone out, or lay down some significant damage onto a target who would otherwise just QSS all the damage. | ||
United States3962 Posts
On November 11 2012 00:32 little fancy wrote: If this also means that Urgot ult switches you no matter what you do, this is going to be very frustrating. I don't see them mentioning Urgot anywhere. They seem to be only changing WW and Malz specifically and not all suppression-type abilities in the game. So Urgot should be unaffected, just QSS and you'll be free. Don't even need to walk away. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
On November 11 2012 00:56 rewired wrote: Ok seriously what do you guys do to beat/stop Garen ever since they changed him I've lost EVERY lane to this spinning fucker. as a note the top laners I play are Olaf Darius Jayce(I break even with him) Nidalee and rarely Malphite do you just have to be aggressive or what I'm sick of getting run over by him. builder armour don't let him gap closer (jayce has no excuse just e him when he q's) | ||
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