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United States17233 Posts
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United States15977 Posts
France45622 Posts
On November 10 2012 12:30 thenexusp wrote: You can physically block the friendly cannon minion so it gets to the wave slightly late, which will cause the lane to start pushing your way. Also if you autoattack the enemy laner and draw minion aggro, that will also usually start your lane pushing. A player with good last-hit skills can take lots of cs while barely pushing the lane at all. I meant that neither he nor I did interact with the wave at all (was the very first wave of the game in the case that made me post that), he was late to the lane so I didn't take any cs while he wasn't there, then I took a last hit, missed one inadvertently, he took the 2, and I noticed that my lane was still pushing by half a caster minion's health bar. It happens quite often to me (well, the opposite certainly happens, but then it's generally when I'm out of lane so I don't notice it, and the cases where it works against me will stick since it's one of the most rage-inducing things that can happen to you top "I want to freeze, no- WHAAAT the lane's pushing while I didn't do anything, even missed cs on purpose... 'k in two waves it's at his tower, I can kiss farm goodbye") and it has thrown more than one game, where I'd go 20+ cs behind the enemy as he'd just freeze the wave on his side of the river and the ward would show me the jungler come in the next minute and stick there until I back or die. I guess I should bait a bait from the enemy laner so he pushes the lane hoping that I'll follow, but... Also is there a particular way to shove the lane to the tower? Sometimes I try my hardest to have it not reset on me but it starts pushing like mad and in two waves it reaches their tower from mine, with such focus fire that it's even hard to last hit properly (esp. with the clutter created and the known problem with pathing that easily stucks you in minions). And when I shove the wave to their tower it sticks there for 3+ waves (heart says 5+ usually, brain ain't so sure), or even worse will almost reset, but with one of their minions wounded so it'll start pushing again as soon as it leaves the tower, where the enemy laner will be able to freeze it at will. So I must be missing something because I refuse to believe I would be that unlucky to be zoned for 3 waves that often when I get a kill, shove and back. | ||
New Zealand1065 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
On November 10 2012 12:34 Sermokala wrote: So listing more reasons why ryze is really trash teir and is never picked ever. 1. a really "meh" and auto zoned lane. his whole combo while being pretty strong for brawling has a very short range and has no stand off capability ie he can't project anything past running his full combo on someone. Gragas can throw barrels at him cassio can pop q's on him karthus can defile poke him. ori just wildly shuts him down. all these people can project power and damage onto ryze where ryze can't do anything to stop these people or make them afraid at all. this creates a situation where ryze while being able to stand up fight anyone is constantly playing from being when he can get a trade on. 2. His build. When your building ryze starting early game you want to get cdr and mana. other then a glacial shroud (which is pointless because it builds armor when you tend to go against magic users in mid lane) a kindel gem (which doesn't build into anything good for ryze) or cdr boots (who really wants to skip merc when hes gimped enough when he has linear dps and doesn't want to be cced for any longer then he needs to) means you are stuck building ap and mana. So you get a tear first so you can get that charging up. This only compounds all of your problems from point one and is seriously nerfed from his remake. so you get a cata first and get a quick tear to start getting that charged. now your about 3.3k into your gold build (with merc treads) and you've gotten yourself into a mid game where you don't feel that tanky you don't feel that much dps with little utility to help anyone else in a team fight other then a snare. Then once your in this mid game you don't really know what to get next. do you go down a roa aa fh path? you don't have any mr and you can't get an athenes because your hitting your cdr cap and you don't need the mana regen. You won't really need a qss because of the reasons presenting below. Abyssal scepter? Seems like a good item until you realize you've spent on the good side of 3k gold for an item that gives 70 ability power and a small mr defbuff for a team that will probably be predominantly attack damage based. You won't really need a qss because of the reasons presenting below. 3. Team fight (continuing basically from the point before) Not to mention this and an fh are both going to be getting pretty moot when you don't have a hope in hell to be doing anything but trying to dps down the tanks coming down on you because you have no way to move yourself in a team fight or really stop anyone for any sizable time. You have no poke again gimping you in sieges and the only way you can become relevant in these mid late tower standoffs are to make yourself vulnerable to any number of gap closer and other precarious things. He can't wave clear that well because his range again is very poor and unless he wants to pop his ult his e is the only multi target spell. all of this doesn't matter because if he ever use's anything other then his q his whole combo turns to shit because he can't hit q after q like his kit is designed to . So now he can't wave clear and he can't be trusted to be anywhere near the front line he has no cc other then a small snare which is nice but if that person is a tank and wants to be damaged and doesn't really care where he is as long as hes generating threat. if that person has ranged spells or has tenacity somehow they can just walk away from you without really any reason for you to keep chasing them unless you want to get out of position because your whole kit takes the longest out of anyone to really get its full effect. I don't even want to consider you getting a rylias due the variety of build problems you have as it is. So to recap. 1. horrible laneing compared to any other mid due to his really short punching range and anything other then damage and a short snare that still allows the other mid to cast spells and what not really not playing anything beneficial to you. 2. horrible build prospects. Crippling lack of any reasonable mr past mercs. All offensive items find a way to make him worse in lane and defensive itemization prospects don't really make up for this. 3. Horrible team fight kit compared to other mids. No range means no poke. No utility means no benefit to anyone else on your team. Even after all this his damage is dps based and takes a while for it to come into its own. He seems like hes really built for the old meta of sending an ap and a support bot instead of trying to survive the ruthless prospects of mid lane. the deathkneel to him really came when wota was basically nerfed to hell, his remake only compounded his problems. I really liked learning mid lane by playing ryze but I don't see or feel any way how hes competitive now. While I do not agree that Ryze is "trash tier", I do think most of the problems you highlighted are real. Ryze used to be: Great damage, very tanky, pretty short range, bad waveclear. Now: Damage, kinda tanky, even shorter range, bad waveclear. Last time I saw Ryze in a Comp that I liked it was back when Urgot was really strong and it was like: ryze, shen (or some other bruiser top), urgot, maokai, and alistar, andd basically you couldn't kill any of them and no one was worth isolating, and they all did enough damage to be feared. | ||
United States1817 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
https://elobuff.com/events/ Not a statistically significant win rate either way. | ||
Germany11326 Posts
On November 10 2012 13:31 petered wrote: quick question, does the per win bonuses that riot gave out scale off of the amount of IP from the game you won? So like, do I make poor usage of the IP boost if I just play dominion games or does it not matter? It does not directly scale of the IP you gain, but it gives you a fixed value per game you win, depending on gametype. As far as i remember, ranked were the best, then nonranked at 20 less, and dominion was the worst. | ||
United States1817 Posts
On November 10 2012 13:40 Simberto wrote: It does not directly scale of the IP you gain, but it gives you a fixed value per game you win, depending on gametype. As far as i remember, ranked were the best, then nonranked at 20 less, and dominion was the worst. Thanks! | ||
9871 Posts
On November 10 2012 12:51 Seuss wrote: And I can just buy the item after I spot him with CV. :3 perhaps... But what if they kill their mind controlled comrade? He'll respawn in the enemy fountain and be easy money. You can't teamfight and your puppet can't teamfight because he's getting lasered as soon as he spawns so it's a 4 vs 4 except they farm their teammate. I guess if your puppet died, you would need to go get executed asap to end the effect. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On November 10 2012 13:33 obesechicken13 wrote: Actually I lied. ryze's win rates in the last few ELO buff monitored tourneys: 0/2, 1/3, 2/2, 2/2, 8/15, 2/2, 6/14, 4/5 https://elobuff.com/events/ Not a statistically significant win rate either way. I am pretty sure in organized play you can make a lot of champions playable/useful. I feel in soloQ Ryze is underwhelming. | ||
United States15065 Posts
I told myself I'd try to see how high I could get this weekend but I swear to god I am starting to go nuts. I've been playing all day and I've only gained about 50 elo, and my last 4 losses we had an AFKer. | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States17233 Posts
On November 10 2012 13:49 Sufficiency wrote: I am pretty sure in organized play you can make a lot of champions playable/useful. I feel in soloQ Ryze is underwhelming. Ah, the old "anything works in ranked 5s but not solo queue" argument. | ||
United States15065 Posts
On November 10 2012 13:57 Alaric wrote: Well, you're playing on a week-end. What, are weekends cursed now? | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States17233 Posts
Having played at just about every time slot imaginable (and a large amount in them all), it's pretty much exactly the same no matter when you play. Some days you get good people, some days you don't. When you play does not matter. | ||
United States17077 Posts
On November 10 2012 14:01 Alaric wrote: Since I'm unemployed I've been able to play when most youngsters are at school, and also to compare during these hours and out of them. The difference is kinda impressive. Also made me realize that week-ends (and to a certain extent friday evenings compared to other weekdays) seem to correlate with that, as the level of play and childishness of the people in my games worsen significantly. Really, youngsters? Is there really a difference between high schoolers and pompous college kids? I'm doubtful. | ||
United States8983 Posts
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France45622 Posts
And I know it's not significant since it is only personal experience (hence the "seem" I used), but playing in the afternoon before 6 PM (unless people play cross-server, I'm in the earliest timezone of EUW) has lead to games generally chiller and with less retarded plays than after—I don't imply by any mean that people play better: Elo doesn't change, but I've experienced way less flaming and childish manners, and more teamplay/communication. | ||
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